1,067 research outputs found

    The evaluation of waste tyre pulverised fuel for NOx reduction by reburning

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    The combustion of coal for power generation will continue to play a major role in the future, however, this must be achieved using cleaner technologies than we use at present. Scrap tyre arisings in the UK are 400,000 tonnes per year amounting to 30 million tyres and in the EU as a whole, more than 2.5 million tonnes of tyres per year are scrapped. The recent EC Waste Landfill Directive (1999) sets a deadline for the banning of whole and shredded tyres from landfill sites by 2006. Consequently, there is an urgent need to find a mass disposal route for tyres. We describe, in this paper, a novel use for tyre rubber pulverised fuel in a NOx reburning process which may have an application in power station boilers. This method of disposal could represent a way of combining waste disposal, energy recovery and pollution control within one process. A preliminary study of micronised tyre combustion was undertaken to identify the suitable size ranges for application in NOx reduction by reburning. Tests were performed in a down-fired, pulverised fuel combustor (PFC) operating at about 80 kW. Superior combustion characteristics, i.e. burnout were achieved with particle sizes less than 250 μm. A South African coal was used as the primary fuel in the reburn tests and the tyre was fed pneumatically via a separate feed system. Parameters studied, were, reburn zone stoichiometry and reburn fuel fraction. Additionally, the carbon content of the ash was carefully monitored for any effect on burnout at the fuel rich reburn stoichiometries. The NOx reductions achieved with tyres are compared with reburning with coal. NOx reductions up to 80% were achieved with tyres at half of the reburn fuel feed rate required to achieve the same reductions by coal. The results have been evaluated within the context of other studies available in the literature on NOx reburning by bituminous coal, brown coal, gas and biomass


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    Ethno botanical study is now of immense importance in the field of medical science, it is well established branch of science with much attention. Ethno botany is the scientific relationships that exist between people and plants. Traditional medicine and ethno botanical information play an important role in scientific research, particularly when the literature and field work data have not been properly evaluated. Globally, about 80% of the traditional medicines used for primary health care are derived from plants. In China, traditional medicine accounts for around 40% of all health care delivered. In Chile 71% of the population, and in Colombia 40% of the population, have used such medicine. India is one of the twelve mega-biodiversity countries of the world having rich vegetation with a wide variety of plants with medicinal value. Rural people not only depend on wild plants as sources of food, medicine, fodder and fuel, but have also developed methods of resource management, which may be fundamental to the conservation of some of the world's important habitats. In India, 65% of the populations in rural areas are using medicinal plants to meet their primary health care needs. Here a review on ethnomedicine including correlation of Ethnomedicine and Ayurveda will be mentioned. Attention should be made for proper exploitation, utilization and further reasearches on ethno medicinal important plant species

    Swift heavy ion irradiation induced phase transformation in calcite single crystals

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    Ion irradiation induced phase transformation in calcite single crystals have been studied by means of Raman and infrared spectroscopy using 120 MeV Au 9+ ions. The observed bands have been assigned according to group theory analysis. For higher fluence of 5Ã10 12 ion/cm 2, an extra peak on either side of the 713 cm -1 peak and an increase in the intensity of 1085 cm -1 peak were observed in Raman studies. FTIR spectra exhibit extra absorption bands at 674, 1589 cm -1 and enhancement in bands at 2340 and 2374 cm -1 was observed. This might be due to the phase transformation from calcite to vaterite. The damage cross section (Ï) for all the Raman and FTIR active modes was determined. The increase of FWHM, shift in peak positions and appearance of new peaks indicated that calcite phase is converted into vaterite. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Damage creation in swift heavy ion-irradiated calcite single crystals: Raman and Infrared study

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    Raman and Infrared studies were carried out on pristine and 100 MeV Ag8+ ion irradiated calcite single crystals in the fluence range 1 à 1011 to 1 à 1013 ions/cm2. Raman and Infrared modes were assigned according to factor theory analysis. It is observed that the intensities of the Raman and infrared bands decrease with increase of ion fluence. The decrease of these bands is attributed to breakage of carbonate ions and other details are discussed. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Ion beam induced modifications in electron beam evaporated aluminum oxide thin films

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    Al2O3 thin films find wide applications in optoelectronics, sensors, tribology etc. In the present work, Al2O3 films prepared by electron beam evaporation technique are irradiated with 100 MeV swift Si7+ ions for the fluence in the range 1 × 1012 to 1 × 1013 ions cm−2 and the structural properties are studied by glancing angle X-ray diffraction. It shows a single diffraction peak at 38.2° which indicates the γ-phase of Al2O3. Further, it is observed that as the fluence increases up to 1 × 1013 ions cm−2 the diffraction peak intensity decreases indicating amorphization. Surface morphology studies by atomic force microscopy show mean surface roughness of 34.73 nm and it decreases with increase in ion fluence. A strong photoluminescence (PL) emission with peak at 442 nm along with shoulder at 420 nm is observed when the samples are excited with 326 nm light. The PL emission is found to increase with increase in ion fluence and the results are discussed in detail

