313 research outputs found

    Application of energy and angular momentum balance to gravitational radiation reaction for binary systems with spin-orbit coupling

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    We study gravitational radiation reaction in the equations of motion for binary systems with spin-orbit coupling, at order (v/c)^7 beyond Newtonian gravity, or O(v/c)^2 beyond the leading radiation reaction effects for non-spinning bodies. We use expressions for the energy and angular momentum flux at infinity that include spin-orbit corrections, together with an assumption of energy and angular momentum balance, to derive equations of motion that are valid for general orbits and for a class of coordinate gauges. We show that the equations of motion are compatible with those derived earlier by a direct calculation.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Covariant Calculation of General Relativistic Effects in an Orbiting Gyroscope Experiment

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    We carry out a covariant calculation of the measurable relativistic effects in an orbiting gyroscope experiment. The experiment, currently known as Gravity Probe B, compares the spin directions of an array of spinning gyroscopes with the optical axis of a telescope, all housed in a spacecraft that rolls about the optical axis. The spacecraft is steered so that the telescope always points toward a known guide star. We calculate the variation in the spin directions relative to readout loops rigidly fixed in the spacecraft, and express the variations in terms of quantities that can be measured, to sufficient accuracy, using an Earth-centered coordinate system. The measurable effects include the aberration of starlight, the geodetic precession caused by space curvature, the frame-dragging effect caused by the rotation of the Earth and the deflection of light by the Sun.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to be submitted to Phys. Rev.

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    Exact two-particle eigenstates in partially reduced QED

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    We consider a reformulation of QED in which covariant Green functions are used to solve for the electromagnetic field in terms of the fermion fields. It is shown that exact few-fermion eigenstates of the resulting Hamiltonian can be obtained in the canonical equal-time formalism for the case where there are no free photons. These eigenstates lead to two- and three-body Dirac-like equations with electromagnetic interactions. Perturbative and some numerical solutions of the two-body equations are presented for positronium and muonium-like systems, for various strengths of the coupling.Comment: 33 pages, LaTex 2.09, 4 figures in EPS forma

    Quantum Gravitational Corrections to the Nonrelativistic Scattering Potential of Two Masses

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    We treat general relativity as an effective field theory, obtaining the full nonanalytic component of the scattering matrix potential to one-loop order. The lowest order vertex rules for the resulting effective field theory are presented and the one-loop diagrams which yield the leading nonrelativistic post-Newtonian and quantum corrections to the gravitational scattering amplitude to second order in G are calculated in detail. The Fourier transformed amplitudes yield a nonrelativistic potential and our result is discussed in relation to previous calculations. The definition of a potential is discussed as well and we show how the ambiguity of the potential under coordinate changes is resolved.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figure

    Gravitational radiation reaction in compact binary systems: Contribution of the magnetic dipole-magnetic dipole interaction

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    We study the gravitational radiation reaction in compact binary systems composed of neutron stars with spin and huge magnetic dipole moments (magnetars). The magnetic dipole moments undergo a precessional motion about the respective spins. At sufficiently high values of the magnetic dipole moments, their interaction generates second post-Newtonian order contributions both to the equations of motion and to the gravitational radiation escaping the system. We parametrize the radial motion and average over a radial period in order to find the secular contributions to the energy and magnitude of the orbital angular momentum losses, in the generic case of \textit{eccentric} orbits. Similarly as for the spin-orbit, spin-spin, quadrupole-monopole interactions, here too we deduce the secular evolution of the relative orientations of the orbital angular momentum and spins. These equations, supplemented by the evolution equations for the angles characterizing the orientation of the dipole moments form a first order differential system, which is closed. The circular orbit limit of the energy loss agrees with Ioka and Taniguchi's earlier result

    Innermost circular orbit of binary black holes at the third post-Newtonian approximation

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    The equations of motion of two point masses have recently been derived at the 3PN approximation of general relativity. From that work we determine the location of the innermost circular orbit or ICO, defined by the minimum of the binary's 3PN energy as a function of the orbital frequency for circular orbits. We find that the post-Newtonian series converges well for equal masses. Spin effects appropriate to corotational black-hole binaries are included. We compare the result with a recent numerical calculation of the ICO in the case of two black holes moving on exactly circular orbits (helical symmetry). The agreement is remarkably good, indicating that the 3PN approximation is adequate to locate the ICO of two black holes with comparable masses. This conclusion is reached with the post-Newtonian expansion expressed in the standard Taylor form, without using resummation techniques such as Pad\'e approximants and/or effective-one-body methods.Comment: 21 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. D (spin effects appropriate to corotational black-hole binaries are included; discussion on the validity of the approximation is added

    Three-body interactions in colloidal systems

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    We present the first direct measurement of three-body interactions in a colloidal system comprised of three charged colloidal particles. Two of the particles have been confined by means of a scanned laser tweezers to a line-shaped optical trap where they diffused due to thermal fluctuations. Upon the approach of a third particle, attractive three-body interactions have been observed. The results are in qualitative agreement with additionally performed nonlinear Poissson-Boltzmann calculations, which also allow us to investigate the microionic density distributions in the neighborhood of the interacting colloidal particles

    A two-species model of a two-dimensional sandpile surface: a case of asymptotic roughening

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    We present and analyze a model of an evolving sandpile surface in (2 + 1) dimensions where the dynamics of mobile grains ({\rho}(x, t)) and immobile clusters (h(x, t)) are coupled. Our coupling models the situation where the sandpile is flat on average, so that there is no bias due to gravity. We find anomalous scaling: the expected logarithmic smoothing at short length and time scales gives way to roughening in the asymptotic limit, where novel and non-trivial exponents are found.Comment: 7 Pages, 6 Figures; Granular Matter, 2012 (Online