5,838 research outputs found

    Systems, interactions and macrotheory

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    A significant proportion of early HCI research was guided by one very clear vision: that the existing theory base in psychology and cognitive science could be developed to yield engineering tools for use in the interdisciplinary context of HCI design. While interface technologies and heuristic methods for behavioral evaluation have rapidly advanced in both capability and breadth of application, progress toward deeper theory has been modest, and some now believe it to be unnecessary. A case is presented for developing new forms of theory, based around generic “systems of interactors.” An overlapping, layered structure of macro- and microtheories could then serve an explanatory role, and could also bind together contributions from the different disciplines. Novel routes to formalizing and applying such theories provide a host of interesting and tractable problems for future basic research in HCI

    LANDSAT TM image data quality analysis for energy-related applications

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    This project represents a no-cost agreement between National Aeronautic Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA GSFC) and the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL). PNL is a Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory operted by Battelle Memorial Institute at its Pacific Northwest Laboratories in Richland, Washington. The objective of this investigation is to evaluate LANDSAT's thematic mapper (TM) data quality and utility characteristics from an energy research and technological perspective. Of main interest is the extent to which repetitive TM data might support DOE efforts relating to siting, developing, and monitoring energy-related facilities, and to basic geoscientific research. The investigation utilizes existing staff and facility capabilities, and ongoing programmatic activities at PNL and other DOE national laboratories to cooperatively assess the potential usefulness of the improved experimental TM data. The investigation involves: (1) both LANDSAT 4 and 5 TM data, (2) qualitative and quantitative use consideration, and 3) NASA P (corrected) and A (uncorrected) CCT analysis for a variety of sites of DOE interest. Initial results were presented at the LANDSAT Investigator's Workshops and at specialized LANDSAT TM sessions at various conferences

    Product Market Regulation in Russia

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    This paper uses the OECD’s indicators of product market regulation (PMR) to assess the extent to which the regulatory environment in Russia supports competition and to draw attention to the areas where further reform efforts would pay dividends. The indicators show that, despite improvements in some areas, many aspects of Russia’s regulatory framework are still restrictive, which provides considerable scope for reaping gains from bringing regulation into line with international best practice. In particular, the scores suggest that Russia’s economic performance would greatly benefit from a reduction in the role of the state enterprise sector in markets that are inherently competitive and reinvigorated efforts to liberalise foreign trade and direct investment regimes. In some network sectors, recent regulatory changes have significantly improved the scope for competition. However, ongoing work needs to focus on separating competitive and monopoly market segments and eliminating barriers to entry. In addition, the authorities need to develop the capacity and strengthen the hands of the sectoral regulators. Introducing an overarching competition policy would also help bring the issue of competition to centre stage and spread a competition ethos through different levels of government.economy, transition, growth, competition, product market regulation, trade, foreign direct investment, state ownership

    The seminal legacy of the Southern African Bird Atlas Project

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    The first Southern African Bird Atlas Project was launched in 1986 and gathered bird distribution data from six countries of southern Africa. The project culminated with the publication of The Atlas of Southern African Birds in 1997. The database generated by the project, seven million bird distribution records, has been widely used by four groups: environmental consultants (for example, to locate electricity transmission lines), conservationists (planning conservation strategies), research scientists (especially macro-ecologists and biogeographers) and birders (ecotourism materials). By 2007, the database had spawned 50 research publications and eight Ph.D.s and master's degrees. These products are a tribute to the more than 5000 'citizen scientists', who gathered the bulk of the data. The atlas concept has been extended to frogs, reptiles, spiders and butterflies; a second bird atlas started in 2007 and will, for example, facilitate knowledge of the impact of environmental change on birds. The South African National Biodiversity Institute is playing a lead role in initiating these new projects

    Identification of diverse database subsets using property-based and fragment-based molecular descriptions

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    This paper reports a comparison of calculated molecular properties and of 2D fragment bit-strings when used for the selection of structurally diverse subsets of a file of 44295 compounds. MaxMin dissimilarity-based selection and k-means cluster-based selection are used to select subsets containing between 1% and 20% of the file. Investigation of the numbers of bioactive molecules in the selected subsets suggest: that the MaxMin subsets are noticeably superior to the k-means subsets; that the property-based descriptors are marginally superior to the fragment-based descriptors; and that both approaches are noticeably superior to random selection

    Submerged in the mainstream? A case study of an immigrant learner in a New Zealand primary classroom

