549 research outputs found

    Limits on Supersymmetric Dark Matter From EGRET Observations of the Galactic Center Region

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    In most supersymmetic models, neutralino dark matter particles are predicted to accumulate in the Galactic center and annihilate generating, among other products, gamma rays. The EGRET experiment has made observations in this region, and is sensitive to gamma rays from 30 MeV to \sim30 GeV. We have used an improved point source analysis including an energy dependent point spread function and an unbinned maximum likelihood technique, which has allowed us to significantly lower the limits on gamma ray flux from the Galactic center. We find that the present EGRET data can limit many supersymmetric models if the density of the Galactic dark matter halo is cuspy or spiked toward the Galactic center. We also discuss the ability of GLAST to test these models.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Estimate of the Cosmological Bispectrum from the MAXIMA-1 Cosmic Microwave Background Map

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    We use the measurement of the cosmic microwave background taken during the MAXIMA-1 flight to estimate the bispectrum of cosmological perturbations. We propose an estimator for the bispectrum that is appropriate in the flat sky approximation, apply it to the MAXIMA-1 data and evaluate errors using bootstrap methods. We compare the estimated value with what would be expected if the sky signal were Gaussian and find that it is indeed consistent, with a χ2\chi^2 per degree of freedom of approximately unity. This measurement places constraints on models of inflation.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. New version to match paper accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. Non-diagonal terms included leading to new limits on f_N

    Self-organisation and psychotherapy

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    Neste artigo, resultado de uma pesquisa de tipo qualitativo, hermenêutico e documental, procuramos mostrar como as Ciências Cognitivas, desde a sua constituição, têm contribuído para a compreensão do ser humano. Fazemos referência às visões mais racionalistas da mente, que a entendem semelhante a um sistema computacional, até à visão menos (não) racionalista que lhe confere valor cognitivo, envolta em emoções e afetos, que numa visão mais construtivista – ou pós-racionalista – se diria que traduz significados, traduz uma vivência ou uma história narrativa (e) pessoal. Assim, apresentamos o modelo de terapia cognitiva pós-racionalista de Vittorio Guidano, refletindo sobre os fundamentos epistemológicos do Movimento da Auto-organização (MAO), nos quais ele se fundamenta. Descrevemos sumariamente os alicerces epistemológicos do MAO, os quais garantem a este modelo uma dimensão holista e explicativa do processo de construção da identidade humana, que pode ser descrita como processo de conhecimento, capaz de vivenciar e ao mesmo tempo perceber e avaliar a sua própria experiência (autoconsciência). O ser humano age na intersubjetividade, num mundo pluralista, com os seus congéneres, partilhando experiências e interpretando ações (complexificando-se através desses acoplamentos). Pretendemos, também, ilustrar que a matriz de funcionamento interno de cada ser humano, a qual lhe permite ordenar essa múltipla e facetada realidade, assim como formar/construir/ordenar significados pessoais, é o vínculo emotivo-afetivo.In this paper, which is the result of a qualitative, hermeneutical and documental research, we intend to show how the Cognitive Sciences, since their beginning, have contributed to the understanding of human beings. We refer to the rationalistic understanding of the mind (the mind is like a computer system), and also to the non-rationalistic understanding, which attributes to the mind a cognitive value, immersed in emotions and affections. In addition, according to a constructivist or post-rationalistic understanding, the mind translates meanings, an experience or a personal narrative story. Thus, we present the model of post-rationalistic cognitive therapy of Vittorio Guidano, reflecting on the epistemological foundations of the Self-Organization Movement, on which it is based. We describe briefly the epistemological principles of the Self-Organization Movement, which give to this model a holistic and explanatory dimension of the process of construction of human identity. This identity can be described as the human beings’ process of self-knowledge, as we are capable of experiencing and at the same time perceiving and evaluating, our own experiences (self-consciousness). The human being acts on intersubjectivity, in a pluralistic world with his peers, sharing experiences and interpreting actions. We also want to illustrate that the matrix of inner functioning of every human being, which allows us to sort this multi-faceted reality in a single personal order, is the emotional bond.(undefined

    Determining Foreground Contamination in CMB Observations: Diffuse Galactic Emission in the MAXIMA-I Field

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    Observations of the CMB can be contaminated by diffuse foreground emission from sources such as Galactic dust and synchrotron radiation. In these cases, the morphology of the contaminating source is known from observations at different frequencies, but not its amplitude at the frequency of interest for the CMB. We develop a technique for accounting for the effects of such emission in this case, and for simultaneously estimating the foreground amplitude in the CMB observations. We apply the technique to CMB data from the MAXIMA-1 experiment, using maps of Galactic dust emission from combinations of IRAS and DIRBE observations, as well as compilations of Galactic synchrotron emission observations. The spectrum of the dust emission over the 150--450 GHz observed by MAXIMA is consistent with preferred models but the effect on CMB power spectrum observations is negligible.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Monor changes to match the published versio

