469 research outputs found

    Sugestão de adubação fosfatada do algodoeiro para o Estado de Goiás

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    Ascorbic acid oxidation of thiol groups from dithiotreitol is mediated by its conversion to dehydroascorbic acid

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the in vitro pro-oxidant effect of ascorbic acid towards thiol groups could be mediated by free radicals formed during its autooxidation and/or by a direct oxidation of -SH groups by its oxidized form (dehydroascorbic acid). This hypothesis was examined by measuring the rate of AA (ascorbic acid) oxidation in MOPS (3-morpholinepropanesulfonic acid buffer) and phosphate buffer (PB). Here we have used dithiothreitol (DTT) as model of vicinal thiol-containing enzymes, namely delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase. The rate of AA and DTT oxidation was more pronounced in the presence of PB than in the MOPS. AA oxidation induced by iron/EDTA complex was significantly reduced by addition of superoxide dismutase, catalase and DTT to the reaction medium. H2O2 alone did not stimulate the oxidation of AA; however, AA oxidation was enhanced significantly with the addition of crescent concentrations of iron. Conversely, in DTT oxidation assay (without AA) the addition of iron, EDTA and H2O2, did not promote the oxidation of -SH groups. Our findings suggest that in the presence of physiological concentrations of AA and thiols, the oxidation of -SH groups is mediated by AA conversion to dehydroascorbic acid with the participation of iron. Furthermore, free radical species formed during the autooxidation of AA apparently did not oxidize thiol groups to a significant extent

    Pharmaceutical home monitoring for oncology patients in palliative care

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    Informing patients about rational drug use is necessary when therapies involve medications with adverse effects that can compromise treatment adherence. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the importance of the pharmaceutical professional in home visits. The study focused on a Palliative Care Unit Home Care Program, which orients patients and/or caregivers about home drug use. Paid pharmaceutical visits were conducted among 47 patients. During the first visit, incorrect medication prescriptions were observed for 21 patients (61.7 %); after subsequent visits, the average rate of correct prescription was 75 %. The present study observed a need for a professional who is exclusively dedicated to therapeutic drug monitoring during in-home pharmaceutical visits.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Gerenciamento da terapia transfusional para paciente de transplante hepático com aloanticorpo de alta frequência

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    A transfuso de sangue vital para a gesto de pacientes que necessitam de transplante heptico, pois muitos destes so hemotransfundidos durante o curso da doena ou para alcanar o sucesso do procedimento cirrgico. A amostra de sangue do paciente que necessita de politransfuses deve ser fenotipada para antgenos altamente imunognicos, alm dos ABO e RhD, na tentativa de prevenir a aloimunizao. No entanto, a relao custo-benefcio deve ser considerada e protocolos para identificao de hemocomponentes compatveis com estes pacientes devem ser estimulados. Neste estudo, unidades de sangue foram testadas para o paciente com aloanticorpos anti-e, anti-Fya e uma aglutinina fria no identificada, utilizando o soro do paciente, plasma de doador com aloanticorpo anti-e e anti-E. Nas unidades selecionadas foram realizadas a prova cruzada com o soro do paciente e as compatveis foram fenotipadas para os antgenos e e Fya. Como resultado, 2039 unidades de sangue foram testadas e 382 selecionadas. Atravs das provas cruzadas destas com o soro do paciente, foram encontradas 109 unidades compatveis e 11 unidades encontradas foram fenotipicamente compatveis com o paciente (0,54% das unidades totais). Este caso ilustra como difcil a localizao de sangue compatvel para pacientes com mltiplos aloanticorpos de alta freqncia


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    The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of wearing a cap on swimmer passive drag. A computational fluid dynamics analysis was carried-out to determine the hydrodynamic drag of a female swimmer’s model: (i) wearing a swimming cap and; (ii) with no cap. The three-dimensional surface geometry of a female swimmer’s model with cap and with no cap was acquired through standard commercial laser scanner. Passive drag force and drag coefficient were computed with the swimmer in a streamlined position. Higher hydrodynamic drag values were determined when the swimmer was with no cap in comparison with the situation when the swimmer was wearing a cap. In conclusion, one can state that wearing a swim cap may positively influence swimmer’s hydrodynamics

    Produção e ciclagem de nutrientes por plantas de cobertura nas culturas de arroz de terras altas e de soja.

