449 research outputs found

    Insetos pragas de madeiras de edificações em Belém - Pará.

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    Predição de genes relacionados ao biocontrole de fitopatógenos a partir do genoma de Paraburkholderia sp. brg2.

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    A interação benéfica entre plantas e bactérias é fundamental para a agricultura, podendo melhorar a fertilidade do solo, o rendimento das culturas, a proteção contra patógenos e, portanto, reduzir os impactos negativos de fertilizantes e defensivos químicos no meio ambiente. Nas últimas duas décadas, o gênero Paraburkholderia ganhou uma importância considerável por sua capacidade de fixar nitrogênio, promover o crescimento das plantas e degradar compostos químicos recalcitrantes, além disso, novos estudos mostraram que ao entrar em contato com alguns tecidos vegetais, espécies de Paraburkholderia tendem a aumentar a tolerância ao estresse vegetal, induzir resistência sistêmica e conferir proteção contra fitopatógenos. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi minerar genes relacionados ao controle de fitopatógenos utilizando o genoma de uma nova linhagem de Paraburkholderia (BRG2) que foi isolada do caule reptante de samambaia rabo- de-guariba na região rural de Manaus/AM

    Burden and severity of children's hospitalizations by respiratory syncytial virus in Portugal, 2015-2018

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    Background Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a leading cause of acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI) in young children and is of considerable burden on healthcare systems. Our study aimed to evaluate ALRI hospitalizations related to RSV in children in Portugal. Methods We reviewed hospitalizations potentially related to RSV in children aged <5 years from 2015 to 2018, using anonymized administrative data covering all public hospital discharges in mainland Portugal. Three case definitions were considered: (a) RSV-specific, (b) (a) plus unspecified acute bronchiolitis (RSV-specific & Bronchiolitis), and (c) (b) plus unspecified ALRI (RSV-specific & ALRI). Results A total of 9697 RSV-specific hospitalizations were identified from 2015 to 2018—increasing to 26 062 for RSV-specific & ALRI hospitalizations—of which 74.7% were during seasons 2015/2016–2017/2018 (November–March). Mean hospitalization rates per season were, for RSV-specific, RSV-specific & Bronchiolitis, and RSV-specific & ALRI, respectively, 5.6, 9.4, and 11.8 per 1000 children aged <5 years and 13.4, 22.5, and 25.9 in children aged <2 years. Most RSV-specific hospitalizations occurred in healthy children (94.9%) and in children aged <2 years (96.3%). Annual direct costs of €2.4 million were estimated for RSV-specific hospitalizations—rising to €5.1 million for RSV-specific & ALRI—mostly driven by healthy children (87.6%). Conclusion RSV is accountable for a substantial number of hospitalizations in children, especially during their first year of life. Hospitalizations are mainly driven by healthy children. The variability of the potential RSV burden across case definitions highlights the need for a universal RSV surveillance system to guide prevention strategies

    Potencial para promoção de crescimento de plantas em bactérias endofíticas da rabo-de-guariba.

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    Apesar de o fósforo ser abundante na natureza, mais de 40% solos cultiváveis mundiais apresentam baixa produtividade relacionada com a falta desse nutriente. As aplicações constantes de fertilizantes químicos usadas para contornar esse problema geram impactos negativos ao meio ambiente como a eutrofização de corpos d'água. Atualmente, o uso de Bactérias Promotoras de Crescimento de Plantas (BPCP) tem sido uma forma alternativa, econômica e sustentável de reduzir o uso de fertilizantes químicos, visto que essas bactérias podem apresentar características para solubilização de fosfato e outros nutrientes, produção de fitohormônios e indução de resistência na planta contra fitopatógenos. Neste trabalho, foram analisadas os isolados BRG2 e BRG7 quanto ao seu potencial de solubilização in vitro de fosfatos inorgânicos em meio PVK com fontes de alumínio e ferro, além disso, a partir da obtenção do genoma completo desses isolados foi realizado uma prospecção de genes relacionados a promoção de crescimento de plantas

    Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Deficiency: Updating the Clinical, Metabolic and Mutational Landscapes in a Cohort of Portuguese Patients

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    Background: The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) catalyzes the irreversible decarboxylation of pyruvate into acetyl-CoA. PDC deficiency can be caused by alterations in any of the genes encoding its several subunits. The resulting phenotype, though very heterogeneous, mainly affects the central nervous system. The aim of this study is to describe and discuss the clinical, biochemical and genotypic information from thirteen PDC deficient patients, thus seeking to establish possible genotype-phenotype correlations. Results: The mutational spectrum showed that seven patients carry mutations in the PDHA1 gene encoding the E1α subunit, five patients carry mutations in the PDHX gene encoding the E3 binding protein, and the remaining patient carries mutations in the DLD gene encoding the E3 subunit. These data corroborate earlier reports describing PDHA1 mutations as the predominant cause of PDC deficiency but also reveal a notable prevalence of PDHX mutations among Portuguese patients, most of them carrying what seems to be a private mutation (p.R284X). The biochemical analyses revealed high lactate and pyruvate plasma levels whereas the lactate/pyruvate ratio was below 16; enzymatic activities, when compared to control values, indicated to be independent from the genotype and ranged from 8.5% to 30%, the latter being considered a cut-off value for primary PDC deficiency. Concerning the clinical features, all patients displayed psychomotor retardation/developmental delay, the severity of which seems to correlate with the type and localization of the mutation carried by the patient. The therapeutic options essentially include the administration of a ketogenic diet and supplementation with thiamine, although arginine aspartate intake revealed to be beneficial in some patients. Moreover, in silico analysis of the missense mutations present in this PDC deficient population allowed to envisage the molecular mechanism underlying these pathogenic variants. Conclusion: The identification of the disease-causing mutations, together with the functional and structural characterization of the mutant protein variants, allow to obtain an insight on the severity of the clinical phenotype and the selection of the most appropriate therapy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Acute viral bronchiolitis: Physician perspectives on definition and clinically important outcomes

