17 research outputs found

    Mycoses superficielles à l officine (aide à la dispensation des antifongiques lors d une prescription médicale)

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    Les mycoses superficielles sont des infections fongiques de la peau, des muqueuses et des phanères dues à des champignons microscopiques appelés micromycètes. La prise en charge thérapeutique de ces affections dermatologiques est parfois délicate du fait de leur ténacité, de leurs nombreuses récidives, des traitements parfois longs et fastidieux et des nombreux diagnostics différentiels auxquels elles sont associées. Au cours de ce travail, les caractéristiques des principales mycoses superficielles et les différentes spécialités antifongiques indiquées dans ces pathologies sont développées de façon synthétique. Enfin, la dernière partie de cette thèse est réservée au rôle du pharmacien d officine dans la dispensation médicamenteuse des traitements antifongiques. Grâce à la validation des ordonnances, le pharmacien s assure de l absence de risque associé à la prise du traitement par son patient. Par ses recommandations, il joue un rôle essentiel dans la guérison de ces mycoses et la prévention des récidives. Cette thèse a pour objectif d apporter une aide à la dispensation des antifongiques lors d une prescription médicale. Présentées sous forme de commentaires d ordonnance, les principales situations pouvant se présenter au comptoir d une officine sont développées dans des cas pratiques issus d une récolte d ordonnance dans une officine Tronchoise sur une période de 8 mois. Ces commentaires d ordonnance reprennent la méthodologie de validation de l ordonnance du professeur Jean CALOP décrite dans l ouvrage 50 ordonnances à la loupe tome 2, 2ème édition, édition Wolters Kluwer France.GRENOBLE1-BU Médecine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    JOE : le robot-compagnon des enfants asthmatiques

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    National audienceJOE is a connected companion-robot which aims to help young asthmatic children to take their medicines. "Child autonomy" and "parents serenity" are the key words of the creators of this small robot : LUDOCARE start-up [1]. In this demonstration, we will present how JOE works with a focus on the tracing system and the personalization that aim at making JOE smarter. Then we will explain all the steps of a medical treatment with JOE, from the alarm to the personalization of the reward given that ends the treatment, thanks to the trace-based analysis.JOE est un robot-compagnon connecté à destination des enfants asthmatiques visant à les aider à prendre leur traitement. "Autonomie de l'enfant" et "sérénité des parents" sont les maîtres mots des créateurs de ce robot : la start-up LUDOCARE [1]. Dans cette démonstration, nous nous proposons de présenter JOE et son fonctionnement en insistant sur les mécanismes de traçage et de personnalisation qui visent à rendre JOE plus intelligent. Nous détaillerons comment s'effectue une prise de traitement pour l'enfant avec JOE, depuis l'alarme qui rappelle le traitement jusqu'à la personnalisation de la récompense donnée pour clôturer la prise. Nous expliquerons également comment sont exploitées les traces des interactions entre JOE et son jeune utilisateur

    Effect of black silicon disordered structures distribution on its wideband reduced reflectance

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    International audienceWe present a simple and accurate model for the reflectance simulation of black silicon (BSi) based on the finite element method (FEM). Normalized-root-mean-square error (NRMSE) with experimental measurements below 0.25% has been obtained for wavelength range between 450 and 950 nm. The model is made of a four basic-shape cell whose dimensions are extracted from an accurate topography of the BSi obtained by FIB-SEM tomography. Additional BSi modelling techniques studied, that takes in account the BSi irregular topography, demonstrates an important influence of the local structure height variation in the BSi surface spectral reflectance

    On the free-space Gaussian beam coupling to droplet optical resonators

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    International audienceIn this paper, light coupling into droplet optical resonators by means of a free-space Gaussian beam (GB) is investigated through numerical simulations and experiments. This method is introduced as an alternative to previously reported methods based on coupling through tapered fibers or prisms. Though applicable to solid-state optical resonators, this method is investigated here in the context of optofluidics for preserving the integrity of the droplet shape and for facilitating the steps of alignment and light coupling. The glycerol droplet under study is supported by a super-hydrophobic surface, which consists of Teflon-coated nanostructured silicon, to provide the advantage of keeping the droplet at a specific location, while maintaining a nearly spherical shape. The effectiveness of this method is tested with millimeter-sized droplets through measurements of their spectral responses. Quality factors Q in excess of 6 Ă— 10(3) have been recorded. An analytical model for the external quality factor associated with this coupling technique has been derived, and the effect of the coupling parameters is demonstrated, allowing discussion about the scaling effects

