8,585 research outputs found

    Resultados preliminares sobre o comportamento de cultivares e hídridos de milho normal em solos de cerrado na região de Brasília.

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    Resultados obtidos em condições de campo durante o ano agrícola de 1975/76, sobre o comportamento de 30 cultivares e híbrido de milho

    Hamiltonian Reduction and the Construction of q-Deformed Extensions of the Virasoro Algebra

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    In this paper we employ the construction of Dirac bracket for the remaining current of sl(2)qsl(2)_q deformed Kac-Moody algebra when constraints similar to those connecting the sl(2)sl(2)-WZW model and the Liouville theory are imposed and show that it satisfy the q-Virasoro algebra proposed by Frenkel and Reshetikhin. The crucial assumption considered in our calculation is the existence of a classical Poisson bracket algebra induced, in a consistent manner by the correspondence principle, mapping the quantum generators into commuting objects of classical nature preserving their algebra.Comment: 6 pages, late

    Knowledge Acquisition by Networks of Interacting Agents in the Presence of Observation Errors

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    In this work we investigate knowledge acquisition as performed by multiple agents interacting as they infer, under the presence of observation errors, respective models of a complex system. We focus the specific case in which, at each time step, each agent takes into account its current observation as well as the average of the models of its neighbors. The agents are connected by a network of interaction of Erd\H{o}s-Renyi or Barabasi-Albert type. First we investigate situations in which one of the agents has a different probability of observation error (higher or lower). It is shown that the influence of this special agent over the quality of the models inferred by the rest of the network can be substantial, varying linearly with the respective degree of the agent with different estimation error. In case the degree of this agent is taken as a respective fitness parameter, the effect of the different estimation error is even more pronounced, becoming superlinear. To complement our analysis, we provide the analytical solution of the overall behavior of the system. We also investigate the knowledge acquisition dynamic when the agents are grouped into communities. We verify that the inclusion of edges between agents (within a community) having higher probability of observation error promotes the loss of quality in the estimation of the agents in the other communities.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. A working manuscrip

    Random interactions and spin-glass thermodynamic transition in the hole-doped Haldane system Y2x_{2-x}Cax_xBaNiO5_5

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    Magnetization, DC and AC bulk susceptibility of the SS=1 Haldane chain system doped with electronic holes, Y2x_{2-x}Cax_xBaNiO5_5 (0\leqx\leq0.20), have been measured and analyzed. The most striking results are (i) a sub-Curie power law behavior of the linear susceptibility, χ(T)\chi (T)\sim TTα^{-\alpha}, for temperature lower than the Haldane gap of the undoped compound (x=0) (ii) the existence of a spin-glass thermodynamic transition at TTg_g = 2-3 K. These findings are consistent with (i) random couplings within the chains between the spin degrees of freedom induced by hole doping, (ii) the existence of ferromagnetic bonds that induce magnetic frustration when interchain interactions come into play at low temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quasiparticle photoemission intensity in doped two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets

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    Using the self-consistent Born approximation, and the corresponding wave function of the magnetic polaron, we calculate the quasiparticle weight corresponding to destruction of a real electron (in contrast to creation of a spinless holon), as a funtion of wave vector for one hole in a generalized tJt-J model and the strong coupling limit of a generalized Hubbard model. The results are in excellent agreement with those obtained by exact diagonalization of a sufficiently large cluster. Only the Hubbard weigth compares very well with photoemission measurements in Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2.Comment: 11 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Advanced Directives and Living Will: A Case Report

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    Descreve-se o caso de uma mulher de 61 anos, com diagnóstico de neoplasia da mama em estadio IV. Na altura, recusou terapêutica. Recorre ao Serviço de Urgência, um ano após o diagnóstico, em mutismo, sendo que os exames complementares de diagnóstico revelaram uma lesão cerebral, interpretada como nova metástase. No seu processo clínico, tem uma diretiva antecipada de vontade. Este é um documento formal que explicita quais os cuidados que pretende ou não receber em final de vida. Apresentamos a descrição do caso, as indicações que a doente deixou expressas neste documento e uma reflexão acerca das diretivas antecipadas de vontade e de como estas devem ser integradas na prática clínica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stick-Slip Motion and Phase Transition in a Block-Spring System

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    We study numerically stick slip motions in a model of blocks and springs being pulled slowly. The sliding friction is assumed to change dynamically with a state variable. The transition from steady sliding to stick-slip is subcritical in a single block and spring system. However, we find that the transition is continuous in a long chain of blocks and springs. The size distribution of stick-slip motions exhibits a power law at the critical point.Comment: 8 figure

    An index to quantify an individual's scientific research output that takes into account the effect of multiple coauthorship

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    I propose the index \hbar ("hbar"), defined as the number of papers of an individual that have citation count larger than or equal to the \hbar of all coauthors of each paper, as a useful index to characterize the scientific output of a researcher that takes into account the effect of multiple coauthorship. The bar is higher for \hbar.Comment: A few minor changes from v1. To be published in Scientometric

    Influence of Cellulose Ether Mixtures on Ibuprofen Release: MC25, HPC and HPMC K100M

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    The influence of cellulose ether derivatives on ibuprofen release from matrix tablets was investigated. Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) experiments were used, in order to examine the compatibility between the matrix components: both excipients and ibuprofen. While both the DSC and Raman results did not detect any incompatibilities, DSC revealed the existence of some drug:excipient interactions, reflected by variations in the hydration/dehydration processes. Formulations containing mixtures of polymers with both low and high viscosity grades—methylcellulose (MC25) or hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC), and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC K100M), respectively—were prepared by a direct compression method (using 20, 25, and 30% of either MC25 or HPC). The tablets were evaluated for their drug content, weight uniformity, hardness, thickness, tensile strength, friability, porosity, surface area, and volume. Parameters such as the mean dissolution time (MDT) and the dissolution efficiency (DE) were calculated in all cases. The solid formulations presently studied demonstrated a predominantly Fickian diffusion release mechanism.http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/1083745060056134