97 research outputs found

    Teaching Writing Through Kwl (Know, Want, and Learn) Technique

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    The objectives of the research were to investigate how KWL Technique can improve students writing hortatory exposition text in class XI IPS 4 of MAN 1 Bandar Lampung and to find out whether KWL Technique is effective to teach writing hortatory exposition text under which writing elements applied. The research was conducted at MAN 1 Bandar Lampung. The population of this research was the students of class XI IPS 4 at that school. This research used one group time series design. It took six meetings with test on each meeting. This applied three topics i.e. computer, internet, and facebook. The indicator of the research dealt with the increase of students‟ mean and students‟ number who passed KKM. Besides, the instrument used in collecting the data was writing tests. The result of the tests indicated that KWL Technique is effective to teach writing hortatory exposition text under which writing elements applied. It could be seen that the increases of mean of topic I, II, and III were 15.42, 14.91, and 16.48. Meanwhile, the increase percentages of students‟ number who passed KKM were 61.97%, 43.90%, and 53.66%. It showed that the increase of students‟ ability in writing hortatory exposition text was good. In addition, KWL Technique improves students‟ writing of hortatory exposition text by three elements of writing namely content, vocabulary and language use.

    Penggunaan Tepung Azolla (Azolla microphylla) dalam Ransum terhadap Organ Pencernaan Ayam Kampung Super

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    Penelitian tersebut memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui Penggunaan Tepung Azolla microphylla dalam Ransum Terhadap Organ Pencernaan Ayam Kampung Super. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Universitas Musi Rawas Kota Lubuklinggau dari bulan Maret sampai dengan Mei 2020. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang disusun secara non faktorial, terdiri dari 6 taraf perlakuan dengan 4 kali ulangan sehingga diperoleh 24 unit percobaan, setiap unit percobaan (tiap kandang) diisi 3 ekor ayam kampung super. Sehingga pada penelitian ini diperlukan 72 ekor ayam kampung super (DOC). Adapun perlakuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu : 1) P0 = 100% pakan tanpa Azolla, 2) P1 = 20/o Tepung Azolla microphylla dalam Ransum, 3) P2 = 40/o Tepung Azolla microphylla dalam Ransum, 4) P3 = 6% Tepung Azolla microphylla dalam Ransum, 5) P4 = 8% Tepung Azolla microphylla dalam Ransum, 6) P5 = 10% Tepung Azolla microphylla dalam Ransum. Dari hasil analisis data secara statistik diketahui bahwa Pengunaan Tepung Azolla microphylla dalam Ransum terhadap Organ Pencernaan Ayam Kampung Super memberikan pengaruh tidak nyata

    Respon Ketahanan Beberapa Varietas Gandum Terhadap Hama Gudang Sitophilus Zeamais (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae)

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    Resistance Response of Several Wheat Varieties Against Pest of Stored Product, Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae). Lina Herlina and Bonjok Istiaji. Since Sitophilus zeamais still become the major pest of wheat as stored product. Twelve varieties of wheat were evaluated for their resistance to the infestation of S. zeamais. The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Insect Specimen Collection of Indonesian Center for Agriculture Biotechnology and Genetic Resource Research and Development (ICABIOGRAD) from September 2011 to February 2012. Grains of each 12 varieties of wheat was weighed for 5 grams and placed into a plastic bottle. Six female imagos of S. zeamais (1 week old) were introduced into the bottle contained 5 grams of wheat grains. After seven days, all the insects were removed. Observation were done to count the dead and life insects after introduction. The number of larvae emerged from eggs were calculated and weighed daily. Grain weight of each variety was also weighed, the broken and intact seeds were counted and recorded at the end of the infestation. Research were conducted in randomly complete design using one factor, that was twelve varieties of wheat each were replicated three times. The result showed that the highest mortality of the pest were in Perdix, while the lowest were that in Anemos, Combi, and Nandu (0-16.7%). The highest fertility of the pests were found in the Anemos and SW Triso, while the lowest were there in Picallo (14.33-47.67 insects). Anemos was known to be variety with the highest insects population weight, while the Picallo was the variety that inhibited insect population (0.0161-0.0544 g). The longest of insect development periods was on Combi, the shortest was on Sweta (51.33-64.33 days). The shortest median development time was in the Anemos and the longest was in the Sit Nortrend (37.33-44 days). The highest percentage of seed damage and yield loss were in the Anemos, while the lowest were Picallo and Madonna. ANOVA at 5% showed no significant different for all parameters observed on the tested varieties. Resistance classification based on the indexes of Modification, Pointe and Dobie recorded that the most resistant varieties were Picallo and Pasadena

