9 research outputs found

    Participatory management in SUS through integrating education, and community service: the experience of a family health league as a project of University extension in Fortaleza - Ceará

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    As a result of the experience of two public universities and a private one, the Extension Project "Family Health League" (LSF) introduced a participative management strategy in the field of education of health professionals, with the support of power-ideas such as permanent education in health, popular education, multiprofessional and interdisciplinary groups, primary health attention, family health strategy, participative methodologies and practice inserted in a live territory. This report aims to introduce an experience of integrating teaching to community service through the Family Health League Extension Project (LSF), in the context of the Health-School Municipal System (SMSE) in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. This experience was planned in the spirit of participative management in the National Health System (SUS). The proposal of LSF emerges, in the SMSE, from a recommendation supported by the city's health system which aimed at improving co-management spaces of education and services and used the methods of circle discussion and inverted tent. The protagonism of the project members and of the community in the organization of the project's activities and the amplification of a critical view over social reality and health work are amongst the major advances which emerged from this experience. This project has made possible the integration of teaching, health service and community, from the perspective of a communicative and participative management.Fruto da experiência de duas universidades públicas e uma privada, o Projeto de Extensão Liga Saúde da Família (LSF) constitui-se numa estratégia de gestão participativa no campo da formação de profissionais da área da saúde, com base nos conceitos de educação permanente em saúde, educação popular em saúde, equipe multiprofissional e interdisciplinar, atenção primária à saúde, promoção da saúde, estratégia saúde da família, metodologias participativas de pesquisa e atuação inserida no território vivo. Este relato apresenta a experiência da integração ensino-serviço-comunidade por meio do Projeto de Extensão Liga Saúde da Família, no contexto do Sistema Municipal de Saúde Escola (SMSE), em Fortaleza-Ceará, que dialoga com a gestão participativa no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Esta proposta do LSF foi implantada no SMSE a partir de uma ação apoiada pelo sistema de saúde de Fortaleza que visa potencializar os espaços de co-gestão docente-assistencial, por meio da proposta do método da roda e da tenda invertida. O protagonismo dos integrantes e da comunidade na construção das atividades do projeto e a ampliação do olhar crítico sobre a realidade social e do trabalho em saúde estão entre os maiores avanços surgidos dessa experiência. Esse projeto permitiu a integração ensino - serviço - comunidade, atendendo a uma perspectiva de gestão participativa e dialógica

    Alterations in genes involved in glycolysis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoO carcinoma epidermoide de esôfago (CEE) representa 90% dos casos de câncer de esôfago no Brasil. O CEE tem detecção tardia, um comportamento extremamente agressivo e baixa sobrevida, sendo, portanto, um alvo interessante para o estudo dos mecanismos envolvidos em sua carcinogênese, a fim de se identificar possíveis alvos terapêuticos ou marcadores moleculares que ajudem na prática clínica. Mudanças no metabolismo energético da célula tumoral parecem ter papel de destaque na transformação maligna. Sabe-se que células tumorais consomem glicose avidamente produzindo ácido lático, mesmo em condições de normóxia. Dentre os fatores que podem contribuir para o estímulo da glicólise em células tumorais destacam-se as alterações em enzimas da via glicolítica tais como: as piruvato-cinases M1 e M2 (PKM1 e PKM2), a hexocinase II (HKII), isofoma 1 do transportador de glicose, GLUT-1, e o fator de transcrição induzido por hipóxia (HIF1α), responsável pela transcrição das proteínas citadas. O objetivo do estudo é avaliar a relação entre a expressão de HIF1α, HK2, PKM2, PKM1 e GLUT-1 e dados clínico-patológicos no CEE. Para tal, foram avaliados tumores conservados em parafina de 44 pacientes com CEE matriculados no INCA e no Hospital das Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Além disso, foram coletadas amostras de biópsia de esôfago em 67 pacientes sem doença esofágica, que foram submetidos à endoscopia no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE). A expressão das proteínas foi avaliada nos tecidos por imuno-histoquímica, enquanto que a expressão do mRNA de GLUT-1 também foi avaliada nas amostras controle. Foi observado que as amostras controle expressam HK2, PKM1, PKM2, HIF1α nas camadas do epitélio esofágico. Já GLUT-1 e Ki-67 são vistos apenas na camada basal. Além disso, a expressão do mRNA de GLUT-1 não teve correlação com fatores etiológicos da doença. Em CEE a expressão de HK2, PKM2 e GLUT-1 foi vista em todos os tumores, já a expressão de HIF1α e PKM1 foi variável. Além disso, observou-se que maior expressão de HIF-1α apresenta correlação com invasão linfonodal e diferenciação, enquanto que a expressão de HK2 tem relação com sobrevida e PKM1 com diferenciação. As correlações clínicas encontradas sugerem que alterações no metabolismo energético é um alvo de estudo interessante para desenvolvimento de marcadores moleculares que auxiliem a prática clínica.The esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) represents 90% of cases of esophageal cancer in Brazil. The ESCC has late diagnosis, highly aggressive behavior and poor survival. ESCC is an interesting target to the study of mechanism involved in its carcinogenesis, in order to identify potential drug targets or biomarkers to help clinical practice. Changes in tumor cell energy metabolism appear to have a prominent role in malignant transformation. Tumor cells consume glucose avidly and produce lactic acid, even under normoxia. Among the factors that may contribute to the stimulation of glycolysis in tumor cells, there are changes in the glycolytic pathway enzymes such as: pyruvate kinase M1 and M2 (PKM2 and PKM1), hexokinase II (HKII), glucose transporter isoform 1, GLUT-1, and transcription factor induced by hypoxia (HIF1α), responsible for the transcription of proteins cited. The goal of the study is to evaluate the relationship between the expression of HIF1α, HK2, PKM2, PKM1 and GLUT-1 and clinicopathological data in ESCC. Biopsy of the esophagus in patients without esophageal disease were collected, who underwent endoscopy at University Hospital Pedro Ernesto (HUPE). Tissue samples were collected from 44 patients with a histologically confirmed diagnosis of ESCC recruted from Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE-UERJ), and Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA). Tissue samples from healthy individuals submitted to endoscopic routine examination, not related to cancer or esophageal disorders, at HUPE-UERJ were also included in this study. The expression of proteins in tissues was evaluated by immunohistochemistry, while mRNA expression of GLUT-1 was also evaluated in the control samples. It was observed that the control samples express HK2, PKM1, PKM2, HIF1α layers of the esophageal epithelium. GLUT-1 and Ki-67 are seen only in the basal layer. Furthermore, expression of GLUT-1 mRNA did not correlate with disease etiological factors. In ESCC expression of HK2, PKM2 and GLUT-1 was seen in all tumors, and the expression of HIF1α and PKM1 was variable. We found that increased expression of HIF-1α correlates with lymph node invasion and differentiation, whereas the expression of HK2 is related to survival, and differentiation with PKM1. The clinical correlations found suggest that alterations in energy metabolism are an interesting subject of study for development of biomarkers that help clinical practice

