110 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Penerapan Pembelajaran Paikem terhadap Hasil belajar mahasiswa dan Perbedaan yang signifikan antara Mahasiswa kelas A sore dan B sore Pada Mata Kuliah Geografi Sumber Daya Alam Program Studi Geografi IKIP – PGRI Pontianak Tahun Akademik 2014. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Eksperimen. Subjek penelitian adalah  mahasiswa semester IV program studi pendidikan geogerafi IKIP PGRI Pontianak. Tehnik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah tehnik komunikasi lansung dan tehnik komunikasi tidak lansung, teknik observasi langsung serta teknik pengukuran dan Teknik dokumenter sebagai objek pendukung dalam pengumpulan data.Berdasarkan pengujian hipotesis penelitian, maka dapat di simpulkan rata-rata nilai test akhir pada kelas A Sore adalah 76,85 dan standar deviasi sebesar 2,71. dan pada kelas B Sore diperoleh rata-rata sebesar 76,84 dan standar deviasi sebesar 2,69. Berdasarkan hasil kedua hal tersebut bahwasanya mahasiswa 100% lulus.Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara Mahasiswa kelas A sore dan B sore Pada Mata Kuliah Geografi Sumber Daya Alam Pada Program Studi Geografi IKIP – PGRI Pontianak Tahun Akademik 2014, atau dengan kata lain kemampuan mahasiswa sama baiknya. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Paikem, Pembelajaran Geografi
Upaya Dosen Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Interpersonal dan Intrapersonal pada Proses Perkuliahan Pendidikan Geografi di IKIP PGRI Pontianak
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya dosen mengembangkan kecerdasan interpersonal dan kecerdasan intrapersonal pada proses Perkuliahan Pendidikan Geografi di IKIP PGRI Pontianak. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian ini adalah survey (Survey Studies). Subjek penelitian ini adalah Dosen dan  mahasiswa semester III program studi pendidikan Geografi IKIP PGRI Pontianak. Tehnik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah Tehnik komunikasi Lansung dan Tehnik komunikasi tidak lansung. serta teknik observasi langsung sebagai objek pendukung dalam pengumpulan data. Berdasarkan Pengujian Hipotesis Penelitian, maka dapat diartikan bahwa upaya dosen mengembangkan kecerdasan interpersonal dan intrapersonal pada proses pembelajaran Pendidikan Geografi dikategorikan baik, dengan persentase yang dicapai adalah 78,23% dan masuk dalam rentang persentase 70%-79% dengan kategori “Baik”. Adapun hasil analisis data untuk setiap upaya yang dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Upaya dosen mengembangkan kecerdasan interpersonal, dikategorikan baik dengan persentase 78,26%. 2)Upaya dosen mengembangkan kecerdasan intrapersonal, dikategorikan baik dengan persentase 78,21%
Tinjauan Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Raskin dalam Mencapai Enam Tepat
Program raskin yang dilaksanakan sejak 1997/1998 (dengan nama operasi pasar khusus [opk] hingga tahun 2001) telah berkembang dari program jaring pengaman sosial menjadi bagian dari program perlindungan sosial, khususnya program penanggulangan kemiskinan klaster pertama. namun, hingga memasuki 14 tahun pelaksanaannya, kemampuan raskin dalam mencapai enam indikator ketepatan –yakni tepat sasaran, jumlah, harga, waktu, administrasi, dan kualitas– sering menjadi perdebatan dan perhatian banyak pihak. hal ini karena enam indikator ketepatan tersebut menjadi penentu efektivitas keberhasilan raskin dalam mencapai tujuannya. makalah ini secara khusus mengkaji ke-enam aspek ketepatan program tersebut berdasarkan analisis beberapa data sekunder, berbagai informasi dari hasil studi lembaga penelitian smeru dan lembaga lain, serta dari berbagai informasi tentang raskin yang terbit dalam bentuk media cetak maupun elektronik. hasil kajian ini memperlihatkan bahwa ke-enam indikator ketepatan tersebut belum sepenuhnya tercapai sehingga program raskin masih perlu perbaikan agar lebih efektif dalam mencapai tujuan program.
