19,613 research outputs found

    Luminance and chromatic contributions to a hyperacuity task: Isolation by contrast polarity and target separation

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    AbstractVernier thresholds are known to be elevated when a target pair has opposite contrast polarity. Polarity reversal is used to assess the role of luminance and chromatic pathways in hyperacuity performance. Psychophysical hyperacuity thresholds were measured for pairs of gratings of various combinations of luminance (Lum) and chromatic (Chr) contrast polarities, at different ratios of luminance to chromatic contrast. With two red–green gratings of matched luminance and chromatic polarity (+Lum+Chr), there was an elevation of threshold at isoluminance. When both luminance and chromatic polarity were mismatched (−Lum−Chr), thresholds were substantially elevated under all conditions. With the same luminance contrast polarity and opposite chromatic polarity (+Lum−Chr) thresholds were only elevated close to isoluminance; in the reverse condition (−Lum+Chr), thresholds were elevated as in the −Lum−Chr condition except close to equiluminance. Similar data were obtained for gratings isolating the short-wavelength cone mechanism. Further psychophysical measurements assessed the role of target separation with matched or mismatched contrast polarity; similar results were found for luminance and chromatic gratings. Comparison physiological data were collected from parafoveal ganglion cells of the macaque retina. Positional precision of ganglion cell signals was assessed under conditions related to the psychophysical measurements. On the basis of these combined observations, it is argued that both magnocellular, parvocellular, and koniocellular pathways have access to cortical positional mechanisms associated with vernier acuity

    Managing Climatic Risks to Combat Land Degradation and Enhance Food security: Key Information Needs

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    This paper discusses the key information needs to reduce the negative impacts of weather variability and climate change on land degradation and food security, and identifies the opportunities and barriers between the information and services needed. It suggests that vulnerability assessments based on a livelihood concept that includes climate information and key socio-economic variables can overcome the narrow focus of common one-dimensional vulnerability studies. Both current and future climatic risks can be managed better if there is appropriate policy and institutional support together with technological interventions to address the complexities of multiple risks that agriculture has to face. This would require effective partnerships among agencies dealing with meteorological and hydrological services, agricultural research, land degradation and food security issues. In addition a state-of-the-art infrastructure to measure, record, store and disseminate data on weather variables, and access to weather and seasonal climate forecasts at desired spatial and temporal scales would be needed

    Optical investigations on Y2xBixRu2O7Y_{2-x} Bi_x Ru_2 O_7: Electronic structure evolutions related to the metal-insulator transition

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    Optical conductivity spectra of cubic pyrochlore Y2xBixRu2O7Y_{2-x} Bi_x Ru_2 O_7 (0.0\leq {\it x}\leq 2.0) compounds are investigated. As a metal-insulator transition (MIT) occurs around {\it x}==0.8, large spectral changes are observed. With increase of {\it x}, the correlation-induced peak between the lower and the upper Hubbard bands seems to be suppressed, and a strong mid-infrared feature is observed. In addition, the pdp-d charge transfer peak shifts to the lower energies. The spectral changes cannot be explained by electronic structural evolutions in the simple bandwidth-controlled MIT picture, but are consistent with those in the filling-controlled MIT picture. In addition, they are also similar to the spectral changes of Y2x_{2-x}Cax_{x}Ru2_{2}O7_{7} compounds, which is a typical filling-controlled system. This work suggests that, near the MIT, the Ru bands could be doped with the easily polarizable Bi cations.Comment: 5 figure

    Penetrating 3-D Imaging at 4- and 25-m Range Using a Submillimeter-Wave Radar

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    We show experimentally that a high-resolution imaging radar operating at 576–605 GHz is capable of detecting weapons concealed by clothing at standoff ranges of 4–25 m. We also demonstrate the critical advantage of 3-D image reconstruction for visualizing hidden objects using active-illumination coherent terahertz imaging. The present system can image a torso with <1 cm resolution at 4 m standoff in about five minutes. Greater standoff distances and much higher frame rates should be achievable by capitalizing on the bandwidth, output power, and compactness of solid state Schottky-diode based terahertz mixers and multiplied sources

