30 research outputs found

    Orographic influences on the Adriatic sirocco wind

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    Differences between meteorological fields over the Adriatic Sea as predicted by the mesoscale meteorological model ALADIN/HR and global ECMWF model, for sirocco episodes between November 2002 and September 2003, are analysed. Results indicate that the orography, namely Gargano Mountains and Apennines, may have a significant effect on the sirocco airflow. A brief discussion is given on the impact of the sirocco wind curl on the Western Adriatic Current (WAC)

    Organization of the Emergency Dental Service in the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County

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    Hitna stomatoloÅ”ka služba druÅ”tvena je javnozdravstvena djelatnost primarne stomatoloÅ”ke zaÅ”tite organizirana i financirana od HZZO-a Grada Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije kako bi se na trima lokacijama svim građanima Grada Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije pružile hitne stomatoloÅ”ke usluge u vremenu kada ostale stomatoloÅ”ke ustanove i ordinacije ne ordiniraju, a to je tijekom svake noći od 22 sata do 6 sati ujutro, te nedjeljama, praznicima i blagdanima. U cijelosti sagledavÅ”i organizaciju spomenute službe, do 2000. godine Gradski je ured za zdravstvo, rad i socijalnu skrb proveo funkcionalnu reorganizaciju sa svrhom da se postignu najviÅ”i standardi u hitnoj zubozdravstvenoj zaÅ”titi svih građana Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije. Služba je organizirana u uređenim prostorima i s novom stomatoloÅ”kom opremom na trima lokacijama: u KB Dubrava (Av. G. Å uÅ”ka 6), u StomatoloÅ”koj poliklinici Zagreb (Perkovčeva 3) i u Domu zdravlja Centarlokacija Siget (Aleja pomoraca bb). Radi se sa sedam timova; od čega pet timova financira HZZO, a po jedan tim financiraju Grad Zagreb i Zagrebačka županija. Grad Zagreb ima 780 000 stanovnika, a Županija joÅ” dodatnih 310 000 stanovnika.The emergency dental service is a social public health activity of primary dental health care organized and financed by the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, city of Zagreb and the Zagreb county. The emergency dental service offers quick and important dental services to every citizen of the city of Zagreb and Zagreb county. The emergency dental service works when other dental instutitions and practices do not work, i.e. each night from 10 pm. to 06 am., on Sundays, holidays and feasts. Based on the activity of the mentioned organization up to the year 2000, the city of Zagrebā€™s ā€œDepartment for Health, Work and Social Welfareā€œ decided to conduct functional reorganization with the aim of achieving the highest standards of emergency dental service for each citizen of the town and county. The service is organized in new facilities with new dental equipment at three locations: Clinical Hospital ā€œDubravaā€œ (Av. G. Å uÅ”ka 6), Dental polyclinic Zagreb (Perkovćeva 3) and Health Center ā€œCenterā€œ- location Siget (Aleja pomoraca bb.). The service has 7 teams, 5 of which are financed by the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, 1 by the city of Zagreb, and 1 by the Zagreb county. The city of Zagreb has 780000 residents and the county has an additional 310000 residents

    Evolution and dynamics of the vertical temperature profile in an oligotrophic lake

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    In this study, the fine-scale responses of a stratified oligotrophic karstic lake (Kozjak Lake, Plitvice Lakes, Croatia; the lake fetch is 2.3ā€‰km, and the maximum depth is 46ā€‰m) to atmospheric forcing on the lake surface are investigated. Lake temperatures measured at a resolution of 2ā€‰min at 15 depths ranging from 0.2 to 43ā€‰m, which were observed during the 6 Julyā€“5 November 2018 period, were analyzed. The results show thermocline deepening from 10ā€‰m at the beginning of the observation period to 16ā€‰m at the end of the observation period, where the latter depth corresponds to approximately one-third of the lake depth. The pycnocline followed the same pattern, except that the deepening occurred throughout the entire period approximately 1ā€‰m above the thermocline. On average, thermocline deepening was 3ā€“4ā€‰cmā€‰dāˆ’1^{-1}, while the maximum deepening (12.5ā€‰cmā€‰dāˆ’1^{-1}) coincided with the occurrence of internal seiches. Furthermore, the results indicate three different types of forcings on the lake surface; two of these forcings have diurnal periodicity ā€“ (1) continuous heat fluxes and (2) occasional periodic stronger winds ā€“ whereas forcing (3) corresponds to occasional nonperiodic stronger winds with steady along-basin directions. Continuous heat fluxes (1) produced forced diurnal oscillations in the lake temperature within the first 5ā€‰m of the lake throughout the entire observation period. Noncontinuous periodic stronger winds (2) resulted in occasional forced diurnal oscillations in the lake temperatures at depths from approximately 7 to 20ā€‰m. Occasional strong and steady along-basin winds (3) triggered both baroclinic internal seiches with a principal period of 8.0ā€‰h and barotropic surface seiches with a principal period of 9ā€‰min. Lake currents produced by the surface seiches under realistic-topography conditions generated baroclinic oscillations of the thermocline region (at depths from 9 to 17ā€‰m) with periods corresponding to the period of surface seiches (ā‰ˆ 9ā€‰min), which, to the best of our knowledge, has not been reported in previous lake studies

