1,282 research outputs found

    Heavy fermion and Kondo lattice behavior in the itinerant ferromagnet CeCrGe3

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    Physical properties of polycrystalline CeCrGe3_{3} and LaCrGe3_{3} have been investigated by x-ray absorption spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility χ(T)\chi(T), isothermal magnetization M(H), electrical resistivity ρ(T)\rho(T), specific heat C(TT) and thermoelectric power S(TT) measurements. These compounds are found to crystallize in the hexagonal perovskite structure (space group \textit{P63_{3}/mmc}), as previously reported. The ρ(T)\rho(T), χ(T)\chi(T) and C(TT) data confirm the bulk ferromagnetic ordering of itinerant Cr moments in LaCrGe3_{3} and CeCrGe3_{3} with TCT_{C} = 90 K and 70 K respectively. In addition a weak anomaly is also observed near 3 K in the C(TT) data of CeCrGe3_{3}. The T dependences of ρ\rho and finite values of Sommerfeld coefficient γ\gamma obtained from the specific heat measurements confirm that both the compounds are of metallic character. Further, the TT dependence of ρ\rho of CeCrGe3_{3} reflects a Kondo lattice behavior. An enhanced γ\gamma of 130 mJ/mol\,K2^{2} together with the Kondo lattice behavior inferred from the ρ(T)\rho(T) establish CeCrGe3_{3} as a moderate heavy fermion compound with a quasi-particle mass renormalization factor of \sim 45.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Spin fluctuations with two-dimensional XY behavior in a frustrated S = 1/2 square-lattice ferromagnet

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    The spin dynamics of the layered square-lattice vanadate Pb2VO(PO4)2 is investigated by electron spin resonance at various magnetic fields and at temperatures above magnetic ordering. The linewidth divergence towards low temperatures seems to agree with isotropic Heisenberg-type spin exchange suggesting that the spin relaxation in this quasi-two dimensional compound is governed by low-dimensional quantum fluctuations. However, a weak easy- plane anisotropy of the g factor points to the presence of a planar XY type of exchange. Indeed, we found that the linewidth divergence is described best by XY-like spin fluctuations which requires a single parameter only. Therefore, ESR-probed spin dynamics could establish Pb2VO(PO4)2 as the first frustrated square lattice system with XY-inherent spin topological fluctuations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Metastable anisotropy orientation of nematic quantum Hall fluids

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    We analyze the experimental observation of metastable anisotropy resistance orientation at half filled quantum Hall fluids by means of a model of a quantum nematic liquid in an explicit symmetry breaking potential. We interpret the observed ``rotation'' of the anisotropy axis as a process of nucleation of nematic domains and compute the nucleation rate within this model. By comparing with experiment, we are able to predict the critical radius of nematic bubbles, Rc2.6μmR_c\sim 2.6 \mu m . Each domain contains about 10410^4 electrons.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, final version as will appear in PR

    Instability of the rhodium magnetic moment as origin of the metamagnetic phase transition in alpha-FeRh

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    Based on ab initio total energy calculations we show that two magnetic states of rhodium atoms together with competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange interactions are responsible for a temperature induced metamagnetic phase transition, which experimentally is observed for stoichiometric alpha-FeRh. A first-principle spin-based model allows to reproduce this first-order metamagnetic transition by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Further inclusion of spacial variation of exchange parameters leads to a realistic description of the experimental magneto-volume effects in alpha-FeRh.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Many Electron Ground State of the Adiabatic Holstein Model in Two and Three Dimensions

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    We present the complete ground state phase diagram of the Holstein model in two and three dimension considering the phonon variables to be classical. We first establish the overall structure of the phase diagram by using exact diagonalisation based Monte Carlo (ED-MC) on small lattices and then use a new ``travelling cluster'' approximation (TCA) for annealing the phonon degrees of freedom on large lattices. The phases that emerge include a Fermi liquid (FL), with no lattice distortions, an insulating polaron liquid (PL) at strong coupling, and a charge ordered insulating (COI) phase around half- filling. The COI phase is separated from the Fermi liquid by a regime of phase coexistence whose width grows with increasing electron-phonon coupling. We provide results on the electronic density of states, the COI order parameter, and the spatial organisation of polaronic states, for arbitrary density and electron-phonon coupling. The results highlight the crucial role of spatial correlations in this strong coupling problem.Comment: Final versio

    Priority trends and prospects of blackberry breeding in conditions of Central Russia

