16 research outputs found

    Local and Widespread Slow Waves in Stable NREM Sleep: Evidence for Distinct Regulation Mechanisms.

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    Previous work showed that two types of slow waves are temporally dissociated during the transition to sleep: widespread, large and steep slow waves predominate early in the falling asleep period ( <i>type I</i> ), while smaller, more circumscribed slow waves become more prevalent later ( <i>type II</i> ). Here, we studied the possible occurrence of these two types of slow waves in stable non-REM (NREM) sleep and explored potential differences in their regulation. A heuristic approach based on slow wave synchronization efficiency was developed and applied to high-density electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings collected during consolidated NREM sleep to identify the potential <i>type I</i> and <i>type II</i> slow waves. Slow waves with characteristics compatible with those previously described for <i>type I</i> and <i>type II</i> were identified in stable NREM sleep. Importantly, these slow waves underwent opposite changes across the night, with only <i>type II</i> slow waves displaying a clear homeostatic regulation. In addition, we showed that the occurrence of <i>type I</i> slow waves was often followed by larger <i>type II slow waves</i> , whereas the occurrence of <i>type II</i> slow waves was usually followed by smaller <i>type I</i> waves. Finally, <i>type II</i> slow waves were associated with a relative increase in spindle activity, while <i>type I</i> slow waves triggered periods of high-frequency activity. Our results provide evidence for the existence of two distinct slow wave synchronization processes that underlie two different types of slow waves. These slow waves may have different functional roles and mark partially distinct "micro-states" of the sleeping brain

    Reduced natural oscillatory frequency of frontal thalamocortical circuits in schizophrenia

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    CONTEXT: Converging evidence from electrophysiological studies suggests that in individuals with schizophrenia, electroencephalographic frontal fast oscillations are reduced. It is still unclear whether this reduction reflects an intrinsic deficit of underlying cortical/thalamocortical circuits and whether this deficit is specific for frontal regions. Recent electrophysiological studies in healthy individuals have established that, when perturbed, different brain regions oscillate at a specific, intrinsically generated dominant frequency, the natural frequency. OBJECTIVE: To assess the natural frequency of the posterior parietal, motor, premotor, and prefrontal cortices in patients with schizophrenia and healthy control subjects. DESIGN: High-density electroencephalographic recordings during transcranial magnetic stimulation of 4 cortical areas were performed. Several transcranial magnetic stimulation\u2013evoked electroencephalographic oscillation parameters, including synchronization, amplitude, and natural frequency, were compared across the schizophrenia and healthy control groups. SETTING: Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Wisconsin\u2013Madison. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty patients with schizophrenia and 20 age-matched healthy control subjects. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: High-density electroencephalographic measurements of transcranial magnetic stimulation\u2013evoked activity in 4 cortical areas, scores on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, and performance scores (reaction time, accuracy) on 2 computerized tasks (word memory [Penn Word Recognition Test] and facial memory [Penn Facial Memory Test]). RESULTS: Patients with schizophrenia showed a slowing in the natural frequency of the frontal/prefrontal regions compared with healthy control subjects (from an average of a 2-Hz decrease for the motor area to an almost 10-Hz decrease for the prefrontal cortex). The prefrontal natural frequency of individuals with schizophrenia was slower than in any healthy comparison subject and correlated with both positive Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale scores and reaction time on the Penn Word Recognition Test. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that patients with schizophrenia have an intrinsic slowing in the natural frequency of frontal cortical/thalamocortical circuits, that this slowing is not present in parietal areas, and that the prefrontal natural frequency can predict some of the symptoms as well as the cognitive dysfunctions of schizophrenia

