6,476 research outputs found

    A note on drastic product logic

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    The drastic product D*_D is known to be the smallest tt-norm, since xDy=0x *_D y = 0 whenever x,y<1x, y < 1. This tt-norm is not left-continuous, and hence it does not admit a residuum. So, there are no drastic product tt-norm based many-valued logics, in the sense of [EG01]. However, if we renounce standard completeness, we can study the logic whose semantics is provided by those MTL chains whose monoidal operation is the drastic product. This logic is called S3MTL{\rm S}_{3}{\rm MTL} in [NOG06]. In this note we justify the study of this logic, which we rechristen DP (for drastic product), by means of some interesting properties relating DP and its algebraic semantics to a weakened law of excluded middle, to the Δ\Delta projection operator and to discriminator varieties. We shall show that the category of finite DP-algebras is dually equivalent to a category whose objects are multisets of finite chains. This duality allows us to classify all axiomatic extensions of DP, and to compute the free finitely generated DP-algebras.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Health challenges in refugee reception: dateline Europe 2016

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    The arrival of more than one million migrants, many of them refugees, has proved a major test for the European Union. Although international relief and monitoring agencies have been critical of makeshift camps in Calais and Eidomeni where infectious disease and overcrowding present major health risks, few have examined the nature of the official reception system and its impact on health delivery. Drawing upon research findings from an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded project, this article considers the physical and mental health of asylum-seekers in transit and analyses how the closure of borders has engendered health risks for populations in recognised reception centres in Sicily and in Greece. Data gathered by means of a survey administered in Greece (300) and in Sicily (400), and complemented by in-depth interviews with migrants (45) and key informants (50) including representatives of government offices, humanitarian and relief agencies, NGOs and activist organisations, are presented to offer an analysis of the reception systems in the two frontline states. We note that medical provision varies significantly from one centre to another and that centre managers play a critical role in the transmission of vital information. A key finding is that, given such disparity, the criteria used by the UNHCR to grade health services reception do not address the substantive issue that prevent refugees from accessing health services, even when provided on site. Health provision is not as recorded in UNHCR reporting but rather there are critical gaps between provision, awareness, and access for refugees in reception systems in Sicily and in Greece. This article concludes that there is a great need for more information campaigns to direct refugees to essential services

    Quartic anomalous couplings at LEP

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    The search for quartic anomalous gauge couplings at LEP requires appropriate predictions for the radiative processes e+ e- \to \nu\bar\nu \gamma\gamma, e+ e- \to q\bar{q}\gamma\gamma and e+ e- \to 4 fermions+\gamma. Matrix elements are exactly computed at the tree level, and the effects of anomalous couplings and initial-state radiation are included. Comparisons with results and approximations existing in the literature are shown and commented. Improved versions of the event generators NUNUGPV and WRAP are made available for experimental analysis.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Revision of type and non-type material assigned to the genus Orthocladius by Goetghebuer (1940&#8211;1950), deposited in the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (Diptera: Chironomidae)

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    Selected type and non-type material belonging to the genus Orthocladius van der Wulp, 1874 (Diptera: Chironomidae) sensu G OETGHEBUER (1940\u20131950), deposited in the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), originally comprising specimens dry pinned or stored in isinglass, were mounted on microscope slides and re-examined. Other chironomids present in the RBINS collection belonging to other genera were also examined. Fifty slides were prepared and identified to species, or to generic level when the condition of the specimens did not allow species identification. The following types, representing taxa formerly considered as nomina dubia, were examined and the concerned species are stated here as valid: Georthocladius collarti (Goetghebuer, 1941) comb. nov., Georthocladius scaturiginis (Goetghebuer, 1940) comb. nov., Lapposmittia succinea (Goetghebuer, 1942) comb. nov., Orthocladius (Euorthocladius) tolleti Goetghebuer, 1944 (new subgenus placement), Orthocladius (Orthocladius) timoni Goetghebuer &amp; Timon-David, 1939, Pseudorthocladius hockaiensis (Goetghebuer, 1933). Orthocladius (Orthocladius) mitisi Goetghebuer, 1938, previously stated as junior synonym of Orthocladius (Orthocladius) glabripennis (Goetghebuer, 1921), is reinstated as valid species. The following new synonyms are proposed: Georthocladius (Georthocladius) collarti = Parachaetocladius retezati Albu, 1972: 19, syn. nov.; Cricotopus (Paratrichocladius) rufiventris (Meigen, 1830) = Orthocladius franzi Goetghebuer, 1949, syn. nov.; Cricotopus (Paratricho-cladius) skirwithensis Edwards, 1929 = Orthocladius nigritus Goetghebuer, 1938, syn. nov. = Paratrichocladius spiesi Ashe &amp; O\u2019Connor, 2012; Hydrobaenus distylus (Potthast, 1914) = Orthocladius antennalis Goetghebuer, 1944, syn. nov. Lecto-types of Orthocladius collarti Goetghebuer, 1941, Orthocladius antennalis Goetghebuer, 1944, Orthocladius timoni Goetghebuer &amp; Timon-David, 1939, and Orthocladius hockaiensis Goetghebuer, 1933 are designated. Non-type material assigned to Orthocladius was also mounted on slides and identified. Although a list of the non-Orthocladius taxa is also provided, no taxonomic changes are proposed for the latter

