456 research outputs found

    Warming up brane-antibrane inflation

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    We show that, in constructions with additional intersecting D-branes, brane-antibrane inflation may naturally occur in a warm regime, such that strong dissipative effects damp the inflaton's motion, greatly alleviating the associated eta-problem. We illustrate this for D3-antiD3 inflation in flat space with additional flavor D7-branes, where for both a Coulomb-like or a quadratic hybrid potential a sufficient number of e-folds may be obtained for perturbative couplings and O(10-10^4) branes. This is in clear contrast with the corresponding cold scenarios, thus setting the stage for more realistic constructions within fully stabilized compactifications. Such models generically predict a negligible amount of tensor perturbations and non-gaussianity f_NL \sim O(10).Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; version to be published in Physical Review

    Brane-Antibrane Backreaction in Axion Monodromy Inflation

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    We calculate the interaction potential between D5 and anti-D5 branes wrapping distant but homologous 2-cycles. The interaction potential is logarithmic in the separation radius and does not decouple at infinity. We show that logarithmic backreaction is generic for 5-branes wrapping distant but homologous 2-cycles, and we argue that this destabilises models of axion monodromy inflation involving NS5 brane-antibrane pairs in separate warped throats towards an uncontrolled region.Comment: 12 page

    Reheating the Universe After Multi-Field Inflation

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    We study in detail (p)reheating after multi-field inflation models with a particular focus on N-flation. We consider a variety of different couplings between the inflatons and the matter sector, including both quartic and trilinear interactions with a light scalar field. We show that the presence of multiple oscillating inflatons makes parametric resonance inefficient in the case of the quartic interactions. Moreover, perturbative processes do not permit a complete decay of the inflaton for this coupling. In order to recover the hot big bang, we must instead consider trilinear couplings. In this case we show that strong nonperturbative preheating is possible via multi-field tachyonic resonance. In addition, late-time perturbative effects do permit a complete decay of the condensate. We also study the production of gauge fields for several prototype couplings, finding similar results to the trilinear scalar coupling. During the course of our analysis we develop the mathematical theory of the quasi-periodic Mathieu equation, the multi-field generalization of the Floquet theory familiar from preheating after single field inflation. We also elaborate on the theory of perturbative decays of a classical inflaton condensate, which is applicable in single-field models also.Comment: 46+1 pages, 19 figure

    Fisher Equation for a Decaying Brane

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    We consider the inhomogeneous decay of an unstable D-brane. The dynamical equation that describes this process (in light-cone time) is a variant of the non-linear reaction-diffusion equation that first made its appearance in the pioneering work of (Luther and) Fisher and appears in a variety of natural phenomena.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Inhomogeneous tachyon condensation

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    We investigate the spacetime-dependent condensation of the tachyon in effective field theories. Previous work identified singularities in the field which appear in finite time: infinite gradients at the kinks, and (in the eikonal approximation) caustics near local minima. By performing a perturbation analysis, and with numerical simulations, we demonstrate and explain key features of the condensation process: perturbations generically freeze, and minima develop singular second derivatives in finite time (caustics). This last has previously been understood in terms of the eikonal approximation to the dynamics. We show explicitly from the field equations how this approximation emerges, and how the caustics develop, both in the DBI and BSFT effective actions. We also investigate the equation of state parameter of tachyon matter showing that it is small, but generically non-zero. The energy density tends to infinity near field minima with a charateristic profile. A proposal to regulate infinities by modifying the effective action is also studied. We find that although the infinities at the kinks are successfully regularised in the time-dependent case, caustics still present.Comment: 4 figures,19p

    Analysis of scalar perturbations in cosmological models with a non-local scalar field

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    We develop the cosmological perturbations formalism in models with a single non-local scalar field originating from the string field theory description of the rolling tachyon dynamics. We construct the equation for the energy density perturbations of the non-local scalar field in the presence of the arbitrary potential and formulate the local system of equations for perturbations in the linearized model when both simple and double roots of the characteristic equation are present. We carry out the general analysis related to the curvature and entropy perturbations and consider the most specific example of perturbations when important quantities in the model become complex.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 1 figure, v2: Subsection 3.2 and Section 5 added, references added, accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Grav. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0903.517

    DSR as an explanation of cosmological structure

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    Deformed special relativity (DSR) is one of the possible realizations of a varying speed of light (VSL). It deforms the usual quadratic dispersion relations so that the speed of light becomes energy dependent, with preferred frames avoided by postulating a non-linear representation of the Lorentz group. The theory may be used to induce a varying speed of sound capable of generating (near) scale-invariant density fluctuations, as discussed in a recent Letter. We identify the non-linear representation of the Lorentz group that leads to scale-invariance, finding a universal result. We also examine the higher order field theory that could be set up to represent it

    Towards a Resolution of the Cosmological Singularity in Non-local Higher Derivative Theories of Gravity

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    One of the greatest problems of standard cosmology is the Big Bang singularity. Previously it has been shown that non-local ghostfree higher-derivative modifications of Einstein gravity in the ultra-violet regime can admit non-singular bouncing solutions. In this paper we study in more details the dynamical properties of the equations of motion for these theories of gravity in presence of positive and negative cosmological constants and radiation. We find stable inflationary attractor solutions in the presence of a positive cosmological constant which renders inflation {\it geodesically complete}, while in the presence of a negative cosmological constant a cyclic universe emerges. We also provide an algorithm for tracking the super-Hubble perturbations during the bounce and show that the bouncing solutions are free from any perturbative instability.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figures. V2: Added: a word to the title, clarifications, an appendix, many references. To appear in JCA

    New Sources of Gravitational Waves during Inflation

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    We point out that detectable inflationary tensor modes can be generated by particle or string sources produced during inflation, consistently with the requirements for inflation and constraints from scalar fluctuations. We show via examples that this effect can dominate over the contribution from quantum fluctuations of the metric, occurring even when the inflationary potential energy is too low to produce a comparable signal. Thus a detection of tensor modes from inflation does not automatically constitute a determination of the inflationary Hubble scale.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure. v2: JCAP published version; some overestimates corrected; main results unchange

    Possible Enhancement of High Frequency Gravitational Waves

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    We study the tensor perturbations in a class of non-local, purely gravitational models which naturally end inflation in a distinctive phase of oscillations with slight and short violations of the weak energy condition. We find the usual generic form for the tensor power spectrum. The presence of the oscillatory phase leads to an enhancement of gravitational waves with frequencies somewhat less than 10^{10} Hz.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, LaTeX.2
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