4,205 research outputs found

    Intensity of Vascular Streak Dieback in Different Cocoa Clones and Various Agro-climatic Conditions

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    Vascular streak dieback (VSD) is one of the main diseases on cocoa. This disease can produce a heavy damage in susceptible plants. Agro-climatic condition influences the VSD disease severity level. A study on the relationship between agro-climatic condition and VSD disease severity was conducted in eight locations which were selected based on difference in agro-climatic conditions including altitude, rainfall, number of wet, and dry months. Randomized complete block design was used consisting of eight agro-climatic conditions as treatments which consisted of 200 trees samples, and scored for VSD intensity. A study was also conducted on the response of cocoa clones with different level of resistance at different altitude at Kendeng Lembu, Jatirono, Sungai Lembu, Banjarsari, and Sumber Asin Plantations. A split plot design was applied consisting of two factors. The first factor was location including Pager Gunung (highland) and Besaran (lowland). The second factor was clone resistance with two levels: PA 191 (resistant) and BL 703 (susceptible). VSD scores and stomatal characteristics (stomata number, stomata diameter, and stomata aperture) were determined. The results of experiment showed that VSD scoring differed significantly between the eight agro-climatic conditions. The highest VSD score occurred in the lowland (Gereng Rejo, Banjarsari Plantation, 38 m asl.), where the average annual rainfall was 2161 mm, with five dry months. Cocoa trees in Sumber Asin (580 m asl.), with the average annual rainfall of 2302 mm and 8.5 wet months/3.5 dry months were mostly free of VSD disease. Altitude was positively correlated with rainfall, and negatively correlated with VSD severity. Number of wet months was negatively correlated with VSD severity. Conversely, number of dry months was positively correlated with VSD. The result indicated that genotype, environment, or their interaction did not significantly affect number and aperture of stomata. Although stomatal diameter was significantly affected by environment, genotypes or their interaction with environment did not influence this character

    The formation heritage of Jupiter Family Comet 10P/Tempel 2 as revealed by infrared spectroscopy

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    We present spectral and spatial information for major volatile species in Comet 10P/Tempel 2, based on high-dispersion infrared spectra acquired on UT 2010 July 26 (heliocentric distance Rh = 1.44 AU) and September 18 (Rh = 1.62 AU), following the comet's perihelion passage on UT 2010 July 04. The total production rate for water on July 26 was (1.90 +/- 0.12) x 10^28 molecules s-1, and abundances of six trace gases (relative to water) were: CH3OH (1.58% +/- 0.23), C2H6 (0.39% +/- 0.04), NH3 (0.83% +/- 0.20), and HCN (0.13% +/- 0.02). A detailed analysis of intensities for water emission lines provided a rotational temperature of 35 +/- 3 K. The mean OPR is consistent with nuclear spin populations in statistical equilibrium (OPR = 3.01 +/- 0.18), and the (1-sigma) lower bound corresponds to a spin temperature > 38 K. Our measurements were contemporaneous with a jet-like feature observed at optical wavelengths. The spatial profiles of four primary volatiles display strong enhancements in the jet direction, which favors release from a localized vent on the nucleus. The measured IR continuum is much more sharply peaked and is consistent with a dominant contribution from the nucleus itself. The peak intensities for H2O, CH3OH, and C2H6 are offset by ~200 km in the jet direction, suggesting the possible existence of a distributed source, such as the release of icy grains that subsequently sublimed in the coma. On UT September 18, no obvious emission lines were present in our spectra, nevertheless we obtained a 3-sigma upper limit Q(H2O) < 2.86 x 10^27 molecules s-1

    PIVET rFSH dosing algorithms for individualized controlled ovarian stimulation enables optimized pregnancy productivity rates and avoidance of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

