310 research outputs found

    Overzicht van organisaties die zich bezighouden met (toepassing van) algenteelt

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    Dit rapport heeft tot doel een overzicht te geven van de voor Nederland belangrijkste activiteiten en bedrijfsplannen betreffende algen die nationaal en internationaal gaande zijn c.q. gemaakt worden. Er wordt een overzicht gegeven van organisaties die zich bezig houden met (toepassing van) algenteelt, onderverdeeld in Nederlandse (of in Nederland opererende) en buitenlandse organisaties. Er is ook een overzicht van projecten met Nederlandse inbreng op het gebied van (toepassing van) algenteelt. De projecten zijn gerangschikt in lopende grote, middelgrote, en kleine projecten, en in het oog springende initiatieven om tot een project te komen. Tot slot worden een paar algemene conclusies en aanbevelingen gegeven voor de korte en lange termijn

    Production of Rhodomonas sp. at pilot scale under sunlight conditions

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    Rhodomonas sp., is an important microalga for aquaculture feed applications and gained increased research interest over the past few years. While efforts to optimise cultivation of the strain have been studied in detail under laboratory conditions, Rhodomonas sp. has never been grown in photobioreactors at large scale under outdoor light conditions. To study the industrial potential of this strain, we cultivated Rhodomonas sp. in three identical tubular photobioreactors with 200 l working volume each, located in a greenhouse using sunlight conditions only. Growth experiments were performed from February with winter light conditions (−2 d−1) up to high light conditions of summer (>50 mol m−2 d−1) in July, representing all sunlight conditions in the Netherlands. All nutrients were supplied in surplus and temperature and pH were maintained at optimum values for growth of Rhodomonas sp., based on lab data. The total light per reactor was calculated using a ray-tracing analysis to allow calculations based on the light reaching each individual reactor. Rhodomonas sp. grew under all tested light conditions. Biomass yield on light decreased with increasing light conditions from 0.43 ± 0.21 g mol−1 to 0.18 ± 0.04 g mol−1 at 0–10 molph m−2 d−1 to 30–40 molph m−2 d−1. Biomass productivities increased with increasing light from 0.09 ± 0.04 g l−1 d−1 to 0.19 ± 0.06 g l−1 d−1, for 0–10 and 30–40 molph m−2 d−1. We obtained a 2–5 fold increase in biomass productivity compared to previous reports on Rhodomonas sp. cultivation using artificial light at large scale. Our results show that Rhodomonas sp. can be grown at pilot scale using sunlight conditions and further improvements can be reached in the future.</p

    Chemical constituents of Cardiospermum corindum L. and their distribution in Sapindaceae

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    AbstractPhytochemical investigation on the aerial parts of Cardiospermum corindum L. led to the isolation of two triterpenes [friedelin (1) and friedelinol (2)], two coumarins, [umbelliferone (4) and scopoletin (5)], three methoxylated flavones [umuhengerin (3), luteolin 3’,4’-dimethyl ether (6) and chrysoeriol (7)], one non-cyanogenic glucoside [epidermin (8)] and one cyclitol [(L)-quebrachitol (9)]. To our knowledge, 2, 3, 6 and 8 were isolated for the first time within Sapindaceae. Of these classes of metabolites, the distribution of methoxylated flavonoids in Cardiospermum is reviewed, including the new records, indicating that polymethoxylated flavonoid (3) may be value as chemotaxonomic markers for this genus

    On Energy Balance and Production Costs in Tubular and Flat Panel Photobioreactors

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    Reducing mixing in both flat panel and tubular photobioreactors can result in a positive net energy balance with state-of-the-art technology and Dutch weather conditions. In the tubular photobioreactor, the net energy balance becomes positive at velocities <0.3 ms-1, at which point the biomass production cost is 3.2 €/kg dry weight. In flat panel reactors, this point is at an air supply rate <0.25 vol vol-1 min-1, at which the biomass production cost is 2.39 €/kg dry weight. To achieve these values in flat panel reactors, cheap low pressure blowers must be used, which limits the panel height to a maximum of 0.5 m, and in tubular reactors the tubes must be hydraulically smooth. For tubular reactors, it is important to prevent the formation of wall growth in order to keep the tubes hydraulically smooth. This paper shows how current production costs and energy requirement could be decrease

    Potential of novel desert microalgae and cyanobacteria for commercial applications and CO2 sequestration

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    CO2 fixation by phototrophic microalgae and cyanobacteria is seen as a possible global carbon emissions reducer; however, novel microalgae and cyanobacterial strains with tolerance to elevated temperatures and CO2 concentrations are essential for further development of algae-based carbon capture. Four novel strains isolated from the Arabian Gulf were investigated for their thermotolerance and CO2-tolerance, as well as their carbon capture capability. Two strains, Leptolyngbya sp. and Picochlorum sp., grew well at 40 °C, with productivities of 106.6 ± 10.0 and 87.5 ± 2.1 mg biomass L−1 d−1, respectively. Tetraselmis sp. isolate showed the highest biomass productivity and carbon capture rate of 157.7 ± 10.3 mg biomass L−1 d−1 and 270.8 ± 23.9 mg CO2 L−1 d−1, respectively, both at 30 °C. Under 20% CO2, the biomass productivity increased over 2-fold for both Tetraselmis and Picochlorum isolates, to 333.8 ± 41.1 and 244.7 ± 29.5 mg biomass L−1 d−1. These two isolates also presented significant amounts of lipids, up to 25.6 ± 0.9% and 28.0 ± 2.0% (w/w), as well as presence of EPA and DHA. Picochlorum sp. was found to have a suitable FAME profile for biodiesel production. Both Tetraselmis and Picochlorum isolates showed promising characteristics, making them valuable strains for further investigation towards commercial applications and CO2 capture.The authors would like to thank Mahroof Eroth, Dr. Ahmed Easa, and Dr. Abdulrahman Al Muftah from Qatar University, Andy Selwood from Cawthron Institute, and the QDVC team for their support. This work was supported by QDVC and Qatar University [Project QUEX-CAS-QDVC-14/15-7]

    Noncommutative quantum mechanics and Bohm's ontological interpretation

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    We carry out an investigation into the possibility of developing a Bohmian interpretation based on the continuous motion of point particles for noncommutative quantum mechanics. The conditions for such an interpretation to be consistent are determined, and the implications of its adoption for noncommutativity are discussed. A Bohmian analysis of the noncommutative harmonic oscillator is carried out in detail. By studying the particle motion in the oscillator orbits, we show that small-scale physics can have influence at large scales, something similar to the IR-UV mixing
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