335 research outputs found

    Influencia de los transportes en los mercados y en la baja de los precios

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    Copia digital : Diputación de Málaga. Biblioteca Cánovas del Castillo, 2016Premios: Memoria premiada por la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Politicas en el concurso ordinario de 1897 (tema segundo

    Isoperimetry and stability of hyperplanes for product probability measures

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    International audienceWe investigate stationarity and stability of half-spaces as isoperimetric sets for product probability measures, considering the cases of coordinate and non-coordinate half-spaces. Moreover, we present several examples to which our results can be applied, with a particular emphasis on the logistic measure

    Strong Coupling of a Spin Ensemble to a Superconducting Resonator

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    We report the realization of a quantum circuit in which an ensemble of electronic spins is coupled to a frequency tunable superconducting resonator. The spins are Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in a diamond crystal. The achievement of strong coupling is manifested by the appearance of a vacuum Rabi splitting in the transmission spectrum of the resonator when its frequency is tuned through the NV center electron spin resonance.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Certified compilation for cryptography: Extended x86 instructions and constant-time verification

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    We present a new tool for the generation and verification of high-assurance high-speed machine-level cryptography implementations: a certified C compiler supporting instruction extensions to the x86. We demonstrate the practical applicability of our tool by incorporating it into supercop: a toolkit for measuring the performance of cryptographic software, which includes over 2000 different implementations. We show i. that the coverage of x86 implementations in supercop increases significantly due to the added support of instruction extensions via intrinsics and ii. that the obtained verifiably correct implementations are much closer in performance to unverified ones. We extend our compiler with a specialized type system that acts at pre-assembly level; this is the first constant-time verifier that can deal with extended instruction sets. We confirm that, by using instruction extensions, the performance penalty for verifiably constant-time code can be greatly reduced.This work is financed by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within the project PTDC/CCI-INF/31698/2017, and by the Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020) under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and also by national funds through the FCT, within project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-028550 (REASSURE)

    Two remarks on generalized entropy power inequalities

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    This note contributes to the understanding of generalized entropy power inequalities. Our main goal is to construct a counter-example regarding monotonicity and entropy comparison of weighted sums of independent identically distributed log-concave random variables. We also present a complex analogue of a recent dependent entropy power inequality of Hao and Jog, and give a very simple proof.Comment: arXiv:1811.00345 is split into 2 papers, with this being on

    A formally verified compiler back-end

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    This article describes the development and formal verification (proof of semantic preservation) of a compiler back-end from Cminor (a simple imperative intermediate language) to PowerPC assembly code, using the Coq proof assistant both for programming the compiler and for proving its correctness. Such a verified compiler is useful in the context of formal methods applied to the certification of critical software: the verification of the compiler guarantees that the safety properties proved on the source code hold for the executable compiled code as well

    Formal Verification of Side-channel Countermeasures via Elementary Circuit Transformations

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    We describe a technique to formally verify the security of masked implementations against side-channel attacks, based on elementary circuit transforms. We describe two complementary approaches: a generic approach for the formal verification of any circuit, but for small attack orders only, and a specialized approach for the verification of specific circuits, but at any order. We also show how to generate security proofs automatically, for simple circuits. We describe the implementation of CheckMasks, a formal verification tool for side-channel countermeasures. Using this tool, we formally verify the security of the Rivain-Prouff countermeasure for AES, and also the recent Boolean to arithmetic conversion algorithm from CHES 2017

    Stochastic Invariants for Probabilistic Termination

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    Termination is one of the basic liveness properties, and we study the termination problem for probabilistic programs with real-valued variables. Previous works focused on the qualitative problem that asks whether an input program terminates with probability~1 (almost-sure termination). A powerful approach for this qualitative problem is the notion of ranking supermartingales with respect to a given set of invariants. The quantitative problem (probabilistic termination) asks for bounds on the termination probability. A fundamental and conceptual drawback of the existing approaches to address probabilistic termination is that even though the supermartingales consider the probabilistic behavior of the programs, the invariants are obtained completely ignoring the probabilistic aspect. In this work we address the probabilistic termination problem for linear-arithmetic probabilistic programs with nondeterminism. We define the notion of {\em stochastic invariants}, which are constraints along with a probability bound that the constraints hold. We introduce a concept of {\em repulsing supermartingales}. First, we show that repulsing supermartingales can be used to obtain bounds on the probability of the stochastic invariants. Second, we show the effectiveness of repulsing supermartingales in the following three ways: (1)~With a combination of ranking and repulsing supermartingales we can compute lower bounds on the probability of termination; (2)~repulsing supermartingales provide witnesses for refutation of almost-sure termination; and (3)~with a combination of ranking and repulsing supermartingales we can establish persistence properties of probabilistic programs. We also present results on related computational problems and an experimental evaluation of our approach on academic examples.Comment: Full version of a paper published at POPL 2017. 20 page

    From communities of Practice to Epistemic Communities: Health Mobilizations on the Internet

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    International audienceThis paper describes the emergence of new activist groups in the health sector, spinning off from internet discussion groups. In the first part, it shows how self-help discussion groups can be considered as communities of practice in which, partly thanks to the Internet media, collective learning activities result in the constitution of experiencial knowledge, the appropriation of exogenous sources of knowledge, including medical knoweldge and the articulation of these different sources of knowledge in some lay expertise. In the second part, it describes how activist groups might emerge from these discussion groups and develop specific modes of action drawing upon the forms of expertise constituted through the Internet groups. Activists groups together with self-help groups might form epistemic communities (Haas 1992), i.e. groups of experts engaged in a policy enterprise in which knowledge plays a major role : in the confrontation of health activists with professionals, the capacity to translate political claims into the langage of science appears as a condition to be (even) heard and be taken into consideration
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