4,851 research outputs found

    Decision Making for Inconsistent Expert Judgments Using Negative Probabilities

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    In this paper we provide a simple random-variable example of inconsistent information, and analyze it using three different approaches: Bayesian, quantum-like, and negative probabilities. We then show that, at least for this particular example, both the Bayesian and the quantum-like approaches have less normative power than the negative probabilities one.Comment: 14 pages, revised version to appear in the Proceedings of the QI2013 (Quantum Interactions) conferenc

    Use of the random amplified polymorphic DNA technique to characterize soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) genotypes.

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    We have started a breeding program to genetically eliminate. the lipoxygenase isozymes (LOX) from soybean seeds. These enzymes are believed to be lhe main cause of off-flavors in soybean products. LOX are present in the seed as three isozymes encoded by Ihree different genes, which are inherited in a simple mendelian fashion. Mutants lacking each one of these isozymes have been identified in the world gennplasm. To introduce Ihese null ali eles into lhe Brazilian variety Cristalina, three mutant progenitors were chosen PI 408.251 (LOX 1 minus), PI 86.023 (LOX2 minus), and Ichigowase (LOX3 minus). The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used to characterize these progenitors, as well as lines lacking LOXI (CRI), LOX3 (CR3), LOXI and 3 (CRI,3), and LOX2 and 3 (UFV 91-263, UFV91-401 and UFV 91-717). The results enabled us to establish lhe fmgerprint of each genotype and the genetic distances among them

    Genetic diversity of the common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. determined by DNA-based molecular markers.

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    Weselected 28 potential common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) progenitors to determine their genetic diversity using RAPD technique. They were divided into two groups based on their type of storage protein (phaseolin); 18 of them had type "S" phaseolin and the other 10 had phaseolin. DNA samples of all the cultivars were amplified in vitro with oligonucleotide primiers of random sequences. A total of 276 amplification products, 144 of them being polymorphic, were obtained with 45 different primers. Multivariate analysis of these data divided the cultivars into groups and, in addition, allowed a more precise intra and intergroup distinction

    Polymorphism in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the ribosomal DNA of 26 isolates of ectomycorrhizal fungi.

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    Inter- and intraspecific variation among 26 isolates of ectomycorrhizal fungi belonging to 8 genera and 19 species were evaluated by analysis of the internal transcribed sequence (ITS) of the rDNA region using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The ITS region was first amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers and then cleaved with different restriction enzymes. Amplification products, which ranged between 560 and 750 base pairs (bp), were obtained for all the isolates analyzed. The degree of polymorphism observed did not allow proper identification of most of the isolates. Cleavage of amplified fragments with the restriction enzymes Alu I, Hae III, Hinf I, and Hpa II revealed extensive polymorphism. All eight genera and most species presented specific restriction patterns. Species not identifiable by a specific pattern belonged to two genera: Rhizopogon (R. nigrescens, R. reaii, R. roseolus, R. rubescens and Rhizopogon sp.), and Laccaria (L. bicolor and L. amethystea). Our data confirm the potential of ITS region PCR-RFLP for the molecular characterization of ectomycorrhizal fungi and their identification and monitoring in artificial inoculation programs

    Consumo e valor nutritivo de silagens de maniçoba com adição de resíduo de vitivinícolas em ovinos.

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    Avaliou-se o consumo e valor nutritivo de silagens de maniçoba contendo níveis de O, 8, 16 e 24% de resíduo vitivinícola. Foram utilizados quatro ovinos machos, adultos, castrados, confinados em baias individuais, distribuídos em delineamento experimental em quadrado latino, quatro por quatro. Avaliou-se a composição química das dietas e seu valor nutritivo. Os consumos de matéria seca, matéria orgânica, matéria mineral, proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido, expressos em gramas por dia e porcentagem de peso vivo, não diferiram entre os tratamentos, havendo diferenças apenas para o consumo de lignina

    Associação de marcadores moleculares SNP com o conteúdo de ácido linolênico em sementes de soja.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi validar a associação de marcadores moleculares do tipo ?single nucleotide polymorphism? (SNP) para os genes FAD3A, FAD3B e FAD3C com o conteúdo de ácido linolênico (18:3) em sementes de soja e analisar a influência dos parâmetros genéticos destes marcadores nesta característica. Foram genotipadas 185 progênies F2 derivadas do cruzamento entre A29 (mutante para os três genes FAD3, 1% de 18:3) e Tucunaré (genótipo selvagem, 11% de 18:3). Os marcadores moleculares para os genes FAD3A, FAD3B e FAD3C explicaram a variação do conteúdo de 18:3 nas populações segregantes F2 e F2:3. Além disso, as substituições alélicas no loco FAD3A proporcionam maiores variações no conteúdo de 18:3 que as substituições nos outros dois locos

    Peering through the holes: the far UV color of star-forming galaxies at z~3-4 and the escaping fraction of ionizing radiation

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    We aim to investigate the effect of the escaping ionizing radiation on the color selection of high redshift galaxies and identify candidate Lyman continuum (LyC) emitters. The intergalactic medium prescription of Inoue et al.(2014) and galaxy synthesis models of Bruzual&Charlot (2003) have been used to properly treat the ultraviolet stellar emission, the stochasticity of the intergalactic transmission and mean free path in the ionizing regime. Color tracks are computed by turning on/off the escape fraction of ionizing radiation. At variance with recent studies, a careful treatment of IGM transmission leads to no significant effects on the high-redshift broad-band color selection. The decreasing mean free path of ionizing photons with increasing redshift further diminishes the contribution of the LyC to broad-band colors. We also demonstrate that prominent LyC sources can be selected under suitable conditions by calculating the probability of a null escaping ionizing radiation. The method is applied to a sample of galaxies extracted from the GOODS-S field. A known LyC source at z=3.795 is successfully recovered as a LyC emitter candidate and another convincing candidate at z=3.212 is reported. A detailed analysis of the two sources (including their variability and morphology) suggests a possible mixture of stellar and non-stellar (AGN) contribution in the ultraviolet. Conclusions: Classical broad-band color selection of 2.5<z<4.5 galaxies does not prevent the inclusion of LyC emitters in the selected samples. Large fesc in relatively bright galaxies (L>0.1L*) could be favored by the presence of a faint AGN not easily detected at any wavelength. A hybrid stellar and non-stellar (AGN) ionizing emission could coexist in these systems and explain the tensions found among the UV excess and the stellar population synthesis models reported in literature.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 13 pages, 7 figure

    Boro no crescimento de mudas de erva-mate em solução nutritiva.

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    A maioria das soluções nutritivas indicam a dose de 0,5 mg L-1 de boro (B) como ideal, mas para erva-mate não há informações sobre sua necessidade em B. Avaliou-se o crescimento de mudas clonais de erva-mate em solução nutritiva, submetidas a doses de: 0,0; 1,0; 2,5 e 5,0 mg L-1 de B. O experimento foi conduzido em Viçosa-MG e após 80 dias, através de análise de regressão, avaliou-se características de crescimento das mudas onde obteve-se que doses de B próximas de 2,90 mg L-1 favoreceram o melhor crescimento em altura, diâmetro do colo e comprimento do sistema radicular. Já para maximizar a produção de matéria seca, volume do sistema radicular, área foliar e espessura foliar a erva-mate necessita de doses próximas a 3,00 mg L-1 de B. Conclui-se que mudas de erva-mate, conduzidas em solução nutritiva, necessitam de 2,5 a 3,1 mg L-1 de B para um bom crescimento