204 research outputs found

    Undecidability as solution to the problem of measurement: fundamental criterion for the production of events

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    In recent papers we put forth a new interpretation of quantum mechanics, colloquially known as ``the Montevideo interpretation''. This interpretation is based on taking into account fundamental limits that gravity imposes on the measurement process. As a consequence one has that situations develop where a reduction process is undecidable from an evolution operator. When such a situation is achieved, an event has taken place. In this paper we sharpen the definition of when and how events occur, more precisely we give sufficient conditions for the occurrence of events. We probe the new definition in an example. In particular we show that the concept of undecidability used is not ``FAPP'' (for all practical purposes), but fundamental.Comment: 10 pages, contributed to the Castagnino Festschrif

    A realist interpretation of quantum mechanics based on undecidability due to gravity

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    We summarize several recent developments suggesting that solving the problem of time in quantum gravity leads to a solution of the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. This approach has been informally called "the Montevideo interpretation". In particular we discuss why definitions in this approach are not "for all practical purposes" (fapp) and how the problem of outcomes is resolved.Comment: 7 pages, IOPAMS style, no figures, contributed to the proceedings of DICE 2010, Castiglioncello, slightly improved versio

    Aprendizaje basado en problemas en Biología Vegetal

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    El aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) es un método de enseñanzaaprendizaje que usa el problema como punto de partida para la adquisición e integración de nuevos conocimientos. En el desarrollo del ABP el problema es el camino para que los estudiantes alcancen los objetivos de conocimientos, destrezas y habilidades. El ABP y el estudio de casos se centran en el estudiante lo cual implica necesariamente un cambio de función en el profesor que deja de ser protagonista para convertirse en una guía o en tutor. El tutor plantea problemas y cuestiones que contribuyen al entendimiento y a la resolución de problemas promoviendo de esta forma un aprendizaje significativo. Por otra parte, las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación introducen cambios importantes en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en base a lo siguiente: a) el acceso a la información y el modo de adquirir información, b) las nuevas formas de relación profesor-alumno. Este trabajo muestra algunas experiencias para el desarrollo de ABP, el estudio de casos y la elaboración de mapas conceptuales e infografías, experiencias realizadas en el aula con estudiantes de Biología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y en relación con dos campos de la Biología: la Fisiología Vegetal y la Biología Evolutiva.The problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching-learning method that uses the problem as a starting point for the acquisition and integration of new knowledge. In the development of PBL the problem is the way to achieve the knowledge, skills and abilities. Problem-based learning and case study focuses on the student and therefore imply a change in the teacher role: from protagonist to tutor or guide. A tutor offers questions that contribute to understanding and managing the problem promoting meaningful learning. On the other hand, information and communication technologies introduces important changes in teaching and learning on the basis of two issues: a) access and how to acquire information, b) new forms of teacher-student relationship. This work shows some experiences for the development of PBL, case studies and concept mapping as classroom experiences for Biological Sciences students at the Complutense University of Madrid. Two biological sciences fields were considered: plant physiology and evolutionary plant biology

    Contribution of autochthonous maize populations for adaptation to European conditions

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    Early vigor, earliness and cold tolerance are the main potential contributions of European maize (Zea mays L.) for breeding programs for adaptation to areas with short growing seasons and cold springs. The objective of this research was to determine the potential contributions of populations from different European regions to breeding for adaptation. Six Spanish and six French maize populations differing on variability for earliness, vigor and cold tolerance were crossed in a complete diallel without reciprocals. The populations and their crosses were evaluated in the field and in a cold chamber. Minimum temperatures were the main environmental trait affecting genotype × environment interaction, probably due to the cold sensitivity of the genotypes with the best performance in the field. The best population cross, based on specific heterosis for adaptation-related traits in the field, was Viana × Rastrojero, but this cross was cold sensitive. Tuy × Lazcano should be the best choice for a breeding program for adaptation, based on performance in the field and cold tolerance. As conclusions, there was variability for earliness, vigor and cold tolerance among the populations and crosses involved in this study, being tolerant to cold conditions the populations with medium growing cycle originated in areas with short growing seasons. The highest yielding crosses were cold sensitive.Research supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Ref. HF1999-0138), the Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de la Recherche, the Committee for Science and Technology of Spain (Project AGL2004-06776), the Autonomous government of Galicia (PGIDIT04RAG403006PR), the Excma. Diputación Provincial de Pontevedra, and the European Union (RESGEN 88 CT96).Peer reviewe

    FIR-detected Lyman break galaxies at z ~ 3: Dust attenuation and dust correction factors at high redshift