    Personality\u27s Relationship to Instagram Photo Characteristics and Themes

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    This study examined the relationship of personality, narcissism, and academic achievement to social media usage among 210 participants (35% Male, 65% Female). Findings demonstrate several relationships between person characteristics and the self- and other-rated behavioral and situational characteristics of posts on Instagram. Overall, personality predicts social media usage and content

    Irreversible reorganization in a supercooled liquid originates from localised soft modes

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    The transition of a fluid to a rigid glass upon cooling is a common route of transformation from liquid to solid that embodies the most poorly understood features of both phases1,2,3. From the liquid perspective, the puzzle is to understand stress relaxation in the disordered state. From the perspective of solids, the challenge is to extend our description of structure and its mechanical consequences to materials without long range order. Using computer simulations, we show that the localized low frequency normal modes of a configuration in a supercooled liquid are causally correlated to the irreversible structural reorganization of the particles within that configuration. We also demonstrate that the spatial distribution of these soft local modes can persist in spite of significant particle reorganization. The consequence of these two results is that it is now feasible to construct a theory of relaxation length scales in glass-forming liquids without recourse to dynamics and to explicitly relate molecular properties to their collective relaxation.Comment: Published online: 20 July 2008 | doi:10.1038/nphys1025 Available from http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v4/n9/abs/nphys1025.htm

    van der Waals density functionals built upon the electron-gas tradition: Facing the challenge of competing interactions

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    The theoretical description of sparse matter attracts much interest, in particular for those ground-state properties that can be described by density functional theory (DFT). One proposed approach, the van der Waals density functional (vdW-DF) method, rests on strong physical foundations and offers simple yet accurate and robust functionals. A very recent functional within this method called vdW-DF-cx [K. Berland and P. Hyldgaard, Phys. Rev. B 89, 035412] stands out in its attempt to use an exchange energy derived from the same plasmon-based theory from which the nonlocal correlation energy was derived. Encouraged by its good performance for solids, layered materials, and aromatic molecules, we apply it to several systems that are characterized by competing interactions. These include the ferroelectric response in PbTiO3_3, the adsorption of small molecules within metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), the graphite/diamond phase transition, and the adsorption of an aromatic-molecule on the Ag(111) surface. Our results indicate that vdW-DF-cx is overall well suited to tackle these challenging systems. In addition to being a competitive density functional for sparse matter, the vdW-DF-cx construction presents a more robust general purpose functional that could be applied to a range of materials problems with a variety of competing interactions

    Non-locality and Medium Effects in the Exclusive Photoproduction of Eta Mesons on Nuclei

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    A relativistic model for the quasifree exclusive photoproduction of η\eta mesons on nuclei is extended to include both non-local and medium effects. The reaction is assumed to proceed via the dominant contribution of the S11_{11}(1535) resonance. The complicated integrals resulting from the non-locality are simplified using a modified version of a method given by Cooper and Maxwell. The non-locality effects are found to affect the magnitude of the cross section. Some possibilities reflecting the effects of the medium on the propagation and properties of the intermediate S11_{11} resonance are studied. The effects of allowing the S11_{11} to interact with the medium via mean field scalar and vector potentials are considered. Both broadening of width and reduction in mass of the resonance lead to a suppression of the calculated cross sections.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Unconventional spin density wave in (TMTSF)2PF6 below T* ~ 4K

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    The presence of subphases in spin-density wave (SDW) phase of (TMTSF)2PF6 below T* ~ 4K has been suggested by several experiments but the nature of the new phase is still controversial. We have investigated the temperature dependence of the angular dependence of the magnetoresistance in the SDW phase which shows different features for temperatures above and below T*. For T > 4K the magnetoresistance can be understood in terms of the Landau quantization of the quasiparticle spectrum in a magnetic field, where the imperfect nesting plays the crucial role. We propose that below T* ~ 4K the new unconventional SDW (USDW) appears modifying dramatically the quasiparticle spectrum. Unlike conventional SDW the order parameter of USDW depends on the quasiparticle momentum. The present model describes many features of the angular dependence of magnetoresistance reasonably well. Therefore, we may conclude that the subphase in (TMTSF)2PF6 below T* ~ 4K is described as SDW plus USDW.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, RevTeX4; misprint corrected, references updated, a few sentences adde