    Effects of estrogen peripheral metabolism in rheumatoid arthritis

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    It is well known that the immune reactivity is modulated by gender. In fact, women show a more effective immune response as well as a more frequent development of autoimmune diseases. In particular, 17b-estradiol (E2) in patients with systemic inflammatory diseases leads to an higher production of IgG and IgM in peripheral blood mononucleated cells (PBMC) and the secretion of metalloproteinases and IL-6 by synovial fibroblasts. The effect of E2 seems to be partially related to its concentration. In fact, at the physiological concentration, E2 seems to exert a pro-inflammatory effect, while at pharmacological concentrations shows anti-inflammatory effects. Steroid hormones can be converted in downstream hormones along defined pathways. The conversion of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in peripheral macrophages leads to the androgen production. Subsequently the enzyme aromatase converts androgens in estrogens, and its activity is increased by some inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1b, IL-6 and TNF-a. In the synovial fluids of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients the levels of estrogens result significantly increased compared with controls, showing the consequence of this unbalanced steroid metabolism. Furthermore, the metabolism of estrogens leads to some downstream hydroxylated metabolites, that are not waste products, but still active molecules in the inflammatory response. In fact, it has been found that synovial fluids of RA patients present a different ratio of 16-hydroxylated estrogen metabolites/ 2-hydroxylated metabolites, confirming that also the unbalanced metabolism of estrogens and not only the estrogen concentration seems to be related to the development and worsening of rheumatoid arthritis

    Single-photon signal from neutralinos at LEP2

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    The production of invisible pairs of lightest neutralinos accompanied by a large-angle hard photon in the reaction e+eχ10χ10γe^+ e^- \to \chi^0_1 \chi^0_1 \gamma is studied at LEP2 energies. The most general gaugino/higgsino composition of the χ10\chi^0_1 within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model is assumed. The spectrum of the observed photon is derived within the framework of the ptp_t-dependent structure-function approach, whose accuracy is assessed to be within the foreseen experimental accuracy at LEP2. Higher-order QED corrections due to undetected initial-state radiation are also included. A comparison with the Standard Model main background from e+eννˉγe^+ e^- \to \nu \bar \nu \gamma is performed for optimized photon kinematical cuts. Quantitative conclusions on the signal/background ratio are given for a wide range of values of the SUSY parameters.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, uuencoded gzipped postscript file. Revised (->shortened) version. To be published in Nuclear Physics

    Adaptive-Attentive Geolocalization From Few Queries: A Hybrid Approach

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    We tackle the task of cross-domain visual geo-localization, where the goal is to geo-localize a given query image against a database of geo-tagged images, in the case where the query and the database belong to different visual domains. In particular, at training time, we consider having access to only few unlabeled queries from the target domain. To adapt our deep neural network to the database distribution, we rely on a 2-fold domain adaptation technique, based on a hybrid generative-discriminative approach. To further enhance the architecture, and to ensure robustness across domains, we employ a novel attention layer that can easily be plugged into existing architectures. Through a large number of experiments, we show that this adaptive-attentive approach makes the model robust to large domain shifts, such as unseen cities or weather conditions. Finally, we propose a new large-scale dataset for cross-domain visual geo-localization, called SVOX

    Histology and Cytochemistry of Human Skin IV. The Eccrine Sweat Glands1

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