988 research outputs found

    GMOS IFU observations of the stellar and gaseous kinematics in the centre of NGC 1068

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    We present a data cube covering the central 10 arcsec of the archetypal active galaxy NGC 1068 over a wavelength range 4200–5400 Å obtained during the commissioning of the integral field unit (IFU) of the Gemini Multi-object Spectrograph (GMOS) installed on the Gemini-North telescope. The data cube shows a complex emission line morphology in the [O iii] doublet and HÎČ line. To describe this structure phenomenologically we construct an atlas of velocity components derived from multiple Gaussian component fits to the emission lines. The atlas contains many features which cannot be readily associated with distinct physical structures. While some components are likely to be associated with the expected biconical outflow, others are suggestive of high velocity flows or disc-like structures. As a first step towards interpretation, we seek to identify the stellar disc using kinematical maps derived from the Mg b absorption line feature at 5170 Å and make associations between this and gaseous components in the atlas of emission line components

    Simultaneous interval regression for K-nearest neighbor

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    International audienceIn some regression problems, it may be more reasonable to predict intervals rather than precise values. We are interested in finding intervals which simultaneously for all input instances x ∈X contain a ÎČ proportion of the response values. We name this problem simultaneous interval regression. This is similar to simultaneous tolerance intervals for regression with a high confidence level γ ≈ 1 and several authors have already treated this problem for linear regression. Such intervals could be seen as a form of confidence envelop for the prediction variable given any value of predictor variables in their domain. Tolerance intervals and simultaneous tolerance intervals have not yet been treated for the K-nearest neighbor (KNN) regression method. The goal of this paper is to consider the simultaneous interval regression problem for KNN and this is done without the homoscedasticity assumption. In this scope, we propose a new interval regression method based on KNN which takes advantage of tolerance intervals in order to choose, for each instance, the value of the hyper-parameter K which will be a good trade-off between the precision and the uncertainty due to the limited sample size of the neighborhood around each instance. In the experiment part, our proposed interval construction method is compared with a more conventional interval approximation method on six benchmark regression data sets

    The opioid and related drug epidemics in rural Appalachia: A systematic review of populations affected, risk factors, and infectious diseases

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    Background/aims: To examine trends in rural Appalachian opioid and related drug epidemics during the past 10 years, including at-risk populations, substance use shifts and correlates, and associated infections. Methods: We conducted this review in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) guidelines. Seven databases were searched for quantitative studies, published between January 2006 and December 2017, of drug use, drug-related mortality, or associated infections in rural Appalachia. Results: Drug-related deaths increased in study states, and a high incidence of polydrug toxicity was noted. Rural substance use was most common among young, white males, with low education levels. A history of depression/anxiety was common among study populations. Prescription opioids were most commonly used, often in conjunction with sedatives. Women emerged as a distinct user subpopulation, with different routes of drug use initiation and drug sources. Injection drug use was accompanied by risky injection behaviors and was associated with hepatitis C. Conclusions: This review can help to inform substance use intervention development and implementation in rural Appalachian populations. Those at highest risk are young, white males who often engage in polysubstance use and have a history of mental health issues. Differences in risk factors among other groups and characteristics of drug use in rural Appalachian populations that are conducive to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) spread also warrant consideration

    An automated archival VLA transients survey

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    In this paper we present the results of a survey for radio transients using data obtained from the Very Large Array archive. We have reduced, using a pipeline procedure, 5037 observations of the most common pointings - i.e. the calibrator fields. These fields typically contain a relatively bright point source and are used to calibrate 'target' observations: they are therefore rarely imaged themselves. The observations used span a time range ˜1984-2008 and consist of eight different pointings, three different frequencies (8.4, 4.8 and 1.4 GHz) and have a total observing time of 435 h. We have searched for transient and variable radio sources within these observations using components from the prototype LOFAR transient detection system. In this paper we present the methodology for reducing large volumes of Very Large Array data; and we also present a brief overview of the prototype LOFAR transient detection algorithms. No radio transients were detected in this survey, therefore we place an upper limit on the snapshot rate of GHz frequency transients >8.0 mJy to ρ≀ 0.032 deg-2 that have typical time-scales 4.3 to 45.3 d. We compare and contrast our upper limit with the snapshot rates - derived from either detections or non-detections of transient and variable radio sources - reported in the literature. When compared with the current Log N-Log S distribution formed from previous surveys, we show that our upper limit is consistent with the observed population. Current and future radio transient surveys will hopefully further constrain these statistics, and potentially discover dominant transient source populations. In this paper we also briefly explore the current transient commissioning observations with LOFAR, and the impact they will make on the field

    Examining the Higgs boson potential at lepton and hadron colliders: a comparative analysis

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    We investigate inclusive Standard Model Higgs boson pair production at lepton and hadron colliders for Higgs boson masses in the range 120 GeV < m_H < 200 GeV. For m_H < 140 GeV we find that hadron colliders have a very limited capability to determine the Higgs boson self-coupling, \lambda, due to an overwhelming background. We also find that, in this mass range, supersymmetric Higgs boson pairs may be observable at the LHC, but a measurement of the self coupling will not be possible. For m_H > 140 GeV we examine ZHH and HH nu bar-nu production at a future e+e- linear collider with center of mass energy in the range of sqrt{s}=0.5 - 1 TeV, and find that this is likely to be equally difficult. Combining our results with those of previous literature, which has demonstrated the capability of hadron and lepton machines to determine \lambda in either the high or the low mass regions, we establish a very strong complementarity of these machines.Comment: Revtex, 25 pages, 2 tables, 10 figure

