3,265 research outputs found

    The beginnings of communication schools in Spain within their international context

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    When the first university schools of journalism and communication started in Spain in 1971, only a few European and North American countries had preferentially adopted an academic model. Variety was their dominant feature, exhibiting diverse professional cultures and sometimes political contexts. In countries with a long journalistic tradition such as the UK, learning on the job was the practice at that time. Labor unions were also prevalently responsible for the training of aspiring journalists in France and Germany. In contrast, in the USA, university journalism schools had been established some decades before. In addition, teaching and research in communication evolved via different paths in those countries that had a more noteworthy influence on Spain. The beginning of university-based schools of communication theoretically contributed to the establishment of a more suitable institutional platform for the delivery of communication research trends in the West. An analysis of historical, political, and institutional contexts converging in Spain in the 1970s is useful to describe how the first university schools were shaped in terms of both their incipient teaching and research challenges. A review of the literature covering both fields in Spain and other countries, along with some previously published archival sources, helps us to frame the case of Spain from a transnational viewpoint that considers the impact of contemporary foreign influences. The resulting broader comparative perspective provides a better overarching understanding of the case, even to the point of measuring the extent to which it can be considered a pioneer in this context

    Sums of Powers and Harmonic Numbers: A new approach

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    There have been derivations for the Sums of Powers published since the sixteenth century. All techniques have used recursive processes, producing the following formula in the series. I present a new method that calculates the Sums of Powers and Harmonic Numbers. Starting with a novel relationship between Pascal’s Numbers and Stirling’s Numbers of the First Kind, the Sums of Powers is developed. This formula, published previously using a different methodology, is in terms of Pascal Numbers multiplied by constant coefficients. However, a further step is introduced. A recursive relationship is discovered among the coefficients of these formulae. A double sigma master formula is developed, allowing one to calculate all formulae for Sums of Powers without needing Bernoulli Numbers. Finally, from the Sums of Powers master formula, I derive a formula to calculate the Bernoulli Numbers. I further develop a summation formula for the Harmonic Numbers using the same relationships

    Cultura, seguridad y estrategia: Marco de análisis para comprender el desarrollo militar en el contexto del 11-S

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    In recent times, in the field of international relations, there has emerged an academic current that has revived the thinking of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu to reformulate various fundamental concepts, from the study of everyday practices, symbolic structures, and conflict arenas in which various actors define the course of world politics. This article exposes a brief revision to the theoretical and methodological framework under which an academic study is being carried out on the contemporary military development, understood and explained from the national security culture and military strategic culture.En tiempos recientes, en el ámbito de las relaciones internacionales, ha emergido una corriente académica que ha revivido el pensamiento del sociólogo francés Pierre Bourdieu para replantear diversos conceptos fundamentales, con base en el estudio de las prácticas cotidianas, las estructuras simbólicas y las arenas de conflicto en las que diversos actores definen el rumbo de la política mundial. Este artículo expone una breve revisión de la base teórica y metodológica bajo la cual se está realizando un estudio académico sobre el desarrollo militar contemporáneo, entendido y explicado a partir de la cultura de seguridad nacional y la cultura estratégica militar

    Libertad de prensa y sistemas autoritarios: el caso del diario Madrid entre 1966 y 1971

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    La prensa española ante la designación de Don Juan Carlos como sucesor de Franco a título de rey

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    Embarazo después de cirugía bariátrica

