63,862 research outputs found

    The impact of charge symmetry and charge independence breaking on the properties of neutrons and protons in isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter

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    We investigate the effects of charge independence and charge symmetry breaking in neutron-rich matter. We consider neutron and proton properties in isospin-asymmetric matter at normal densities as well as the high-density neutron matter equation of state and the bulk properties of neutron stars. We find charge symmetry and charge independence breaking effects to be very small.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Theory of the correction of celestial observations made for space navigation or training

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    Theory of correction of celestial observations made for space navigation or trainin

    A DTA/GC for the in Situ Identification of the Martian Surface Material

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    The composition and mineralogy of the Martian surface material remain largely unknown. To determine its composition and mineralogy, several techniques are being considered for in situ analyses of the Martian surface material during missions to Mars. We have successfully developed, constructed, and tested a laboratory DTA/GC. The DTA is a Dupont model 1600 high temperature DTA coupled with a GC equipped with a MID detector. The system is operated by a Sun Sparc 11 workstation. When gas evolves during a thermal chemical event, it is shunted into the GC and the temperature is recorded in association with the specific thermal event. We have used this laboratory instrument to define experimental criteria necessary for determining the composition and mineralogy of the Martian surface in situ (e.g., heating of sample to 1100 C to distinguish clays). Our studies indicate that DTA/GC will provide a broad spectrum of mineralogical and evolved gas data pertinent to exobiology, geochemistry, and geology

    Spinon-holon interactions in an anisotropic t-J chain: a comprehensive study

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    We consider a generalization of the one-dimensional t-J model with anisotropic spin-spin interactions. We show that the anisotropy leads to an effective attractive interaction between the spinon and holon excitations, resulting in a localized bound state. Detailed quantitative analytic predictions for the dependence of the binding energy on the anisotropy are presented, and verified by precise numerical simulations. The binding energy is found to interpolate smoothly between a finite value in the t-Jz limit and zero in the isotropic limit, going to zero exponentially in the vicinity of the latter. We identify changes in spinon dispersion as the primary factor for this non-trivial behavior.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, long story. The short story is cond-mat/0702213. Published versio

    Binding of holons and spinons in the one-dimensional anisotropic t-J model

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    We study the binding of a holon and a spinon in the one-dimensional anisotropic t-J model using a Bethe-Salpeter equation approach, exact diagonalization, and density matrix renormalization group methods on chains of up to 128 sites. We find that holon-spinon binding changes dramatically as a function of anisotropy parameter \alpha=J_\perp/J_z: it evolves from an exactly deducible impurity-like result in the Ising limit to an exponentially shallow bound state near the isotropic case. A remarkable agreement between the theory and numerical results suggests that such a change is controlled by the corresponding evolution of the spinon energy spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, published versio

    Application of advanced on-board processing concepts to future satellite communications systems

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    An initial definition of on-board processing requirements for an advanced satellite communications system to service domestic markets in the 1990's is presented. An exemplar system architecture with both RF on-board switching and demodulation/remodulation baseband processing was used to identify important issues related to system implementation, cost, and technology development

    The goldstone real-time connected element interferometer

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    Connected element interferometry (CEI) is a technique of observing a celestial radio source at two spatially separated antennas and then interfering the received signals to extract the relative phase of the signal at the two antennas. The high precision of the resulting phase delay data type can provide an accurate determination of the angular position of the radio source relative to the baseline vector between the two stations. This article describes a recently developed connected element interferometer on a 21-km baseline between two antennas at the Deep Space Network's Goldstone, California, tracking complex. Fiber-optic links are used to transmit the data to a common site for processing. The system incorporates a real-time correlator to process these data in real time. The architecture of the system is described, and observational data are presented to characterize the potential performance of such a system. The real-time processing capability offers potential advantages in terms of increased reliability and improved delivery of navigational data for time-critical operations. Angular accuracies of 50-100 nrad are achievable on this baseline
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