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    As plantas de cobertura em sistema de plantio direto pode contribuir na formação de palhada e ciclagem de nutrientes para as culturas em sucessão. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de matéria seca e ciclagem de nutrientes por plantas de cobertura semeadas em safrinha no desempenho do arroz de terras altas e da soja semeados em rotação, em sistemas plantio direto e preparo convencional, em Latossolo Vermelho do município de Rio Verde, Goiás. O estudo foi realizado no período de abril de 2008 a abril de 2010. Utilizou-se o delineamento em faixas com fatorial 2 x 5 com quatro repetições. Nas faixas horizontais foram testados os dois sistemas de manejo do solo (plantio direto e convencional) e nas faixas verticais, as plantas de cobertura. As avaliações de matéria seca, taxa de cobertura do solo e ciclagem de nutrientes foram realizadas apenas nos tratamentos plantio direto, em que as parcelas foram subdivididas em seis épocas de coletas de matéria seca após a dessecação das plantas de cobertura, o que ocorreu aos 0, 15, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias a partir da dessecação de manejo das plantas de cobertura, perfazendo um fatorial 5 x 6. As plantas de cobertura, semeadas em safrinha, foram as seguintes: Brachiaria brizantha, B. ruziziensis, Pennisetum glaucum e B. ruziziensis + Cajanus cajan e o pousio. Avaliaram-se a produção de matéria seca, a taxa de cobertura do solo, o acúmulo e liberação de nutrientes pelas plantas de cobertura e a produtividade do arroz na safra 2008/09 e da soja na safra 2009/10, semeados em rotação. As espécies B. ruziziensis e B. ruziziensis + C. cajan destacaram-se na produção de matéria seca, taxa de cobertura do solo e acúmulo de nutrientes no final do período de entressafra. Os nutrientes com mais acúmulos nas matérias secas foram N e K, e as maiores taxas de liberação no solo foram observadas nos elementos K e P. As maiores produtividades de arroz sob plantio direto foram obtidas sobre palhadas de P. glaucum e B. ruziziensis, enquanto a cultura da soja não apresentou diferenças em sua produtividade nos tratamentos estudados

    Inferior petrosal sinus catheterization: technical aspects

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    OBJETIVO: O cateterismo dos seios petrosos inferiores (SPI) ajuda a diferenciar as formas hipofisária e ectópica na síndrome de Cushing (SC). O objetivo desse trabalho é descrever a técnica empregada em nosso serviço, discutir a solução de dificuldades e verificar o índice de sucesso atingido. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Foram submetidos a cateterismo bilateral dos SPI 42 pacientes com SC, entre setembro de 2000 e setembro de 2005. As dificuldades para o posicionamento do cateter foram correlacionadas com as soluções empregadas. RESULTADOS: As variações anatômicas, a semelhança entre o SPI e a veia emissária do plexo basilar e a dificuldade de contrastar as estruturas a contrafluxo para localizá-las foram os principais problemas. Foram utilizados cateter pré-moldado, fio-guia semicurvo e dirigível, road-maping e venografia por injeção contralateral, além de critérios para diferenciar o SPI da veia emissária. Dos 84 SPI abordados, um apresentava trombose, e dos 83 possíveis, 80 (96,4%) foram cateterizados. Não se observaram complicações. CONCLUSÃO: A cateterização dos SPI pode ser feita na maioria dos pacientes. A identificação da veia emissária do plexo basilar e o uso de flebografia por injeção contralateral melhoraram o desempenho do método.PURPOSE: Inferior petrosal sinus catheterization and sampling for corticotropin dosage helps to differentiate hypophisary and ectopic forms of Cushing syndrome. The aim of this paper is to describe the technique used in inferior petrosal sinus catheterization in our service, emphasizing the solution found for frequent difficulties, and verify the success rate achieved. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between September/2000 and September/2005, forty-two (eighty-four sinuses) patients were submitted to inferior petrosal sinus sampling. The difficulties for correct catheter positioning were identified and correlated with their solutions. RESULTS: Anatomical variations, similarity between IPS and emissary vein of the basilar plexus and unfavorable flow to the contrastation of the structures (retrograde catheterization) were the main problems. Using pre-shaped catheters, curved, steerable guide-wires, road-maping and venography by contalateral injection, besides criteria to differentiate IPS from the emissary vein. Of the 84 sinuses approached, one was thrombosed, and 80 (96.4%) of 83 possible were selectively catheterized. No clinical complication occurred. CONCLUSION: IPSC can be safe and successfully performed in most cases. The identification of the emissary vein of the basilar plexus and use of venography by contralateral injection, improved the method performance

    Sugestão de adubação nitrogenada do algodoeiro para o Estado de Goiás com base em resultados de pesquisa.

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    Modelling Hydrodynamic Drag in Swimming using Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    In the sports field, numerical simulation techniques have been shown to provide useful information about performance and to play an important role as a complementary tool to physical experiments. Indeed, this methodology has produced significant improvements in equipment design and technique prescription in different sports (Kellar et al., 1999; Pallis et al., 2000; Dabnichki & Avital, 2006). In swimming, this methodology has been applied in order to better understand swimming performance. Thus, the numerical techniques have been addressed to study the propulsive forces generated by the propelling segments (Rouboa et al., 2006; Marinho et al., 2009a) and the hydrodynamic drag forces resisting forward motion (Silva et al., 2008; Marinho et al., 2009b). Although the swimmer’s performance is dependent on both drag and propulsive forces, within this chapter the focus is only on the analysis of the hydrodynamic drag. Therefore, this chapter covers topics in swimming drag simulation from a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) perspective. This perspective means emphasis on the fluid mechanics and CFD methodology applied in swimming research. One of the main aims for performance (velocity) enhancement of swimming is to minimize drag forces resisting forward motion, for a given trust. This chapter will concentrate on numerical simulation results, considering the scientific simulation point-of-view, for this practical implication in swimming. In the first part of the chapter, we introduce the issue, the main aims of the chapter and a brief explanation of the CFD methodology. Then, the contribution of different studies for swimming using CFD and some practical applications of this methodology are presented. During the chapter the authors will attempt to present the CFD data and to address some practical concerns to swimmers and coaches, comparing as well the numerical data with other experimental data available in the literature