    Reduced sleep spindle activity in schizophrenia patients

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    Objective: High-density EEG during sleep represents a powerful new tool to reveal potential abnormalities in rhythm-generating mechanisms while avoiding confounding factors associated with waking activities. As a first step in this direction, the authors employed high-density EEG to explore whether sleep rhythms differ between schizophrenia subjects, healthy individuals, and a psychiatric control group with a history of depression. Method: Healthy comparison subjects (N=17), medicated schizophrenia patients (N=18), and subjects with a history of depression (N=15) were recruited. Subjects were recorded during the first sleep episode of the night with a 256-electrode high-density EEG. Recordings were analyzed for changes in EEG power spectra, power topography, and sleep-specific cortical oscillations. Results: The authors found that the schizophrenia group had a significant reduction in centroparietal EEG power, from 13.75 to 15.00 Hz, in relation to both the comparison and depression groups. No significant difference in EEG power between the comparison and depression groups was identified. The authors also found a decrease in sleep spindle number, amplitude, duration, and integrated spindle activity in schizophrenia patients. Furthermore, integrated spindle activity had an effect size corresponding to 93.0% or 90.2% separation of the schizophrenia from the comparison or depression group. Conclusions: Sleep spindles are generated by the thalamic reticular nucleus in conjunction with specific thalamic nuclei and are modulated by corticothalamic and thalamocortical connections. The deficit in sleep spindles in schizophrenia subjects may reflect dysfunction in thalamic-reticular and thalamocortical mechanisms and could represent a biological marker of illness

    Disrupted directed connectivity along the cingulate cortex determines vigilance after sleep deprivation

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    The cingulate cortex is regarded as the backbone of structural and functional connectivity of the brain. While its functional connectivity has been intensively studied, little is known about its effective connectivity, its modulation by behavioral states, and its involvement in cognitive performance. Given the previously reported effects on cingulate functional connectivity, we investigated how eye-closure and sleep deprivation changed cingulate effective connectivity, estimated from resting-state high-density electroencephalography (EEG) using a novel method to calculate Granger Causality directly in source space.Effective connectivity along the cingulate cortex was dominant in the forward direction. Eyes-open connectivity in the forward direction was greater compared to eyes-closed, in well-rested participants. The difference between eyes-open and eyes-closed connectivity was attenuated and no longer significant after sleep deprivation. Individual variability in the forward connectivity after sleep deprivation predicted subsequent task performance, such that those subjects who showed a greater increase in forward connectivity between the eyes-open and the eyes-closed periods also performed better on a sustained attention task. Effective connectivity in the opposite, backward, direction was not affected by whether the eyes were open or closed or by sleep deprivation.These findings indicate that the effective connectivity from posterior to anterior cingulate regions is enhanced when a well-rested subject has his eyes open compared to when they are closed. Sleep deprivation impairs this directed information flow, proportional to its deleterious effect on vigilance. Therefore, sleep may play a role in the maintenance of waking effective connectivity. © 2013 Elsevier Inc

    Characterization of sleep need dissipation using EEG based slow-wave activity analysis in two age groups

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    Item does not contain fulltextIntroduction: In the two-process model of sleep regulation, slow-wave activity (SWA, EEG power in the 0.5–4 Hz band) is a direct indicator of sleep need. SWA builds up during NREM sleep, declines before the onset of REM sleep, remains low during REM and the level of increase in successive NREM episodes gets progressively lower. The sleep regulation model of Borbely et al, 1999, states that the rate of decrease in sleep need S(t) is proportional to SWA, i.e. dS(t)/dt =-γSWA(t) where γ is the decay rate. The sleep need after T minutes of sleep is: S(T)=S0-γCSWA(T), where S0 is the sleep need at sleep-onset and CSWA(T) is the integral of SWA from sleep onset to time T. The goal in this research is to assess the effect of age on the dynamics of sleep need dissipation. Methods: Sleep EEG and EOG data were collected from 25 subjects (10M and 15F; 37.1 ± 6.5 years old) for 3 nights at home. The data was manually scored into sleep stages according to AASM rules. SWA was calculated for each 6-second epoch of NREM sleep. In this model, sleep need dissipation is completely determined by S0 and γ. To estimate these, two boundary conditions were used: 1) the final value of S(t) is 0, and 2) S(t*) coincides with SWA(t*) at time t* where SWA is maximum in the first sleep cycle. Results: Two age groups were defined using as threshold the median age (38) of subjects in the study. S0 did not significantly differ between groups while γ was significantly different (γ group1=2.82 and γ group2=2.12; p=0.006). These results suggest that the efficiency of sleep need dissipation significantly decreases in the older group by 25%. Conclusion: The rate of sleep need dissipation is proportional to slow wave activity. The proportionality coefficient γ (decay rate) can be estimated using a differential model. It was found that γ is significantly lower, by 25%, in the age group 38 to 47 as compared to the age group 22 to 38. The initial sleep need did not differ between groups.1 p

