228 research outputs found

    Animal Models in Peritoneal Dialysis

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    Over the last decades peritoneal dialysis (PD) has become a successful and widely used treatment for endstage  renal disease patients worldwide. Together with the increasing number of uremic patients successfully  treated with PD has grown an interest in physiological, pathophysiological and clinical aspects of this  therapeutic method. This article provides an overview of the current status on animal models used in studying  the histology and physiology of the peritoneum, as well as the process of peritoneal dialysis itself. We  discuss species of experimental animals, methods of peritoneal access, sampling for histology, different  techniques and methodologies, and complications of experimental models of PD.

    Каспийские источники как основа международно-правового значения Юго-Восточной Европы для европейской энергетической безопасности

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    The article is dedicated to the research of geopolitical and legal status of Caspian Sea as assumption for the development of the transport routes for oil and gas to the Europe and importance of the South-East Europe countries in this «game». The study is devoted to analysis of international legal status of the Caspian Sea and international law relationships connected with the transportation of oil and gas from this region.В статье рассматривается геополитический и правовой статус Каспийского моря как предпосылка для развития транспортных путей нефти и газа в Европу и значения стран Юго-Восточной Европы в этой «игре». Исследование посвящено анализу международно-правового статуса Каспия и международно-правовым отношениям, связанным с транспортом нефти и газа из данного региона

    Uticaj pentobarbitala i pentilenetetrazola na nivo azot oksida u frontalnom korteksu pacova

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    Levels of nitric oxide (NO) in the rats frontal cortex were continuously monitored before and after intraperitoneal administration of an antiepileptic drug-pentobarbital (20 and 40 mg/kg) or convulsant drug - pentylenetetrazol (50 mg/kg). Pentobarbital decreased the levels of NO in a dose dependent manner However, NO levels had a tendency to increase following the administration of pentylenetetrazol. It is suggested that central NO participates in the modulation of neuronal excitability, supporting the idea that NO is an important excitatory factor involved in the regulation of seizure susceptibility. Also, our results on anaesthetized rats suggests that endogenous NO may be involved in the mechanism of action of antiepileptic and analeptic drugs and this further suggest that NO levels in the human brain may decrease during antiepileptic therapy and increase during epileptic attacks or administration of excitatory drugs. The aim of the present study was to determine the possible role of NO levels in the brain during neuronal excitability and seizures.Nivo azot oksida (NO) u frontalnom korteksu pacova meren je kontinuirano kako pre, tako i nakon intraperitonealne primene antiepileptika pentobarbitala (u dozi od 20 i 40 mg/kg) ili konvulzivnog agensa pentilenetetrazola (u dozi od 50 mg/kg). Rezultati ovih eksperimenta su ukazali da pentobarbital smanjuje nivo NO u frontalnom korteksu pacova, dok koncentracija NO ima tendeciju rasta nakon primene pentilenetetrazola. Osim toga, dokazano je da endogeni NO ima važnu ekscitatornu ulogu u centralnim mehanizmima nastanka epilepsije. Takođe, naši rezultati su ukazali da kod anestetisanih životinja endogeni nivo NO ima uticaja na dejstvo kako antikonvulzivnih, tako i prokonvulzivnih lekova. Nivo NO u mozgu pacova je bio snižen tokom terapije antiepilepticima, a povišen tokom epileptičkih napada ili primene lekova iz grupe centralnih stimulansa

    Evolution of dissolution process at the interface of carbon steel corroding in a CO2 environment studied by EIS,”

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    a b s t r a c t The evolution of interfacial phenomena during CO 2 corrosion of C1018 carbon steel was characterized by EIS (Electrochemical Spectroscopy Impedance) and LPR (Linear Polarization Resistance). Turbulent conditions were simulated by a channel flow cell with deoxygenated 3 wt.% NaCl solution at 80°C and pH 6 during 158 h. EIS helped in the characterization of the dynamic mechanism during the formation of the unprotective porous Fe 3 C layer, and subsequent precipitation of the protective FeCO 3 layer inside the cementite. The experimental response of the active states at the interface was characterized by electrical passive elements with constant phase parameter analogs showing good agreement with the experimental results

    Global gene disruption in human cells to assign genes to phenotypes

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    Insertional mutagenesis in a haploid background can disrupt gene function[superscript 1]. We extend our earlier work by using a retroviral gene-trap vector to generate insertions in >98% of the genes expressed in a human cancer cell line that is haploid for all but one of its chromosomes. We apply phenotypic interrogation via tag sequencing (PhITSeq) to examine millions of mutant alleles through selection and parallel sequencing. Analysis of pools of cells, rather than individual clones[superscript 1] enables rapid assessment of the spectrum of genes involved in the phenotypes under study. This facilitates comparative screens as illustrated here for the family of cytolethal distending toxins (CDTs). CDTs are virulence factors secreted by a variety of pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria responsible for tissue damage at distinct anatomical sites[superscript 2]. We identify 743 mutations distributed over 12 human genes important for intoxication by four different CDTs. Although related CDTs may share host factors, they also exploit unique host factors to yield a profile characteristic for each CDT

    Evidence-based nanoscopic and molecular framework for excipient functionality in compressed orally disintegrating tablets

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    The work investigates the adhesive/cohesive molecular and physical interactions together with nanoscopic features of commonly used orally disintegrating tablet (ODT) excipients microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and D-mannitol. This helps to elucidate the underlying physico-chemical and mechanical mechanisms responsible for powder densification and optimum product functionality. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) contact mode analysis was performed to measure nano-adhesion forces and surface energies between excipient-drug particles (6-10 different particles per each pair). Moreover, surface topography images (100 nm2-10 μm2) and roughness data were acquired from AFM tapping mode. AFM data were related to ODT macro/microscopic properties obtained from SEM, FTIR, XRD, thermal analysis using DSC and TGA, disintegration testing, Heckel and tabletability profiles. The study results showed a good association between the adhesive molecular and physical forces of paired particles and the resultant densification mechanisms responsible for mechanical strength of tablets. MCC micro roughness was 3 times that of D-mannitol which explains the high hardness of MCC ODTs due to mechanical interlocking. Hydrogen bonding between MCC particles could not be established from both AFM and FTIR solid state investigation. On the contrary, D-mannitol produced fragile ODTs due to fragmentation of surface crystallites during compression attained from its weak crystal structure. Furthermore, AFM analysis has shown the presence of extensive micro fibril structures inhabiting nano pores which further supports the use of MCC as a disintegrant. Overall, excipients (and model drugs) showed mechanistic behaviour on the nano/micro scale that could be related to the functionality of materials on the macro scale. © 2014 Al-khattawi et al

    Establishment, molecular and biological characterization of HCB-514: a novel human cervical cancer cell line

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    Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women. Although cure rates are high for early stage disease, clinical outcomes for advanced, metastatic, or recurrent disease remain poor. To change this panorama, a deeper understanding of cervical cancer biology and novel study models are needed. Immortalized human cancer cell lines such as HeLa constitute crucial scientific tools, but there are few other cervical cancer cell lines available, limiting our understanding of a disease known for its molecular heterogeneity. This study aimed to establish novel cervical cancer cell lines derived from Brazilian patients. We successfully established one (HCB-514) out of 35 cervical tumors biopsied. We confirmed the phenotype of HCB-514 by verifying its' epithelial and tumor origin through cytokeratins, EpCAM and p16 staining. It was also HPV-16 positive. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) showed relevant somatic mutations in several genes including BRCA2, TGFBR1 and IRX2. A copy number variation (CNV) analysis by nanostring and WES revealed amplification of genes mainly related to kinases proteins involved in proliferation, migration and cell differentiation, such as EGFR, PIK3CA, and MAPK7. Overexpression of EGFR was confirmed by phospho RTK-array and validated by western blot analysis. Furthermore, the HCB-514 cell line was sensitive to cisplatin. In summary, this novel Brazilian cervical cancer cell line exhibits relevant key molecular features and constitutes a new biological model for pre-clinical studies.Barretos Cancer Hospital Research Support Department (NAP) for sample collection, Barretos Cancer Hospital Biobank for sample processing, Dr. Flávia de Paula and Gabriela Fernandes for technical support of STRs and BRCA2 Sanger validation, respectively, and Dr. Laura Musselwhite (Duke University) for revising the manuscript. This study was supported by grants from the FINEP (MCTI/FINEP/MS/SCTIE/DECIT-01/2013 - FPXII- BIOPLAT - Process number 01.13.0469.00) and Barretos Cancer Hospital. PhD scholarship from FINEP (Grant numbers 384088/2014-7 and 380434/2015-6) and Barretos Cancer Hospital to MNR