9,301 research outputs found

    A remote sensing evaluation of potential for sinkhole occurrence

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    The relationship between lowering of the water table and sinkhole development in Pierson and in Hillsborough County, Florida was investigated. The locations of recently developed (1973) collapses were examined with respect to lineaments or fracture traces that are expressed in the terrain and visible in aerial photography and satellite imagery. It was anticipated that these relationships would provide the basis for establishment of criteria for mapping those land areas that have the greatest potential for sinkhole development. A very good correlation was found between mapped lineament intersections and known location of sinkhole occurrences for both study areas. This indicates that lineament and fracture trace mapping may be very useful in locating zones with the greatest potential for sinkhole development. It is further shown that this information is quite beneficial in land use planning applications

    Importance Tempering

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    Simulated tempering (ST) is an established Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for sampling from a multimodal density π(θ)\pi(\theta). Typically, ST involves introducing an auxiliary variable kk taking values in a finite subset of [0,1][0,1] and indexing a set of tempered distributions, say πk(θ)π(θ)k\pi_k(\theta) \propto \pi(\theta)^k. In this case, small values of kk encourage better mixing, but samples from π\pi are only obtained when the joint chain for (θ,k)(\theta,k) reaches k=1k=1. However, the entire chain can be used to estimate expectations under π\pi of functions of interest, provided that importance sampling (IS) weights are calculated. Unfortunately this method, which we call importance tempering (IT), can disappoint. This is partly because the most immediately obvious implementation is na\"ive and can lead to high variance estimators. We derive a new optimal method for combining multiple IS estimators and prove that the resulting estimator has a highly desirable property related to the notion of effective sample size. We briefly report on the success of the optimal combination in two modelling scenarios requiring reversible-jump MCMC, where the na\"ive approach fails.Comment: 16 pages, 2 tables, significantly shortened from version 4 in response to referee comments, to appear in Statistics and Computin

    Basic hydrogeologic and remote sensing data for selection of sanitary landfill sites

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    Solid waste disposal were studied in Volusia County to protect the water supply in the area. Highlands in this County are of limited areal extent and, most significantly, the sand hills and ridges are in areas where recharge of the Floridan aquifer occurs. This study proves that well drained soils meeting the current State requirements are of limited areal extent. These areas should not be utilized as sanitary landfill sites! Rather, it is recommended that the Tomoka Farm Road site into the adjacent wetlands be extended. The County site on Rima Ridge recommended by Greenleaf-Telesca as the primary waste burial site in the County should be re-evaluated because of potential danger to the Daytona Beach water supply

    Hydraulics and geology related to beach restoration in Lee County, Florida

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    The erosion problem on Captiva Island is discussed. It is due to a deficit in the sand budget of the littoral drift system; a system with losses due to attrition of the particles and mass losses into the lagoons, to offshore, and to lateral transport. The effect that reopening Blind Pass would have, and the placement of sediment retaining structures in the surf zone at the northern and southern limits of the Captiva beach system, wave examined. A geological approach was used to study the origin and dynamic changes that have occurred. Through hydraulic modeling, changes that will occur by reopening and stabilizing Blind Pass are predicted. It is concluded that if the island is to be stabilized, beach nourishment with proper amounts and particle size is a necessity and that jetties adequate to restrict lateral and offshore losses are essential. It is shown that the reopening of Blind Pass would have minimal effects on the passes to the north and south, and would improve the environmental conditions in the sound with no adverse effects on the beach system

    Global Cosmological Parameters Determined Using Classical Double Radio Galaxies

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    A sample of 20 powerful extended radio galaxies with redshifts between zero and two were used to determine constraints on global cosmological parameters. Data for six radio sources were obtained from the VLA archive, analyzed, and combined with the sample of 14 radio galaxies used previously by Guerra & Daly to determine cosmological parameters. The results are consistent with our previous results, and indicate that the current value of the mean mass density of the universe is significantly less than the critical value. A universe with Ωm\Omega_m of unity is ruled out at 99.0% confidence, and the best fitting values of Ωm\Omega_m in matter are 0.100.10+0.250.10^{+0.25}_{-0.10} and 0.250.25+0.35-0.25^{+0.35}_{-0.25} assuming zero space curvature and zero cosmological constant, respectively. Note that identical results obtain when the low redshift bin, which includes Cygnus A, is excluded; these results are independent of whether the radio source Cygnus A is included. The method does not rely on a zero-redshift normalization. The radio properties of each source are also used to determine the density of the gas in the vicinity of the source, and the beam power of the source. The six new radio sources have physical characteristics similar to those found for the original 14 sources. The density of the gas around these radio sources is typical of gas in present day clusters of galaxies. The beam powers are typically about 1045erg s110^{45} \hbox{erg s}^{-1}.Comment: 39 pages includes 21 figures, accepted to Ap

    Magnetic states of linear defects in graphene monolayers: effects of strain and interaction

