1,400 research outputs found

    Dynamics of atoms in a time-orbiting-potential trap: Consequences of the classical description

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    The classical model that describes the motion of an atom in a magnetic trap is solved in order to investigate the relationship between the failure of the usual adiabatic approximation assumption and the physical parameters of the trap. This allows us to evaluate the effect that reversing of the bias field rotation produces on the vertical position of the atomic orbit, a displacement that is closely related to the adiabatic character of the trap motion. The present investigation has been motivated by a similar experimental test previously carried out in the actual magnetic time-orbiting-potential trap. We find that the non-adiabatic effects provided by the classical model are extremely small. Thus, we conclude that the theoretical explanation of the experimental measures requires a quantum description of the dynamics in magnetic traps

    Tropical to extratropical : marine environmental changes associated with Superstorm Sandy prior to its landfall

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2014. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 41 (2014): 8935–8943, doi:10.1002/2014GL061357.Superstorm Sandy was a massive storm that impacted the U.S. East Coast on 22–31 October 2012, generating large waves, record storm surges, and major damage. The Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport modeling system was applied to hindcast this storm. Sensitivity experiments with increasing complexity of air-sea-wave coupling were used to depict characteristics of this immense storm as it underwent tropical to extratropical transition. Regardless of coupling complexity, model-simulated tracks were all similar to the observations, suggesting the storm track was largely determined by large-scale synoptic atmospheric circulation, rather than by local processes resolved through model coupling. Analyses of the sea surface temperature, ocean heat content, and upper atmospheric shear parameters showed that as a result of the extratropical transition and despite the storm encountering much cooler shelf water, its intensity and strength were not significantly impacted. Ocean coupling was not as important as originally thought for Sandy.Research support provided by USGS Coastal Process Project, NOAA grant NA11NOS0120033, and NASA grant NNX13AD80G is much appreciated.2015-06-1

    Spatial and temporal characterization of a Bessel beam produced using a conical mirror

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    We experimentally analyze a Bessel beam produced with a conical mirror, paying particular attention to its superluminal and diffraction-free properties. We spatially characterized the beam in the radial and on-axis dimensions, and verified that the central peak does not spread over a propagation distance of 73 cm. In addition, we measured the superluminal phase and group velocities of the beam in free space. Both spatial and temporal measurements show good agreement with the theoretical predictions.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Impact of SST and surface waves on Hurricane Florence (2018): a coupled modeling investigation

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society , 2021. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Zambon, J. B., He, R., Warner, J. C., & Hegermiller, C. A. Impact of SST and surface waves on Hurricane Florence (2018): a coupled modeling investigation. Weather and Forecasting, 36(5), (2021): 1713–1734, https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-20-0171.1.Hurricane Florence (2018) devastated the coastal communities of the Carolinas through heavy rainfall that resulted in massive flooding. Florence was characterized by an abrupt reduction in intensity (Saffir–Simpson category 4 to category 1) just prior to landfall and synoptic-scale interactions that stalled the storm over the Carolinas for several days. We conducted a series of numerical modeling experiments in coupled and uncoupled configurations to examine the impact of sea surface temperature (SST) and ocean waves on storm characteristics. In addition to experiments using a fully coupled atmosphere–ocean–wave model, we introduced the capability of the atmospheric model to modulate wind stress and surface fluxes by ocean waves through data from an uncoupled wave model. We examined these experiments by comparing track, intensity, strength, SST, storm structure, wave height, surface roughness, heat fluxes, and precipitation in order to determine the impacts of resolving ocean conditions with varying degrees of coupling. We found differences in the storm’s intensity and strength, with the best correlation coefficient of intensity (r = 0.89) and strength (r = 0.95) coming from the fully coupled simulations. Further analysis into surface roughness parameterizations added to the atmospheric model revealed differences in the spatial distribution and magnitude of the largest roughness lengths. Adding ocean and wave features to the model further modified the fluxes due to more realistic cooling beneath the storm, which in turn modified the precipitation field. Our experiments highlight significant differences in how air–sea processes impact hurricane modeling. The storm characteristics of track, intensity, strength, and precipitation at landfall are crucial to predictability and forecasting of future landfalling hurricanes.This work has been supported by the U.S. Geological Survey Coastal/Marine Hazards and Resources Program, and by Congressional appropriations through the Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act of 2019 (H.R. 2157). The authors also wish to acknowledge research support through NSF Grant OCE-1559178 and NOAA Grant NA16NOS0120028. We also wish to thank Chris Sherwood from the U.S. Geological Survey for his help in deriving wave length from WAVEWATCH III data

    Caratterizzazione strutturale e tensionale di acciaio inox austenitico laminato a freddo

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    Vengono descritti i risultati di indagini tensionali e strutturali su nastro sottile di acciaio inossidabile austenitico AISI 301 laminato a freddo. Le verifiche tensionali, eseguite mediante diffrattometria a raggi X, vengono correlate con variazioni di microdurezza rilevate lungo lo spessore, e con variazioni di rapporto volumetrico tra austenite e fasi prodottesi in conseguenza della sua destabilizzazione, indotta dalla deformazione plastica. Vengono altresì presentate figure polari relative ad analisi di tessitura sulla giacitura parallela al piano di laminazione e ne vengono confrontate le modificazioni in relazione alla distanza dalla superficie

    Bifurcations and Averages in the Homoclinic Chaos of a Laser with a Saturable Absorber

