168 research outputs found

    Information on antiprotonic atoms and the nuclear periphery from the PS209 experiment

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    In the PS209 experiments at CERN two kinds of measurements were performed: the in-beam measurement of X-rays from antiprotonic atoms and the radiochemical, off-line determination of the yield of annihilation products with mass number A_t -1 (less by 1 than the target mass). Both methods give observables which allows to study the peripheral matter density composition and distribution.Comment: LaTeX (espcrc1 style), 6 pages, 3 EPS figures, 1 table, Proceedings of the Sixth Biennal Conference on Low-Energy Antiproton Physics LEAP 2000, Venice, Ital

    Developing of wear model of construction materials in abrasive soil pulp employing discriminant analysis

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    U radu se opisuje metoda odabira kemijskog sastava i strukture površinskog sloja konstrukcijskih materijala koji odgovaraju svojstvima abrazivne zemljane mase koja se obrađuje. Eksperiment je proveden u laboratoriju metodom "rotirajuće mase". Matematičkim modelom razvijenim za eksperiment omogućena je simulacija promjena u trošenju konstrukcijskih materijala korištenih u zemlji ovisno o promjeni kemijskog sastava i strukture konstrukcijskog materijala i vlažnosti zemlje. Rezultati pokazuju da intenzitet trošenja u šljunčanom tlu može biti prihvatljiv za materijale koji sadrže manje od 20 % C+Cr (upotrebljene u tlu s vlažnošću višom od 12 %) kao i u tribološki nepovoljnim uvjetima (vlažnost tla ispod 6 %), ako je sadržaj C+Cr u konstrukcijskom materijalu viši od 25 %.This paper presents a method of selecting the chemical composition and structure of the surface layer of construction materials to suit the property of the abrasive soil pulp being processed. The experiment was conducted in a laboratory, by the "rotating mass" method. The mathematical model developed for the experiment enables simulation of the wear changes of the construction materials used in soil, depending on changing of chemical composition and structure of the construction material and soil humidity. The results produced in the experiment have shown that the wear intensity in gravel soil may be acceptable for both materials containing less than 20 % C+Cr (used in soil with humidity of more than 12 %) and in tribological unfavourable conditions (soil humidity below 6 %), if the C+Cr content in the construction material exceeds 25 %

    Neutron density distributions from antiprotonic 208Pb and 209Bi atoms

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    The X-ray cascade from antiprotonic atoms was studied for 208Pb and 209Bi. Widths and shifts of the levels due to the strong interaction were determined. Using modern antiproton-nucleus optical potentials the neutron densities in the nuclear periphery were deduced. Assuming two parameter Fermi distributions (2pF) describing the proton and neutron densities the neutron rms radii were deduced for both nuclei. The difference of neutron and proton rms radii /\r_np equal to 0.16 +-(0.02)_{stat} +- (0.04)_{syst} fm for 208Pb and 0.14 +- (0.04)_{stat} +- (0.04)_{syst} fm for 209Bi were determined and the assigned systematic errors are discussed. The /\r_np values and the deduced shapes of the neutron distributions are compared with mean field model calculations.Comment: 22 pages, 8 tables, 15 figure

    Modelling human impacts on surface and subsurface hydrological drought

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    The scientists tend to assume that climatic factors are the only drivers in the development of drought. However, this classical assumption is no longer valid in the Anthropocene, as most catchments have been significantly modified by human factors. Recent theoretical developments have shown that there are mutual interactions and feedback mechanisms – drought shapes humans and vice versa. Therefore, this study aims to assess the role of human impacts on hydrological drought (HD) characteristics by considering runoff and baseflow separately. For this purpose, the two rainfall-runoff models: SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) and HBV (Hydrologiska Byrans Vattenbalansavdelning) models are compared. The results show significant differences in the magnitude of change between the two models, suggesting that the ensemble method of multiple models need to be considered for modelling human impact. However, the results confirm that despite significant differences in the magnitude of change, both hydrological models indicate similar impacts, i.e. positive and negative.</p

