15 research outputs found

    Correlates of hair cortisol concentrations in disadvantaged young children

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    © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Children from highly disadvantaged families tend to experience worse health, educational, and job outcomes than less disadvantaged peers. However, the mechanisms underlying these relationships remain to be explicated. In particular, few studies have investigated the relationships between the psychosocial influences that children are exposed to early in life and longer term cortisol output. This study aims to contribute to the literature by exploring how disadvantaged young children's experiences of family adversity, and parenting and family functioning, are related to their long-term cortisol levels. A sample of 60 children (26 males, mean = 4.25 years, SD = 1.68) and their mothers (mean = 34.18 years, SD = 7.11) from a low-income population took part in a single assessment. Mothers completed questionnaires on the family environment, parenting practices, and child behaviour. Children provided a hair sample for cortisol assay and anthropometric measures. A parsimonious multivariate regression model (including potential predictors identified by a selection algorithm) was used to investigate the correlates of hair cortisol concentration (HCC) in children. Higher levels of social exclusion, being male, and younger age were each associated with higher HCC. Maternal nurturing and emotion coaching were associated with lower HCC. Findings suggest that chronic stress may underlie relationships between adversity and its long-term effects and that HCC offers a promising method for examining chronic stress in children and evaluating interventions by which it can be ameliorated

    Ising models on power-law random graphs

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    We study a ferromagnetic Ising model on random graphs with a power-law degree distribution and compute the thermodynamic limit of the pressure when the mean degree is finite (degree exponent τ>2\tau>2), for which the random graph has a tree-like structure. For this, we adapt and simplify an analysis by Dembo and Montanari, which assumes finite variance degrees (τ>3\tau>3). We further identify the thermodynamic limits of various physical quantities, such as the magnetization and the internal energy

    Antiferromagnetic Potts model on the Erdos-Renyi random graph

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    We study the antiferromagnetic Potts model on the Poissonian Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graph. By identifying a suitable interpolation structure and an extended variational principle, together with a positive temperature second-moment analysis we prove the existence of a phase transition at a positive critical temperature. Upper and lower bounds on the temperature critical value are obtained from the stability analysis of the replica symmetric solution (recovered in the framework of Derrida-Ruelle probability cascades)and from a positive entropy argument.Comment: 36 pages, revisions to improve resul

    Partition function zeros for the Ising model on complete graphs and on annealed scale-free networks

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    We analyze the partition function of the Ising model on graphs of two different types: complete graphs, wherein all nodes are mutually linked and annealed scale-free networks for which the degree distribution decays as P(k)kλP(k)\sim k^{-\lambda}. We are interested in zeros of the partition function in the cases of complex temperature or complex external field (Fisher and Lee-Yang zeros respectively). For the model on an annealed scale-free network, we find an integral representation for the partition function which, in the case λ>5\lambda > 5, reproduces the zeros for the Ising model on a complete graph. For 3<λ<53<\lambda < 5 we derive the λ\lambda-dependent angle at which the Fisher zeros impact onto the real temperature axis. This, in turn, gives access to the λ\lambda-dependent universal values of the critical exponents and critical amplitudes ratios. Our analysis of the Lee-Yang zeros reveals a difference in their behaviour for the Ising model on a complete graph and on an annealed scale-free network when 3<λ<53<\lambda <5. Whereas in the former case the zeros are purely imaginary, they have a non zero real part in latter case, so that the celebrated Lee-Yang circle theorem is violated.Comment: 36 pages, 31 figure

    Nonlinear optics and saturation behavior of quantum dot samples under continuous wave driving

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    The nonlinear optical response of self-assembled quantum dots is relevant to the application of quantum dot based devices in nonlinear optics, all-optical switching, slow light and self-organization. Theoretical investigations are based on numerical simulations of a spatially and spectrally resolved rate equation model, which takes into account the strong coupling of the quantum dots to the carrier reservoir created by the wetting layer states. The complex dielectric susceptibility of the ground state is obtained. The saturation is shown to follow a behavior in between the one for a dominantly homogeneously and inhomogeneously broadened medium. Approaches to extract the nonlinear refractive index change by fringe shifts in a cavity or self-lensing are discussed. Experimental work on saturation characteristic of InGa/GaAs quantum dots close to the telecommunication O-band (1.24-1.28 mm) and of InAlAs/GaAlAs quantum dots at 780 nm is described and the first demonstration of the cw saturation of absorption in room temperature quantum dot samples is discussed in detail

    Asynchronous Rumor Spreading in Preferential Attachment Graphs

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    Abstract. We show that the asynchronous push-pull protocol spreads rumors in preferential attachment graphs (as defined by Barabási and Albert) in time O ( √ log n) to all but a lower order fraction of the nodes with high probability. This is significantly faster than what synchronized protocols can achieve; an obvious lower bound for these is the average distance, which is known to be Θ(log n / log log n).