42 research outputs found

    A Pre-Landing Assessment of Regolith Properties at the InSight Landing Site

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    This article discusses relevant physical properties of the regolith at the Mars InSight landing site as understood prior to landing of the spacecraft. InSight will land in the northern lowland plains of Mars, close to the equator, where the regolith is estimated to be ≥3--5 m thick. These investigations of physical properties have relied on data collected from Mars orbital measurements, previously collected lander and rover data, results of studies of data and samples from Apollo lunar missions, laboratory measurements on regolith simulants, and theoretical studies. The investigations include changes in properties with depth and temperature. Mechanical properties investigated include density, grain-size distribution, cohesion, and angle of internal friction. Thermophysical properties include thermal inertia, surface emissivity and albedo, thermal conductivity and diffusivity, and specific heat. Regolith elastic properties not only include parameters that control seismic wave velocities in the immediate vicinity of the Insight lander but also coupling of the lander and other potential noise sources to the InSight broadband seismometer. The related properties include Poisson’s ratio, P- and S-wave velocities, Young’s modulus, and seismic attenuation. Finally, mass diffusivity was investigated to estimate gas movements in the regolith driven by atmospheric pressure changes. Physical properties presented here are all to some degree speculative. However, they form a basis for interpretation of the early data to be returned from the InSight mission.Additional co-authors: Nick Teanby and Sharon Keda

    Stochastic Simulation of Settlement Prediction of Shallow Foundations Based on a Deterministic Artificial Neural Network Model 1

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    The problem of estimating the settlement of shallow foundations on granular soils is complex and not yet entirely understood. In the past, many empirical and theoretical methods have been developed for predicting the settlement of shallow foundations on granular soils; however, these methods are far from accurate and consistent. In recent times, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been used for settlement prediction of shallow foundations on granular soils and have shown to outperform the most commonly used traditional methods. However, despite the relative advantage of the ANN based approach, it is like most traditional methods in the sense that it is based on a deterministic approach that does not take into account the considerable level of uncertainty that may affect the magnitude of the predicted settlement. Thus, it provides single values of settlement with no indication of the level of risk associated with these values. In this paper, an alternative stochastic approach that considers the uncertainty associated with the predicted settlement from a deterministic ANN model is provided. The proposed stochastic approach is based on combining Monte Carlo simulation with the deterministic ANN model from which a set of stochastic design charts for settlement prediction of shallow foundations on granular soils is developed. The charts will enable the designer to make informed decisions regarding the level of risk associated with predicted settlements and consequently provide a more realistic indication of what the actual settlement might be.


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    Over the last few years or so, the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) has increased in many areas of engineering. In particular, ANNs have been applied to many geotechnical engineering problems and have demonstrated some degree of success. A review of the literature reveals that ANNs have been used successfully in pile capacity prediction, modelling soil behaviour, site characterisation, earth retaining structures, settlement of structures, slope stability, design of tunnels and underground openings, liquefaction, soil permeability and hydraulic conductivity, soil compaction, soil swelling and classification of soils. The objective of this paper is to provide a general view of some ANN applications for solving some types of geotechnical engineering problems. It is not intended to describe the ANNs modelling issues in geotechnical engineering. The paper also does not intend to cover every single application or scientific paper that found in the literature. For brevity, some works are selected to be described in some detail, while others are acknowledged for reference purposes. The paper then discusses the strengths and limitations of ANNs compared with the other modelling approaches.