    Making Maps Of The Cosmic Microwave Background: The MAXIMA Example

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    This work describes Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data analysis algorithms and their implementations, developed to produce a pixelized map of the sky and a corresponding pixel-pixel noise correlation matrix from time ordered data for a CMB mapping experiment. We discuss in turn algorithms for estimating noise properties from the time ordered data, techniques for manipulating the time ordered data, and a number of variants of the maximum likelihood map-making procedure. We pay particular attention to issues pertinent to real CMB data, and present ways of incorporating them within the framework of maximum likelihood map-making. Making a map of the sky is shown to be not only an intermediate step rendering an image of the sky, but also an important diagnostic stage, when tests for and/or removal of systematic effects can efficiently be performed. The case under study is the MAXIMA data set. However, the methods discussed are expected to be applicable to the analysis of other current and forthcoming CMB experiments.Comment: Replaced to match the published version, only minor change

    Frequentist Estimation of Cosmological Parameters from the MAXIMA-1 Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Data

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    We use a frequentist statistical approach to set confidence intervals on the values of cosmological parameters using the MAXIMA-1 and COBE measurements of the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background. We define a Δχ2\Delta \chi^{2} statistic, simulate the measurements of MAXIMA-1 and COBE, determine the probability distribution of the statistic, and use it and the data to set confidence intervals on several cosmological parameters. We compare the frequentist confidence intervals to Bayesian credible regions. The frequentist and Bayesian approaches give best estimates for the parameters that agree within 15%, and confidence interval-widths that agree within 30%. The results also suggest that a frequentist analysis gives slightly broader confidence intervals than a Bayesian analysis. The frequentist analysis gives values of \Omega=0.89{+0.26\atop -0.19}, \Omega_{\rm B}h^2=0.026{+0.020\atop -0.011} and n=1.02{+0.31\atop -0.10}, and the Bayesian analysis gives values of \Omega=0.98{+0.14\atop -0.19}, \Omega_{\rm B}h^2=0.0.029{+0.015\atop-0.010}, and n=1.18+0.100.23n=1.18{+0.10\atop -0.23}, all at the 95% confidence level.Comment: 10 pages, 9 Postscript figures, changes made to reflect published versio

    MAXIMA: an experiment to measure temperature anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background

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    We describe the MAXIMA experiment, a balloon-borne measurement designed to map temperature anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) over a wide range of angular scales (multipole range 80 < l < 800). The experiment consists of a 1.3 m diameter off-axis Gregorian telescope and a receiver with a 16 element array of bolometers cooled to 100 mK. The frequency bands are centered at 150, 240, and 410 GHz. The 10' FWHM beam sizes are well matched to the scale of acoustic peaks expected in the angular power spectrum of the CMB. The first flight of the experiment in its full configuration was launched in August 1998. A 122 sq-deg map of the sky was made near the Draco constellation during the 7 hour flight in a region of extremely low galactic dust contamination. This map covers 0.3% of the sky and has 3200 independent beamsize pixels. We describe the MAXIMA instrument and its performance during the recent flight.Comment: To appear in proceedings of `3K Cosmology', ed. F Melchiorri, Conference held Oct 5-10 1998, Rome, 13 pages LaTeX (using aipproc2.sty & aipproc2.cls), Postscript with higher resolution graphics available at http://cfpa.berkeley.edu/group/cmb/gen.htm

    Relics of cosmological quark-hadron phase transition

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    We propose that the amplified density fluctuations by the vanishing sound velocity effect during the cosmological quark-hadron phase transition lead to quark-gluon plasma lumps decoupled from the expansion of the universe, which may evolve to quark nuggets (QNs). Assuming power-law spectrum of density fluctuations, we investigate the parameter ranges for the QNs to play the role of baryonic dark matter and give inhomogeneities which could affect big-bang nucleosynthesis within the observational bounds of CMBR anisotropy. The QNs can give the strongest constraint ever found on the spectral index.Comment: REVTEX, 4 pages, 2 eps figure

    Multiple Methods for Estimating the Bispectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background with Application to the MAXIMA Data

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    We describe different methods for estimating the bispectrum of Cosmic Microwave Background data. In particular we construct a minimum variance estimator for the flat-sky limit and compare results with previously-studied frequentist methods. Application to the MAXIMA dataset shows consistency with primordial Gaussianity. Weak quadratic non-Gaussianity is characterised by a tunable parameter fNLf_{NL}, corresponding to non-Gaussianity at a level 105fNL\sim 10^{-5}f_{NL} (ratio of non-Gaussian to Gaussian terms), and we find limits of fNL<950|f_{NL}|<950 for the minimum-variance estimator and fNL<1650|f_{NL}|<1650 for the usual frequentist estimator. These are the tightest limits on primordial non-Gaussianity which include the full effects of the radiation transfer function.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure