17,356 research outputs found

    Higgs-flavon mixing and LHC phenomenology in a simplified model of broken flavor symmetry

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    The LHC phenomenology of a low-scale gauged flavor symmetry model with inverted hierarchy is studied, through introduction of a simplified model of broken flavor symmetry. A new scalar (a flavon) and a new neutral top-philic massive gauge boson emerge with mass in the TeV range along with a new heavy fermion associated with the standard model top quark. After checking constraints from electroweak precision observables, we investigate the influence of the model on Higgs boson physics, notably on its production cross section and decay branching fractions. Limits on the flavon φ\varphi from heavy Higgs boson searches at the LHC at 7 and 8 TeV are presented. The branching fractions of the flavon are computed as a function of the flavon mass and the Higgs-flavon mixing angle. We also explore possible discovery of the flavon at 14 TeV, particularly via the φZ0Z0\varphi \rightarrow Z^0Z^0 decay channel in the 222\ell2\ell' final state, and through standard model Higgs boson pair production φhh\varphi \rightarrow hh in the bbˉγγb\bar{b}\gamma\gamma final state. We conclude that the flavon mass range up to 500500 GeV could probed down to quite small values of the Higgs-flavon mixing angle with 100 fb1^{-1} of integrated luminosity at 14 TeV.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Topological Effects caused by the Fractal Substrate on the Nonequilibrium Critical Behavior of the Ising Magnet

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    The nonequilibrium critical dynamics of the Ising magnet on a fractal substrate, namely the Sierpinski carpet with Hausdorff dimension dHd_H =1.7925, has been studied within the short-time regime by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The evolution of the physical observables was followed at criticality, after both annealing ordered spin configurations (ground state) and quenching disordered initial configurations (high temperature state), for three segmentation steps of the fractal. The topological effects become evident from the emergence of a logarithmic periodic oscillation superimposed to a power law in the decay of the magnetization and its logarithmic derivative and also from the dependence of the critical exponents on the segmentation step. These oscillations are discussed in the framework of the discrete scale invariance of the substrate and carefully characterized in order to determine the critical temperature of the second-order phase transition and the critical exponents corresponding to the short-time regime. The exponent θ\theta of the initial increase in the magnetization was also obtained and the results suggest that it would be almost independent of the fractal dimension of the susbstrate, provided that dHd_H is close enough to d=2.Comment: 9 figures, 3 tables, 10 page

    Emergent Universe with Exotic Matter in Brane World Scenario

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    In this work, we have examined the emergent scenario in brane world model for phantom and tachyonic matter. For tachyonic matter field we have obtained emergent scenario is possible for closed, open and at model of the universe with some restriction of potential. For normal scalar field the emergent scenario is possible only for closed model and the result is identical with the work of Ellis et al [2], but for phantom field the emergent scenario is possible for closed, open and at model of the universe with some restriction of potential

    CMBR Constraint on a Modified Chaplygin Gas Model

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    In this paper, a modified Chaplygin gas model of unifying dark energy and dark matter with exotic equation of state p=BρAραp=B\rho-\frac{A}{\rho^{\alpha}} which can also explain the recent accelerated expansion of the universe is investigated by the means of constraining the location of the peak of the CMBR spectrum. We find that the result of CMBR measurements does not exclude the nonzero value of parameter BB, but allows it in the range 0.35B0.025-0.35\lesssim B\lesssim0.025.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Investigating the intrinsic noise limit of Dayem bridge NanoSQUIDs

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    NanoSQUIDs made from Nb thin films have been produced with nanometre loop sizes down to 200 nm, using weak-link junctions with dimensions less than 60 nm. These composite (W/Nb) single layer thin film devices, patterned by FIB milling, show extremely good low-noise performance ∼170 nΦ0 at temperatures between 5 and 8.5 K and can operate in rather high magnetic fields (at least up to 1 T). The devices produced so far have a limited operating temperature range, typically only 1–2 K. We have the goal of achieving operation at 4.2 K, to be compatible with the best SQUID series array (SSA) preamplifier available. Using the SSA to readout the nanoSQUIDs provides us with a means of investigating the intrinsic noise of the former. In this paper we report improved white noise levels of these nanoSQUIDs, enabling potential detection of a single electronic spin flip in a 1-Hz bandwidth. At low frequencies the noise performance is already limited by SSA preamplifier noise

    Effect on Higgs Boson Decays from Large Light-Heavy Neutrino Mixing in Seesaw Models

