10 research outputs found


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    We present a case report of a middle-aged man who developed spontaneous pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax after performing spirometry. The patient was evaluated in post-COVID-19 outpatient hospital 70 days after his initial hospitalization for severe COVID-19 pneumonia. After performing forced expiratory maneuver on spirometry, high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) showed a small right-sided pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum along the bronchi, large blood vessels, and cardiac contour with ā€˜ground-glassā€™ opacifications in all lung lobes. The patient was cardiopulmonary compensated and conservative treatment was recommended. The long-term consequences of COVID-19 pneumonia are still not suffi ciently known. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum can very rarely occur as a complication during regular investigation of lung function caused by forced expiratory maneuver on spirometry. Due to lung parenchymal damage, pneumomediastinum with or without pneumothorax in post-COVID-19 patients occurring after spirometry can be expected as a rare but possible complication.Spontani pneumomedijastinum (SPM) je rijetka komplikacija plućnih bolesti. U ovom prikazu bolesnika opisan je bolesnik koji je 70 dana nakon hospitalizacije zbog teÅ”ke pneumonije COVID-19 nakon izvođenja spirometrije dobio spontani pneumomedijastinum i pneumotoraks. Na HRCT-u (CT toraksa visoke rezolucije) prsnog koÅ”a nakon spirometrije bio je vidljiv manji desnostrani pneumotoraks te pneumomedijastinum uz uzorak takozvanog \u27mliječnog stakla\u27 u svim plućnim režnjevima. Budući da je bolesnik bio kardiopulmonalno kompenziran, preporučen je konzervativni pristup i daljnje praćenje. Budući da su dugoročne posljedice pneumonije COVID-19 joÅ” uvijek nedovoljno poznate, učinci infekcije na respiracijski te druge organske sustave pratit će se u idućim godinama. SPM može nastati kao vrlo rijetka komplikacija redovnog ispitivanja plućne funkcije spirometrijom tijekom koje se provodi forsirani ekspirij. S obzirom na oÅ”tećenje plućnog parenhima uzrokovano pneumonijom COVID-19, Pneumomedijastinum se može očekivati kao moguća, iako rijetka komplikacija nakon provođenja spirometrije u razdoblju bolesti \u27post-COVID-19\u27

    Association of polymorphic variants in serotonin re-uptake transporter gene with Crohnā€™s disease: a retrospective casecontrol study

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    Aim To analyze the distribution of SLC6A4 gene polymorphisms in Crohnā€™s disease (CD) patients and their association with the disease. Methods We evaluated the presence/absence of promoter (5-HTTLPR, rs25531) and intron 2 (STin2 VNTR) polymorphic variants of SLC6A4 gene in a retrospective case-control study including 192 CD patients and 157 healthy controls (HC). Genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction. The association of polymorphisms with CD and its clinical subtypes was analyzed using Ļ‡2 and Fisher exact test, binary logistic regression, and haplotype analysis.Results CD patients and healthy controls had similar sex (88 [45.8%] vs 84 [53.5%] women, respectively; P = 0.154) and age (41.3 Ā± 12.8 years vs 41.7 Ā± 8.8 years, respectively, P = 0.091) distribution. Significant differences were observed in the STin2 genotype and allele distribution between CD patients and healthy controls (P = 0.003 and P = 0.002, respectively) and between the corresponding female subgroups (P = 0.004 and P = 0.007, respectively), with a significant negative association of biallelic ss (STin2.9 and Stin2.10) STin2 genotype with CD (P = 0.013, age- and sexadjusted odds ratio [OR] 0.5, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.29-0.86; women: P = 0.006, age-adjusted OR 0.32, 95% CI 0.14-0.72) and a significantly higher S-STin2.12 (5-HTTLPR/ rs25531: S-STin2: STin2.12) haplotype distribution in CD patients (P = 0.004, OR 1.62, 95% CI 1.16-2.26). There was no significant association between 5-HTTLRP and rs25531 genotype or allele frequencies and CD and between any SLC6A4 polymorphic loci with clinical CD subtypes. Conclusion STin2 VNTR polymorphism of SLC6A4 gene may contribute to CD pathogenesis

