248 research outputs found

    Volatility, Money Market Rates, and the Transmission of Monetary Policy

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    We explore the effect of volatility in the federal funds market on the expectations hypothesis in money markets. We find that lower volatility in the bank funding markets market, all else equal, leads to a lower term premium and thus longer-term rates for a given setting of the overnight rate. The results appear to hold for the US as well as the Euro Area and the UK. The results have implications for the design of operational frameworks for the implementation of monetary policy and for the interpretation of the changes in the Libor-OIS spread during the financial crisisMonetary transmission mechanism, expectations hypothesis, term premium

    A Simplified Approach to Optimally Controlled Quantum Dynamics

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    A new formalism for the optimal control of quantum mechanical physical observables is presented. This approach is based on an analogous classical control technique reported previously[J. Botina, H. Rabitz and N. Rahman, J. chem. Phys. Vol. 102, pag. 226 (1995)]. Quantum Lagrange multiplier functions are used to preserve a chosen subset of the observable dynamics of interest. As a result, a corresponding small set of Lagrange multipliers needs to be calculated and they are only a function of time. This is a considerable simplification over traditional quantum optimal control theory[S. shi and H. Rabitz, comp. Phys. Comm. Vol. 63, pag. 71 (1991)]. The success of the new approach is based on taking advantage of the multiplicity of solutions to virtually any problem of quantum control to meet a physical objective. A family of such simplified formulations is introduced and numerically tested. Results are presented for these algorithms and compared with previous reported work on a model problem for selective unimolecular reaction induced by an external optical electric field.Comment: Revtex, 29 pages (incl. figures

    Stochastic Resonance of Ensemble Neurons for Transient Spike Trains: A Wavelet Analysis

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    By using the wavelet transformation (WT), we have analyzed the response of an ensemble of NN (=1, 10, 100 and 500) Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) neurons to {\it transient} MM-pulse spike trains (M=13M=1-3) with independent Gaussian noises. The cross-correlation between the input and output signals is expressed in terms of the WT expansion coefficients. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is evaluated by using the {\it denoising} method within the WT, by which the noise contribution is extracted from output signals. Although the response of a single (N=1) neuron to sub-threshold transient signals with noises is quite unreliable, the transmission fidelity assessed by the cross-correlation and SNR is shown to be much improved by increasing the value of NN: a population of neurons play an indispensable role in the stochastic resonance (SR) for transient spike inputs. It is also shown that in a large-scale ensemble, the transmission fidelity for supra-threshold transient spikes is not significantly degraded by a weak noise which is responsible to SR for sub-threshold inputs.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Learning causal networks from systems biology time course data: an effective model selection procedure for the vector autoregressive process

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    Background: Causal networks based on the vector autoregressive (VAR) process are a promising statistical tool for modeling regulatory interactions in a cell. However, learning these networks is challenging due to the low sample size and high dimensionality of genomic data. Results: We present a novel and highly efficient approach to estimate a VAR network. This proceeds in two steps: (i) improved estimation of VAR regression coefficients using an analytic shrinkage approach, and (ii) subsequent model selection by testing the associated partial correlations. In simulations this approach outperformed for small sample size all other considered approaches in terms of true discovery rate (number of correctly identified edges relative to the significant edges). Moreover, the analysis of expression time series data from Arabidopsis thaliana resulted in a biologically sensible network. Conclusion: Statistical learning of large-scale VAR causal models can be done efficiently by the proposed procedure, even in the difficult data situations prevalent in genomics and proteomics. Availability: The method is implemented in R code that is available from the authors on request

    Neglected patellar tendon rupture: a case of reconstruction without quadriceps lengthening

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    Neglected rupture of the patellar tendon is a rare, can be easily missed in a group of patients. We present a 24 year old, male patient who sustained right femoral diaphyseal and tibial plateau fractures and a patellar tendon rupture following a motor vehicle accident. The fractures were treated by open reduction internal fixation but the patellar tendon rupture was missed and the diagnosis was delayed by 7 months. Patella was migrated proximally. It was moved distally to the original location and neglected patellar tendon rupture treated successfully with modified Ecker technique. Neither preoperative traction nor additional intraoperative procedures were performed to relocate the patella to its anatomic position in the extended knee and good functional result was achieved with intensive rehabilitation

    Gamma Power Is Phase-Locked to Posterior Alpha Activity

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    Neuronal oscillations in various frequency bands have been reported in numerous studies in both humans and animals. While it is obvious that these oscillations play an important role in cognitive processing, it remains unclear how oscillations in various frequency bands interact. In this study we have investigated phase to power locking in MEG activity of healthy human subjects at rest with their eyes closed. To examine cross-frequency coupling, we have computed coherence between the time course of the power in a given frequency band and the signal itself within every channel. The time-course of the power was calculated using a sliding tapered time window followed by a Fourier transform. Our findings show that high-frequency gamma power (30–70 Hz) is phase-locked to alpha oscillations (8–13 Hz) in the ongoing MEG signals. The topography of the coupling was similar to the topography of the alpha power and was strongest over occipital areas. Interestingly, gamma activity per se was not evident in the power spectra and only became detectable when studied in relation to the alpha phase. Intracranial data from an epileptic subject confirmed these findings albeit there was slowing in both the alpha and gamma band. A tentative explanation for this phenomenon is that the visual system is inhibited during most of the alpha cycle whereas a burst of gamma activity at a specific alpha phase (e.g. at troughs) reflects a window of excitability

    Measures in Visualization Space

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    Postponed access: the file will be available after 2021-08-12Measurement is an integral part of modern science, providing the fundamental means for evaluation, comparison, and prediction. In the context of visualization, several different types of measures have been proposed, ranging from approaches that evaluate particular aspects of visualization techniques, their perceptual characteristics, and even economic factors. Furthermore, there are approaches that attempt to provide means for measuring general properties of the visualization process as a whole. Measures can be quantitative or qualitative, and one of the primary goals is to provide objective means for reasoning about visualizations and their effectiveness. As such, they play a central role in the development of scientific theories for visualization. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the current state of the art, survey and classify different types of visualization measures, characterize their strengths and drawbacks, and provide an outline of open challenges for future research.acceptedVersio

    Cross-frequency coupling of brain oscillations in studying motivation and emotion

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    Research has shown that brain functions are realized by simultaneous oscillations in various frequency bands. In addition to examining oscillations in pre-specified bands, interactions and relations between the different frequency bandwidths is another important aspect that needs to be considered in unraveling the workings of the human brain and its functions. In this review we provide evidence that studying interdependencies between brain oscillations may be a valuable approach to study the electrophysiological processes associated with motivation and emotional states. Studies will be presented showing that amplitude-amplitude coupling between delta-alpha and delta-beta oscillations varies as a function of state anxiety and approach-avoidance-related motivation, and that changes in the association between delta-beta oscillations can be observed following successful psychotherapy. Together these studies suggest that cross-frequency coupling of brain oscillations may contribute to expanding our understanding of the neural processes underlying motivation and emotion