596 research outputs found

    The “F” Word?: An Analysis of the State of Feminism in the United States Today

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    Feminism is the attempt to reduce or eliminate patriarchy, or male rule by birthright. While this struggle for gender equality may seem straightforward, there are different “strains” of feminism that advocate different approaches to achieving feminist goals. The prevailing literature surrounding the state of modern feminism is vast —- often varying by the author’s political values, age relative to the early women’s rights movements, and beliefs about whether or not sex-based equality has been achieved. This paper, developed primarily from scholarly literature about modern feminism, will integrate findings from interviews with six women (three who are current students at Gettysburg College and three who are recent college graduates in the workforce) about their perceptions of feminism in order to introduce a theory of Postfeminist Dualism that aims to describe the state of feminism today. Postfeminist Dualism posits that there exists a divide between women who work intersectionally to reclaim the liberatory nature of traditional feminism and those who use the principles of feminism to justify personal advancement

    Bodies without the Burden: White Appropriation and Exploitation of Black Appearance and Culture

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    Critiques of cultural appropriation in regards to inappropriate Halloween costumes and the phenomenon of Instagram models “black-fishing” their followers are more prevalent now than ever before, but white exploitation of black culture and appearance is nothing new. In academia, the term “cultural appropriation” describes how aspects of a marginalized group’s culture are taken by those in a dominant group without regard to their cultural significance. In her chapter, “Black Culture Without Black People,” Imani Kai Johnson refers to appropriation as “colonialism at the scale of the dancing body or the sacred ritual object, its life and dynamism reduced to a thing for consumption or a costume for play” (Kai Johnson, 2020). This paper will explore how American society’s general illusion of color-blind ideology perpetuates an environment of justified cultural appropriation that is often tied to economic exploitation. Through an examination of both historical and modern instances of appropriation in music, dance, fashion and appearance, and academia, it becomes evident that the “whitewashing” of black cultural practices disregards and erases the history of struggle and cultural nuances present in their original forms


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan macam-macam perbarengan (samenloop, concursus) tindak pidana dalam KUHP dan bagaimana sistem tanggung jawab pidana dalam perbarengan tindak pidana menurut KUHP. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normative, disimpulkan: 1. Pengaturan macam-macam perbarengan (samenloop, concursus) tindak pidana dalam KUHP, yaitu mencakup: a. perbarengan peraturan, b. perbuatan berlanjut, dan c. perbarengan perbuatan; di mana perbarengan perbuatan ini dapat lebih dirinci lagi atas: 1) perbarengan perbuatan yang semuanya merupakan kejahatan yang diancam dengan pidana pokok yang sejenis (Pasal 65); 2) perbarengan perbuatan yang semuanya merupakan kejahatan yang diancam dengan pidana pokok yang tidak sejenis (Pasal  66 KUHP); 3) perbarengan perbuatan yang merupakan perbarengan pelanggaran dengan kejahatan (Pasal 70 ayat (1) KUHP); 4) perbarengan perbuatan yang merupakan perbarengan pelanggaran dengan pelanggaran (Pasal 70 ayat (1) KUHP). 2. Sistem tanggung jawab pidana dalam perbarengan tindak pidana menurut KUHP, mencakup 4 (empat macam) sistem, yaitu: a. sistem absorpsi murni untuk perbarengan perbuatan dan perbuatan berlanjut; b. sistem absorpsi yang dipertajam untuk perbarengan perbuatan atas kejahatan-kejahatan yang diancam dengan pidana pokok yang sejenis; c. sistem kumulasi terbatas untuk perbarengan perbuatan atas kejahatan-kejahatan yang diancam dengan pidana pokok yang tidak sejenis; d. sistem kumulasi murni untuk perbarengan pelanggaran dengan pelanggaran. Tetapi, keberadaan ketentuan-ketentuan tentang perbarengan tindak pidana dalam KUHP, bukannya memberatkan pidana, melainkan cenderung lebih merupakan dasar untuk meringankan pidana dari pelaku yang melakukan beberapa tindak pidana. Kata kunci: Tinjauan Yuridis, Tanggungjawab Pidana, Perbarengan

    A Global Classification of Astronomical Tide Asymmetry and Periodicity Using Statistical and Cluster Analysis

