185 research outputs found


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    The handling, hygiene and slaughtering techniques of cattle in selected cattle markets of Atokun, Randa and Odo-Eran in Abeokuta and environs, Ogun state, Nigeria were assessed. Questionnaires were administered with personal visits to cattle handlers to assess the handling practices and relevant information relating to cattle welfare and slaughtering. Data obtained from this study on the cattle handlers, showed that the literacy level of the rearers and butchers was low, with majority (48.90%) having primary education. The general sanitary conditions at the cattle markets in addition to hygienic practices by the butchers were generally poor. Handling of cattle from the lairage to slaughter slabs was unethical, with the employment of humane practices in the rearing, handling, transporting and slaughtering of cattle rarely observed across the cattle markets. High range of total bacteria count of 6.50 and 8.40 x 105cfu/g and coliform counts of 4.28 to 4.85 x 105cfu/g were observed in the thirty (30) beef samples collected across cattle markets with major isolated organisms being Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus spp. across the abattoirs under study. Results of this study suggest that the welfare of animals in the selected cattle markets is inadequate due to poor housing facilities, inadequate feeding, low medical attention and low literacy level of handlers as well as indiscriminate slaughtering resulting to contamination of beef cuts of the carcass from which they are derived

    Python Coding amongst Undergraduate Student Teachers in a Nigeria Post-Secondary Institution: An Exploratory Study

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    This study explored coding errors, determined how preservice teachers in Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) debugged coding error and investigated reasons for the errors. This was with an intention to assess preservice teachers learning and understanding of python programming in OAU. The study adopted exploratory research design with the population of all undergraduate students in Faculty of Education in OAU. Out of the population, 10 preservice teachers were interviewed to understand the nature of the study. The interviews were audio recorded, transcribed and thematically analysed. The study findings revealed four major errors committed in python programming by student teachers in the university. The finding further categorized approaches adopted by the students in debugging python programming errors into seven. Amongst these seven, ‘help from friends and internet’ were predominant while the least was ‘doing it again’. The undergraduate students’ teachers advanced six reasons for the errors often faced while learning programming. The paper concluded that undergraduate student teachers confront errors while learning python programming. It was strongly recommended that the pedagogy of computer programming should be taught inhouse to improve programming learning among undergraduate student teachers

    Investigation Of The Suitability Of Polyphosphoric Acid In Reducing The Degree Of Thermal Aging Of Agabu Natural Bitumen

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    Bitumen otherwise known as asphalt is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons which are naturally occurring or obtained from crude oil distillation. Bitumen when used as a binder in road pavement deteriorates with time as result of traffic load and contact of the pavement with environmental factors. The degradation of bitumen causes a rapid aging of the asphalt based pavement leading to road problems such as rutting, potholes etc. This deterioration is attributed to oxidative degradation of molecules of bitumen by factors such as heat, moisture and sunlight. This study investigates the viability of using polyphosphoric acid (PPA) to reduce the oxidative degradation effect of heat (at 60oC) on constituents of Agbabu Natural Bitumen (ANB) with a view to making it more durable when used for road pavement. Modification of ANB with PPA was carried out at 160oC using melt blend technique. Thereafter, the PPA modified and neat ANB samples were thermally aged in a hot air oven at 60oC. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy was used to validate the changes in the structure of ANB and aging indexes of neat and PPA modified samples of ANB calculated. The result showed that aging indexes of PPA modified samples of ANB were lower compared with that of the neat or unmodified samples of ANB. This implies that the rate of aging (at 60oC) of the unmodified ANB was faster than that of PPA modified ANB. Thus, a good potential for reducing thermal aging in ANB was found in PPA

    Autism Spectrum Disorders in Africa

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    Fast food consumption pattern and body weight status among students of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

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    The study assessed fast food consumption pattern (FFCP) and body weight status among the undergraduates of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, living in different halls of residence on the university campus during the Rain semester of 2011/2012 session. The study employed survey research design to give an insight into the pattern of fast food consumption and its consequent risk of obesity among undergraduates. The campus has thirteen faculties which have their pivots in science, technology, arts and social science, and nine undergraduate halls of residence. A simple random sampling technique was employed to select 40 students from each hall of nine kinds. The sum total of respondents was 360.The specific objectives were to: investigate the body weight of undergraduates using Body Mass Index (BMI), determine the gender of undergraduates who indulge most in fast food consumption, and examine the influence of fast food consumption pattern on body weight of undergraduates in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. The study relied on primary data which was collected through personally administered questionnaires. The respondents’ weight and height were taken using a weighing scale and meter rule, respectively to determine the Body Mass Index (BMI) which was used to assess students’ body weight status among the respondents. Data collected were summarized and presented using means and percentages. The hypotheses were tested using t-test to determine the significant difference in the Fast Food Consumption Pattern (FFCP) between male and female undergraduates while correlation was employed to test the significant relationship between fast food consumption (FFC) and body weight status. The findings revealed that there was a significant difference (t = 7.14; df = 1; p<0.05) between the FFC of male and female undergraduates. The study further showed from the correlation coefficient analysis that there was a significant relationship between FFC and Obesity (r= 0.47, p<0.05). Based on the findings, the study recommended that the university commission should postulate a compulsory general elective course on physical health and nutrition education across board to give fitness to students and teach them nutrition information and knowledge.Key words: Overweight, Students, Obesity, Fast-food, Food consumption, Binge, BMI, Universit

    Efficacy of Polyphosphoric Acid in Reducing the Degree of Thermal Aging of Agbabu Natural Bitumen