    Photoluminescence studies of 100 MeV Ni8+ ion irradiated Al2O3 single crystals

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    We present the results of photoluminescence (PL) measurements on 100 MeV Ni8+ ion irradiated Al2O3 single crystals in the fluence range 1 × 1011 to 5 × 1012 ions/cm2. A sharp PL peaks at ∼693, 695, 707 and 730 nm are recorded with an excitation of 442 nm He–Cd laser beam. The sharp emission peaks at 693 and 695 nm are attributed to R2 and R1 lines of Cr3+ ions, and they are related to the transition from 2Eg → 4A2g. The weaker sharp peaks called N lines appear at ∼707 nm and its origin is ascribed due to closely coupled pairs of Cr3+ ions. The longer wavelength part of the PL spectra at ∼730 nm may be due to increase of groups of more than two Cr3+ ions. It is observed that the broad emission band (450–650 nm) consists of four bands centered at 470, 518, 547 and 618 nm, respectively. The 470, 518 and 547 nm bands are corresponding to F2+, F2 and F22+ defect center, respectively. It is observed that the PL intensity of F2, F22+, R and N lines increases with Ni8+ ion fluence. This can be attributed to increase in concentration of color centers responsible for luminescence through radiative recombination. PACS 61.80.−jh; 61.10.−Nz; 68.37.Ps; 78.66.−

    Ion beam-induced luminescence and photoluminescence of 100 MeV Si8+ ion irradiated kyanite single crystals

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    Ionoluminescence (IL) of kyanite single crystals during 100 MeV Si8+ ion irradiation has been studied in the fluence range 1.87-7.50Ã1011 ions/cm2. Photoluminescence (PL) of similar dimensional crystals was recorded with same ions and energy in the fluence range 1Ã1011-5Ã1013 ions/cm2 with an excitation of 442 nm He-Cd laser beam. A sharp IL and broad PL peaks at â¼689 and 706 nm were recorded. This is attributed to luminescence centers activated by Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions. It is observed that up to a given fluence, the IL and PL peak intensities increase with increase of Si8+ ion fluence. The stability of the chemical species was studied on with and without irradiated samples by means of FT-IR spectroscopy. The results confirm that the O-Si-H type bonds covering on the surface of the sample. This layer might be acting as a protective layer and thereby reducing the number of non-radiative recombination centers. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Superconductivity and Electronic Structure of Perovskite MgCNi3

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    The electronic structure, stability, electron phonon coupling and superconductivity of the non-oxide perovskite MgCNi3_3 are studied using density functional calculations. The band structure is dominated by a Ni dd derived density of states peak just below the Fermi energy, which leads to a moderate Stoner enhancement, placing MgCNi3_3 in the range where spin fluctuations may noticeably affect transport, specific heat and superconductivity, providing a mechanism for reconciling various measures of the coupling λ\lambda. Strong electron phonon interactions are found for the octahedral rotation mode and may exist for other bond angle bending modes. The Fermi surface contains nearly cancelling hole and electron sheets that give unusual behavior of transport quantities particularly the thermopower. The results are discussed in relation to the superconductivity of MgCNi3_3.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 5 ps figure

    Diamond machining of additively manufactured Ti6Al4V ELI: Newer mode of material removal challenging the current simulation tools

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    Single Point diamond machining (SPDM) produces smooth machined surfaces that other production methods cannot match. While the mechanics of machining of cast alloys with SPDM is well-explored, the realm of SPDM for additively manufactured parts remains largely uncharted. This work reveals new insights into the surface generation process of an additively manufactured titanium alloy, specifically, a Ti6Al4V Extra Low Interstitials (ELI) alloy workpiece. Our examination of the chip morphology unveiled a distinct mode of chip removal, previously unrecorded in existing literature. During SPDM of additively made Ti6Al4V ELI workpiece, identification of numerous pores and discontinuities in the chips flowing on the tool rake face, indicating periodic intermittent cracking during the material's plastic flow was seen. To examine this phenomenon, a finite element analysis (FEA) model was developed. While the FEA model can well explain the machining mechanics and chip morphology of SPDM of cast Ti6Al4V ELI reported in the literature, it failed to describe the chip morphology that are obtained during machining of additively made workpiece in this work. This disparity underscores the need for innovative simulation approaches tailored for additively manufactured components. The experimental observations in this study highlight a unique form of chip formation in contrast to conventional Ti6Al4V alloy machining processes. At lower feeds, there was a presence of short, discontinuous chip formation with tearing at the outer periphery. Conversely, at higher feeds, a long, continuous ribbon-like chip formation was observed. In addition, some typical additive manufacturing defects appear on the machined surface and chips. Through optimisation of the SPDT parameters, a surface roughness (Ra) value of about 11.8 nm was achieved on additively manufactured Ti6Al4V ELI workpiece. This work provides a fresh perspective on the mechanics of SPDM for additively manufactured components, offering a stepping stone for subsequent studies