    Integração de instituições de ensino superior com sistemas municipais de saúde à luz de uma tipologia da colaboração interprofissional

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o processo de colaboração interprofissional entre os diretores, docentes de instituições de ensino superior (IES), gestores dos Sistemas Municipais de Saúde e profissionais da Estratégia de Saúde da Família de duas cidades estratégicas para expansão do ensino superior em saúde no Ceará. Tratou-se de estudo analítico de casos múltiplos. Foram utilizadas pesquisa documental e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 75 gestores e profissionais da saúde, diretores e docentes de IES. O corpus de dados foi submetido à análise temática ancorada em uma Tipologia da Colaboração Interprofissional. Os resultados evidenciam que, em Sobral, a colaboração entre os atores mencionados encontra-se em desenvolvimento, enquanto em Juazeiro do Norte está incipiente. Os elementos facilitadores foram a clareza dos benefícios da integração para a qualidade da atenção e a formação profissional, a institucionalização e a gestão participativa do processo

    Clinical and molecular characterization of Brazilian families with von Hippel-Lindau disease: a need for delineating genotype-phenotype correlation

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    von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal dominant hereditary cancer syndrome that predisposes to the development of a variety of benign and malignant tumours, especially cerebellar haemangioblastomas, retinal angiomas and clear-cell renal cell carcinomas (RCC). The etiology and manifestations are due to germline and somatic mutations in the VHL tumour suppressor gene. VHL disease is classified into type 1 and type 2, showing a clear genotype-phenotype correlation, as type 2 is associated with phaeochromocytoma and essentially caused by missense mutations. The aim of this study is to characterize the phenotype and genotype of families with VHL disease. Eighteen of twenty patients from ten unrelated families underwent genetic testing, nine of them fulfilled VHL disease criteria and one had an apparently sporadic cerebellar haemangioblastoma. Four different germline mutations in the VHL gene were identified: c.226_228delTTC (p.Phe76del); c.217C > T (p.Gln73X); IVS1-1 G > A and IVS2-1 G > C. The first three mutations were associated with type 1 disease and the last one with type 2B, which had never been identified in the germline. The transcriptional processing of a novel splice-site mutation was characterised. Three type 1 VHL families showed large deletions of the VHL gene, two of them encompassed the FANCD2/C3orf10 genes and were not associated with renal lesions. We also suggest that such families should be subclassified according to the risk of RCC and the extent of the VHL gene deletions. This study highlights the need for a through clinical and molecular characterisation of families with VHL disease to better delineate its genotype-phenotype correlation.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Fundacao Hemocentro de Ribeirao Preto (FUNDHERP

    Development of interprofessional collaborative practices within undergraduate programs on healthcare: case study on the Family Health Alliance in Fortaleza (Ceará, Brazil)

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    The authors present the dynamics of mentoring work within the Family Health Alliance (FHA), an extension program that fosters interprofessional collaboration from a social learning perspective. The objective of this study was to describe and evaluate the program dynamics and their repercussions among the participants. The context, basis, objectives and organization of work situations for students from six different undergraduate programs on health sciences were analyzed by means of an exploratory development study conducted between January and December 2008. In the first phase, the participants were two teams consisting of one mentor and four students. In the second phase, there were three mentors and eight students. Thematic analysis on the students discourse emphasized their enthusiasm about the possibility of interprofessional collaboration as an instrument for change. The professional mentors were found to have developed a better understanding of their role and greater teaching awareness

    Development of interprofessional collaborative practices within undergraduate programs on healthcare: case study on the Family Health Alliance in Fortaleza (Ceará, Brazil)

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    The authors present the dynamics of mentoring work within the Family Health Alliance (FHA), an extension program that fosters interprofessional collaboration from a social learning perspective. The objective of this study was to describe and evaluate the program dynamics and their repercussions among the participants. The context, basis, objectives and organization of work situations for students from six different undergraduate programs on health sciences were analyzed by means of an exploratory development study conducted between January and December 2008. In the first phase, the participants were two teams consisting of one mentor and four students. In the second phase, there were three mentors and eight students. Thematic analysis on the students discourse emphasized their enthusiasm about the possibility of interprofessional collaboration as an instrument for change. The professional mentors were found to have developed a better understanding of their role and greater teaching awareness

    II Simposio Internacional sobre Investigación en la enseñanza de las ciencias

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