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    Bitumen is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons which occurred naturally or obtained from crude oil distillation. The degradation of bitumen causes its rapid aging leading to deterioration of asphalt based pavement readily induced by cracking, rutting, potholes etc. Aging in bitumen is attributed to chemical oxidation of its molecules and exposure to environmental factors, such as heat, moisture and sunlight. This study therefore investigates the viability of using polyphosphoric acid (PPA) to reduce the oxidative degradation effect of heat (60 o C) on constituents of Agbabu natural bitumen (ANB) with a view to making it more durable when used for road pavement. Modification of ANB with PPA was carried out at 150-55 o C using melt blend technique. Thereafter, the PPA modified and neat (unmodified) ANB samples were thermally aged in a hot air oven at 60 o C. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy was used to evaluate the changes in the structure of ANB and aging indexes of neat and PPA modified samples of ANB were calculated. The neat and PPA modified ANB samples aged as a result of their exposure to temperature at 60 o C. However, the aging indexes of PPA modified samples of ANB were found to be lower compared with that of the neat sample of ANB. This implies that the rate of aging (60 o C) of the neat ANB was faster than that of PPA modified ANB samples. Thus, a good potential for reducing thermal aging in ANB was found in PPA

    Characterisation of Agbabu Natural Bitumen and Its Fractions Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry

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    Physico-chemical characterization of bitumen is very germane to its applications. There have been many physico-chemical investigations on Agbabu natural bitumen (ANB), but there appears to be some discrepancies in the results of some of the findings. Thus, the need to re-examine some of the physico-chemical parameters of the ANB. Raw sample of ANB was obtained from one of the observatory wells in Agbabu, Ondo State, Nigeria. The sample was dehydrated, purified and asphaltene component precipitated through addition of n-pentane to the sample. The maltene component was fractionated into saturate, aromatics and resin using column chromatographic method. The purified ANB sample and its fractions were each subjected to infrared analysis. In addition, the elemental composition and trace metals in the whole purified ANB were quantified using CHNS-O Analyzer (FlashEA® 1112) and Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) respectively. Infrared spectral features obtained for the whole bitumen and its fractions bear a good degree of resemblance to the results of earlier workers on the subject with some minor differences. The values obtained for structural indexes from Infrared (IR) spectra showed that all the fractions contained branch and straight chain hydrocarbons. The structural indexes also showed that asphaltenes and resin fractions are strongly polar, both of which contain hetero–atomic compounds. Results of compositional analysis are: C (86.62%), H(10.98%), S (0.92%) N (0.48%), O (0.83%), Maltene (78.34%) aand Asphaltene (21.67%). The concentrations of the trace metals are: Mg (792.00 ppm), Mn (28.40 ppm), Fe (3633.10 ppm), Ca (1082.10 ppm), Zn (17.50 ppm), Cu (17.90 ppm), Cr (153.90 ppm), Pb (93.78 ppm), Ni (103.65 ppm), V (156.53 ppm) and Na (3740.00 ppm). Results of compositional and trace metals analyses of this study are at variance with the earlier results on characterization of ANB in the literatures. The differences in the results might be attributed to variation in the method of sample preparation especially the inclusion of dehydration of the raw ANB in the purification step prior to characterization as introduced in this study. Keywords: Aromatics, Asphaltenes, Agbabu Natural Bitumen, IR, Resins, Saturate


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    Honey has been used for various purposes including treatment of diseases. This study was carried out to determine antibacterial activities of honey samples obtained from different locations in the tropical Rainforest Belt of Nigeria (Abeokuta, Aiyetoro, Ajebo, and Saki) against reference bacterial isolates: Escherichia coli (E.coli) (ATCC 25922) and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), using agar well diffusion technique. Staphylococcus aureus showed sensitivity to all honey samples used with the zone of inhibition ranging between 1.9 and 2.6mm. Escherichia coli was resistant to all concentrations of honey samples used. However, the present study did not explore the possible causative agent(s) involved in the antibacterial activity of the honey used.Â


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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important root crop in many tropical developing countries. Conventional peeling, done manually using knives is wasteful and unsuitable for industrial scale operation. Optimum condition for the peeling of cassava by immersion in hot lye (NaOH) solution was determined using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for pre-determined three levels of Peeling Efficiency Index (PEI). Some cassava was peeled manually and some with hot lye solution. The effects of lye–concentration (4-12%), immersion temperature (75-100°C) and immersion time (2.5-10min.) on PEI (removal of 11-15% of root) obtained from 23 experimental points and three replication were analyzed with design expert and statistical analysis system software. Complete lye–peeling (removal of 11% of the root) was achieved at 9.7%, 86°C and 5min respectively which were within the critical optimization range (R2=43%, CV=44% and root mean square error 0.3935) generated by the RSM


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    Breadfruit (Artocarpus communis  Frost) is an important food crop in many tropical developing coun-        tries. Conventional peeling, done manually using knives is wasteful and unsuitable for industrial scale        operation. Optimum condition for the peeling of breadfruit by immersion in hot lye (NaOH) solution was        determined using Response Surface methodology (RSM) for pre-determined three levels of Peeling        Efficiency Index   (PEI). Some   breadfruit   was   peeled   manually   and   some   with   hot lye   solution.   The        effects of lye–concentration (0.5-2.0%), immersion temperature (70-90°C) and immersion time (2.5-        10min.) on PEI (removal of 6-11% of peel) with subsequent soft and abrasive washing of the peeled        crop obtained from 14 experimental points and three replication were analyzed with design expert and        statistical analysis system software. Complete lye–peeling (removal of 6% of the fruit ) was achieved                                                                                                   2        at   1.6%,   80°C   and   5min   respectively   which   were   within   the   critical   optimization   range   (R =52%,        CV=75.9%) generated by the RSM.&nbsp
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