451 research outputs found

    Deformation Quantization of Almost Kahler Models and Lagrange-Finsler Spaces

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    Finsler and Lagrange spaces can be equivalently represented as almost Kahler manifolds enabled with a metric compatible canonical distinguished connection structure generalizing the Levi Civita connection. The goal of this paper is to perform a natural Fedosov-type deformation quantization of such geometries. All constructions are canonically derived for regular Lagrangians and/or fundamental Finsler functions on tangent bundles.Comment: the latex 2e variant of the manuscript accepted for JMP, 11pt, 23 page

    BRST quantization of quasi-symplectic manifolds and beyond

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    We consider a class of \textit{factorizable} Poisson brackets which includes almost all reasonable Poisson structures. A particular case of the factorizable brackets are those associated with symplectic Lie algebroids. The BRST theory is applied to describe the geometry underlying these brackets as well as to develop a deformation quantization procedure in this particular case. This can be viewed as an extension of the Fedosov deformation quantization to a wide class of \textit{irregular} Poisson structures. In a more general case, the factorizable Poisson brackets are shown to be closely connected with the notion of nn-algebroid. A simple description is suggested for the geometry underlying the factorizable Poisson brackets basing on construction of an odd Poisson algebra bundle equipped with an abelian connection. It is shown that the zero-curvature condition for this connection generates all the structure relations for the nn-algebroid as well as a generalization of the Yang-Baxter equation for the symplectic structure.Comment: Journal version, references and comments added, style improve

    The Generalized Moyal Nahm and Continuous Moyal Toda Equations

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    We present in detail a class of solutions to the 4DSU()4D SU(\infty) Moyal Anti Self Dual Yang Mills equations that are related to reductionsreductions of the generalized Moyal Nahm quations using the Ivanova-Popov ansatz. The former yields solutions to the ASDYM/SDYM equations for arbitary gauge groups. A further dimensional reduction yields solutions to the Moyal Anti Self Dual Gravitational equations. The Self Dual Yang Mills /Self Dual Gravity case requires a separate study. SU(2) and SU()SU(\infty) (continuous) Moyal Toda equations are derived and solutions to the latter equations in implicitimplicit form are proposed via the Lax-Brockett double commutator formalism . An explicit map taking the Moyal heavenly form (after a rotational Killing symmetry reduction) into the SU(2) Moyal Toda field is found. Finally, the generalized Moyal Nahm equations are conjectured that contain the continuous SU()SU(\infty) Moyal Toda equation after a suitable reduction. Three different embeddings of the three different types of Moyal Toda equations into the Moyal Nahm equations are discussed.Comment: Revised TEX file. 31 pages. The Legendre transform between the Moyal heavenly form and the Moyal Toda field is solve

    Higher order relations in Fedosov supermanifolds

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    Higher order relations existing in normal coordinates between affine extensions of the curvature tensor and basic objects for any Fedosov supermanifolds are derived. Representation of these relations in general coordinates is discussed.Comment: 11 LaTex pages, no figure

    Scalar Casimir Energies of Tetrahedra

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    New results for scalar Casimir self-energies arising from interior modes are presented for the three integrable tetrahedral cavities. Since the eigenmodes are all known, the energies can be directly evaluated by mode summation, with a point-splitting regulator, which amounts to evaluation of the cylinder kernel. The correct Weyl divergences, depending on the volume, surface area, and the corners, are obtained, which is strong evidence that the counting of modes is correct. Because there is no curvature, the finite part of the quantum energy may be unambiguously extracted. Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are considered and systematic behavior of the energy in terms of geometric invariants is explored.Comment: Talk given at QFEXT 1

    Перспективи енергетичного співробітництва України та США. (The prospects of energy cooperation between Ukraine and the USA.)

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    У статті висвітлено історію становлення та перспективи розвитку українсько-американських відносин в енергетичій сфері як один із пріоритетів зовнішньої політики України. (This article investigates the history of the formation and prospects of Ukraine-US relations in the energy cooperation as one of the priorities of Ukraine’s foreign policy.

    Ground-state Wigner functional of linearized gravitational field

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    The deformation quantization formalism is applied to the linearized gravitational field. Standard aspects of this formalism are worked out before the ground state Wigner functional is obtained. Finally, the propagator for the graviton is also discussed within the context of this formalism.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Fedosov Quantization of Lagrange-Finsler and Hamilton-Cartan Spaces and Einstein Gravity Lifts on (Co) Tangent Bundles

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    We provide a method of converting Lagrange and Finsler spaces and their Legendre transforms to Hamilton and Cartan spaces into almost Kaehler structures on tangent and cotangent bundles. In particular cases, the Hamilton spaces contain nonholonomic lifts of (pseudo) Riemannian / Einstein metrics on effective phase spaces. This allows us to define the corresponding Fedosov operators and develop deformation quantization schemes for nonlinear mechanical and gravity models on Lagrange- and Hamilton-Fedosov manifolds.Comment: latex2e, 11pt, 35 pages, v3, accepted to J. Math. Phys. (2009

    Gauge Theories in Noncommutative Homogeneous K\"ahler Manifolds

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    We construct a gauge theory on a noncommutative homogeneous K\"ahler manifold, where we employ the deformation quantization with separation of variables for K\"ahler manifolds formulated by Karabegov. A key point in this construction is to obtaining vector fields which act as inner derivations for the deformation quantization. We show that these vector fields are the only Killing vector fields. We give an explicit construction of this gauge theory on noncommutative CPN{\mathbb C}P^N and noncommutative CHN{\mathbb C}H^N.Comment: 27 pages, typos correcte