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    The dynamical bifurcations of a laser with a saturable absorber were calculated, with the 3-2 level model, as function of the gain parameter. The average power of the laser is shown to have specific behavior at bifurcations. The succession of periodic-chaotic windows, known to occur in the homoclinic chaos, was studied numerically. A critical exponent of 1/2 is found on the tangent bifurcations from chaotic into periodic pulsations.Comment: 6 or 7 pages, 3 figures, publishe

    Ocean–atmosphere dynamics during Hurricane Ida and Nor’Ida : an application of the coupled ocean–atmosphere–wave–sediment transport (COAWST) modeling system

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Ocean Modelling 43-44 (2012): 112–137, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2011.12.008.The coupled ocean–atmosphere–wave–sediment transport (COAWST) modeling system was used to investigate atmosphere–ocean–wave interactions in November 2009 during Hurricane Ida and its subsequent evolution to Nor’Ida, which was one of the most costly storm systems of the past two decades. One interesting aspect of this event is that it included two unique atmospheric extreme conditions, a hurricane and a nor’easter storm, which developed in regions with different oceanographic characteristics. Our modeled results were compared with several data sources, including GOES satellite infrared data, JASON-1 and JASON-2 altimeter data, CODAR measurements, and wave and tidal information from the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) and the National Tidal Database. By performing a series of numerical runs, we were able to isolate the effect of the interaction terms between the atmosphere (modeled with Weather Research and Forecasting, the WRF model), the ocean (modeled with Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)), and the wave propagation and generation model (modeled with Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN)). Special attention was given to the role of the ocean surface roughness. Three different ocean roughness closure models were analyzed: DGHQ (which is based on wave age), TY2001 (which is based on wave steepness), and OOST (which considers both the effects of wave age and steepness). Including the ocean roughness in the atmospheric module improved the wind intensity estimation and therefore also the wind waves, surface currents, and storm surge amplitude. For example, during the passage of Hurricane Ida through the Gulf of Mexico, the wind speeds were reduced due to wave-induced ocean roughness, resulting in better agreement with the measured winds. During Nor’Ida, including the wave-induced surface roughness changed the form and dimension of the main low pressure cell, affecting the intensity and direction of the winds. The combined wave age- and wave steepness-based parameterization (OOST) provided the best results for wind and wave growth prediction. However, the best agreement between the measured (CODAR) and computed surface currents and storm surge values was obtained with the wave steepness-based roughness parameterization (TY2001), although the differences obtained with respect to DGHQ were not significant. The influence of sea surface temperature (SST) fields on the atmospheric boundary layer dynamics was examined; in particular, we evaluated how the SST affects wind wave generation, surface currents and storm surges. The integrated hydrograph and integrated wave height, parameters that are highly correlated with the storm damage potential, were found to be highly sensitive to the ocean surface roughness parameterization.Primary funding for this study was furnished by the US Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, under the Carolinas Coastal Processes Project

    The valuation of European financial firms

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    We extend the recent literature concerning accounting based valuation models to investigate financial firms from six European countries with substantial financial sectors: France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK. Not only are these crucial industries worthy of study in their own right, but unusual accounting practices, and inter-country differences in those accounting practices, provide valuable insights into the accounting-value relationship. Our sample consists of 7,714 financial firm/years observations from 1,140 companies drawn from 1989-2000. Sub-samples include 1,309 firm/years for banks, 650 for insurance companies, 1,705 for real estate firms, and 3,239 for investment companies. In most countries we find that the valuation models work as well or better in explaining cross-sectional variations in the market-to-book ratio for financial firms as they do for industrial and commercial firms in the same countries, although Switzerland is an exception to this generalization. As expected, the results are sensitive to industrial differences, accounting regulation and accounting practices. In particular, marking assets to market value reduces the relevance of earnings figures and increases that of equity

    The quantum non-linear Schrodinger model with point-like defect

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    We establish a family of point-like impurities which preserve the quantum integrability of the non-linear Schrodinger model in 1+1 space-time dimensions. We briefly describe the construction of the exact second quantized solution of this model in terms of an appropriate reflection-transmission algebra. The basic physical properties of the solution, including the space-time symmetry of the bulk scattering matrix, are also discussed.Comment: Comments on the integrability and the impurity free limit adde

    Brain Endothelial Erythrophagocytosis and Hemoglobin Transmigration Across Brain Endothelium: Implications for Pathogenesis of Cerebral Microbleeds

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    Peripheral endothelial cells are capable of erythrophagocytosis, but data on brain endothelial erythrophagocytosis are limited. We studied the relationship between brain endothelial erythrophagocytosis and cerebral microhemorrhage, the pathological substrate of MRI-demonstrable cerebral microbleeds. To demonstrate the erythrophagocytic capability of the brain endothelium, we studied the interactions between brain endothelial cells and red blood cells exposed to oxidative stress in vitro, and developed a new in vitro cerebral microbleeds model to study the subsequent passage of hemoglobin across the brain endothelial monolayer. Using multiple approaches, our results show marked brain endothelial erythrophagocytosis of red blood cells exposed to oxidative stress compared with control red blood cells in vitro. This brain endothelial erythrophagocytosis was accompanied by passage of hemoglobin across the brain endothelial monolayer with unaltered monolayer integrity. In vivo and confocal fluorescence microscopy studies confirmed the extravasation of RBC exposed to oxidative stress across brain endothelium. These findings, demonstrating erythrophagocytosis mediated by the brain endothelial monolayer and the subsequent passage of iron-rich hemoglobin in vitro and RBC in vivo, may have implications for elucidating mechanisms involved in the development of cerebral microbleeds that are not dependent on disruption of the microvasculature
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