270 research outputs found

    Some aerodynamic considerations related to wind tunnel model surface definition

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    The aerodynamic considerations related to model surface definition are examined with particular emphasis in areas of fabrication tolerances, model surface finish, and orifice induced pressure errors. The effect of model surface roughness texture on skin friction is also discussed. It is shown that at a given Reynolds number, any roughness will produce no skin friction penalty

    The effect of canard leading edge sweep and dihedral angle on the longitudinal and lateral aerodynamic characteristic of a close-coupled canard-wing configuration

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    A generalized wind-tunnel model, with canard and wing planforms typical of highly maneuverable aircraft, was tested in the Langley high-speed 7- by 10-foot tunnel at a Mach number of 0.30. The test was conducted in order to determine the effects of canard sweep and canard dihedral on canard-wing interference at high angles of attack. In general, the effect of canard sweep on lift is small up to an angle of attack of 16 deg. However, for angles of attack greater than 16 deg, an increase in the canard sweep results in an increase in lift developed by the canard when the canard is above or in the wing chord plane. This increased lift results in a lift increase for the total configuration for the canard above the wing chord plane. For the canard in the wing chord plane, the increased canard lift is partially lost by increased interference on the wing

    Estimation of fan pressure ratio requirements and operating performance for the National Transonic Facility

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    The National Transonic Facility (NTF), a fan-driven, transonic, pressurized, cryogenic wind tunnel, will operate over the Mach number range of 0.10 to 1.20 with stagnation pressures varying from 1.00 to about 8.8 atm and stagnation temperatures varying from 77 to 340 K. The NTF is cooled to cryogenic temperatures by the injection of liquid nitrogen into the tunnel stream with gaseous nitrogen as the test gas. The NTF can also operate at ambient temperatures using a conventional chilled water heat exchanger with air on nitrogen as the test gas. The methods used in estimating the fan pressure ratio requirements are described. The estimated NTF operating envelopes at Mach numbers from 0.10 to 1.20 are presented

    Subsonic aerodynamic characteristics of interacting lifting surfaces with separated flow around sharp edges predicted by a vortex-lattice method

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    Because the potential flow suction along the leading and side edges of a planform can be used to determine both leading- and side-edge vortex lift, the present investigation was undertaken to apply the vortex-lattice method to computing side-edge suction force for isolated or interacting planforms. Although there is a small effect of bound vortex sweep on the computation of the side-edge suction force, the results obtained for a number of different isolated planforms produced acceptable agreement with results obtained from a method employing continuous induced-velocity distributions. By using the method outlined, better agreement between theory and experiment was noted for a wing in the presence of a canard than was previously obtained

    Aerodynamic load distributions at transonic speeds for a close-coupled wing-canard configuration: Tabulated pressure data

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    Wind tunnel studies are reported on both the canard and wing surfaces of a model that is geometrically identical to one used in several force and moment tests to provide insight into the various aerodynamic interference effects. In addition to detailed pressures measurements, the pressures were integrated to illustrate the effects of Mach number, canard location, and canard-wing interference on various aerodynamic parameters. Transonic pressure tunnel Mach numbers ranged from 0.70 to 1.20 for data taken from 0 deg to approximately 16 deg angle-of-attack at 0 deg sideslip

    Orifice-induced pressure error studies in Langley 7- by 10-foot high-speed tunnel

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    For some time it has been known that the presence of a static pressure measuring hole will disturb the local flow field in such a way that the sensed static pressure will be in error. The results of previous studies aimed at studying the error induced by the pressure orifice were for relatively low Reynolds number flows. Because of the advent of high Reynolds number transonic wind tunnels, a study was undertaken to assess the magnitude of this error at high Reynolds numbers than previously published and to study a possible method of eliminating this pressure error. This study was conducted in the Langley 7- by 10-Foot High-Speed Tunnel on a flat plate. The model was tested at Mach numbers from 0.40 to 0.72 and at Reynolds numbers from 7.7 x 1,000,000 to 11 x 1,000,000 per meter (2.3 x 1,000,000 to 3.4 x 1,000,000 per foot), respectively. The results indicated that as orifice size increased, the pressure error also increased but that a porous metal (sintered metal) plug inserted in an orifice could greatly reduce the pressure error induced by the orifice

    Load distribution on a closed-coupled wing canard at transonic speeds

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    A wind tunnel test where load distributions were obtained at transonic speeds on both the canard and wing surfaces of a closely coupled wing canard configuration is reported. Detailed component and configuration arrangement studies to provide insight into the various aerodynamic interference effects for the leading edge vortex flow conditions encountered are included. Data indicate that increasing the Mach number from 0.70 to 0.95 caused the wing leading edge vortex to burst over the wing when the wing was in the presence of the high canard

    Support interference of wind tunnel models: A selective annotated bibliography

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    This bibliography, with abstracts, consists of 143 citations arranged in chronological order by dates of publication. Selection of the citations was made for their relevance to the problems involved in understanding or avoiding support interference in wind tunnel testing throughout the Mach number range. An author index is included

    A study of canard-wing interference using experimental pressure data at transonic speeds

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    The canard had an exposed area of 28.0 percent of the wing reference area and was located in the chord plane of the wing or in a position 18.5 percent of the wing mean geometric chord above or below the wing chord plane. The canard leading edge sweep was 51.7 deg and the wing leading-edge sweep was 60 deg. The results indicated that the direct canard downwash effects on the wing loading are limited to the forward half of the wing directly behind the canard. The wing leading-edge vortex is located farther forward for the wing in the presence of the canard than for the wing-alone configuration. The wake, from the canard located below the wing chord plane, physically interacts with the wing inboard surface and produces a substantial loss of wing lift. For the Mach number 0.70 case, the presence of the wing increased the loading on the canard for the higher angles of attack. However, at Mach numbers of 0.95 and 1.20, the presence of the wing had the unexpected result of unloading the canard

    Development of an aerodyanmic theory capable of predicting surface loads on slender wings with vortex flow

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    The Boeing Commercial Airplane Company developed an inviscid three-dimensional lifting surface method that shows promise in being able to accurately predict loads, subsonic and supersonic, on wings with leading-edge separation and reattachment