    Serangga Hama Tanaman Gaharu (Aquilaria Spp) di Areal Agroforestry Desa Nanga Kalan Kabupaten Melawi

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    Agroforestry area in the village of Nanga Kalan Ella Hilir Subdistrict Melawi District is an area that is developed from the forest service, these areas are interspersed rubber plant aloes, sengon and mahoni. Gaharu is one of the priority plant because it has a short cycle, does not have a requirement to grow the and have high production values high. Purpose this study to determine the level of damage caused by insects aloe plant and identify the type of insect aloe plant in the village of Nanga Kalan agroforestry area. The results were obtained insect pests that attack plants, consisting of the 4 order Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Orthoptera, Hemitera, with the 5 Family Lymantriidae, Chrysomeliae, Acrididae, Pentatomidae, Alydidae and 5 Genus is Euproctis, Aulacophora, Valanga, Heteroptera, Leptocorisa. The types of insect pests which attack plants such as aloes : caterpillar fur (Lymantriidae), leaf beetles (Phaedonia inclusa), locust wood (Valanga nigricornis zehnleri), ladybugs plants (Anasa tristis Deger), walang rice pest (Leptocorisa oratorius) . As much as 71 rods aloe plant attacked by insect pests of 150 stems of plants were observed, with the percentage of insect pests in the aloe plant is 47.33%, moderate damage category. Damaged parts of the plant are the leaves and the leaves are perforated bud from top to bottom, bite at the edge of the leaf up to the middle, wrinkled leaves and roll, half the leaves disappear and leaves no living bone. Keywords : Pest, plant,gaharu,Nanga Kala

    Purification and characterization of anti-multidrug resistances bacteria from actinomycetes associated sponge

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    Actinomycetes  are   one  kind  of  the  microorganisms  that  very  important producer  of   secondary  metabolites  for  drugs.Active substances  of  microbial origin  have  been  searched   through  a  series  of  screening  methos  to   obtain novel  compounds  and  strains.  The  purpose  of  this  research  was  to  characterize the  antibacterial  coumpound   from  actinomycetes  associated  sponge  and identification  of  actinomycetes  base  on  morfology  and  fisiology  characteristic. Isolation of actinomycetes from sponge were done bypour and spreap plate. A total  of   actinomycetes  strain  were  isolated  from  sponges  collected   at  Barrang Lompo  island,  Makassar,  South  Sulawesi,   Indonesia. One of  them  showed strong   activity  against  antibiotic  resistant  bacteria   with  concentration 0.0195µg.  Characterisation  of  antimicrobial  coumpound  base  on  IR  spectrum determined  derivate  of  carboxylic   acid.  The  result obtained  from  the morphological  and  physiological  characterisation,  determined  the  strain  a Streptomyces spKey words: sponges, actinomycetes, secondary metabolic, bacteria resista