    Determining the Higgs Boson Self Coupling at Hadron Colliders

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    Inclusive Standard Model Higgs boson pair production at hadron colliders has the capability to determine the Higgs boson self-coupling, lambda. We present a detailed analysis of the gg\to HH\to (W^+W^-)(W^+W^-)\to (jjl^\pm\nu)(jj{l'}^\pm\nu) and gg\to HH\to (W^+W^-)(W^+W^-)\to (jjl^\pm\nu)({l'}^\pm\nu {l''}^\mp\nu) (l, {l'}, {l''}=e, \mu) signal channels, and the relevant background processes, for the CERN Large Hadron Collider, and a future Very Large Hadron Collider operating at a center-of-mass energy of 200 TeV. We also derive quantitative sensitivity limits for lambda. We find that it should be possible at the LHC with design luminosity to establish that the Standard Model Higgs boson has a non-zero self-coupling and that lambda / lambda_{SM} can be restricted to a range of 0-3.8 at 95% confidence level (CL) if its mass is between 150 and 200 GeV. At a 200 TeV collider with an integrated luminosity of 300 fb^{-1}, lambda can be determined with an accuracy of 8 - 25% at 95% CL in the same mass range.Comment: 28 pages, Revtex3, 9 figures, 3 table

    Long distance regularization in chiral perturbation theory with decuplet

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    We investigate the use of long distance regularization in SU(3) baryon chiral perturbation theory with decuplet fields. The one-loop decuplet contributions to the octet baryon masses, axial couplings, S-wave nonleptonic hyperon decays and magnetic moments are evaluated in a chirally consistent fashion by employing a cutoff to implement long distance regularization. The convergence of the chiral expansions of these quantities is improved compared to the dimensionally regularized version which indicates that the propagation of Goldstone bosons over distances smaller than a typical hadronic size, which is beyond the regime of chiral perturbation theory but included by dimensional regularization, is removed by use of a cutoff.Comment: 31 page

    Prevalence and Correlates of Probable Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Female Sex Workers in Lilongwe, Malawi

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    Globally, female sex workers (FSW) experience a high prevalence of mental health disorders, but in sub-Saharan Africa, these are rarely identified. If left untreated, mental health disorders may place FSW and their partners at risk for HIV/sexually transmitted infections (STIs). We assessed the prevalence and correlates of probable depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and suicidal ideation (SI) in a cohort of 200 FSW in Lilongwe, Malawi. FSW completed the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and the PTSD Check List—Civilian Version. The prevalence of depression was 8%, as was the prevalence of PTSD. Nearly half (49%) of FSW were experiencing mild depression. FSW were more likely to have probable depression if they completed primary school or initiated sex work before 18 years. They were more likely to have probable PTSD if they had ≄ 20 clients per week or initiated sex work before 18 years. Interventions are needed to diagnose mental health disorders among FSW at great risk for HIV/STIs

    Murchison Widefield Array rapid-response observations of the short GRB 180805A

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    Abstract Here we present stringent low-frequency (185 MHz) limits on coherent radio emission associated with a short-duration gamma-ray burst (SGRB). Our observations of the short gamma-ray burst (GRB) 180805A were taken with the upgraded Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) rapid-response system, which triggered within 20s of receiving the transient alert from the Swift Burst Alert Telescope, corresponding to 83.7 s post-burst. The SGRB was observed for a total of 30 min, resulting in a 3σ3\sigma persistent flux density upper limit of 40.2 mJy beam–1. Transient searches were conducted at the Swift position of this GRB on 0.5 s, 5 s, 30 s and 2 min timescales, resulting in 3σ3\sigma limits of 570–1 830, 270–630, 200–420, and 100–200 mJy beam–1, respectively. We also performed a dedispersion search for prompt signals at the position of the SGRB with a temporal and spectral resolution of 0.5 s and 1.28 MHz, respectively, resulting in a 6σ6\sigma fluence upper-limit range from 570 Jy ms at DM =3 000=3\,000 pc cm–3 ( z∌2.5z\sim 2.5 ) to 1 750 Jy ms at DM =200=200 pc cm–3 ( z∌0.1)z\sim 0.1) , corresponding to the known redshift range of SGRBs. We compare the fluence prompt emission limit and the persistent upper limit to SGRB coherent emission models assuming the merger resulted in a stable magnetar remnant. Our observations were not sensitive enough to detect prompt emission associated with the alignment of magnetic fields of a binary neutron star just prior to the merger, from the interaction between the relativistic jet and the interstellar medium (ISM) or persistent pulsar-like emission from the spin-down of the magnetar. However, in the case of a more powerful SGRB (a gamma-ray fluence an order of magnitude higher than GRB 180805A and/or a brighter X-ray counterpart), our MWA observations may be sensitive enough to detect coherent radio emission from the jet-ISM interaction and/or the magnetar remnant. Finally, we demonstrate that of all current low- frequency radio telescopes, only the MWA has the sensitivity and response times capable of probing prompt emission models associated with the initial SGRB merger event.</jats:p