    Linking the impact of aging on visual short-term memory capacity with changes in the structural connectivity of posterior thalamus to occipital cortices

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    Aging impacts both visual short-term memory (vSTM) capacity and thalamo-cortical connectivity. According to the Neural Theory of Visual Attention, vSTM depends on the structural connectivity between posterior thalamus and visual occipital cortices (PT-OC). We tested whether aging modifies the association between vSTM capacity and PT-OC structural connectivity. To do so, 66 individuals aged 20–77 years were assessed by diffusion-weighted imaging used for probabilistic tractography and performed a psychophysical whole-report task of briefly presented letter arrays, from which vSTM capacity estimates were derived. We found reduced vSTM capacity, and aberrant PT-OC connection probability in aging. Critically, age modified the relationship between vSTM capacity and PT-OC connection probability: in younger adults, vSTM capacity was negatively correlated with PT-OC connection probability while in older adults, this association was positive. Furthermore, age modified the microstructure of PT-OC tracts suggesting that the inversion of the association between PT-OC connection probability and vSTM capacity with aging might reflect age-related changes in white-matter properties. Accordingly, our results demonstrate that age-related differences in vSTM capacity links with the microstructure and connectivity of PT-OC tracts

    Strong interaction and E2 effect in even- A antiprotonic Te atoms

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    The x-ray cascade from antiprotonic atoms was studied for Te-122, Te-124, Te-126, Te-128, and Te-130. Widths and shifts due to the strong interaction were deduced for several levels. The E2 nuclear resonance effect was observed in all investigated nuclei. In Te-130 the E2 resonance allowed to determine level widths and shifts of the LS-split deeply bound (n,l)=(6,5) state, otherwise unobservable. The measured level widths and shifts, corrected for the E2-resonance effect, were used to investigate the nucleon density in the nuclear periphery. The deduced neutron distributions are compared with results of the previously introduced radiochemical method and with Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov model calculations

    Nucleon density in the nuclear periphery determined with antiprotonic x-rays: cadmium and tin isotopes

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    The x-ray cascade from antiprotonic atoms was studied for 106Cd, 116Cd, 112Sn, 116Sn, 120Sn, and 124Sn. Widths and shifts of the levels due to strong interaction were deduced. Isotopic effects in the Cd and Sn isotopes are clearly seen. The results are used to investigate the nucleon density in the nuclear periphery. The deduced neutron distributions are compared with the results of the previously introduced radiochemical method and with HFB calculations

    Material flow optimization – a case study in automotive industry

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    Danas je većina organizacija suočena s mnogim dilemama, bit kojih je određivanje načina postizanja ili održavanja stečenog položaja u konkurentnom okruženju. Poduzeća moraju neprestano povećavati svoju ekonomiju. Jedan od načina stjecanja nadmoći nad konkurencijom je analiza i optimizacija toka materijala, što doprinosi smanjenju troškova. Tok materijala u proizvodnoj organizaciji govori nam mnogo o organizaciji sustava. U radu se daje analiza postojećeg stanja toka materijala u jednoj proizvodnoj organizaciji motornih vozila. Predlaže se i projekt optimizacije toka materijala; projekt se sastoji od novog programa internog prijevoza i optimizacije položaja radnih štandova. U radu se opisuju postojeći problemi u internom prijevozu poduzeća i daju rješenja tih problema.Today, most contemporary organisations are facing many dilemmas, the essence of which is the determination of the ways of acquisition or maintenance of their position in the competitive environment. Companies have to continuously increase their economy. One of the ways to get competitive prevalence is analysis and optimization of material flow which contributes to the reduction of the company costs. Material flow in a production organization tells us a lot about how well the system is organised. The paper presents an analysis of the current state of material flow in a production company of the automotive branch. A project of the material flow optimization has also been proposed; the project consists of creation of a program of internal transport and optimization of the location of the working stands. The paper describes the current problems of the company internal transport and indicates solutions to those problems