4,071 research outputs found

    New Axial Interactions at a TeV

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    We consider a heavy fourth family with masses lying in the symmetry breaking channel of a new strong gauge interaction. This interaction generates a heavy quark axial-type operator, whose effects can be enhanced through multiple insertions. In terms of the strength of this operator we can express new negative contributions to the S and T parameters and the shifts of the Z couplings to the third family. In particular we find that the new contribution to T is strongly constrained by the experimental constraints on the Z coupling to the tau.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, PRD versio

    A two-stage solution approach for the Directed Rural Postman Problem with Turn Penalties

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    In this paper, we consider the Directed Rural Postman Problem with Turn Penalties (DRPP-TP). A solution is a tour that traverses all required arcs of the graph. The total cost of the tour is the sum of the lengths of the traversed arcs plus the penalties associated with the turns. One solution approach involves transforming the arc routing problem into an equivalent node routing problem. An alternative direct approach (without graph transformation) that involves two stages has been proposed in the literature. In the first part of this paper, we investigate the applicability of the direct approach. We identify several characteristics of the input instance that make this approach effective and present several limitations of this approach. In the second part of this paper, we describe an integer linear program that is combined with a local search algorithm. This combination produces high-quality solutions to the DRPP-TP in a reasonable amount of computing time. (C) 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V

    The cleavage surface of the BaFe_(2-x)Co_(x)As_(2) and Fe_(y)Se_(1-x)Te_(x) superconductors: from diversity to simplicity

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    We elucidate the termination surface of cleaved single crystals of the BaFe_(2-x)Co_(x)As_(2) and Fe_(y)Se_(1-x)Te_(x) families of the high temperature iron based superconductors. By combining scanning tunneling microscopic data with low energy electron diffraction we prove that the termination layer of the Ba122 systems is a remnant of the Ba layer, which exhibits a complex diversity of ordered and disordered structures. The observed surface topographies and their accompanying superstructure reflections in electron diffraction depend on the cleavage temperature. In stark contrast, Fe_(y)Se_(1-x)Te_(x) possesses only a single termination structure - that of the tetragonally ordered Se_(1-x)Te_(x) layer.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Angle-resolved and core-level photoemission study of interfacing the topological insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.7Se1.3 with Ag, Nb and Fe

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    Interfaces between a bulk-insulating topological insulator (TI) and metallic adatoms have been studied using high-resolution, angle-resolved and core-level photoemission. Fe, Nb and Ag were evaporated onto Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.7Se1.3 (BSTS) surfaces both at room temperature and 38K. The coverage- and temperature-dependence of the adsorption and interfacial formation process have been investigated, highlighting the effects of the overlayer growth on the occupied electronic structure of the TI. For all coverages at room temperature and for those equivalent to less than 0.1 monolayer at low temperature all three metals lead to a downward shift of the TI's bands with respect to the Fermi level. At room temperature Ag appears to intercalate efficiently into the van der Waals gap of BSTS, accompanied by low-level substitution of the Te/Se atoms of the termination layer of the crystal. This Te/Se substitution with silver increases significantly for low temperature adsorption, and can even dominate the electrostatic environment of the Bi/Sb atoms in the BSTS near-surface region. On the other hand, Fe and Nb evaporants remain close to the termination layer of the crystal. On room temperature deposition, they initially substitute isoelectronically for Bi as a function of coverage, before substituting for Te/Se atoms. For low temperature deposition, Fe and Nb are too immobile for substitution processes and show a behaviour consistent with clustering on the surface. For both Ag and Fe/Nb, these differing adsorption pathways leads to the qualitatively similar and remarkable behavior for low temperature deposition that the chemical potential first moves upward (n-type dopant behavior) and then downward (p-type behavior) on increasing coverage.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. In our Phys. Rev. B manuscript an error was made in formulating the last sentence of the abstract that, unfortunately, was missed in the page proofs. Version 2 on arxiv has the correct formulation of this sentenc