    Ki Hajar Dewantara: pemikiran dan perjuangannya

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    Tokoh RM Soewardi Soerjaningrat yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Ki Hadjar Dewantara merupakan tokoh pendidikan yang sangat fenomenal. Walaupun predikat dokter tidak dapat diraihnya, akan tetapi tokoh ini justru berkembang dalam bidang jurnalistik. Kiprahnya di bidang politik diwujudkan dalam tulisan-tulisan yang dimuat di koran dan majalah baik terbitan Hindia Belanda maupun negeri Belanda. Ki Hadjar Dewantara akhirnya berkecimpung di bidang pendidikan setelah ia mendirikan lembaga pendidikan yang diberi nama Pergerakan Pendidikan Taman Siswo. Penghargaan yang tinggi dari pemerintah diberikan kepada tokoh ini, yang menjadikan hari lahirnya sebagai hari Pendidikan Nasional, yang diperingati pada setiap 2 Mei

    Analyzing English Sub Summativetest Items (Mid Exam)

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    The aim of this research is to provide information of English sub summative test items, measuring the validity, reliability, level difficulty, and discriminating power of the test items made by English teacher of SMA Kartini in academic year 2013/2014. The method of this research is descriptive research. The data were taken from sub summative test and students\u27 answer sheets. The sub summative test consists of 20 items in the form of multiple choice. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that as a wholethe content validity of test items is sufficient with percentage is 75%, the point of test reability is 0.34 which is categorized Low (L) reliability, the point of level of difficulty is 55% which is categorized as easy items, and the point of discriminating power showed the percentage of poor items is 30 %, while the satisfactory items are 70 %

    Pengaruh Media Regenerasi terhadap Pembentukan Tunas Aksiler dan Adventif pada Philodendron C.v. Moon Light

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    . Philodendron merupakan tanaman hias daun yang menarik dan banyak digemari oleh konsumen, tetapi pengembangan tanaman ini secara komersial masih dihadapkan pada masalah perbanyakan benih. Studi ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh beberapa media regenerasi terhadap induksi tunas aksiler dan adventif, penyiapan plantlet, dan aklimatisasinya. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan dan Rumah Kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias, Segunung dari bulan November 2004 hingga Mei 2005. Bahan tanaman adalah philodendron c.v. Moon Light. Sebagian percobaan disusun menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media MR-2 yang mengandung 0,2 mg/l BAP + 0,01 mg/l NAA + 15 g/l sukrosa dan 15 g/l glukosa merupakan media regenerasi yang terbaik pada perbanyakan philodendron cv. Moon Light secara in vitro. Media ini mampu menginduksi penggandaan tunas aksiler dan tunas adventif terbaik dibanding media regenerasi yang lain dengan persentase regenerasi mencapai 90% untuk tunas aksiler dan 50% untuk tunas adventif. Produksi tunas mencapai 6,2 tunas per eksplan untuk tunas aksiler dan 3,1 tunas per eksplan untuk tunas adventif. Dengan mengganti agar Swallow dengan gelrite, media ini juga menjadi media terbaik untuk penyiapan plantlet untuk tujuan aklimatisasi, terutama pada tunas yang telah mengalami 4-5 subkultur. Plantlet yang dihasilkan juga mudah diaklimatisasi pada media arang sekam dengan keberhasilan mencapai 94%

    Ki Hajar Dewantara: pemikiran dan perjuangannya

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    Tokoh RM Soewardi Soerjaningrat yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Ki Hadjar Dewantara merupakan tokoh pendidikan yang sangat fenomenal. Walaupun predikat dokter tidak dapat diraihnya, akan tetapi tokoh ini justru berkembang dalam bidang jurnalistik. Kiprahnya di bidang politik diwujudkan dalam tulisan-tulisan yang dimuat di koran dan majalah baik terbitan Hindia Belanda maupun negeri Belanda. Ki Hadjar Dewantara akhirnya berkecimpung di bidang pendidikan setelah ia mendirikan lembaga pendidikan yang diberi nama Pergerakan Pendidikan Taman Siswo. Penghargaan yang tinggi dari pemerintah diberikan kepada tokoh ini, yang menjadikan hari lahirnya sebagai hari Pendidikan Nasional, yang diperingati pada setiap 2 Mei