    Modeling the Impacts of a Man-Made Lake on the Meteorological Conditions of the Surrounding Areas

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    The possible modifications of the surface meteorological conditions due to construction of a small, man-made lake in midlatitudes (surface area of 11.55 km2 and maximum fetch distance L[approximately]5 km) were investigated using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model (version 3.3). The model was applied to four real typical synoptic situations for which the area of interest was under the influence of a wintertime anticyclone (WA), a wintertime cyclone (WC), a summertime anticyclone (SA), and a summertime cyclone (SC). Each of these four typical synoptic setups was simulated twiceonce assuming the present state (NO-LAKE experiment) and again assuming the existence of the new lake (LAKE experiment). The differences between 36-h average LAKE and NO-LAKE simulation results show noticeable mean changes in the surface temperature and relative humidity as well as a small increase of the mean surface wind speeds in the air above the newly constructed lake. At other portions of the investigated area (distances up to [approximately]4L6L downstream of the new lake), the 36-h mean differences produced by the new lake are below the order of magnitude of accuracy of operational meteorological measurement instruments. In individual hours, however, these differences are occasionally very high, particularly for cyclonic episodes. In addition, results obtained for SA suggest an existence of a lake circulation cell associated with small differences between the lake and land temperatures (at most up to [approximately]35C) and consequently, a slight enhancement of slope winds in future (LAKE) conditions

    Lake-land breezes over a small elongated lake (Kozjak, Plitvice Lakes, Croatia)

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    Temperatura malog duguljastog jezera (2,3 km Ɨ 0,1ā€“0,6 km; maksimalna dubina od 46 m) smjeÅ”tenog u brdsko-planinskom području mjerena je tijekom tri razdoblja od srpnja do rujna u blizini jezerske povrÅ”ine (dubina od 0,2 m). Istovremeno su u blizini jezera mjerene standardne meteoroloÅ”ke varijable. Na temelju atmosferskih i jezerskih uvjeta definirani su kriteriji za detekciju dana s perzistentnim povjetarcem (LLB). Rezultati su pokazali da se u 17,7% ispitanih dana nad jezerom uspostavljao povjetarac. Svi ti dani bili su popraćeni s poviÅ”enom energijom u normaliziranom valićnom spektru brzine vjetra pri periodu od 24 sata. Dnevni povjetarac s jezera najčeŔće je zbog okolne topografije bio kanaliziran u smjeru glavne osi jezera. Sukladno tome, dnevno anticiklonalno zakretanje vjetra bilo je poremećeno. Međutim, noću je bila izražena rotacija vjetra u smjeru kazaljke na satu. Nadalje, rezultati su pokazali jasnu vezu između jačine povjetarca i razlike temperature zraka nad tlom i nad jezerom.The temperature of a small elongated lake (2.3 km by 0.1-0.6 km; maximum depth of 46 m) located in a mountaneous area was measured during July-September period over three years (2018-2020) at the depth close to the lake surface (0.2 m). Concurrent standard meteorological variables were measured in the vicinity of the lake. Criteria based on atmospheric and lake conditions were defined to detect the days with persistent lake-land breeze (LLB) events. The results showed that 17.7% of the investigated days were associated with LLB events. These days were accompanied by elevated energy in the normalized wavelet spectra for the wind speed at period of 24 hours. Daytime onshore lake breezes were mainly channeled in the along-lake direction due to the surrounding topography. Accordingly, during the daytime, diurnal wind veering was distorted. However, during the nighttime, a clear clockwise wind rotation was present. In addition, the results exhibited a clear relationship between the lake-land temperature difference and the strength of the LLBs

    Internal seiches in a karstic mesotrophic lake (ProŔće, Plitvice Lakes, Croatia)

