5,339 research outputs found

    The effects of disorder in dimerized quantum magnets in mean field approximations

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    We study theoretically the effects of disorder on Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) of bosonic triplon quasiparticles in doped dimerized quantum magnets. The condensation occurs in a strong enough magnetic field Hc, where the concentration of bosons in the random potential is sufficient to form the condensate. The effect of doping is partly modeled by delta - correlated disorder potential, which (i) leads to the uniform renormalization of the system parameters and (ii) produces disorder in the system with renormalized parameters. These approaches can explain qualitatively the available magnetization data in the Tl_(1-x)K_(x)CuCl_3 compound taken as an example. In addition to the magnetization, we found that the speed of the Bogoliubov mode has a peak as a function of doping parameter, x. No evidence of the pure Bose glass phase has been obtained in the BEC regime.Comment: Includes 19 pages, 5 figure

    Characteristics of First-Order Vortex Lattice Melting: Jumps in Entropy and Magnetization

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    We derive expressions for the jumps in entropy and magnetization characterizing the first-order melting transition of a flux line lattice. In our analysis we account for the temperature dependence of the Landau parameters and make use of the proper shape of the melting line as determined by the relative importance of electromagnetic and Josephson interactions. The results agree well with experiments on anisotropic Y1_1Ba2_2Cu3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta} and layered Bi2_2Sr2_2Ca1_1Cu2_2O8_8 materials and reaffirm the validity of the London model.Comment: 4 pages. We have restructured the paper to emphasize that in the London scaling regime (appropriate for YBCO) our results are essentially exact. We have also emphasized that a major controversy over the relevance of the London model to describe VL melting has been settled by this wor

    Control of Superconducting Correlations in High-Tc Cuprates

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    A strategy to enhance d-wave superconducting correlations is proposed based on our numerical study for correlated electron models for high-Tc cuprates. We observe that the pairing is enhanced when the single-electron level around (pi,0) is close to the Fermi level E_F, while the d-wave pairing interaction itself contains elements to disfavor the pairing due to shift of the (pi,0)-level. Angle-resolved photoemission results in the cuprates are consistently explained in the presence of the d-wave pairing interaction. Our proposal is the tuning of the (pi,0)-level under the many-body effects to E_F by optimal design of band structure.Comment: 4 pages, 6 eps figure

    Superconductivity and magnetism in RbxFe2-ySe2: Impact of thermal treatment on mesoscopic phase separation

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    An extended study of the superconducting and normal-state properties of various as-grown and post-annealed RbxFe2-ySe2 single crystals is presented. Magnetization experiments evidence that annealing of RbxFe2-ySe2 at 413 K, well below the onset of phase separation Tp=489 K, neither changes the magnetic nor the superconducting properties of the crystals. In addition, annealing at 563 K, well above Tp, suppresses the superconducting transition temperature Tc and leads to an increase of the antiferromagnetic susceptibility accompanied by the creation of ferromagnetic impurity phases, which are developing with annealing time. However, annealing at T=488K=Tp increases Tc up to 33.3 K, sharpens the superconducting transition, increases the lower critical field, and strengthens the screening efficiency of the applied magnetic field. Resistivity measurements of the as-grown and optimally annealed samples reveal an increase of the upper critical field along both crystallographic directions as well as its anisotropy. Muon spin rotation and scanning transmission electron microscopy experiments suggest the coexistence of two phases below Tp: a magnetic majority phase of Rb2Fe4Se5 and a non-magnetic minority phase of Rb0.5Fe2Se2. Both microscopic techniques indicate that annealing the specimens just at Tp does not affect the volume fraction of the two phases, although the magnetic field distribution in the samples changes substantially. This suggests that the microstructure of the sample, caused by mesoscopic phase separation, is modified by annealing just at Tp, leading to an improvement of the superconducting properties of RbxFe2-ySe2 and an enhancement of Tc.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Realtime calibration of the A4 electromagnetic lead fluoride calorimeter

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    Sufficient energy resolution is the key issue for the calorimetry in particle and nuclear physics. The calorimeter of the A4 parity violation experiment at MAMI is a segmented calorimeter where the energy of an event is determined by summing the signals of neighbouring channels. In this case the precise matching of the individual modules is crucial to obtain a good energy resolution. We have developped a calibration procedure for our total absorbing electromagnetic calorimeter which consists of 1022 lead fluoride (PbF_2) crystals. This procedure reconstructs the the single-module contributions to the events by solving a linear system of equations, involving the inversion of a 1022 x 1022-matrix. The system has shown its functionality at beam energies between 300 and 1500 MeV and represents a new and fast method to keep the calorimeter permanently in a well-calibrated state