    Absolute rigidity spectrum of protons and helium nuclei above 10 GV/c

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    Proton and helium nuclei differential spectra were gathered with a balloon borne magnet spectrometer. The data were fitted to the assumption that the differential flux can be represented by a power law in rigidity. In the rigidity range 10 to 25 GV/c the spectral indices were found to be -(2.74 plus or minus 0.04) for protons and -(2.71 plus or minus 0.05) for helium nuclei. A brief discussion is given by systematic errors

    Column Experiments to Interpret Weathering in Columbia Hills

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    Phosphate mobility has been postulated as an indicator of early aqueous activity on Mars. In addition, rock surfaces analyzed by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit are consistent with the loss of a phosphate- containing mineral To interpret phosphate alteration behavior on Mars, we performed column dissolution experiments leaching the primary phases Durango fluorapatite, San Carlos olivine, and basalt glass (Stapafjell Volcano, courtesy of S. Gislason, University of Iceland) [3,4]) with acidic solutions. These phases were chosen to represent quickly dissolving phases likely present in Columbia Hills. Column dissolution experiments are closer to natural dissolution conditions than batch experiments, although they can be difficult to interpret. Acidic solutions were used because the leached layers on the surfaces of these rocks have been interpreted as resulting from acid solutions [5]

    Technicolor Theories with Negative S

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    We show that the pseudo Nambu--Goldstone boson contribution to the Peskin--Takeuchi electroweak parameter SS can be negative in a class of technicolor theories. This negative contribution can be large enough to cancel the positive techni-hadron contribution, showing that electroweak precision tests alone cannot be used to rule out technicolor as the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking.Comment: (LBL-32893, UCB-PTH 92/34, 10 pages; we added a discussion of uncertainties, fine-tuning, and SU(2) asymptotic freedom; the conclusions are unchanged.

    Observation of cosmic ray positrons from 5 to 25 GeV

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    The positron data gathered in conjunction with electron data published elsewhere is reported. The basic recognition scheme was to look for low mass positive particles that cause a cascade in a 7 radiation length shower counter. The mass criteria is imposed by selecting particles that were accompanied by Cherenkov light but whose rigidity was below the proton Cherenkov threshold. Thus the proton Cherenkov threshold represents an upper limit to the range of the experiment

    X-Ray Amorphous Phases in Antarctica Dry Valley Soils: Insight into Aqueous Alteration Processes on Mars?

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    The Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument onboard the Mars Curiosity rover has detected abundant amounts (approx. 25-30 weight percentage) of X-ray amorphous materials in a windblown deposit (Rocknest) and in a sedimentary mudstone (Cumberland and John Klein) in Gale crater, Mars. On Earth, X-ray amorphous components are common in soils and sediments, but usually not as abundant as detected in Gale crater. One hypothesis for the abundant X-ray amorphous materials on Mars is limited interaction of liquid water with surface materials, kinetically inhibiting maturation to more crystalline phases. The objective of this study was to characterize the chemistry and mineralogy of soils formed in the Antarctica Dry Valleys, one of the driest locations on Earth. Two soils were characterized from different elevations, including a low elevation, coastal, subxerous soil in Taylor Valley and a high elevation, ultraxerous soil in University Valley. A variety of techniques were used to characterize materials from each soil horizon, including Rietveld analysis of X-ray diffraction data. For Taylor Valley soil, the X-ray amorphous component ranged from about 4 weight percentage in the upper horizon to as high as 15 weight percentage in the lowest horizon just above the permafrost layer. Transmission electron microscopy indicated that the presence of short-range ordered (SRO) smectite was the most likely candidate for the X-ray amorphous materials in the Taylor Valley soils. The SRO smectite is likely an aqueous alteration product of mica inherited from granitic materials during glaciation of Taylor Valley. The drier University Valley soils had lower X-ray amorphous contents of about 5 weight percentage in the lowest horizon. The X-ray amorphous materials in University Valley are attributed to nanoparticles of TiO2 and possibly amorphous SiO2. The high abundance of X-ray amorphous materials in Taylor Valley is surprising for one of the driest places on Earth. These materials may have been physically and chemical altered during soil formation, however, the limited interaction with water and low temperatures may result in the formation of "immature" X-ray amorphous or SRO materials. Perhaps, a similar process contributes to the formation of the high content of X-ray amorphous materials detected on Mars
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