    On the free-space Gaussian beam coupling to droplet optical resonators

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    International audienceIn this paper, light coupling into droplet optical resonators by means of a free-space Gaussian beam (GB) is investigated through numerical simulations and experiments. This method is introduced as an alternative to previously reported methods based on coupling through tapered fibers or prisms. Though applicable to solid-state optical resonators, this method is investigated here in the context of optofluidics for preserving the integrity of the droplet shape and for facilitating the steps of alignment and light coupling. The glycerol droplet under study is supported by a super-hydrophobic surface, which consists of Teflon-coated nanostructured silicon, to provide the advantage of keeping the droplet at a specific location, while maintaining a nearly spherical shape. The effectiveness of this method is tested with millimeter-sized droplets through measurements of their spectral responses. Quality factors Q in excess of 6 Ă— 10(3) have been recorded. An analytical model for the external quality factor associated with this coupling technique has been derived, and the effect of the coupling parameters is demonstrated, allowing discussion about the scaling effects

    Effect of Activated Charcoal on Rivaroxaban Complex Absorption.

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    ClinicalTrial.gov registration no. NCT02657512.International audienceObjective. To quantify the impact of activated charcoal (AC) on rivaroxaban exposure in healthy volunteers.Methods. This was an open-label study with an incomplete cross-over design of single-dose rivaroxaban (40 mg) administered alone or with AC in 12 healthy volunteers. The study comprised three treatment periods in randomised sequence, one with rivaroxaban administered alone and two with AC given at 2, 5 or 8 h post-dose. Rivaroxaban plasma concentration was measured in blood samples drawn at 16 time points. The pharmacokinetic model of rivaroxaban alone or with AC administration was built using a non-linear mixed-effect modelling approach.Results. The pharmacokinetic model was based on a one-compartment model with an absorption rate described by the sum of three inverse Gaussian densities to reproduce multiphasic and prolonged absorption. The inclusion in the model of each AC administration schedule significantly improved objective function value. AC reduced the area under the rivaroxaban concentration-time curve by 43% when administered 2 h post-dose, by 31% when administered 5 h post-dose and by 29% when administered 8 h post-dose. Based on the estimated pharmacokinetic model, simulations suggested that AC might have an impact even after 8 h post-dose.Conclusion. AC administration significantly reduces exposure to rivaroxaban even if AC is administered 8 h after rivaroxaban. These results suggest that AC could be used in rivaroxaban overdose and accidental ingestion to antagonise absorption

    Effects of Doping on the Morphology and Infrared Radiative Properties of Black Silicon

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    International audienceFor the first time, we show that the density of nanostructures on Black Silicon obtained by wafer-level cryogenic plasma processing increases with a high level of doping, extending the spectral range of its very high absorptivity from near-infrared to far-infrared. We have found experimentally and confirmed by simulations that, for highly doped Black Silicon, a high absorptivity is observed till 15 µm. Subsequent processing of SEM images reveals that these noteworthy radiative properties are probably due to particular morphological features of heavily doped Black Silicon at the nano-scale. These features are quantified through statistical image processing. Reported results pave the way to highly integrated and effective infrared sources using Black Silicon

    Enhanced Wide-band Infrared Absorptivity of Black Silicon

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    International audienceIn the present work, we report, on the exceptionally high absorptivity of Black Silicon (BSi) in the spectral range of thermal radiation, which can be instrumental for various thermal radiation related applications. Having fabricated two wafers of BSi having n-type low and high doping, we have found experimentally that for highly doped BSi, a high absorptivity is observed till 15 µm which has also been compared with similarly doped Flat Si (FSi) samples. However, beyond 15 µm, the absorptivity of highly doped BSi sample decreases. Subsequent processing of SEM images reveals that these noteworthy radiative properties can probably be attributed to particular morphological features of heavily doped BSi at the nanoscale. These features are quantified through statistical image processing. Reported results pave the way to highly integrated and effective infrared sources using Black Silicon

    Study of black silicon obtained by cryogenic plasma etching : Approach to achieve the hot spot of a thermoelectric energy harvester

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    International audiencen this paper, we study the enhanced absorption properties of micro/nano structured silicon surface under incident electromagnetic illumination and its capacity to convert light into heat. We simulate the optical reflectance of three-dimensional micro/nano silicon cones of different dimensions and under different electric field incident angles. According to the favorable simulation results, we fabri- cate black silicon with conical microstructures that exhibits excellent anti-reflectivity behavior. Plasma etching under cryogenic temperatures is used for this purpose in an induc- tively coupled plasma-reactive ion etching reactor. The reflectance of the black silicon is measured to be approxi- mately 1 % in the optical wavelength range, by using an integrating sphere coupled to a calibrated spectrometer. Fur- thermore, a device integrating a resistance temperature detector in a black silicon area is developed in order to investigate its efficiency as a photo-thermal converte