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    Tijekom 4-mjesečnog razdoblja (od 6. srpnja do 4. studenog 2019.) proveden je eksperiment mjerenja temperature jezera kako bi se ispitala pojava i osobine unutarnjih stojnih valova u ProŔćanskom jezeru (Plitvička jezera, Hrvatska). Dvominutni srednjaci temperature mjereni su u jednoj točki jezera na petnaest dubina u rasponu od 0,2 do 27 m. Analiza tih podataka ukazala je na do sada nepoznatu i prilično složenu strukturu unutarnjih stojnih valova u ProŔćanskom jezeru. Spektralne gustoće snage (PSD) i kvadrati magnituda koherencije (Ī³2) te pripadne kros-spektralne faze koje su izračunate iz srednjih satnih temperature jezera i tlaka zraka te brzina vjetra ukazale su na prisustvo tri vertikalna moda unutarnjih stojnih valova. Prvi mod (V1H1, period od 6,09 h) odgovara slobodnim baroklinim oscilacijama, dok su drugi (V2H1, period od 11,64 h) i treći mod (V3H1, period od 25,60 h) povezani s prisilnim baroklinim oscilacijama unutraÅ”njosti jezera. Pobuđivanje viÅ”ih vertikalnih modova pripisano je utjecaju guste vode pritoka. Zbog utjecaja te vode vertikalni temperaturni gradijenti u unutraÅ”njosti jezera bili su relativno mali te se u skldu s tim formirao jedan debeo metalinij ili dva zasebna metalimnija. U skladu s tim pojavljivali su se modovi V2H1, odnosno V3H1. Nadalje, jezero zbog utjecaja vode pritoka nije postiglo tipičnu stratifikaciju pri kojoj su temperature u hipolimniju ā‰ˆ 4 Ā°C. Umjesto toga tijekom cijelog promatranog razdoblja temperature u hipolimniju su neprekidno bile iznad 7.6 Ā°C.A lake temperature experiment was performed at the ProŔće, Plitvice Lakes, Croatia during a 4-month observational period (6 Julyā€“4 November, 2019) to investigate the occurrence and characteristics of internal seiches in the lake. Two-minute mean lake temperatures were measured at a single lake point at fifteen depths ranging from 0.2 to 27 m. Analysis of these data provided insight into the previously unknown and rather complex ProŔće Lake seiching. Power spectral densities (PSDs) and magnitude-squared coherences (Ī³2), together with corresponding cross-spectrum phases that were obtained from the hourly mean lake temperature, air pressure and wind speed data, suggested the presence of three vertical modes of an internal seiche. The first mode (V1H1, period of 6.09 h) corresponds to free baroclinic oscillations; the second mode (V2H1, period of 11.64 h) and the third mode (V3H1, period of 25.60 h) are associated with forced baroclinic oscillations of the lake interior. Excitation of the higher vertical modes is attributed to the influence of dense tributary water. Due to this water influence, vertical temperature gradients in the lake interior were relatively weak; consequently, a single thick metalimnion and/or two metalimnetic layers were established, which resulted in the presence of the V2H1 and V3H1 modes, respectively. Additionally, due to the influence of tributary water, the lake did not attain the typical stratification that is characterized by hypolimnetic temperatures of ā‰ˆ 4Ā°C. Instead, during the entire observational period, the hypolimnetic temperatures were consistently above 7.6 Ā°C

    Screening of Fixed Prosthodontic Dentures after Five Years of Use in Relation to Material and Construction

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    The aim of this study was to screen patients with fixed prosthodontic appliances that were in oral cavity for a period of 5 years or more and to assess clinically and radiologically root caries, gingival recession, pocket formation, alveolar ridge resorption, as well as gingival (GI) and plaque index (PI). The aim also was to find out the differences between materials and constructions, between abutment and non-abutment teeth, and to find out the need for replacement. A total of 260 patients and their orthopantomograms were examined, with a total of 2,265 teeth, 610 being bridge abutments and 246 being crowns. The most frequent were metal+ acrylic veneer crowns or bridges. Root caries was found under the abutments in 10ā€“20%; however abutments with ceramic crowns had the lowest percentage of caries (p<0.01). Alveolar ridge resorption, pocket formation deeper than 3 mm and gingival recession of various degree was found in 50% of the cases, again with the lowest percentage of ceramic-fused-to-metal appliances (p<0.01). Pocket depth was registered in significantly higher percentage in metal-acrylic veneer appliances compared to natural teeth (p<0.01), while there was no significant difference between metal-ceramic appliances and natural teeth (p>0.05). Although the worst findings were recorded for metal-+acrylic veneer crowns for PI, no significant difference existed between crowns of different material or non-abutment teeth (p>0.05). There was statistically significant difference between abutments with metal + acrylic veneer crowns, full metal crowns, metal ceramic crowns and non-abutments for GI scores. Higher percentage of scores 0 and 1 was recorded for metal ceramic crowns and non-abutments and significantly higher percentage of scores 2 and 3 was recorded for metal + acrylic veneer crowns and full metallic crowns. Almost 50% of metal-ceramic abutments had no pathologic findings. Almost 30% of the patients needed replacement, or even some abutments to be extracted and therefore a new prosthodontic appliance

    IzvjeŔće Hrvatskog odbora za geodeziju i geofiziku o provedenim aktivnostima od 2019. do 2022. - podneseno Generalnoj skupÅ”tini Međunarodne unije za geodeziju i geofiziku, Berlin, Njemačka, 2023.