kata kunci: raskin –beras untuk rumah tangga miskin, pencapaian indikator ketepata
Strategi Pemasaran Penerbangan Berkonsep Low Cost Carrier (Lcc) dan Daya Saing Perusahaan (Studi pada Maskapai Penerbangan PT. Garuda Indonesia Citilink)
The focus of this research includes: first, how the marketing strategy is applied by the airline concept of low cost carrier in PT. Garuda Indonesia Citilink. Second, how does the impact of low cost carrier implementation on the company competition. The method used is qualitative with descriptive research type. The data is collected with documentation, observation, and interview techniques. Sources of data derived from primary data through interviews with informants from PT. Garuda Indonesia Citilinks' employee, while secondary data is extracted from internet sites and other related reports. Data analysis method uses Miles and Huberman data analysis model which is data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion. The result of marketing strategy research which is applied by PT. Garuda Indonesia Citilink is good enough in terms of Porter's competitive theory analysis. The company is able to attract new customers and retain old customers by improving service quality, providing continuous innovation, optimizing the efficiency process to provide a better service to customers. PT. Garuda Indonesia Citilink in the last few years, experienced rapid growth in terms of the number of passengers, flight frequency, and flight routes, because the cheap ticket prices provided more affordable for low average consumers
Kinerja Lpg Pada Motor Bakar 6,5 Hp Sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif Perahu Penangkap Ikan (Performance of Liquefied Petroleum Gas for 6,5 Hp Engine as an Alternative Fuel in Small Motorized Fishing Boat)
This research was to analyze the technical effect of LPG compared to the gasoline bymeasuring the engine and exhaust temperature, to calculate the fuel saving (efficiency) for a singletrip by measuring the specific fuel consumption, and to explicate the cost benefit from the use ofLPG compared to the gasoline for fishing operation. During the experimental test, the engine speedwas maintained at idling conditions of 1600, 2000, and 2500rev/min. Technically, the engine andexhaust temperature decrease when running on LPG. The use of LPG as an alternative fuel togasoline can save on fuel consumption up to 26,35% and LPG makes operational cost moreefficiently due to the lower value of FC than that of gasoline. For a single trip, the cost from LPGspecific fuel consumption (sfc) value resulted Rp 5.610 while the gasoline resulted higher valuewhich makes Rp 9.632. With the difference of Rp 4.022, LPG can save cost as much as 41,76%where cost savings in fuel expenditure can be used to reimburse the purchasing cost of converterkit for 41,5 months or 3,46 years
Analisis Daya Saing Ekspo Kopi Indonesia, Brazil, Kolombia, dan Vietnam
Coffee competitiveness as measured by comparative competitiveness, export position of Indonesian coffee, Brazil, Colombia, and Vietnam, and the competitive advantage of Indonesian coffee industry. The type of research used is descriptive with two approaches that is quantitative and qualitative. Then with a quantitative approach, the research used is the analysis tool RCA Index (Revealed Comparative Advantage) and ISP (Index of Trade Specialization). While the analysis using the Diamond Porter theory for a qualitative approach. This study uses primary and secondary data and use time series data types from 1996 to 2014. Based on RCA and ISP analysis, Indonesia has a comparative advantage and tends to be a coffee exporter country. However, Indonesia has the lowest competitiveness compared to Brazil, Colombia, and Vietnam. Based on Diamond Porter's theory analysis, Indonesia is weak on production factors and Government factors
Strategi Pemasaran Kerajinan Gerabah Yang Berorientasi Ekspor Pada PT. Lombok Putri Cinderamata
PT. Lombok Putri Cinderamata is an export oriented-enterprise located in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara Province that focuses on handicraft commodity functions as exterior decoration, interior, tableware, kitchenware, and toilet accessories. One of company's mission is improving the quality of local product from culture identity to export oriented-product. With this regards, PT. Lombok Putri Cinderamata requires marketing strategy to increase the sales and to compete in global market. The research objective is to analysis marketing strategy applied by PT. Lombok Putri Cinderamata to export their product. This research is a qualitative research with the case study. The research shows that PT. Lombok Putri Cinderamata implements concentrated-targeted marketing strategy and use personal selling participating in trade exhibition as promotion tools. The research also indicates that the enterprise's strength relies on the marketing strategy that focuses on overseas markets, such as Canada, United States, Australia, Taiwan and countries in Europe. Meanwhile, the enterprise has weakness on lacking of social media USAge, such as website for promotion and company profile
Pengaruh City Branding Serta Tagline “Kediri Lagi” Terhadap Minat Berkunjung Wisatawan Domestik Kabupaten Kediri
City Branding was started to receive great attention from the region in Indonesia, especially those relying much on their own resources, among other was tourism. City Branding was a marketing strategy used by a city aiming to improve the growth of the city, especially in the economical term. The objective of research was to understand the effect of City Branding “Kediri Lagi” on the interest to visit among domestic tourists. The]is research used quantitative approach. Sample of research was 110 domestic tourists who visited Kediri Regency. Method of sampling was non-probability sampling with a technique of purposive sampling. The instrument of research was questionnaire. Analytical method used simple linear regression. Result of research indicated that City Branding had influenced the interest to visit among domestic tourists for 49%, while the remaining 51% were influenced by other factors. Result of analysis showed that City Branding had a positive effect on the interest to visit
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