    Identification of human genetic variants modulating the course of COVID-19 infection with importance in other viral infections

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    Introduction: COVID-19 has been a major focus of scientific research since early 2020. Due to its societal, economic, and clinical impact worldwide, research efforts aimed, among other questions, to address the effect of host genetics in susceptibility and severity of COVID-19.Methods: We, therefore, performed next-generation sequencing of coding and regulatory regions of 16 human genes, involved in maintenance of the immune system or encoding receptors for viral entry into the host cells, in a subset of 60 COVID-19 patients from the General Hospital TeÅ”anj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, classified into three groups of clinical conditions of different severity (ā€œmild,ā€ ā€œmoderate,ā€ and ā€œsevereā€).Results: We confirmed that the male sex and older age are risk factors for severe clinical picture and identified 13 variants on seven genes (CD55, IL1B, IL4, IRF7, DDX58, TMPRSS2, and ACE2) with potential functional significance, either as genetic markers of modulated susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection or modifiers of the infection severity. Our results include variants reported for the first time as potentially associated with COVID-19, but further research and larger patient cohorts are required to confirm their effect.Discussion: Such studies, focused on candidate genes and/or variants, have a potential to answer the questions regarding the effect of human genetic makeup on the expected infection outcome. In addition, loci we identified here were previously reported to have clinical significance in other diseases and viral infections, thus confirming a general, broader significance of COVID-19-related research results following the end of the pandemic period

    Upravljanje prodajnim sadržajem

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    U ovom znanstvenom radu je glavna tema upravljanje prodajnim sadržaj. Prodajni sadržaj je sav sadržaj koji služi poticanju primatelja informaciju na željenu akciju. Željena akcija je često u sklopu samog prodajnog procesa za određeni proizvod i/ili uslugu. Proizvod i/ili usluga se prikazuju na primamljiv način ciljanoj publici putem brojnih tehnika pisanja prodajnog sadržaja u ovom radu. Rad obuhvaća i tehnike istraživanja tržiÅ”ta, kako bi se odredili idealni klijenti za određeni proizvod i/ili uslugu, te motivacijske faktore koji će iste potaknuti na sljedeći korak u prodajnom procesu. Na stvarnim primjerima je objaÅ”njen utjecaj i razvoj prodajnog sadržaja na prodaju, uspjeh poduzeća, kao i na sam uspjeh proizvoda i/ili usluge. ObjaÅ”njeni su faktori koji su utjecali na uspjeh prodajnog sadržaja. Prodajni sadržaj naveden u primjerima je ogledalo najuspjeÅ”nijih kampanja koje su dovele do velikih povećanja u prodaji za navedena poduzeća. U tim primjerima se vidi razvoj pristupa prodajnog sadržaja i primjere čije pincipe koriste druga poduzeća u toj niÅ”i. Ovaj rad obuhvaća i sklop analiza, u obliku koriÅ”tenja Delphi metode i intervjuiranja stručnjaka koji se svakodnevno bave prodajnim sadržajem, te su naveli da je njihovo zanimanje pisac prodajnog sadržaja. U istraživanju su objaÅ”njeni rezultati i stajaliÅ”ta pojedinih ispitanika, te su napravljeni zaključci koji će čitatelju olakÅ”ati odabir pojedinih tehnika i približiti utjecaj prodajnog sadržaja na pojedine elemente poslovanja i procesa prodaje određenog proizvoda i/ili usluge