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    BACKGROUND:Two key limitations hamper intervention research in bronchiolitis: the absence of a clear definition of disease, and the heterogeneous choice of outcome measures in current clinical trials. We assessed how paediatricians and general practitioners (GPs) perceived definition and clinically important outcomes in bronchiolitis. METHODS:A nationwide online survey (ABBA study) was conducted through the Portuguese Society of Paediatrics and GPs' mailing lists. We assessed agreement with statements on bronchiolitis definition, and participants were asked to score the relative importance of several outcomes. Principal component analysis (PCA) explored dimensions underlying disease definition. Outcomes were ranked by mean score and proportion given highest score. RESULTS:We included 514 paediatricians and 165 GPs (overall 59% were board-certified). Most paediatricians (76.5%) agreed with a definition based on coryza, wheezing and/or crackles/rales, compared to 38.1% GPs (P < 0.001). Less than 5% physicians agreed with a definition commonly used in clinical trials (<12 months, first episode of wheeze). We retained three dimensions on PCA: one based on coryza, rales/crepitations and no sudden onset; another on number of episodes and age; and a third on wheeze. Dimensions varied by physician specialization and training (P < 0.01). Hospital admission and respiratory distress were top rated outcomes by both groups of physicians. CONCLUSIONS:Physician definitions of bronchiolitis have considerable variability and often mismatch those of clinical trials. Rating of important outcomes was consistent. Our results highlight the need for a robust standardized definition of acute bronchiolitis in infants and support the development of a core outcome set for future clinical trials

    Italian association of clinical endocrinologists (AME) position statement: drug therapy of osteoporosis

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    Treatment of osteoporosis is aimed to prevent fragility fractures and to stabilize or increase bone mineral density. Several drugs with different efficacy and safety profiles are available. The long-term therapeutic strategy should be planned, and the initial treatment should be selected according to the individual site-specific fracture risk and the need to give the maximal protection when the fracture risk is highest (i.e. in the late life). The present consensus focused on the strategies for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis taking into consideration all the drugs available for this purpose. A short revision of the literature about treatment of secondary osteoporosis due both to androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer and to aromatase inhibitors for breast cancer was also performed. Also premenopausal females and males with osteoporosis are frequently seen in endocrine settings. Finally particular attention was paid to the tailoring of treatment as well as to its duration

    Análise in vitro do potencial de bactéria do gênero Streptomyces no biocontrole de fitopatógenos de interesse agrícola.

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    O uso de produtos químicos nos campos agrícolas vem sendo utilizado há muito tempo no intuito de controlar os prejuízos causados por pragas como, insetos e microrganismos fitopatogênicos, porém, devido a efeitos nocivos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente, novas tecnologias vêm sendo criadas para substituição desses químicos. O controle biológico torna-se uma opção para esta mudança, pois também funciona como controlador, porém sem a utilização dos compostos químicos. Podemos citar como os principais agentes de biocontrole os microrganismos, mais especificamente, fungos e bactérias, dentre as mais variadas espécies utilizadas, existe as bactérias do gênero Streptomyces, estas, quando associados à planta hospedeira, podem produizir antibióticos, sideróforos e enzimas com ação antimicrobiana. Com isto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi testar in vitro o potencial de uma espécie do gênero Streptomyces (MPUR 42.5) no controle de fitopatógenos de interesse agrícola

    Genômica comparativa e Potencial biossintético de Streptomyces MAD1003, isolada de sedimentos do Rio Madeira, para produção de metabólitos secundários.

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    O gênero Streptomyces tem sido uma rica fonte de produtos naturais a anos, com a capacidades biossintéticas de produzir centenas compostos bioativos, são bactérias com grande potencial para produção de antibióticos, e outras moléculas, com aplicações médicas, industriais e agrícolas, incluindo antifúngicos, sideróforos, anticancerígenos, antioxidantes. Com os recentes avanços na tecnologia de sequenciamento de DNA, a mineração do genoma tornou-se uma ferramenta para explorar produtos naturais, facilitando a identificação de agrupamentos de genes biossintéticos (BGC). O presente estudo teve como objetivo explorar o potencial do isolado de Streptomyce sp. MAD1003