966 research outputs found


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    The effectiveness of frightening devices for reducing coyote predation on domestic sheep has not been adequately studied. Portable, battery-operated strobe light/siren devices protected pastured sheep from coyotes for a mean of 53 nights (10 trials) and 91 nights (5 trials). Results of ongoing tests of the devices for reducing predation on herded sheep on summer range in western Colorado have so far been encouraging. Future research needs are outlined

    Managing Coyote Damage Problems with Nonlethal Techniques: Recent Advances in Research

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    In 1972 President Nixon issued Executive Order 11643 prohibiting further federal use of toxicants for controlling predators; EPA subsequently withdrew all chemical registrations for this purpose. These actions stimulated research efforts to develop alternate nonlethal means of reducing livestock losses to coyotes and other predators. Some of these studies, focused primarily on barrier fencing, guarding dogs, chemical repellents and aversive agents, frightening devices, and modification of leg-hold traps, have resulted in new ways to alleviate the problem

    Progress in Coyote Hunting Depredations Research

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    Coyote depredations control research from the end of World War II to about 1960 was characterized by low levels of funding, a minimum of research facilities, an emphasis on lethal agents, few legislative restrictions, a lack of public interest, and little concern for the environment. Establishment of the Leopold Committee (1964) and Cain Committee (1971) were evidence of a growing public concern and awareness of the coyote-livestock problem

    Masting in ponderosa pine: comparisons of pollen and seed over space and time

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    Many plant species exhibit variable and synchronized reproduction, or masting, but less is known of the spatial scale of synchrony, effects of climate, or differences between patterns of pollen and seed production. We monitored pollen and seed cone production for seven Pinus ponderosa populations (607 trees) separated by up to 28 km and 1,350 m in elevation in Boulder County, Colorado, USA for periods of 4–31 years for a mean per site of 8.7 years for pollen and 12.1 for seed cone production. We also analyzed climate data and a published dataset on 21 years of seed production for an eighth population (Manitou) 100 km away. Individual trees showed high inter-annual variation in reproduction. Synchrony was high within populations, but quickly became asynchronous among populations with a combination of increasing distance and elevational difference. Inter-annual variation in temperature and precipitation had differing influences on seed production for Boulder County and Manitou. We speculate that geographically variable effects of climate on reproduction arise from environmental heterogeneity and population genetic differentiation, which in turn result in localized synchrony. Although individual pines produce pollen and seed, only one-third of the covariation within trees was shared. As compared to seed cones, pollen had lower inter-annual variation at the level of the individual tree and was more synchronous. However, pollen and seed production were similar with respect to inter-annual variation at the population level, spatial scales of synchrony and associations with climate. Our results show that strong masting can occur at a localized scale, and that reproductive patterns can differ between pollen and seed cone production in a hermaphroditic plant

    Slow equivariant lump dynamics on the two sphere

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    The low-energy, rotationally equivariant dynamics of n CP^1 lumps on S^2 is studied within the approximation of geodesic motion in the moduli space of static solutions. The volume and curvature properties of this moduli space are computed. By lifting the geodesic flow to the completion of an n-fold cover of the moduli space, a good understanding of nearly singular lump dynamics within this approximation is obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Analysis of conditional gene deletion using probe based Real-Time PCR

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    Following publication of this article [1] the authors noticed that an incorrect probe reference was cited on page 3, 4, 5 and 6 ("UP #69, Roche Applied Science"). The correct probe that was used for the 1lox/2lox allele ratio analysis in the paper is as follow

    Formation of singularities for equivariant 2+1 dimensional wave maps into the two-sphere

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    In this paper we report on numerical studies of the Cauchy problem for equivariant wave maps from 2+1 dimensional Minkowski spacetime into the two-sphere. Our results provide strong evidence for the conjecture that large energy initial data develop singularities in finite time and that singularity formation has the universal form of adiabatic shrinking of the degree-one harmonic map from R2\mathbb{R}^2 into S2S^2.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, final version to be published in Nonlinearit

    Disturbance, Pollinator Predictability, and Pollination Success Among Costa Rican Cloud Forest Plants

