5 research outputs found

    The Middle Bronze Age Of Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe People: An Anthropological Review

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    Ilısu Barajı gölalanı altında kalan Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe kurtarma kazılarından ele geçen 12 adet iskeletin paleopatolojik, paleodemografik, morfolojik ve non-metrik açıdan incelemesi yapılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda Orta Tunç Çağına tarihlendirilen Salat Tepe insanlarının tarıma dayalı küçük sosyo-ekonomik bir yapıya sahip oldukları ve zor hayat koşulları içinde mütevazi bir yaşam sürdükleri elde edilen arkeolojik ve antropolojik bulgulardan anlaşılmaktadır. İleri bir tarım toplumundan ziyade küçük ve yerel tarımcılıkla uğraşan Diyarbakır/ Salat Tepe insanları dönemin eski Anadolu toplumlarının genel karakteristiğini yansıtmaktadır.During the rescue excavations at Salat Tepe site in Diyarbakır , which is currently under the lake of IIisu dam region, 21 skeletons were unearthed; the paelopathological, paleodemographical, morphological and non-metrical aspects of the seskeletons were analyzed. The results of the archaeological and anthropological findings indicate that the inhabitants of Salat Tepe during the Middle Bronze Age period based their socio-economic structure on agriculture with a modes tlifestyle. The population of Salat Tepe reflects the general characteristics of ancient Anatolian communitie swith a rather small farming community depending on local farmi

    The people of Diyarbakır Salat Tepe in the chalcolithic and middle bronze age

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    In this study, 21 skeletons, obtained from rescue excavations conducted in Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe (Salat Hill) flooded by a lake formed by the Ilısu Dam, were examined in terms of paleopathology, paleodemography, morphology and non-metric features. The analysis of archaeological and anthropological findings reveal that the Salat Tepe people dated back to the Middle Bronze Age. Their small socio-economic structure based on agriculture, and the inhabitants lived a modest life in harsh conditions. The evidence of small and local agriculture, rather than being an advanced agricultural society, shows that Diyarbakır/Salat Tepe people share the general characteristics of ancient Anatolian societies of the period