463 research outputs found

    Dobivanje galne kiseline iz domaćih taninskih ekstrakata

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    U ovom radu proucavali smo. metode dobivanja galne kiseline iz domacih taninskih ekstrakata. Ponajprije su odredeni optimalni uvjeti za dobivanje galne kiseline hidrolizom u alkalnoj i kiseloj sredini. U tu svrhu upotrebili smo kod pokusa acidum tannicum kao standardnu galotaninsku sirovinu. Dobiveni eksperimentalni podaci posluiili su nam za izradivanje postupka u svrhu dobivanja galne kiseline iz domacih taninskih ekstrakata

    Specific IgG decline after successful treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection according to treatment protocol with azithromycin

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    Budući da do sada, ni jednim terapijskim protokolom, nije zabilježen 100 % učinak na eradikaciju Helicobacter pylori (HP), uspješnost liječenja treba provjeriti i pratiti. Najpristupačnije su kvantitativne serološke metode, koje su brze, točne, relativno jeftine i jednostavne za izvođenje, a za pacijente sigurne i prihvatljivije od invazivnih pretraga koje zahtijevaju gastroskopiju. Prednost ima imunoenzimsko određivanje (ELISA) visine titra specifičnih IgG-protutijela u serumu bolesnika. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je pratiti i prikazati kretanje titra tih protutijela u bolesnika, koji su pri prvom pregledu bili seropozitivni, a nakon liječenja eradikacija uzročnika je uspjela. Prikazane su značajke 90 liječenih bolesnika, prosječne dobi 50 godina (16–79), od toga 52 s vrijedom dvanaesnika, 9 s vrijedom želuca i 29 s gastritisom bez vrijeda. Serološke pretrage rađene su imunoenzimskom tehnikom (ELISA), pomoću Pyloriset EIA-G komercijalnog pripravka (Orion Diagnostica, Finland), po uputama proizvođača. Početne vrijednosti titra kretale su se između 280 i 11 875 (srednja vrijednost 2808 ), uz granični titar 280 ±20. Nakon liječenja, u svim kontrolnim uzorcima seruma, razine specifičnih IgG protutijela postupno su padale za sve vrijeme pra}enja. Svi bolesnici čiji početni titar nije prelazio 1200, tijekom godinu dana praćenja postali su seronegativni. Srednji postotak pada titra anti-HP-IgG ispitivane populacije, bio je nakon dva mjeseca 56, nakon četiri mjeseca 68, nakon šest mjeseci 75, nakon godinu dana 87 (relativni titar bio je 13). Kao indikator uspješnog liječenja smatra se pad titra IgG najmanje za 40 % do četvrtog mjeseca po završenoj terapiji, odnosno najmanje 50 % šest mjeseci nakon zadnje doze antibiotika.As no treatment protocol for Helicobacter pylori (HP) eradication described to date, has a 100 % success rate, treatment monitoring is necessary. The ELISA specific IgG-serology is simple, accurate, safe, quick, relatively inexpensive and generally available technique. The aim of this study was to monitor the serology pattern in seropositive patients after successful eradication of HP with triple therapy. Characteristics of 90 treated patients, mean age 50 (16–79), on short-term serological monitoring are presented. The study group involved 52 patients with duodenal ulcer, 9 with gastric ulcer and 29 patients with gastritis but without ulcer. With Pyloriset EIA-G (Orion, Finland) immunoassay, anti-HP IgG-antibody titres were estimated. The pretreatment values varied between 280 and 11 875 (mean 2808) with cut-off level of 280 ±20. After treatment in every follow-up specimen IgG-levels declined gradually. The mean percentage of anti-HP IgG--decline in the group as a whole, if measured 2, 4, 6 and 12 months after treatment, was 56, 68, 75 and 87 respectively. During the first year of monitoring after treatment, all patients with pretreatment IgG-level less than 1200 (low titres) became seronegative. Decrease in the titre at 4 (40 %) or 6 (50 %) months after the last dose of antibiotics, can be used as a marker for HP-eradication

    Automatic alignment of stacks of filament data

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    We present a fast and robust method for the alignment of image stacks containing filamentous structures. Such stacks are usually obtained by physical sectioning a specimen, followed by an optical sectioning of each slice. For reconstruction, the filaments have to be traced and the sub-volumes aligned. Our algorithm takes traced filaments as input and matches their endpoints to find the optimal transform. We show that our method is able to quickly and accurately align sub-volumes containing neuronal processes, acquired using brightfield microscopy. Our method also makes it possible to align traced microtubuli, obtained from electron tomography data, which are extremely difficult to align manually

    Contrasting carbon cycle responses to dry (2015 El Niño) and wet (2008 La Niña) extreme events at an Amazon tropical forest.

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    Land surface models diverge in their predictions of the Amazon forest's response to climate change-induced droughts, with some showing a catastrophic collapse of forests, while others simulating resilience. Therefore, observations of tropical ecosystem responses to real-world droughts and other extreme events are needed. We report long-term seasonal dynamics of photosynthesis, respiration, net carbon exchange, phenology, and tree demography and characterize the effect of dry and wet events on ecosystem form and function at the Tapajós National Forest, Brazil, using over two decades of eddy covariance observations that include the 2015–2016 El Niño drought and La Niña 2008–2009 wet periods. We found strong forest responses to both ENSO events: La Niña saw forest net carbon loss from reduced photosynthesis (due to lower incoming radiation from increased cloudiness) even as ecosystem respiration (Reco) was maintained at mean seasonal levels. El Niño induced the opposite short-term effect, net carbon gains, despite significant reductions in photosynthesis (from a drought-induced halving of canopy conductance to CO2 and significant losses of leaf area), because drought suppression of Reco losses was even greater. However, long-term responses to the two climate perturbations were very different: transient during La Niña –the forest returned to its “normal” state as soon as the climate did, and long-lasting during El Niño –leaf area loss and associated declines in photosynthetic capacity (Pc) and canopy conductance were exacerbated and extended by feedbacks from higher temperatures and atmospheric evaporative demand and persisted for ∼3+ years after normal rainfall resumed. These findings indicate that these forests are more vulnerable to drought than to excess rain, because drought drives significant changes in forest structure (e.g., leaf-abscission and mortality) and ecosystem function (e.g. reduced stomatal conductance). As future Amazonian climate change increases frequencies of hydrological extremes, these mechanisms will determine the long-term fate of tropical forests