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    © 2016 Yovich et al.The first PIVET algorithm for individualized recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (rFSH) dosing in in vitro fertilization, reported in 2012, was based on age and antral follicle count grading with adjustments for anti-Müllerian hormone level, body mass index, day-2 FSH, and smoking history. In 2007, it was enabled by the introduction of a metered rFSH pen allowing small dosage increments of ~8.3 IU per click. In 2011, a second rFSH pen was introduced allowing more precise dosages of 12.5 IU per click, and both pens with their individual algorithms have been applied continuously at our clinic. The objective of this observational study was to validate the PIVET algorithms pertaining to the two rFSH pens with the aim of collecting =15 oocytes and minimizing the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. The data set included 2, 822 in vitro fertilization stimulations over a 6-year period until April 2014 applying either of the two individualized dosing algorithms and corresponding pens. The main outcome measures were mean oocytes retrieved and resultant embryos designated for transfer or cryopreservation permitted calculation of oocyte and embryo utilization rates. Ensuing pregnancies were tracked until live births, and live birth productivity rates embracing fresh and frozen transfers were calculated. Overall, the results showed that mean oocyte numbers were 10.0 for all women &lt;40 years with 24% requiring rFSH dosages &lt;150 IU. Applying both specific algorithms in our clinic meant that the starting dose was not altered for 79.1% of patients and for 30.1% of those receiving the very lowest rFSH dosages (=75 IU). Only 0.3% patients were diagnosed with severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, all deemed avoidable due to definable breaches from the protocols. The live birth productivity rates exceeded 50% for women &lt;35 years and was 33.2% for the group aged 35–39 years. Routine use of both algorithms led to only 11.6% of women generating.15 oocytes, significantly lower than recently published data applying conventional dosages (38.2%; P&lt;0.0001). When comparing both specific algorithms to each other, the outcomes were mainly comparable for pregnancy, live birth, and miscarriage rate. However, there were significant differences in relation to number of oocytes retrieved, but the mean for both the algorithms remained well below 15 oocytes. Consequently, application of both these algorithms in our in vitro fertilization clinic allows the use of both the rFSH products, with very similar results, and they can be considered validated on the basis of effectiveness and safety, clearly avoiding ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

    Enumerating Abelian Returns to Prefixes of Sturmian Words

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    We follow the works of Puzynina and Zamboni, and Rigo et al. on abelian returns in Sturmian words. We determine the cardinality of the set APRu\mathcal{APR}_u of abelian returns of all prefixes of a Sturmian word uu in terms of the coefficients of the continued fraction of the slope, dependingly on the intercept. We provide a simple algorithm for finding the set APRu\mathcal{APR}_u and we determine it for the characteristic Sturmian words.Comment: 19page

    Einstein@Home Discovery of 24 Pulsars in the Parkes Multi-Beam Pulsar Survey

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    We have conducted a new search for radio pulsars in compact binary systems in the Parkes multi-beam pulsar survey (PMPS) data, employing novel methods to remove the Doppler modulation from binary motion. This has yielded unparalleled sensitivity to pulsars in compact binaries. The required computation time of 17, 000 CPU core years was provided by the distributed volunteer computing project Einstein@Home, which has a sustained computing power of about 1 PFlop s–1. We discovered 24 new pulsars in our search, 18 of which were isolated pulsars, and 6 were members of binary systems. Despite the wide filterbank channels and relatively slow sampling time of the PMPS data, we found pulsars with very large ratios of dispersion measure (DM) to spin period. Among those is PSR J1748–3009, the millisecond pulsar with the highest known DM (420 pc cm–3). We also discovered PSR J1840–0643, which is in a binary system with an orbital period of 937 days, the fourth largest known. The new pulsar J1750–2536 likely belongs to the rare class of intermediate-mass binary pulsars. Three of the isolated pulsars show long-term nulling or intermittency in their emission, further increasing this growing family. Our discoveries demonstrate the value of distributed volunteer computing for data-driven astronomy and the importance of applying new analysis methods to extensively searched data

    Killing tensors in pp-wave spacetimes

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    The formal solution of the second order Killing tensor equations for the general pp-wave spacetime is given. The Killing tensor equations are integrated fully for some specific pp-wave spacetimes. In particular, the complete solution is given for the conformally flat plane wave spacetimes and we find that irreducible Killing tensors arise for specific classes. The maximum number of independent irreducible Killing tensors admitted by a conformally flat plane wave spacetime is shown to be six. It is shown that every pp-wave spacetime that admits an homothety will admit a Killing tensor of Koutras type and, with the exception of the singular scale-invariant plane wave spacetimes, this Killing tensor is irreducible.Comment: 18 page

