76 research outputs found

    Dream Self-Reflectiveness as a Learned Cognitive Skill

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    Many prominent researchers subscribe to the notion that dreaming is cognitively deficient relative to normal waking consciousness (Foulkes,1983; Hartmann, 1973; Koukkou & Lehman, 1983). Dreams are perceived as massively non-reflective and single-minded as evidenced by their apparent lack of imagination, lack of lucidity (awareness of dreaming while dreaming), and tendency to be forgotten (Rechtschaffen, 1978). The notion of dream ‘isolation’ from other systems of consciousness has been posited by Rechtachaffen as an inescapable conclusion once these characteristics of dreaming have been understood

    A Frequency-Controlled Magnetic Vortex Memory

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    Using the ultra low damping NiMnSb half-Heusler alloy patterned into vortex-state magnetic nano-dots, we demonstrate a new concept of non-volatile memory controlled by the frequency. A perpendicular bias magnetic field is used to split the frequency of the vortex core gyrotropic rotation into two distinct frequencies, depending on the sign of the vortex core polarity p=±1p=\pm1 inside the dot. A magnetic resonance force microscope and microwave pulses applied at one of these two resonant frequencies allow for local and deterministic addressing of binary information (core polarity)

    Bistability of vortex core dynamics in a single perpendicularly magnetized nano-disk

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    Microwave spectroscopy of individual vortex-state magnetic nano-disks in a perpendicular bias magnetic field, HH, is performed using a magnetic resonance force microscope (MRFM). It reveals the splitting induced by HH on the gyrotropic frequency of the vortex core rotation related to the existence of the two stable polarities of the core. This splitting enables spectroscopic detection of the core polarity. The bistability extends up to a large negative (antiparallel to the core) value of the bias magnetic field HrH_r, at which the core polarity is reversed. The difference between the frequencies of the two stable rotational modes corresponding to each core polarity is proportional to HH and to the ratio of the disk thickness to its radius. Simple analytic theory in combination with micromagnetic simulations give quantitative description of the observed bistable dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, 16 references. Submitted to Physical Review Letters on December 19th, 200

    Identification and selection rules of the spin-wave eigen-modes in a normally magnetized nano-pillar

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    We report on a spectroscopic study of the spin-wave eigen-modes inside an individual normally magnetized two layers circular nano-pillar (Permalloy|Copper|Permalloy) by means of a Magnetic Resonance Force Microscope (MRFM). We demonstrate that the observed spin-wave spectrum critically depends on the method of excitation. While the spatially uniform radio-frequency (RF) magnetic field excites only the axially symmetric modes having azimuthal index =0\ell=0, the RF current flowing through the nano-pillar, creating a circular RF Oersted field, excites only the modes having azimuthal index =+1\ell=+1. Breaking the axial symmetry of the nano-pillar, either by tilting the bias magnetic field or by making the pillar shape elliptical, mixes different \ell-index symmetries, which can be excited simultaneously by the RF current. Experimental spectra are compared to theoretical prediction using both analytical and numerical calculations. An analysis of the influence of the static and dynamic dipolar coupling between the nano-pillar magnetic layers on the mode spectrum is performed

    Universal Vectorial and Ultrasensitive Nanomechanical Force Field Sensor

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    Miniaturization of force probes into nanomechanical oscillators enables ultrasensitive investigations of forces on dimensions smaller than their characteristic length scale. Meanwhile it also unravels the force field vectorial character and how its topology impacts the measurement. Here we expose an ultrasensitive method to image 2D vectorial force fields by optomechanically following the bidimensional Brownian motion of a singly clamped nanowire. This novel approach relies on angular and spectral tomography of its quasi frequency-degenerated transverse mechanical polarizations: immersing the nanoresonator in a vectorial force field does not only shift its eigenfrequencies but also rotate eigenmodes orientation as a nano-compass. This universal method is employed to map a tunable electrostatic force field whose spatial gradients can even take precedence over the intrinsic nanowire properties. Enabling vectorial force fields imaging with demonstrated sensitivities of attonewton variations over the nanoprobe Brownian trajectory will have strong impact on scientific exploration at the nanoscale

    Magnetic Vortex Core Reversal by Excitation of Spin Waves

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    Micron-sized magnetic platelets in the flux closed vortex state are characterized by an in-plane curling magnetization and a nanometer-sized perpendicularly magnetized vortex core. Having the simplest non-trivial configuration, these objects are of general interest to micromagnetics and may offer new routes for spintronics applications. Essential progress in the understanding of nonlinear vortex dynamics was achieved when low-field core toggling by excitation of the gyrotropic eigenmode at sub-GHz frequencies was established. At frequencies more than an order of magnitude higher vortex state structures possess spin wave eigenmodes arising from the magneto-static interaction. Here we demonstrate experimentally that the unidirectional vortex core reversal process also occurs when such azimuthal modes are excited. These results are confirmed by micromagnetic simulations which clearly show the selection rules for this novel reversal mechanism. Our analysis reveals that for spin wave excitation the concept of a critical velocity as the switching condition has to be modified.Comment: Minor corrections and polishing of previous versio

    Spin torque resonant vortex core expulsion for an efficient radio-frequency detection scheme

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    Spin-polarised radio-frequency currents, whose frequency is equal to that of the gyrotropic mode, will cause an excitation of the core of a magnetic vortex confined in a magnetic tunnel junction. When the excitation radius of the vortex core is greater than that of the junction radius, vortex core expulsion is observed, leading to a large change in resistance, as the layer enters a predominantly uniform magnetisation state. Unlike the conventional spin-torque diode effect, this highly tunable resonant effect will generate a voltage which does not decrease as a function of rf power, and has the potential to form the basis of a new generation of tunable nanoscale radio-frequency detectors

    Optimal control of vortex core polarity by resonant microwave pulses

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    In a vortex-state magnetic nano-disk, the static magnetization is curling in the plane, except in the core region where it is pointing out-of-plane, either up or down leading to two possible stable states of opposite core polarity p. Dynamical reversal of p by large amplitude motion of the vortex core has recently been demonstrated experimentally,raising fundamental interest for potential application in magnetic storage devices. Here we demonstrate coherent control of p by single and double microwave pulse sequences, taking advantage of the resonant vortex dynamics in a perpendicular bias magnetic field. Optimization of the microwave pulse duration required to switch p allows to experimentally infer the characteristic decay time of the vortex core in the large oscillation regime. It is found to be more than twice shorter than in the small oscillation regime, raising the fundamental question of the non-linear behaviour of magnetic dissipation

    Measurement of the dynamical dipolar coupling in a pair of magnetic nanodisks using a ferromagnetic resonance force microscope

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    We perform a spectroscopic study of the collective spin-wave dynamics occurring in a pair of magnetic nanodisks coupled by the magnetodipolar interaction. We take advantage of the stray field gradient produced by the magnetic tip of a ferromagnetic resonance force microscope to continuously tune and detune the relative resonance frequencies between two adjacent nano-objects. This reveals the anticrossing and hybridization of the spin-wave modes in the pair. At the exact tuning, the measured frequency splitting between the binding and antibinding modes corresponds to the strength of the dynamical dipolar coupling Ω. This accurate ferromagnetic resonance force microscope determination of Ω is measured versus the separation between the nanodisks. It agrees quantitatively with calculations of the expected dynamical magnetodipolar interaction in our sample