    First order phase transition of the vortex lattice in twinned YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals in tilted magnetic fields

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    We present an exhaustive analysis of transport measurements performed in twinned YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals which stablishes that the vortex solid-liquid transition is first order when the magnetic field H is applied at an angle theta away from the direction of the twin planes. We show that the resistive transitions are hysteretic and the V-I curves are non-linear, displaying a characteristic s-shape at the melting line Hm(T), which scales as epsilon(theta)Hm(T,theta). These features are gradually lost when the critical point H*(theta) is approached. Above H*(theta) the V-I characteristics show a linear response in the experimentally accessible V-I window, and the transition becomes reversible. Finally we show that the first order phase transition takes place between a highly correlated vortex liquid in the field direction and a solid state of unknown symmetry. As a consequence, the available data support the scenario for a vortex-line melting rather than a vortex sublimation as recently suggested [T.Sasagawa et al. PRL 80, 4297 (1998)].Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PR

    Onsager Loop-Transition and First Order Flux-Line Lattice Melting in High-TcT_c Superconductors

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    Monte-Carlo simulations in conjunction with finite-size scaling analysis are used to investigate the (H,T)(H,T)-phase diagram in uniaxial anisotropic high- TcT_c superconductors, both in zero magnetic field and in intermediate magnetic fields for various mass-anisotropies. The model we consider is the uniformly frustrated anisotropic Villain Model. In zero magnetic field, and for all anisotropies considered, we find one single second order phase transition, mediated by an Onsager vortex-loop blowout. This is the superconductor-normal metal transition.A comparison with numerical simulations and a critical scaling analysis of the zero-field loop-transition yields the same exponent of the loop distribution function at the critical point. In the intermediate magnetic field regime, we find two anomalies in the specific heat. The first anomaly at a temperature TmT_m is associated with the melting transition of the flux-line lattice. The second anomaly at a temperature TzT_z is one where phase coherence along the field direction is destroyed. We argue that Tm=TzT_m=T_z in the thermodynamic and continuum limit. Hence, there is no regime where the flux line lattice melts into a disentangled flux-line liquid. The loss of phase coherence parallel to the magnetic field in the sample is argued to be due to the proliferation of closed non-field induced vortex loops on the scale of the magnetic length in the problem, resulting in flux-line cutting and recombination. In the flux-line liquid phase, therefore, flux-lines appear no longer to be well defined entities. A finite-size scaling analysis of the delta function peak specific heat anomaly at the melting transition is used to extract the discontinuity of the entropy at the melting transition.This entropy discontinuity is found to increase rapidly with mass-anisotropy.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures included, to be published in Phys. Rev. B, 57 xxx (1998

    Quantum Nonlinear Switching Model

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    We present a method, the dynamical cumulant expansion, that allows to calculate quantum corrections for time-dependent quantities of interacting spin systems or single spins with anisotropy. This method is applied to the quantum-spin model \hat{H} = -H_z(t)S_z + V(\bf{S}) with H_z(\pm\infty) = \pm\infty and \Psi (-\infty)=|-S> we study the quantity P(t)=(1-_t/S)/2. The case V(\bf{S})=-H_x S_x corresponds to the standard Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg model of tunneling at avoided-level crossing for N=2S independent particles mapped onto a single-spin-S problem, P(t) being the staying probability. Here the solution does not depend on S and follows, e.g., from the classical Landau-Lifshitz equation. A term -DS_z^2 accounts for particles' interaction and it makes the model nonlinear and essentially quantum mechanical. The 1/S corrections obtained with our method are in a good accord with a full quantum-mechanical solution if the classical motion is regular, as for D>0.Comment: 4 Phys. Rev. pages 2 Fig

    Possible new vortex matter phases in BSCCO

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    The vortex matter phase diagram of BSCCO crystals is analyzed by investigating vortex penetration through the surface barrier in the presence of a transport current. The strength of the effective surface barrier, its nonlinearity, and asymmetry are used to identify a possible new ordered phase above the first-order transition. This technique also allows sensitive determination of the depinning temperature. The solid phase below the first-order transition is apparently subdivided into two phases by a vertical line extending from the multicritical point.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in PR
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