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    Immigrant children from diverse language backgrounds face not only linguistic challenges when enrolled in mainstream English-medium classrooms, but also difficulties adjusting to an unfamiliar learning community. The culture of primary school classrooms in New Zealand typically reflects conventions across three dimensions: interactional, instructional task performance and cognitive-academic development. All three dimensions are underpinned by the culturally specific discourse conventions involved in language socialisation. New learners may be helped by classmates or their teacher to understand and successfully use these conventions, but left on their own they may sink rather than swim. This is a case study of one Taiwanese 11-year old boy, 'John', who entered a New Zealand primary classroom midway through the school year. John's basic conversational ability was sound, but he did not possess the interactive classroom skills needed to operate in the new culture of learning. Selected from a wider study of the classroom, transcript data from audio-recorded excerpts of John's interactions over several months with his teacher and classmates are interpreted from perspectives derived from sociocultural and language socialisation theories. The article concludes with a brief consideration of the extent to which John constructed, or was constrained from constructing meaningful learning experiences, and suggestions for further research and reflection

    A rapid and low-cost DNA extraction method for isolating Escherichia coli DNA from animal stools

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    The price of commercial DNA extraction methods makes the routine use of polymerase chain reaction amplification (PCR) based methods rather costly for scientists in developing countries. A guanidium thiocayante-based DNA extraction method was investigated in this study for the isolation of Escherichia coli (E. coli) DNA from goat, chicken, pig, cow and human stool samples. Two versions of the lysis buffer, with and without _-casein, were tested to alleviate PCR inhibition associated with DNA isolated from stool samples. Results obtained show that, this method using the lysis buffer containing _-casein, produces PCR ready DNA at a fraction of the cost of commercial DNA extraction kits & copy; 2011 Academic Journals

    Detection of amoeba-associated Legionella pneumophila in hospital water networks of Johannesburg

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    Abstract: The prevalence of free-living amoeba and associated Legionella spp. in hospital water systems may pose a risk of Legionnaires’ disease to immuno-compromised patients. This study investigated the occurrence of amoeba-associated Legionella pneumophila in three South African hospital water systems. A total of 98 water and/or biofilm samples were collected from the sterilisation unit, theatres, neonatal ward and intensive care units. Amoebae were isolated from 71 (72.4%) samples. Isolated amoebae were analysed using qPCR and culture methods to test for the presence of Legionella. L. pneumophila did not grow on selective media in any of the samples. A total of 7 out of the 71 (9.9%) amoeba-positive samples showed a positive reaction for L. pneumophila using qPCR. Although relatively few samples were positive for Legionella in this preliminary study, the association with amoeba still presents a potential public health risk to immuno-compromised patients when exposed to contaminated water

    Impact of Chronic Sleep Disturbance for People Living With T1 Diabetes.

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    AIM: The aim was to explore personal experiences and to determine the impact of impaired sleep on well-being and diabetes-related activities/decision making among a cohort of people living with T1D. METHOD: Adults with T1D over the age of 18 and parents/carers of children with T1D were invited to complete an online questionnaire about their quality and quantity of sleep. Questions included impact of sleep on diabetes-related decision making, effective calculation of bolus doses, important aspects of psychosocial functioning, and frequency of waking. Diasend download data were used to objectively determine frequency of nocturnal blood glucose testing in children. RESULTS: A total of 258 parent/carer participants (n = 221 female, 85.6%) and 192 adults with T1D (n = 145, 75.5% female, age range 19 to 89 years) took part. In all, 239 parents/carers and 160 adults believed waking in the night has an impact on their usual daily functioning. Of these, 236 parents/carers and 151 (64%) adults reported the impact as negative. Chronic sleep interruption was associated with detrimental impact on mood, work, family relationships, ability to exercise regularly, ability to eat healthily, and happiness. CONCLUSION: Chronic sleep interruption is highly prevalent in adults with T1D and parents/carers of children with T1D with negative effects on daily functioning and well-being. Appropriate interventions are required to alleviate this burden of T1D, address modifiable risk factors for nocturnal hypoglycemia, and reduce the (perceived) need for nocturnal waking

    What Can Information Encapsulation Tell Us About Emotional Rationality?

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    What can features of cognitive architecture, e.g. the information encapsulation of certain emotion processing systems, tell us about emotional rationality? de Sousa proposes the following hypothesis: “the role of emotions is to supply the insufficiency of reason by imitating the encapsulation of perceptual modes” (de Sousa 1987: 195). Very roughly, emotion processing can sometimes occur in a way that is insensitive to what an agent already knows, and such processing can assist reasoning by restricting the response-options she considers. This paper aims to provide an exposition and assessment of de Sousa’s hypothesis. I argue information encapsulation is not essential to emotion-driven reasoning, as emotions can determine the relevance of response-options even without being encapsulated. However, I argue encapsulation can still play a role in assisting reasoning by restricting response-options more efficiently, and in a way that ensures which options emotions deem relevant are not overridden by what the agent knows. I end by briefly explaining why this very feature also helps explain how emotions can, on occasion, hinder reasoning