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    This overview substantiates the possibility and expediency of blackberry breeding in Central Russia, where it is in demand, but not widespread in horticulture. Significant achievements of world breeding, which gave modern cultivars a large set of economically important qualities and growing interest in it all over the world, including Russian gardeners, make it relevant to work with blackberries as an object of selection, and as a promising garden plant. However, insufficient frost and winter hardiness of the bulk of the cultivars of this culture cause certain difficulties when growing it in the areas with cold winters to which the Central zone of Russia belongs. The expansion of the market of berry products also imposes increasingly high requirements on the complex of economic indicators of new cultivars, primarily the quality of blackberry fruit. In this regard, improving the existing range of varieties of the culture, increasing its adaptive properties and commodity qualities of berries are urgent tasks for breeders when creating new cultivars. The relevance of blackberry breeding is also dictated by the fact that in Russia its domestic range of varieties is represented by only one modern cultivar obtained in the southern region and adapted, first of all, to it. For the Central zone of the country, the cultivars of this plant have not been developed (except for the limited experiments of I.V. Michurin conducted almost 100 years ago). Therefore, the breeding of adapted cultivars of the culture in the climatic conditions of this region may be promising. It is also possible to grow here (with shelter for the winter) the cultivars already created abroad that can give with the right agricultural technology a good industrial harvest, which is confirmed by the practice of amateur and farm gardening, as well as scientific research. The purpose of this work is to designate the leading directions of blackberry breeding, the most important in the conditions of Central Russia and to show prospects of the development of new cultivars of this valuable culture in the specified climatic zone. The analysis of world trends and experience in the blackberry breeding and variety study, as well as the results of our own research of the culture conducted in the Orel region, allow us to consider it promising and relevant to work on improving the range of varieties of this plant in Central Russia. All priority areas of blackberry breeding, indicated in foreign and domestic breeding programs (winter hardiness, high quality of fresh and processed fruit, the correct shape of berries, their large size, the necessary values of biochemical composition, high productivity of plants, thornless shoots and high resistance to diseases and pests), are relevant for this region of our country, while high winter hardiness is currently the most important of them

    Field quantization in inhomogeneous anisotropic dielectrics with spatio-temporal dispersion

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    A quantum damped-polariton model is constructed for an inhomogeneous anisotropic linear dielectric with arbitrary dispersion in space and time. The model Hamiltonian is completely diagonalized by determining the creation and annihilation operators for the fundamental polariton modes as specific linear combinations of the basic dynamical variables. Explicit expressions are derived for the time-dependent operators describing the electromagnetic field, the dielectric polarization and the noise term in the latter. It is shown how to identify bath variables that generate the dissipative dynamics of the medium.Comment: 24 page

    Gamma radiolytic stability of CyMe4BTBP and the effect of nitric acid

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    The highly selective nitrogen donor ligand CyMe4BTBP for An(III) separation by solvent extraction was irradiated in a 60Co γ-source under varying conditions. Organic solutions of 10 mmol/L ligand in 1-octanol were contacted with different concentrations of nitric acid to observe the influence of an aqueous phase during irradiation. In subsequent liquid-liquid extraction experiments, distribution ratios of 241Am and 152Eu were determined. Distribution ratios decreased with increasing absorbed dose when irradiation was performed in the absence of nitric acid. With addition of nitric acid, initial distribution ratios remained constant over the whole examined dose range up to 300 kGy. For qualitative determination of radiolysis products, HPLC-MS measurements were performed. The protective effect of nitric acid was confirmed, since in samples irradiated with acid contact, no degradation products were observed, but only addition products of the 1-octanol molecule to the CyMe4BTBP molecule

    Gamma radiolytic stability of CyMe4BTBP and the effect of nitric acid

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    The highly selective nitrogen donor ligand CyMe4BTBP for An(III) separation by solvent extraction was irradiated in a 60Co γ-source under varying conditions. Organic solutions of 10 mmol/L ligand in 1-octanol were contacted with different concentrations of nitric acid to observe the influence of an aqueous phase during irradiation. In subsequent liquid-liquid extraction experiments, distribution ratios of 241Am and 152Eu were determined. Distribution ratios decreased with increasing absorbed dose when irradiation was performed in the absence of nitric acid. With addition of nitric acid, initial distribution ratios remained constant over the whole examined dose range up to 300 kGy. For qualitative determination of radiolysis products, HPLC-MS measurements were performed. The protective effect of nitric acid was confirmed, since in samples irradiated with acid contact, no degradation products were observed, but only addition products of the 1-octanol molecule to the CyMe4BTBP molecule