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    Content: Introduction Geodesy in Croatia, 2019ā€“2022 Geomagnetism and aeronomy in Croatia, 2019ā€“2022 Hydrology and physical limnology in Croatia, 2019ā€“2022 Meteorology in Croatia, 2019ā€“2022 Physical oceanography in Croatia, 2019ā€“2022 Seismology in Croatia, 2019ā€“2022Sadržaj: Uvod Geodezija u Hrvatskoj, 2019.ā€“2022 Geomagnetizam i aeronomija u Hrvatskoj, 2019.ā€“2022 Hidrologija i fizikalna limnologija u Hrvatskoj, 2019.ā€“2022 Meteorologija u Hrvatskoj, 2019.ā€“2022 Fizička oceanografija u Hrvatskoj, 2019.ā€“2022 Seizmologija u Hrvatskoj, 2019.ā€“202

    Workplace Mobbing

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    Mobbing odnosno zlostavljanje na radnome mjestu predstavlja neprijateljsku i neetičnu komunikaciju, koja je sustavno usmjerena od jednoga ili viÅ”e pojedinaca prema, uglavnom, jednom pojedincu, koji je zbog mobbinga gurnut u poziciju u kojoj je bespomoćan ili se ne može obraniti te držan u njoj s pomoću stalnih zlostavljačkih (mobinÅ”kih) aktivnosti. U članku je obrađeno nekoliko bitnih značajki zlostavljanja: ponaÅ”anja karakteristična za zlostavljača, organizacijski uzroci pojave, konflikt u poduzeću kao njegov povod, žrtva, izvanorganizacijski čimbenici njegova razvoja te posljedice zlostavljanja. Suvremeni poslovni svijet je kompleksan, dinamičan i promjenljiv te zahtijeva sve veću umjeÅ”nost i sposobnost prilagodbe. Sukobi su dakako neizbježan dio svake organizacije, ali ih je menadžment dužan pravodobno prepoznati i njima upravljati radi sprječavanja Å”tetnih posljedica za produktivnost i troÅ”kove poduzeća, radi zaÅ”tite zaposlenika te suzbijanja psihičkih i tjelesnih poremećaja koji nastaju psihičkim nasiljem i iskrivljenim oblikom ponaÅ”anja kakav je mobbing. On je problem suvremenog druÅ”tva, nov i u nas nedostatno istražen oblik krÅ”enja ljudskih prava. Zbiva se uglavnom na psiholoÅ”koj razini, negativno utječe na zdravlje i život, kvalitetu rada, proizvodnju i pružanje usluga, produktivnost i profitabilnost te značajno utječe na ekonomske gubitke u zajednici. Zlostavljanje na radnome mjestu treba rjeÅ”avati multidisciplinarno: inicirajući zajedničke aktivnosti zaposlenika i uprave, uključujući medicinske stručnjake, pravnike, pa i druÅ”tvenu zajednicu u cjelini. Å to se u organizaciji viÅ”e teži izvrsnosti koja se temelji na povjerenju i radnoj etici, to je veća vjerojatnost njegovog sprječavanja i rjeÅ”avanja.Workplace mobbing is a hostile and unethical communication, systematically aimed from one or more individuals towards mostly one individual, who are forced into a helpless position and are held in it by constant bullying. This article describes some of the most important characteristics of mobbing: offensive behaviour, organizational and non-organizational causes of this behaviour, the victim, and the consequences. Modern business environment is complex, dynamic, volatile, and requires better ability to adjust. Constant changes are a part of organizational reality, but they also produce an ideal environment for all kinds of conflicts. Conflicts are inevitable in every organization, but the task of its management is to identify them and resolve before they affect the workforce, productivity, and costs. The idea is to avert psychological abuse and aberrant behaviour such as mobbing that may cause physical and mental disorders. Mobbing is a problem of the modern society; as a violation of human rights it is relatively new and unrecognised in Croatia. Abuse is mostly psychological; it affects the victimā€™s health and life, quality of work, productivity, profitability, and may lead to significant economic losses in the community. Mobbing can be averted by joint forces that would involve employees and management, medical and legal professionals, and even community as a whole. The more an organization pursues excellence based on trust and business ethics, the higher the probability that mobbing will be averted or stopped