835 research outputs found

    A study of RSI under combined stresses

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    The behavior of typical rigidized surface insulation material (RSI) under combined loading states was investigated. In particular, the thermal stress states induced during reentry of the space shuttle were of prime concern. A typical RSI tile was analyzed for reentry thermal stresses under computed thermal gradients for a model of the RSI material. The results of the thermal stress analyses were then used to aid in defining typical combined stress states for the failure analysis of RSI

    Phase operators, phase states and vector phase states for SU(3) and SU(2,1)

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    This paper focuses on phase operators, phase states and vector phase states for the sl(3) Lie algebra. We introduce a one-parameter generalized oscillator algebra A(k,2) which provides a unified scheme for dealing with su(3) (for k < 0), su(2,1) (for k > 0) and h(4) x h(4) (for k = 0) symmetries. Finite- and infinite-dimensional representations of A(k,2) are constructed for k < 0 and k > 0 or = 0, respectively. Phase operators associated with A(k,2) are defined and temporally stable phase states (as well as vector phase states) are constructed as eigenstates of these operators. Finally, we discuss a relation between quantized phase states and a quadratic discrete Fourier transform and show how to use these states for constructing mutually unbiased bases

    Nonconservative higher-order hydrodynamic modulation instability

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    The modulation instability (MI) is a universal mechanism that is responsible for the disintegration of weakly nonlinear narrow-banded wave fields and the emergence of localized extreme events in dispersive media. The instability dynamics is naturally triggered, when unstable energy side-bands located around the main energy peak are excited and then follow an exponential growth law. As a consequence of four wave mixing effect, these primary side-bands generate an infinite number of additional side-bands, forming a triangular side-band cascade. After saturation, it is expected that the system experiences a return to initial conditions followed by a spectral recurrence dynamics. Much complex nonlinear wave field motion is expected, when the secondary or successive side-band pair that are created are also located in the finite instability gain range around the main carrier frequency peak. This latter process is referred to as higher-order MI. We report a numerical and experimental study that confirm observation of higher-order MI dynamics in water waves. Furthermore, we show that the presence of weak dissipation may counter-intuitively enhance wave focusing in the second recurrent cycle of wave amplification. The interdisciplinary weakly nonlinear approach in addressing the evolution of unstable nonlinear waves dynamics may find significant resonance in other nonlinear dispersive media in physics, such as optics, solids, superfluids and plasma

    Bases for qudits from a nonstandard approach to SU(2)

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    Bases of finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces (in dimension d) of relevance for quantum information and quantum computation are constructed from angular momentum theory and su(2) Lie algebraic methods. We report on a formula for deriving in one step the (1+p)p qupits (i.e., qudits with d = p a prime integer) of a complete set of 1+p mutually unbiased bases in C^p. Repeated application of the formula can be used for generating mutually unbiased bases in C^d with d = p^e (e > or = 2) a power of a prime integer. A connection between mutually unbiased bases and the unitary group SU(d) is briefly discussed in the case d = p^e.Comment: From a talk presented at the 13th International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics (Dubna, Russia, 6-9 July 2009) organized in memory of Prof. Yurii Fedorovich Smirnov by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the JINR and the ICAS at Yerevan State University

    On the use of the group SO(4,2) in atomic and molecular physics

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    In this paper the dynamical noninvariance group SO(4,2) for a hydrogen-like atom is derived through two different approaches. The first one is by an established traditional ascent process starting from the symmetry group SO(3). This approach is presented in a mathematically oriented original way with a special emphasis on maximally superintegrable systems, N-dimensional extension and little groups. The second approach is by a new symmetry descent process starting from the noninvariance dynamical group Sp(8,R) for a four-dimensional harmonic oscillator. It is based on the little known concept of a Lie algebra under constraints and corresponds in some sense to a symmetry breaking mechanism. This paper ends with a brief discussion of the interest of SO(4,2) for a new group-theoretical approach to the periodic table of chemical elements. In this connection, a general ongoing programme based on the use of a complete set of commuting operators is briefly described. It is believed that the present paper could be useful not only to the atomic and molecular community but also to people working in theoretical and mathematical physics.Comment: 31 page

    Sum Rules for Multi-Photon Spectroscopy of Ions in Finite Symmetry

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    Models describing one- and two-photon transitions for ions in crystalline environments are unified and extended to the case of parity-allowed and parity- forbidden p-photon transitions. The number of independent parameters for characterizing the polarization dependence is shown to depend on an ensemble of properties and rules which combine symmetry considerations and physical models.Comment: 16 pages, Tex fil

    Test Excavations at 41BL1214, Bell County, Texas: State Highway 95 Bridge Replacement at the Little River

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    In February and March 2004, Prewitt and Associates, Inc. (PAI), performed archeological test excavations at site 41BL1214 to determine its eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. This investigation was conducted within the existing and proposed right of way of the State Highway 95 bridge project at the Little River in Bell County for the Texas Department of Transportation. The site is situated on a flood terrace on the south bank of the Little River. In all, 18 m3 were excavated during testing. Excavations yielded artifacts, features, and other cultural materials associated with Late Archaic and Late Prehistoric components. Although the site is stratified, there appears to be no ready way to isolate the Late Archaic and Late Prehistoric components from one another, and thus the site has a limited capacity to yield important information. Based on this, it is recommended that the portion of 41BL1214 within the confines of the project area be judged not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places or designation as a State Archeological Landmark. All artifacts, cultural materials, and records collected and generated by this project are curated at the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory (TARL), The University of Texas at Austin. Because the collected artifacts are from private property, they are curated in a non-held-in-trust status at TARL

    In memoriam two distinguished participants of the Bregenz Symmetries in Science Symposia: Marcos Moshinsky and Yurii Fedorovich Smirnov

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    Some particular facets of the numerous works by Marcos Moshinsky and Yurii Fedorovich Smirnov are presented in these notes. The accent is put on some of the common interests of Yurii and Marcos in physics, theoretical chemistry, and mathematical physics. These notes also contain some more personal memories of Yurii Smirnov.Comment: Submitted for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Nonlinear femtosecond pulse propagation in an all-solid photonic bandgap fiber

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    Nonlinear femtosecond pulse propagation in an all-solid photonic bandgap fiber is experimentally and numerically investigated. Guiding light in such fiber occurs via two mechanisms: photonic bandgap in the central silica core or total internal reflection in the germanium doped inclusions. By properly combining spectral filtering, dispersion tailoring and pump coupling into the fiber modes, we experimentally demonstrate efficient supercontinuum generation with controllable spectral bandwidth

    Polynomial Solution of Non-Central Potentials

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    We show that the exact energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Schrodinger equation for charged particles moving in certain class of non-central potentials can be easily calculated analytically in a simple and elegant manner by using Nikiforov and Uvarov (NU) method. We discuss the generalized Coulomb and harmonic oscillator systems. We study the Hartmann Coulomb and the ring-shaped and compound Coulomb plus Aharanov-Bohm potentials as special cases. The results are in exact agreement with other methods.Comment: 18 page