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    Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) represent one of the kinds of star-forming galaxies that are found in the high-redshift universe. The detection of LBGs in the FIR domain can provide very important clues on their dust attenuation and total SFR, allowing a more detailed study than those performed so far. In this work we explore the FIR emission of a sample of 16 LBGs at z ~ 3 in the GOODS-North and GOODS-South fields that are individually detected in PACS-100um or PACS-160um. These detections demonstrate the possibility of measuring the dust emission of LBGs at high redshift. We find that PACS-detected LBGs at z ~ 3 are highly obscured galaxies which belong to the Ultra luminous IR galaxies or Hyper luminous IR galaxies class. Their total SFR cannot be recovered with the dust attenuation factors obtained from their UV continuum slope or their SED-derived dust attenuation employing Bruzual & Charlot (2003) templates. Both methods underestimate the results for most of the galaxies. Comparing with a sample of PACS-detected LBGs at z ~ 1 we find evidences that the FIR emission of LBGs might have changed with redshift in the sense that the dustiest LBGs found at z ~ 3 have more prominent FIR emission, are dustier for a given UV slope, and have higher SFR for a given stellar mass than the dustiest LBGs found at z ~ 1.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A letter

    Un nuevo concepto de la gastronomía desde la bioeconomía y la actividad académica

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    El proyecto “Ciencia y arte en gastronomía: botánica gastronómica y gastronomía molecular” se está desarrollando con el objetivo de establecer y organizar el intercambio de conocimientos y negocio en este ámbito. Con este objetivo se pretende aunar el conocimiento científico con la salud y el bienestar social desde la perspectiva bioeconómica promoviendo la creación de riqueza y trabajo. El proyecto forma parte de los cursos especializados que la Universidad Complutense de Madrid oferta con el animo de incrementar el conocimiento y desarrollar competencias personales y profesionales. El programa responde a la demanda social proporcionando una formación con inmediata proyección profesional mediante el establecimiento de un nexo directo entre la actividad académica y la realidad social.Universidad de Sevilla. Cristalografía, Mineralogía y Química Agrícola The project "Science and art in gastronomy: gastronomic botany and molecular gastronomy" is being developed with the aim to establish and organize the exchange of knowledge and business in this area. In this way we are working to join the scientific knowledge to the health and the social well-being, without losing the current perspective from the bioeconomy which look forward the generation of wealth and work. The project belongs to specialized courses offered by The Complutense University of Madrid which aim is to update the knowledge and develop personal and professional competitions. These programs answer to a social demand on providing formation with professional immediate projection establishing a direct relation between the academic activity and the social reality

    A morphological study of galaxies in ZwCl0024+1652, a galaxy cluster at redshift z ∼ 0.4

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    ABSTRACT: he well-known cluster of galaxies ZwCl0024+1652 at z ∼ 0.4 lacks an in-depth morphological classification of its central region. While previous studies provide a visual classification of a patched area, we used the public code called galaxy Support Vector Machine GALSVM) and HST/ACS data as well as the WFP2 master catalogue to automatically classify all cluster members up to 1 Mpc. GALSVM analyses galaxy morphologies through support vector machine (SVM). From the 231 cluster galaxies, we classified 97 as early types (ETs) and 83 as late types (LTs). The remaining 51 stayed unclassified (or undecided). By cross-matching our results with the existing visual classification, we found an agreement of 81 per cent. In addition to previous Zwcl0024 morphological classifications, 121 of our galaxies were classified for the first time in this work. In addition, we tested the location of classified galaxies on the standard morphological diagrams, colour–colour and colour–magnitude diagrams. Out of all cluster members, ∼20 per cent are emission-line galaxies, taking into account previous GLACE results. We have verified that the ET fraction is slightly higher near the cluster core and decreases with the clustercentric distance, while the opposite trend has been observed for LT galaxies. We found a higher fraction of ETs (54 per cent) than LTs (46 per cent) throughout the analysed central region, as expected. In addition, we analysed the correlation between the five morphological parameters (Abraham concentration, Bershady–Concelice concentration, asymmetry, Gini, and M20 moment of light) and the clustercentric distance, without finding a clear trend. Finally, as a result of our work, the morphological catalogue of 231 galaxies containing all the measured parameters and the final classification is available in the electronic form of this paper.MP also acknowledges support from the Spanish MINECO under projects AYA2013-42227-P and AYA2016-76682-C3-1-P- This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under the grants AYA2014-58861-C3-2-P, AYA2014-58861-C3-3-P, AYA2017-88007-C3-1-P, and AYA2017-88007-C3-2-P