3,152 research outputs found

    Stochastic perturbation of sweeping process and a convergence result for an associated numerical scheme

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    Here we present well-posedness results for first order stochastic differential inclusions, more precisely for sweeping process with a stochastic perturbation. These results are provided in combining both deterministic sweeping process theory and methods concerning the reflection of a Brownian motion. In addition, we prove convergence results for a Euler scheme, discretizing theses stochastic differential inclusions.Comment: 30 page

    Five Dimensional Minimal Supergravities and Four Dimensional Complex Geometries

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    We discuss the relation between solutions admitting Killing spinors of minimal supergravities in five dimensions and four dimensional complex geometries. In the ungauged case (vanishing cosmological constant \Lambda=0) the solutions are determined in terms of a hyper-Kahler base space; in the gauged case (\Lambda<0) the complex geometry is Kahler; in the de Sitter case (\Lambda>0) the complex geometry is hyper-Kahler with torsion (HKT). In the latter case some details of the derivation are given. The method for constructing explicit solutions is discussed in each case.Comment: 8 pages. Contribution to the Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2008 in Salamanca, Spai

    Representational similarity analysis offers a preview of the noradrenergic modulation of long-term fear memory at the time of encoding

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    Neuroimaging research on emotional memory has greatly advanced our understanding of the pathogenesis of anxiety disorders. While the behavioral expression of fear at the time of encoding does not predict whether an aversive experience will evolve into long-term fear memory, the application of multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA) for the analysis of BOLD-MRI data has recently provided a unique marker for memory formation. Here, we aimed to further investigate the utility of this marker by modulating the strength of fear memory with an α2-adrenoceptor antagonist (yohimbine HCl). Fifty-two healthy participants were randomly assigned to two conditions - either receiving 20 mg yohimbine or a placebo pill (double-blind) - prior to differential fear conditioning and MRI-scanning. We examined the strength of fear associations during acquisition and retention of fear (48 h later) by assessing the similarity of BOLD-MRI patterns and pupil dilation responses. Additionally, participants returned for a follow-up test outside the scanner (2-4 weeks), during which we assessed fear-potentiated startle responses. Replicating our previous findings, neural pattern similarity reflected the development of fear associations over time, and unlike average activation or pupil dilation, predicted the later expression of fear memory (pupil dilation 48 h later). While no effect of yohimbine was observed on markers of autonomic arousal, including salivary α-amylase (sAA), we obtained indirect evidence for the noradrenergic enhancement of fear memory consolidation: sAA levels showed a strong increase prior to fMRI scanning, irrespective of whether participants had received yohimbine, and this increase correlated with the subsequent expression of fear (48 h later). Remarkably, this noradrenergic enhancement of fear was associated with changes in neural response patterns at the time of learning. These findings provide further evidence that representational similarity analysis is a sensitive tool for studying (enhanced) memory formation

    Poly-essential and general Hyperelastic World (brane) models

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    This article provides a unified treatment of an extensive category of non-linear classical field models whereby the universe is represented (perhaps as a brane in a higher dimensional background) in terms of a structure of a mathematically convenient type describable as hyperelastic, for which a complete set of equations of motion is provided just by the energy-momentum conservation law. Particular cases include those of a perfect fluid in quintessential backgrounds of various kinds, as well as models of the elastic solid kind that has been proposed to account for cosmic acceleration. It is shown how an appropriately generalised Hadamard operator can be used to construct a symplectic structure that controles the evolution of small perturbations, and that provides a characteristic equation governing the propagation of weak discontinuities of diverse (extrinsic and extrinsic) kinds. The special case of a poly-essential model - the k-essential analogue of an ordinary polytropic fluid - is examined and shown to be well behaved (like the fluid) only if the pressure to density ratio ww is positive.Comment: 16 pages Latex, Contrib. to 10th Peyresq Pysics Meeting, June 2005: Micro and Macro Structures of Spacetim

    Grid services for the MAGIC experiment

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    Exploring signals from the outer space has become an observational science under fast expansion. On the basis of its advanced technology the MAGIC telescope is the natural building block for the first large scale ground based high energy gamma-ray observatory. The low energy threshold for gamma-rays together with different background sources leads to a considerable amount of data. The analysis will be done in different institutes spread over Europe. Therefore MAGIC offers the opportunity to use the Grid technology to setup a distributed computational and data intensive analysis system with the nowadays available technology. Benefits of Grid computing for the MAGIC telescope are presented.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium ''Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics'' (FFP6), Udine (Italy), Sep. 26-29, 200

    Exponential splitting of bound states in a waveguide with a pair of distant windows

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    We consider Laplacian in a straight planar strip with Dirichlet boundary which has two Neumann ``windows'' of the same length the centers of which are 2l2l apart, and study the asymptotic behaviour of the discrete spectrum as l→∞l\to\infty. It is shown that there are pairs of eigenvalues around each isolated eigenvalue of a single-window strip and their distances vanish exponentially in the limit l→∞l\to\infty. We derive an asymptotic expansion also in the case where a single window gives rise to a threshold resonance which the presence of the other window turns into a single isolated eigenvalue