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    ResumenLa obesidad ha adquirido características de pandemia, extendida a todo el orbe, alcanzando a diferentes etnias, edades y sin diferencias de género. Las mujeres embarazadas constituyen un grupo particularmente vulnerable a los trastornos nutricionales y la obesidad representa un importante factor de riesgo para la madre y el feto. Múltiples estrategias se han desarrollado con el objeto de disminuir la prevalencia de los trastornos alimenticios en exceso y aminorar sus efectos, con resultados limitados. En los últimos años la cirugía bariátrica con sus distintas modalidades se ha constituido en una alternativa para el tratamiento de la mujer obesa y los resultados reportados señalan significativas bajas de peso y un mejor control de comorbilidades asociadas. La aparición de un población cada vez más numerosa de mujeres sometidas a cirugía bariátrica que se embarazan, ha llevado a desarrollar estrategias de control de esos embarazos, con recomendaciones nutricionales y vigilancia estricta de la madre y el feto, por equipos multidisciplinarios. Respecto de los resultados de embarazos posteriores a cirugía bariátrica, se ha reportado un gran número de publicaciones comunicando la experiencia de distintos grupos, utilizando variados diseños de estudio, haciendo referencia a distintas técnicas quirúrgicas con diferentes grupos control y tiempos de seguimiento, con resultados heterogéneos y a veces inconsistentes. Si bien se observa una tendencia a la disminución de desórdenes hipertensivos, diabetes gestacional y macrosomía fetal, con aumento de la incidencia de recién nacidos pequeños para la edad gestacional y parto prematuro, se requiere de nuevos estudios que permitan con mayor confiabilidad establecer los resultados de esos embarazos y desarrollar recomendaciones a lo equipos médicos, a los pacientes y sus familias.SummaryObesity has become pandemic characteristics, extended to the whole world, reaching all ethnicities, ages without gender differences. Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to nutritional disorders and obesity is a major risk factor for mother and fetus. Multiple strategies have been developed in order to reduce the prevalence of eating disorders in excess and reduce its effects, with limited results. In recent years, bariatric surgery with its various forms has become an alternative for the treatment of obese women and the reported results indicate significant lower weight and better control of comorbidities. The emergence of an increasingly large cask of women undergoing surgery who become pregnant population, has led to develop control strategies of these pregnancies, nutritional recommendations and close monitoring of the mother and fetus by multidisciplinary teams. Regarding the results of pregnancies after bariatric surgery, there have been a large number of publications communicating the experience of different groups, using different study designs, referring to different surgical techniques, with different control groups and followup times, with results heterogeneous and sometimes inconsistent. While a decreasing trend of hypertensive disorders, gestational diabetes and fetal macrosomia, with increased incidence of infants small for gestational age and preterm birth, it appears it requires new studies to more reliably establish the results of these pregnancies and develop recommendations to medical equipment, patients and their families

    Proyecciones desagregadas de inflación con modelos Sparse VAR robustos

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    En los bancos centrales se suele utilizar modelos no estructurales y semi-estructurales para predecir diversas variables, especialmente la inflación, cuyo control es su principal objetivo. El Sistema de Predicción Desagregada (SPD) es un conjunto de modelos SparseVAR no estructurales usados para predecir la inflación IPC y el crecimiento del PBI en el corto plazo. A pesar de que estos modelos logran protecciones de inflación precisión creciente debido a su parsimonia (Barrera(2005)), los estimadores de sus parámetros son sensibles a la presencia de observaciones fuera de patrón previamente establecido (outliers). El trabajo propone un procedimiento robusto multi-ecuacional para ellos y evalúa la ganancia en precisión para una muestra reciente que incluye una secuencia de outliers. Los resultados indican que las proyecciones de inflación IPC de la versión robusta de todos los modelos SparseVAR robustos logran mejorar la precisión para horizontes intermedios respecto a su versión no robusta. Sin embargo, el modelo cuyas proyecciones de inflación no subyacente IPC resultan menos sensibles ante la presencia de esta secuencia de outliers es la versión no robusta de aquél que considera la información del agregado de inflación IPC como la más relevante en todos los componentes, lo que se explicarían por una tendencia a fijar precios asignando temporalmente un mayor peso a la inflación IPC durante periodos típicamente inciertos.modelos de series temporales, construcción y estimación de modelos, evaluación y selección de modelos, proyección y simulación, política monetaria

    An Examination Of Cross Cultural Competence In International Business: The Case Of The Subsidiaries

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    Cultural competence as approached in this paper enables individuals and organizations to work or respond effectively across cultures in ways that the values, beliefs, traditions and customs are recognized. This study uses Jaccarino & Kendall (2004) empirical model to understand the cross-cultural competence process in an organization. The model consists of four elements: cultural awareness, skill development, developmental planning, and organization strategy. Moreover, this paper explores similarities and differences that exists and the business implications that results from cultural competence variations. Null hypothesis 1 covers the comparison between international subsidiaries by stating that there are no differences in cultural competence between two subsidiaries (United States and Mexico) of an international firm once they operate under unified directives. Null hypothesis 2 covers the comparison within each subsidiary by stating that there are no differences in cultural competence between administrators and direct service providers/clerks in each subsidiary (United States and Mexico) of an international firm

    Computer Literacy In Undergraduate Business Education: The Case For The Adult Fast Track Programs

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    Industrialized nations have invested a great deal of public and private resources to facilitate access to information technologies (ITs) and to adjust their cultures and societies to them. These efforts are commonly associated with the idea of expanding computer literacy from higher education institutions to business organizations. Computers have fundamentally altered how we live and work, as well as how we learn and have transformed the world into a global community. Moreover, business organizations have struggled to train and to turn their workforce into a computer literate group that keeps a breast of changes in computing and information technologies, since most of the work does not rely on standardized literacy levels to perform well. This paper presents an examination on current computer literacy skills between groups of adult students enrolled in accelerated undergraduate business programs in the USA and in Germany. Special emphasis is granted to the discussion of the similarities and differences found in computer literacy skills and the implications associated with having literate and illiterate groups in the workplace