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    ABSTRACT: Tidal asymmetry plays a key role in the behavior of estuaries. Positive and negative asymmetries are associated with flood- and ebb-dominated estuaries, respectively. Asymmetry arises from both the interaction among the main tidal constituents and the harmonics generated when tide propagates in shallow waters. Most previous research focuses on the deformation of the tide within estuaries; however, ocean tide may show asymmetry at the estuary entrance, which implies that the boundary condition is already deformed. This fact has important implications for tide propagation, estuarine transport processes, and flow exchanges between estuaries and open oceans. In this study, the global astronomical tide is classified according to its asymmetry and periodicity. The objective is to provide a guiding framework of representative astronomical tide types (ATtypes) on a worldwide scale to be used as a reference for further research on the transport of substances in estuaries. The applied methodology is based on the use of the TPXO9-atlas global barotropic tidal solution and detailed statistical analysis. Probability density functions of the tidal elevation time derivative and the tidal form factor were extracted from TPXO9-atlas with a spatial resolution ranging from 1/6° to 1/30°. The K-means algorithm was applied to these parameters, and 25 representative ATtypes were identified. The classification was validated with 757 worldwide tide gauge records. The results show that 11.3% of coastal areas show negative asymmetries, 11.3% positive asymmetries, while symmetric tides dominate 77.4% of coastal areas. In these areas, estuaries can show asymmetries exclusively dependent on overtides and compound tides generated during inland propagation without being externally conditione

    Paysage industriel et imaginaire à Martigues

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    Martigues cultive la convergence d’images opposĂ©es, elle est ville industrielle et ville-patrimoine. Cette dualitĂ© est assumĂ©e. GrĂące Ă  sa gĂ©ographie hĂ©ritĂ©e, on l’a surnommĂ©e « Venise provençale ». Sa gĂ©ographie inventĂ©e par les nĂ©cessitĂ©s industrielles du siĂšcle dernier a dessinĂ© un chenal, entraĂźnant la disparition d’étangs, d’üles et de salines. Aujourd’hui, il est encore difficile de mesurer l’impact sur l’imaginaire collectif de ces mĂ©tamorphoses industrielles et urbaines, riches en paysages modernes et en aventures humaines. C’est Ă  partir d’une relecture des cartes des XIXe et XXe siĂšcles, de l’histoire de l’implantation du pĂŽle pĂ©trochimique, de l’analyse des photos aĂ©riennes, que l’on peut comprendre que cet imaginaire s’inscrit durablement autour du chenal de Caronte. Il enjambe les ponts, comme Toni l’immigrĂ© piĂ©montais, hĂ©ros du film de Renoir tournĂ© ici-mĂȘme en 1934, en plein bouleversement industriel. L’annĂ©e 2013 ouvre de nouvelles perspectives Ă  cette ville en changement permanent. Le Pays martĂ©gal participe au programme « Marseille, Provence, Capitale europĂ©enne de la culture ». De nombreux projets artistiques portĂ©s par la collectivitĂ©, prennent appui sur les paysages industriels. La curiositĂ© que ces expĂ©riences font naĂźtre auprĂšs d’un public Ă©largi nous amĂšne Ă  penser que le paysage, fut-il industriel, devient un moteur culturel pour Martigues.Martigues cultivates the meeting between opposite images : it is an industrial city and heritage city too. This duality is completely assumed. Due to its heritated geography we nickname as “ Provencale Venice”. Its geography, invented by industrial needs of the last century, has designed a channel leading to disappearances of ponds, islands, salines. Nowadays, it is sill difficult to measure the impact on the collective imagination of those industrial and urban metamorphoses, wealthy in modem landscapes and human adventures. Thanks to a re-reading of maps (dated on the 19th and 20th century) of aerial photography, we can understand why this imaginary falls durably around the “Caronte” Channel. This Channel steps over bridges like Tony the “piĂ©montais” immigrant, one of the Renoir’s movies filmed here in 1934, during industrial disruption. The year 2013 gives new perspectives to this city in constant change. Martigues country takes part in “ Marseille European Capital of Culture” event. Many artistic projects leaded by Martigues, have a story link with industrials landscapes.Those experiences arise a real curiosity of the public, so apparently that we can think our industrial landscapes are becoming a cultural driving force for Martigues

    Budget Financing of Social Risks in Ukraine: Current State and Macro-level Model of Development

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    The relevance of the study is due to the need to develop theoretical foundations and applied tools for budget financing of social risks. The results of the study aim at identifying the peculiarities of structuring social risks in Ukraine, as well as directions for minimizing the negative consequences of their actualization. The purpose of the article is the theoretical substantiation of optimization of budget financing of social risks on the basis of the constructed predictive mathematical model

    Four decades of forest succession in the oak-dominated forest reserves in Slovakia

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    Magnetic systems at criticality: different signatures of scaling

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    Different aspects of critical behaviour of magnetic materials are presented and discussed. The scaling ideas are shown to arise in the context of purely magnetic properties as well as in that of thermal properties as demonstrated by magnetocaloric effect or combined scaling of excess entropy and order parameter. Two non-standard approaches to scaling phenomena are described. The presented concepts are exemplified by experimental data gathered on four representatives of molecular magnets.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figure