    Upravljanje prodajnim sadržajem

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    U ovom znanstvenom radu je glavna tema upravljanje prodajnim sadržaj. Prodajni sadržaj je sav sadržaj koji služi poticanju primatelja informaciju na željenu akciju. Željena akcija je često u sklopu samog prodajnog procesa za određeni proizvod i/ili uslugu. Proizvod i/ili usluga se prikazuju na primamljiv način ciljanoj publici putem brojnih tehnika pisanja prodajnog sadržaja u ovom radu. Rad obuhvaća i tehnike istraživanja tržiÅ”ta, kako bi se odredili idealni klijenti za određeni proizvod i/ili uslugu, te motivacijske faktore koji će iste potaknuti na sljedeći korak u prodajnom procesu. Na stvarnim primjerima je objaÅ”njen utjecaj i razvoj prodajnog sadržaja na prodaju, uspjeh poduzeća, kao i na sam uspjeh proizvoda i/ili usluge. ObjaÅ”njeni su faktori koji su utjecali na uspjeh prodajnog sadržaja. Prodajni sadržaj naveden u primjerima je ogledalo najuspjeÅ”nijih kampanja koje su dovele do velikih povećanja u prodaji za navedena poduzeća. U tim primjerima se vidi razvoj pristupa prodajnog sadržaja i primjere čije pincipe koriste druga poduzeća u toj niÅ”i. Ovaj rad obuhvaća i sklop analiza, u obliku koriÅ”tenja Delphi metode i intervjuiranja stručnjaka koji se svakodnevno bave prodajnim sadržajem, te su naveli da je njihovo zanimanje pisac prodajnog sadržaja. U istraživanju su objaÅ”njeni rezultati i stajaliÅ”ta pojedinih ispitanika, te su napravljeni zaključci koji će čitatelju olakÅ”ati odabir pojedinih tehnika i približiti utjecaj prodajnog sadržaja na pojedine elemente poslovanja i procesa prodaje određenog proizvoda i/ili usluge

    Exspression of tyrosine kinase receptors of epidermal growth factor in sporadic cardiac myxoma

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    Obitelj tirozin kinaznih receptora epidermalnog čimbenika rasta čine četiri člana: EGFR1/c-erbB1, c-erbB2, c-erbB3 i c-erbB4. Oni su uključeni u proliferaciju, diferencijaciju i preživljenja tumorskih stanica, te angiogeneze. Kada su ko-eksprimirani njihova heterodimerizacija pospjeÅ”uje patoloÅ”ku signalizaciju epidermalnih čimbenika rasta. U ovoj studiji analizirana je proteinska i mRNA ekspresija ovih tirozin kinaznih receptora i njihova stanična lokalizacija u sporadičnom miksomima srca. Studijom je obuhvaćeno 36 pacijenata. Ekspresija EGFR1/c-erbB1, c-erbB2, c-erbB3 i c-erbB4 analizirana je imunohistokemijskim i qRT-PCR pristupom. Populacija pacijenata obuhvaćala je 27 (75%) žena i 9 (25%) muÅ”karaca. Srednja dob pacijenata iznosila je 63 godine, s rasponom od 34 do 87 godina života. Svi uzorci tumorskog tkiva kirurÅ”ki su odstranjeni iz lijevog atrija. Većina ispitanih uzoraka tumorskog tkiva pokazuje umjerenu do jaku i preklapajuću ekspresiju tirozin kinaznih receptora, osim c-erbB2 koji se pokazao imunoloÅ”ki negativnim (HercepTestTM) u svim slučajevima. Ekspresija c-erbB4 mRNA statistički je značajno smanjena u tumorskom tkivu u odnosu na normalno tkivo lijevog atrija. Korelacijska analiza tirozin kinaznih receptora pokazala je da samo c-erbB2 i c-erbB3 pokazuju statistički značajnu (p= 0,01304) i pozitivnu (r= 0,721) korelaciju. Može se zaključiti da su EGFR1/c-erbB1, c-erbB2 (samo mRNA razina), c-erbB3 i c-erbB4 ko-eksprimirani u sporadičnom miksoimima srca i mogu igrati potencijalno značajnu ulogu u njihovoj histopatogenezi.The epidermal growth factor receptor family (EGFR) consist of four tyrosine kinas receptors, EGFR1/c-erbB1, c-erbB2, c-erbB3 and c-erbB4. They are involved in tumor cell proliferation, differentiation, survival and angiogenesis. Co-expressed in the same neoplastic cell source with accompanying hetero-dimerization they further enhance pathologically important signaling transduction pathways. In the presented study, we analyzed the expression and cellular distribution of EGFR family members in sporadic cardiac myxoma lesions of human heart. The study included 36 patients, who were treated with surgical excision of the lesion. Expression of EGFR1/c-erbB1, c-erbB2, c-erbB3 and c-erbB4 was studied by immunohistochemical staining and qRT-PCR. The patient population was comprised of 27 (75%) women and 9 (25%) men. The mean age of patients was 63 years, with an age range of 34 to 87 years. All studied cases were sporadic myxoma originating in the left atrium. Majority of examined cases demonstrate moderate-to-strong and overlapping expression of EGFR family protein members in all commonly present histological types of neoplastic myxoma cells except the c-erbb2 which was immunohistochemically negative (HercepTest) in all cases. c-erbB4 showed statistically significant decrease in expression on mRNA level compared to normal left atrial tissue. Compared relative quantities of EGFR protein members with each other showed that c-erbB3 and c-erbB2 were the only ones exhibiting statistically significant (p=0.01304), and positive (r=0.721) correlation. In conclusion the EGFR1/c-erbB1, c-erbB2 (mRNA only) c-erbB3 and c-erbB4 are co-expressed in the tissue of cardiac myxoma lesions and may play a distinct role in their pathogenesis


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    This paper introduces a new Call-To-Action (CTA) method and explains how to apply humorous metaphors in copywriting. In the development of this method a Design Science Research (DSR) methodology was applied. The main problem represents a lack of CTA methods that can enhance the implementation of humor in copywriting. Authors find a solution in the development of the HAHA method that enhances implementation of humor in a wide range of industries and activities. To describe how this method works, authors have designed a model that effectively explains the basic steps in devising humorous metaphors. These guidelines were applied in the creation of a humorous video commercial which showed that humorous metaphors can be used not only to relax customers but also to raise their awareness about different expectations, emotions, conflicts and complex ideas. Humor is a multidimensional construct which means that it cannot be copied from one place into another without being adapted to the specific context. Optimal results are achieved when the connection between the source idea and the target idea is ambiguous and when activities lead to an unexpected benign violation


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    We present a case report of a middle-aged man who developed spontaneous pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax after performing spirometry. The patient was evaluated in post-COVID-19 outpatient hospital 70 days after his initial hospitalization for severe COVID-19 pneumonia. After performing forced expiratory maneuver on spirometry, high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) showed a small right-sided pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum along the bronchi, large blood vessels, and cardiac contour with ā€˜ground-glassā€™ opacifications in all lung lobes. The patient was cardiopulmonary compensated and conservative treatment was recommended. The long-term consequences of COVID-19 pneumonia are still not suffi ciently known. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum can very rarely occur as a complication during regular investigation of lung function caused by forced expiratory maneuver on spirometry. Due to lung parenchymal damage, pneumomediastinum with or without pneumothorax in post-COVID-19 patients occurring after spirometry can be expected as a rare but possible complication.Spontani pneumomedijastinum (SPM) je rijetka komplikacija plućnih bolesti. U ovom prikazu bolesnika opisan je bolesnik koji je 70 dana nakon hospitalizacije zbog teÅ”ke pneumonije COVID-19 nakon izvođenja spirometrije dobio spontani pneumomedijastinum i pneumotoraks. Na HRCT-u (CT toraksa visoke rezolucije) prsnog koÅ”a nakon spirometrije bio je vidljiv manji desnostrani pneumotoraks te pneumomedijastinum uz uzorak takozvanog \u27mliječnog stakla\u27 u svim plućnim režnjevima. Budući da je bolesnik bio kardiopulmonalno kompenziran, preporučen je konzervativni pristup i daljnje praćenje. Budući da su dugoročne posljedice pneumonije COVID-19 joÅ” uvijek nedovoljno poznate, učinci infekcije na respiracijski te druge organske sustave pratit će se u idućim godinama. SPM može nastati kao vrlo rijetka komplikacija redovnog ispitivanja plućne funkcije spirometrijom tijekom koje se provodi forsirani ekspirij. S obzirom na oÅ”tećenje plućnog parenhima uzrokovano pneumonijom COVID-19, Pneumomedijastinum se može očekivati kao moguća, iako rijetka komplikacija nakon provođenja spirometrije u razdoblju bolesti \u27post-COVID-19\u27

    Epigenome alterations in aortic valve stenosis and its related left ventricular hypertrophy

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    Abstract Aortic valve stenosis is the most common cardiac valve disease, and with current trends in the population demographics, its prevalence is likely to rise, thus posing a major health and economic burden facing the worldwide societies. Over the past decade, it has become more than clear that our traditional genetic views do not sufficiently explain the well-known link between AS, proatherogenic risk factors, flow-induced mechanical forces, and disease-prone environmental influences. Recent breakthroughs in the field of epigenetics offer us a new perspective on gene regulation, which has broadened our perspective on etiology of aortic stenosis and other aortic valve diseases. Since all known epigenetic marks are potentially reversible this perspective is especially exciting given the potential for development of successful and non-invasive therapeutic intervention and reprogramming of cells at the epigenetic level even in the early stages of disease progression. This review will examine the known relationships between four major epigenetic mechanisms: DNA methylation, posttranslational histone modification, ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling, and non-coding regulatory RNAs, and initiation and progression of AS. Numerous profiling and functional studies indicate that they could contribute to endothelial dysfunctions, disease-prone activation of monocyte-macrophage and circulatory osteoprogenitor cells and activation and osteogenic transdifferentiation of aortic valve interstitial cells, thus leading to valvular inflammation, fibrosis, and calcification, and to pressure overload-induced maladaptive myocardial remodeling and left ventricular hypertrophy. This is especcialy the case for small non-coding microRNAs but was also, although in a smaller scale, convincingly demonstrated for other members of cellular epigenome landscape. Equally important, and clinically most relevant, the reported data indicate that epigenetic marks, particularly certain microRNA signatures, could represent useful non-invasive biomarkers that reflect the disease progression and patients prognosis for recovery after the valve replacement surgery

    Challenges in obtaining high-quality data from a custom-made panel for the next generation sequencing (NGS) using Ion Torrent GeneStudioā„¢ S5 platform

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    The goal of this part of the study was to optimize the sequencing procedure for 16 human genes and their regulatory regions that might be associated with differential immunological response to COVID-19. The study was performed on 60 COVID-19 patients from the General Hospital of TeÅ”anj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, categorized into three groups of mild, moderate, and severe clinical manifestation, based on the diagnosis by the residential physician. Target coding sequences and their regulatory regions were amplified for the following genes: HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, ACE2, IL-6, IL-4, TMPRSS2, IFITM3, IL-12, RIG-I/DDX58, IRF-7, IRF-9, IL-1B, IL-1A, CD55, and TNF-Ī±. DNA was isolated from the whole blood samples stored at -20Ā°C for six months using QIAampĀ® DNA Mini Kit according to manufacturerā€™s instructions. Since NGS analysis of target genomic regions was performed on the Ion Torrent GeneStudioā„¢ S5 platforms, libraries were prepared using Ion AmpliSeqā„¢ Library Kit Plus according to manufacturerā€™s instructions in a protocol optimized for low-quality DNA. Due to dissatisfactory sequencing results, further protocol optimization steps were employed through separating two primer pools, increasing the number of PCR cycles, and decreasing the annealing temperature for the primer pool which showed poorer amplification results. In the end, 36 samples produced optimal results, while the remaining 24 samples will be re-sequenced following repeated sample collection and DNA isolation, accompanied by additional protocol modifications