    Concomitant BDNF and sleep slow wave changes indicate ketamine-induced plasticity in major depressive disorder

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    The N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist ketamine has rapid antidepressant effects in treatment-resistant major depressive disorder (MDD). In rats, ketamine selectively increased electroencephalogram (EEG) slow wave activity (SWA) during non-rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and altered central brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression. Taken together, these findings suggest that higher SWA and BDNF levels may respectively represent electrophysiological and molecular correlates of mood improvement following ketamine treatment. This study investigated the acute effects of a single ketamine infusion on depressive symptoms, EEG SWA, individual slow wave parameters (surrogate markers of central synaptic plasticity) and plasma BDNF (a peripheral marker of plasticity) in 30 patients with treatment-resistant MDD. Montgomery-\uc5sberg Depression Rating Scale scores rapidly decreased following ketamine. Compared to baseline, BDNF levels and early sleep SWA (during the first non-REM episode) increased after ketamine. The occurrence of high amplitude waves increased during early sleep, accompanied by an increase in slow wave slope, consistent with increased synaptic strength. Changes in BDNF levels were proportional to changes in EEG parameters. Intriguingly, this link was present only in patients who responded to ketamine treatment, suggesting that enhanced synaptic plasticity - as reflected by increased SWA, individual slow wave parameters and plasma BDNF - is part of the physiological mechanism underlying the rapid antidepressant effects of NMDA antagonists. Further studies are required to confirm the link found here between behavioural and synaptic changes, as well as to test the reliability of these central and peripheral biomarkers of rapid antidepressant response

    Slow wave oscillations in Schizophrenia First-Degree Relatives: A confirmatory analysis and feasibility study on slow wave traveling

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    Abnormal sleep oscillations have recently been proposed as endophenotypes of schizophrenia. However, optimization of methodological approaches is still necessary to standardize analyses of their microstructural characteristics. Additionally, some relevant features of these oscillations remain unexplored in pathological conditions. Among others, slow wave traveling is a promising proxy for diurnal processes of brain connectivity and excitability. The study of slow oscillations propagation appears particularly relevant when schizophrenia is conceptualized as a dys-connectivity syndrome. Given the rising knowledge on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying slow wave traveling, this measure might offer substantial advantages over other approaches in investigating brain connectivity. Herein we: 1) confirm the stability of our previous findings on slow waves and sleep spindles in FDRs using different automated algorithms, and 2) report the dynamics of slow wave traveling in FDRs of Schizophrenia patients. A 256-channel, high-density EEG system was employed to record a whole night of sleep of 16 FDRs and 16 age- and gender-matched control subjects. A recently developed, open source toolbox was used for slow wave visualization and detection. Slow waves were confirmed to be significantly smaller in FDRs compared to the control group. Additionally, several traveling parameters were analyzed. Traveled distances were found to be significantly reduced in FDRs, whereas origins showed a different topographical pattern of distribution from control subjects. In contrast, local speed did not differ between groups. Overall, these results suggest that slow wave traveling might be a viable method to study pathological conditions interfering with brain connectivity