    Vitamin D deficiency is associated with tuberculosis disease in British children

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    Background53Basic science, epidemiological and interventional research supports a link between vitamin D and 54tuberculosis immunity, infection and disease. We evaluated the association between vitamin D 55levels and tuberculosis (TB) infection and disease in UK children recruited to the NIHR IGRA Kids 56Study (NIKS).57Methods58Children presenting between 2011-2014 were eligible if they had history of exposure to an adult 59case with sputum smear/culture-positive TB, or were referred and diagnosed with TB disease. 60Children were assessed at baseline and 6-8 weeks for immunological evidence of TB infection (IGRA 61and/or tuberculin skin test) and evidence of TB disease. Some centres routinely measured total 25-62hydroxy vitamin D levels.63Results64166 children were included. Median 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels were higher in uninfected children 65(45.5 nmol/l) compared to those with infection (36.2 nmol/l) and disease (20.0 nmol/l). The 66difference between TB infection and disease was statistically significant (p<0.001). By logistic 67regression, lower vitamin D levels were associated with TB disease among participants with 68infection/disease, with no evidence of confounding by age, sex, BCG status, ethnicity, non-contact 69referral, season or centre.70Conclusion71Children with TB disease had lower vitamin D levels than children with infection. Implications for 72prevention and treatment remain to be established

    Polarization studies of Rotating Radio Transients

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    We study the polarization properties of 22 known rotating radio transients (RRATs) with the 64-m Parkes radio telescope and present the Faraday rotation measures (RMs) for the 17 with linearly polarized flux exceeding the off-pulse noise by 3σ\sigma. Each RM was estimated using a brute-force search over trial RMs that spanned the maximum measurable range ±1.18×105 rad m2\pm1.18 \times 10^5 \, \mathrm{rad \, m^2} (in steps of 1 rad m2\mathrm{rad \, m^2}), followed by an iterative refinement algorithm. The measured RRAT RMs are in the range |RM| ∼1\sim 1 to ∼950\sim 950 rad m−2^{-2} with an average linear polarization fraction of ∼40\sim 40 per cent. Individual single pulses are observed to be up to 100 per cent linearly polarized. The RMs of the RRATs and the corresponding inferred average magnetic fields (parallel to the line-of-sight and weighted by the free electron density) are observed to be consistent with the Galactic plane pulsar population. Faraday rotation analyses are typically performed on accumulated pulsar data, for which hundreds to thousands of pulses have been integrated, rather than on individual pulses. Therefore, we verified the iterative refinement algorithm by performing Monte Carlo simulations of artificial single pulses over a wide range of S/N and RM. At and above a S/N of 17 in linearly polarized flux, the iterative refinement recovers the simulated RM value 100 per cent of the time with a typical mean uncertainty of ∼5\sim5 rad m−2^{-2}. The method described and validated here has also been successfully used to determine reliable RMs of several fast radio bursts (FRBs) discovered at Parkes.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS, 10 pages, 6 figure

    Ices in Star-Forming Regions: First Results from VLT-ISAAC

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    The first results from a VLT-ISAAC program on L- and M-band infrared spectroscopy of deeply-embedded young stellar objects are presented. The advent of 8-m class telescopes allows high S/N spectra of low-luminosity sources to be obtained. In our first observing run, low- and medium-resolution spectra have been measured toward a dozen objects, mostly in the Vela and Chamaeleon molecular clouds. The spectra show strong absorption of H2O and CO ice, as well as weak features at `3.47' and 4.62 mu. No significant solid CH3OH feature at 3.54 mu is found, indicating that the CH3OH/H2O ice abundance is lower than toward some massive protostars. Various evolutionary diagnostics are investigated for a set of sources in Vela.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in The Origins of Stars and Planets: the VLT View, eds. J. Alves, M. McCaughrean (Springer Verlag
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