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    The combined effects of defect-defect interaction and of uniaxial or biaxial strains of up to 10\% on the development of magnetic states on the defect-core-localized quasi-one-dimensional electronic states generated by the so-called 558 linear extended defect in graphene monolayers are investigated by means of {\it ab initio} calculations. Results are analyzed on the basis of the heuristics of the Stoner criterion. We find that conditions for the emergence of magnetic states on the 558 defect can be tuned by uniaxial tensile parallel strains (along the defect direction) at both limits of isolated and interacting 558 defects. Parallel strains are shown to lead to two cooperative effects that favor the emergence of itinerant magnetism: enhancement of the DOS of the resonant defect states in the region of the Fermi level and tuning of the Fermi level to the maximum of the related DOS peak. A perpendicular strain is likewise shown to enhance the DOS of the defect states, but it also effects a detunig of the Fermi level that shifts away from the maximum of the DOS of the defect states, which inhibts the emergence of magnetic states. As a result, under biaxial strains the stabilization of a magnetic state depends on the relative magnitudes of the two components of strain.Comment: 9 pages 8 figure

    New data and the hard pomeron

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    New structure-function data are in excellent agreement with the existence of a hard pomeron, with intercept about 1.4. It gives a very economical description of the data. Having fixed 2 parameters from the data for the real-photon cross section σγp\sigma^{\gamma p}, we need just 5 further parameters to fit the data for F2(x,Q2)F_2(x,Q^2) with x0.001x\leq 0.001. The available data range from Q2=0.045Q^2=0.045 to 35 GeV2^2. With guesses consistent with dimensional counting for the xx dependences of our three separate terms, the fit extends well to larger xx and to Q2=5000Q^2=5000 GeV2^2. With no additional parameters, it gives a good description of data for the charm structure function F2c(x,Q2)F_2^c(x,Q^2) from Q2=0Q^2=0 to 130 GeV2^2. The two pomerons also give a good description of both the WW and the tt dependence of γpJ/ψp\gamma p\to J/\psi p.Comment: 11 pages, plain tex, with 10 figures embedded using epsf. (Spurious figure removed.

    Signature of the Simplicial Supermetric

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    We investigate the signature of the Lund-Regge metric on spaces of simplicial three-geometries which are important in some formulations of quantum gravity. Tetrahedra can be joined together to make a three-dimensional piecewise linear manifold. A metric on this manifold is specified by assigning a flat metric to the interior of the tetrahedra and values to their squared edge-lengths. The subset of the space of squared edge-lengths obeying triangle and analogous inequalities is simplicial configuration space. We derive the Lund-Regge metric on simplicial configuration space and show how it provides the shortest distance between simplicial three-geometries among all choices of gauge inside the simplices for defining this metric (Regge gauge freedom). We show analytically that there is always at least one physical timelike direction in simplicial configuration space and provide a lower bound on the number of spacelike directions. We show that in the neighborhood of points in this space corresponding to flat metrics there are spacelike directions corresponding to gauge freedom in assigning the edge-lengths. We evaluate the signature numerically for the simplicial configuration spaces based on some simple triangulations of the three-sphere (S^3) and three-torus (T^3). For the surface of a four-simplex triangulation of S^3 we find one timelike direction and all the rest spacelike over all of the simplicial configuration space. For the triangulation of T^3 around flat space we find degeneracies in the simplicial supermetric as well as a few gauge modes corresponding to a positive eigenvalue. Moreover, we have determined that some of the negative eigenvalues are physical, i.e. the corresponding eigenvectors are not generators of diffeomorphisms. We compare our results with the known properties of continuum superspace.Comment: 24 pages, RevTeX, 4 eps Figures. Submitted to Classical Quantum Gravit


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    This is the post-print version of an article published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence located at http://www.journals.elsevier.com/drug-and-alcohol-dependence/. No DOI is listed for this article.Other research PUBLICATIONS and PAPERS on university students drinking, drug use and health concerns and behaviors can be found at: https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/handle/2022/17130/browse?type=title; https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/handle/2022/17127/browse?type=title and https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/handle/2022/17124/browse?type=title. Further information about the questionnaire, calculations, and the original data base used can be found in the following item records within IUScholarworks repository. Details about the reliability and validity of the SAQ are found at: http://hdl.handle.net/2022/17337; http://hdl.handle.net/2022/17154; http://hdl.handle.net/2022/17181. The classic 1975 copy of the SAQ is found at http://hdl.handle.net/2022/17153. ALL QUESTIONNAIRES developed by Engs are found in the repository at: https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/handle/2022/17141/browse?type=dateissuedA study of 3375 American and 1408 Polish university students was accomplished to test the hypotheses that cultural differences influence drinking patterns and beverage preferences between countries. Using the same questionnaire in both samples, the results revealed that significantly (p < .001) more drinks per week were consumed by both Polish male (24.9) and female (15.2) students compared to American male (15.0) and female (7.6) students. Significantly (p < .001) more wine was consumed by Polish (8.7) compared to the American (0.8) students. American female students consumed more beer than Polish female students. There was no difference between beer and spirits consumption between American and Polish males and Polish students in latter school years consumed more alcohol compared to students in the first years of school. It was concluded that the samples of students in this study reflected their cultures in terms of drinking patterns and beverage preference