    Closed-loop system to enhance slow-wave activity

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    Contains fulltext : 198169.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Objective. Recent evidence reports cognitive, metabolic, and sleep restoration benefits resulting from the enhancement of sleep slow-waves using auditory stimulation. Our objective is to make this concept practical for consumer use by developing and validating an electroencephalogram (EEG) closed-loop system to deliver auditory stimulation during sleep to enhance slow-waves. Approach. The system automatically detects slow-wave sleep with 74% sensitivity and 97% specificity and optimally delivers stimulation in the form of 50 ms-long tones separated by a constant one-second inter-tone interval at a volume that is dynamically modulated such that louder tones are delivered when sleep is deeper. The system was tested in a study involving 28 participants (18F, 10M; 36.9  ±  7.3 years old; median age: 40 years old) who used the system for ten nights (five nights in a sham condition and five in a stimulation condition). Four nights in each condition were recorded at-home and the fifth one in-lab. Main results. The analysis in two age groups defined by the median age of participants in the study shows significant slow wave activity enhancement (+16.1%, p  <  0.01) for the younger group and absence of effect on the older group. However, the older group received only a fraction (57%) of the stimulation compared to the younger group. Changes in sleep architecture and EEG properties due to aging have influenced the amount of stimulation. The analysis of the stimulation timing suggests an entrainment-like phenomenon where slow-waves align to the stimulation periodicity. In addition, enhancement of spindle power in the stimulation condition was found. Significance. We show evidence of the viability of delivering auditory stimulation during sleep, at home, to enhance slow wave activity. The system ensures the stimulation delivery to be at the right time during sleep without causing disturbance.11 p

    Integrity of Corpus Callosum Is Essential for theCross-Hemispheric Propagation of Sleep Slow Waves:A High-Density EEG Study in Split-Brain Patients.

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    The slow waves of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep reflect experience-dependent plasticity and play a direct role in the restorative functions of sleep. Importantly, slow waves behave as traveling waves, and their propagation is assumed to occur through cortico-cortical white matter connections. In this light, the corpus callosum (CC) may represent the main responsible for cross-hemispheric slow-wave propagation. To verify this hypothesis, we performed overnight high-density (hd)-EEG recordings in five patients who underwent total callosotomy due to drug-resistant epilepsy (CPs; two females), in three noncallosotomized neurologic patients (NPs; two females), and in a sample of 24 healthy adult subjects (HSs; 13 females). In all CPs slow waves displayed a significantly reduced probability of cross-hemispheric propagation and a stronger inter-hemispheric asymmetry. In both CPs and HSs, the incidence of large slow waves within individual NREM epochs tended to differ across hemispheres, with a relative overall predominance of the right over the left hemisphere. The absolute magnitude of this asymmetry was greater in CPs relative to HSs. However, the CC resection had no significant effects on the distribution of slow-wave origin probability across hemispheres. The present results indicate that CC integrity is essential for the cross-hemispheric traveling of slow waves in human sleep, which is in line with the assumption of a direct relationship between white matter integrity and slow-wave propagation. Our findings also revealed a residual cross-hemispheric slow-wave propagation that may rely on alternative pathways, including cortico-subcortico-cortical loops. Finally, these data indicate that the lack of the CC does not lead to differences in slow-wave generation across brain hemispheres.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The slow waves of NREM sleep behave as traveling waves, and their propagation has been suggested to reflect the integrity of white matter cortico-cortical connections. To directly assess this hypothesis, here we investigated the role of the corpus callosum in the cortical spreading of NREM slow waves through the study of a rare population of totally callosotomized patients. Our results demonstrate a causal role of the corpus callosum in the cross-hemispheric traveling of sleep slow waves. Additionally, we found that callosotomy does not affect the relative tendency of each hemisphere at generating slow waves. Incidentally, we also found that slow waves tend to originate more often in the right than in the left hemisphere in both callosotomized and healthy adult individuals