1,209 research outputs found

    Building energy simulation and optimization of industrial halls

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    Industrial halls are characterized with their rectangular shape and relatively simple construction, as contrasted with office buildings with similar floor area. Industrial halls are usually subject to high energy demand due to the many manufacturing processes, lighting, and the corresponding amount spent on space conditioning. Thermal comfort is seldom a concern for industrial halls. By contrast, saving in energy consumption for lighting and space conditioning is a big issue since even the modest percentage change in energy consumption could be translated into a large monetary sum. With relatively loose requirement in space conditioning, and comparatively high internal heat gain; the approach in industrial hall design is quite different from that of office building. In fact, what poses to be an energy efficient design for office buildings might not be appropriate for high internal heat gain halls. The simplicity in the building geometry and the construction method allow the investigation of energy demand for space conditioning to be limited to a few number of demand side parameters (e.g. insulation value of walls); in which, change in values in some of the parameters presents a significant impact on the overall energy demand. This paper investigates the impact of varying different demand side parameters on the energy demand for space conditioning and lighting for a typical industrial hall. Through building energy simulation, such impact can be investigated; and by applying optimization, the configurations of the most optimal combinations of parameters with the lowest energy demand can be identified. The result indicates that the energy demand of the least efficient configuration can be more than double of that of the optimized design solution. This paper will also explore green building assessment systems such as LEED, in terms of energy performance, with the studied industrial hall as an example. The huge energy saving brought by the optimized design solution over the baseline building of LEED suggests that there might be a potential deficiency of LEED rating system at its current state as it applies to industrial halls

    PV-systemen voor industriele hallen

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    Het relatief grote dakoppervlak van veel industriële hallen biedt een kans om photovoltaische (pv) systemen te benutten. In verschillende landen wordt een zogenaamd ‘Feed-in Tariff’, FiT, beschikbaar gesteld om het hoge aankoopbedrag van pv-systemen te compenseren. Voor verschillende scenario’s is met behulp van simulaties een kosten-batenanalyse van pv-systemen uitgevoerd. Daarnaast is de invloed van verschillende economische parameters onderzocht

    PV-systemen voor industriele hallen

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    Het relatief grote dakoppervlak van veel industriële hallen biedt een kans om photovoltaische (pv) systemen te benutten. In verschillende landen wordt een zogenaamd ‘Feed-in Tariff’, FiT, beschikbaar gesteld om het hoge aankoopbedrag van pv-systemen te compenseren. Voor verschillende scenario’s is met behulp van simulaties een kosten-batenanalyse van pv-systemen uitgevoerd. Daarnaast is de invloed van verschillende economische parameters onderzocht

    Combining point cloud and surface methods for modeling partial shading impacts of trees on urban solar irradiance

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    Although trees and urban vegetation have a significant influence on solar irradiation in the built environment, their impact on daylight and energy consumption is often not considered in building performance and urban environment simulation studies. This paper presents a novel method for comprehensive solar irradiance assessment that considers the dynamic partial shading impacts from trees. The proposed method takes urban point clouds as input and consists of three subsequent steps: (a) DGCNN-based segmentation, (b) fusion model generation, (c) matrix-based irradiance calculation. The method is validated by comparing model outputs with field measurement data, and an inter-model comparison with eleven state-of-the-art tree shading modeling approaches. Analyses carried out on daily and long-term basis show that the proposed fusion model can significantly reduce simulation errors compared to alternative approaches, while limiting the required input data to a minimum. The primary source of uncertainty stems from mismatches between tree morphology in the fusion model and reality, attributable to phenological growth and seasonal variations.</p

    Investigating the potential of a novel low-energy house concept with hybrid adaptable thermal storage

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    In conventional buildings thermal mass is a permanent building characteristic depending on the building design. However, none of the permanent thermal mass concepts are optimal in all operational conditions. We propose a concept that combines the benefits of buildings with low and high thermal mass by applying hybrid adaptable thermal storage (HATS) systems and materials to a lightweight building. The HATS concept increases building performance and the robustness to changing user behavior, seasonal variations and future climate changes. Building performance simulation is used to investigate the potential of the novel concept for reducing heating energy demand and increasing thermal comfort. Simulation results of a case study in the Netherlands show that the optimal quantity of the thermal mass is sensitive to the change of seasons. This implies that the building performance will benefit from implementing HATS. Furthermore, the potential of HATS is quantified using a simplified HATS model. Calculations show heating energy demand reductions of up to 35% and increased thermal comfort compared to conventional thermal mass concepts

    Modeling and identification of an RRR-robot

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    A dynamic model of a robot with 3 rotational degrees of freedom is derived in closed form. A systematic procedure for estimation of model dynamic parameters is suggested. It consists of the following steps: (i) identification of friction model parameters for each joint; (ii) calculation of optimal exciting trajectories, required for estimation of the remaining dynamic model parameters; (iii) estimation of these parameters using a least-squares method. The estimated model satisfactory reconstructs experimental control signals, justifying its use in model-based nonlinear control

    Chemical vapor deposition of trimethylaluminium on dealuminated faujasite zeolite

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    Chemical vapor deposition of trimethylaluminum (TMA) was explored as an approach for the preparation of model faujasite-type catalysts containing extraframework aluminum. The decomposition of the grafted organoaluminum species was investigated in hydrogen and oxygen atmosphere. The process of grafting Al-containing species and the associated changes of the zeolite hydroxyl groups were followed by in situ FTIR spectroscopy. The state of intrazeolite Al atoms, the changes in zeolite structure and acidity caused by the CVD procedure as well as by subsequent treatment were analyzed in detail by 1H, 29Si and 27Al MAS NMR, COads IR, H/D exchange of acidic hydroxyl groups with perdeuterobenzene and propane cracking. Reaction of an extraframework aluminum-free high-silica faujasite zeolite with TMA leads to nearly complete substitution of the bridging hydroxyl groups with Al species. The reaction, however, does not produce uniform homogeneously distributed species. Because of the high reactivity of TMA, the zeolite lattice is partially decomposed resulting in its partial dealumination and formation of stable Si-CH3 moieties. The exact conditions of post-CVD treatment influence strongly the chemical and catalytic properties of the zeolites. The strongest increase of the propane conversion rate was observed when grafted TMA species were decomposed in H2 at high temperature. Such zeolite displays much higher activity per Brønsted acid site in propane cracking than a commercial ultrastabilized Y zeolite. It is proposed that the activity enhancement is related to strong polarization of a fraction of the zeolite Brønsted acid sites by Lewis acid sites formed by the hydrogenolysis of grafted TMA complexes

    Project for the analysis of technology transfer Quarterly report, 1 Apr. 1969 - 30 Jun. 1969

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    Patterns, statistical analyses, and case studies of transfer and utilization of NASA generated technolog

    Use marketing strategy in the intrnet space

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    This article deals with the theory and practice of modern methods of promotion products by industrial. The features of the concept of marketing in the Internet space and theiradvantages