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    Cloud forest at Monteverde, Costa Rica experiences frequent natural disturbance. To determine whether species interactions vary spatially due to physical heterogeneity produced by disturbance, we examined relationships between 22 plant species and 11 nectar—feeding bird species in 14 study plots distributed among three patch types: larger landslide—like gaps (hand—cleared areas along a trail), small gaps (formed by recent treefalls), and understory of closed—canopy forest. Species we describe here flowered in two or three patch types. The aspects of pollination we examined varied little with patch type. Mean frequency of pollinator visits varied with patch type in a few plant species but not in most, and there was no significant trend across species. Pollen loads carried by 314 mist—netted hummingbirds did not vary significantly with patch type, either in total number of grains or number of species represented. Cumulative pollen loads that hummingbirds deposited on stigmas of two species of Acanthaceae (Razisea spicata and Hansteinia blepharorachis) did not vary consistently with patch type, except that Hansteinia flowers in treefall gaps received fewer heterospecific pollen grains than flowers in the other two patch types. Frequency of fruit set varied significantly with patch type in three of the four species examined, but the direction of variation in one of these was opposite to the direction of the other two. The absolute frequency with which flowers were pierced by nectar—robbing hummingbirds did not vary significantly with patch type, although the frequency of piercing relative to legitimate pollinator visits did increase in the large gaps. We attribute the latter result to aggregation of the hummingbird Eupherusa eximia, a chronic nectar robber, at dense clumps of long—flowered plant species that occurred in large gaps. Only one feature we examined suggested that patch type might directly affect the nature of species interactions: in two different analyses, the level of variation in frequency of hummingbird visits to flowers declined from large gaps to small gaps to forest. Results suggest that, unless the disturbance initiating a patch is unusually severe or widespread, interactions between the plants and hummingbirds examined are insensitive to patch type. Such species, existing in naturally dynamic forests throughout their recent evolutionary histories, presumably have become accommodated to frequent small—scale disturbance. Results also suggest that those habitat—related contrasts in plant reproductive traits and plant—pollinator interactions documented in other studies, which compare habitats initiated by anthropogenic disturbances with undisturbed patches, may be artifacts to some extent. Anthropogenically generated disturbance mosaics may promote the spread of species whose reproductive traits evolved under very different circumstances from mosaics generated by natural disturbances

    Загадки Велесової книги

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    Дана публікація розкриває помилки попередніх досліджень «Велесової книги» та надає пояснення важкодоступних висловів тексту.Данная публикация раскрывает ошибки предыдущих исследований «Велесовой книги» и дает объяснение труднодоступных выражений в тексте.This publication reveals the mistakes of the former researches on the «Veles-book» and gives the meanings of some hard-to-understand terms of the text

    Evaluation of Character Displacement Among Plants in Two Tropical Pollination Guilds

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    In cloud forest at Monteverde, Costa Rica, two guilds of bird—pollinated plants exist; on guild pollinated by long—billed hummingbirds, primarily the Green Hermit (Phaethornis guy), and one guild pollinated by short—billed hummingbirds, primarily the Purple—throated Mountain—gem (Lampornis calolaema). Plants were assigned to guilds based on hummingbird visit patterns documented during >4000 plant—hours of field observations, and on identities of pollen grains collected from 600 mist—netted hummingbirds. Other studies indicated that pollination in these plants is often insufficient for maximum seed set. Each guild was examined for character displacement expected within a stable assemblage of plants structured by competition for pollination. (1) By comparing observed flowering phenologies with those obtained through a randomization procedure, we determined whether each species' phenology minimized overlap with the remainder of its guild. (2) We also examined complementarity between phenological displacement and morphological displacement in reproductive structures. Neither guild exhibited pronounced character displacement. (1) In most cases, flowering phenologies were indistinguishable from those generated at random; the few statistically significant departures mostly indicated aggregation, rather than displacement, of flowering seasons. (2) In most cases, morphological similarity was independent of phenological similarity. The only statistically significant result among the studied species was a positive correlation, among long—flowered species only, between rarity and uniqueness of flowering season. We do not conclude that this absence of expected pattern indicates that competition never occurs or that competition is an inconsequential ecological event. Rather, we attribute absence of pattern to the following aspects of biological variability, two of which we have demonstrated in other studies. (1) Within any one year, density—dependent competition for pollination is sporadic, and is not clearly related to flowering season or morphological similarity. (2) The nature of interspecific interactions varies among years, as neither the relative intensities of flowering nor the flowering seasons themselves are consistent from year to year. (3) The nature of interspecific interactions varies with changes in species composition, which occur over short distances. (4) The assemblage of species is probably not stable over long time spans; the species have Gleasonian ecologies that change distribution and abundance faster than natural selection or diffuse competition can screen out improper phenotypes or species, respectively