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    In seesaw models with more than one generation of light and heavy neutrinos, nu and N, respectively, it is possible to have sizable mixing between them for heavy-neutrino masses of order 100 GeV or less. We explore this possibility further, taking into account current experimental constraints, and study its effect on Higgs-boson decays in the contexts of seesaw models of types I and III. We find that in the type-I case the Higgs decay into a pair of light and heavy neutrinos, h -> nu N, could increase the total Higgs width in the standard model by up to almost 30% for a relatively light Higgs-boson, which would significantly affect Higgs searches at the LHC. The subsequent prompt decay of N into three light fermions makes this Higgs decay effectively a four-body decay. We further find that, in the presence of the large light-heavy mixing, these four-body Higgs decays can have rates a few times larger than their standard-model counterparts and therefore could provide a potentially important window to reveal the underlying seesaw mechanism.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, with more discussion on experimental constraints and references, main conclusions unchanged, to match journal versio

    Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the two species ASEP with different hopping rates

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    An ASEP with two species of particles and different hopping rates is considered on a ring. Its integrability is proved and the Nested Algebraic Bethe Ansatz is used to derive the Bethe Equations for states with arbitrary numbers of particles of each type, generalizing the results of Derrida and Evans. We present also formulas for the total velocity of particles of a given type and their limit for large size of the system and finite densities of the particles.Comment: 14 page

    First mid-infrared spectrum of a faint high-z galaxy: Observations of CFRS 14.1157 with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    The unprecedented sensitivity of the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope allows for the first time the measurement of mid-infrared spectra from 14 to 38 microns of faint high-z galaxies. This unique capability is demonstrated with observations of sources having 16 micron fluxes of 3.6 mJy (CFRS 14.1157) and 0.35 mJy (CFRS 14.9025). A spectral-fitting technique is illustrated which determines the redshift by fitting emission and absorption features characteristic of nearby galaxies to the spectrum of an unknown source. For CFRS 14.1157, the measured redshift is z = 1.00+/-0.20 in agreement with the published result of z = 1.15. The spectrum is dominated by emission from an AGN, similar to the nucleus of NGC 1068, rather than a typical starburst with strong PAH emission like M82. Such spectra will be crucial in characterizing the nature of newly discovered distant galaxies, which are too faint for optical follow-up.Comment: Accepted in ApJ Sup. Spitzer Special Issue, 4 pages, 5 figure

    Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless-like percolation transitions in the two-dimensional XY model

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    We study a percolation problem on a substrate formed by two-dimensional XY spin configurations, using Monte Carlo methods. For a given spin configuration we construct percolation clusters by randomly choosing a direction xx in the spin vector space, and then placing a percolation bond between nearest-neighbor sites ii and jj with probability pij=max(0,1e2Ksixsjx)p_{ij} = \max (0,1-e^{-2K s^x_i s^x_j}), where K>0K > 0 governs the percolation process. A line of percolation thresholds Kc(J)K_{\rm c} (J) is found in the low-temperature range JJcJ \geq J_{\rm c}, where J>0J > 0 is the XY coupling strength. Analysis of the correlation function gp(r)g_p (r), defined as the probability that two sites separated by a distance rr belong to the same percolation cluster, yields algebraic decay for KKc(J)K \geq K_{\rm c}(J), and the associated critical exponent depends on JJ and KK. Along the threshold line Kc(J)K_{\rm c}(J), the scaling dimension for gpg_p is, within numerical uncertainties, equal to 1/81/8. On this basis, we conjecture that the percolation transition along the Kc(J)K_{\rm c} (J) line is of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figure

    On the origin of multiple ordered phases in PrFe4P12

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    The nature of multiple electronic orders in skutterudite PrFe_4P_{12} is discussed on the basis of a model with antiferro-quadrupole (AFQ) interaction of \Gamma_3 symmetry. The high-field phase can be reproduced qualitatively provided (i) ferro-type interactions are introduced between the dipoles as well as between the octupoles of localized f-electrons, and (ii) separation is vanishingly small between the \Gamma_1-\Gamma_4^{(1)} crystalline electric field (CEF) levels. The high-field phase can have either the same ordering vector q=(1,0,0) as in the low-field phase, or a different one q=0 depending on the parameters. In the latter case, distortion of the crystal perpendicular to the (111) axis is predicted. The corresponding anomaly in elastic constants should also appear. The electrical resistivity is calculated with account of scattering within the CEF quasi-quartet. It is found that the resistivity as a function of the direction of magnetic field shows a sharp maximum around the (111) axis at low temperatures because of the level crossing.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure