1,388 research outputs found

    Riemann-Cartan Space-times of G\"odel Type

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    A class of Riemann-Cartan G\"odel-type space-times are examined in the light of the equivalence problem techniques. The conditions for local space-time homogeneity are derived, generalizing previous works on Riemannian G\"odel-type space-times. The equivalence of Riemann-Cartan G\"odel-type space-times of this class is studied. It is shown that they admit a five-dimensional group of affine-isometries and are characterized by three essential parameters ,m2,ω\ell, m^2, \omega: identical triads (,m2,ω\ell, m^2, \omega) correspond to locally equivalent manifolds. The algebraic types of the irreducible parts of the curvature and torsion tensors are also presented.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX fil

    Equivalence of three-dimensional spacetimes

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    A solution to the equivalence problem in three-dimensional gravity is given and a practically useful method to obtain a coordinate invariant description of local geometry is presented. The method is a nontrivial adaptation of Karlhede invariant classification of spacetimes of general relativity. The local geometry is completely determined by the curvature tensor and a finite number of its covariant derivatives in a frame where the components of the metric are constants. The results are presented in the framework of real two-component spinors in three-dimensional spacetimes, where the algebraic classifications of the Ricci and Cotton-York spinors are given and their isotropy groups and canonical forms are determined. As an application we discuss Goedel-type spacetimes in three-dimensional General Relativity. The conditions for local space and time homogeneity are derived and the equivalence of three-dimensional Goedel-type spacetimes is studied and the results are compared with previous works on four-dimensional Goedel-type spacetimes.Comment: 13 pages - content changes and corrected typo

    A coded aperture imaging system optimized for hard X-ray and gamma ray astronomy

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    A coded aperture imaging system was designed for the Gamma-Ray imaging spectrometer (GRIS). The system is optimized for imaging 511 keV positron-annihilation photons. For a galactic center 511-keV source strength of 0.001 sq/s, the source location accuracy is expected to be + or - 0.2 deg

    Integrability and explicit solutions in some Bianchi cosmological dynamical systems

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    The Einstein field equations for several cosmological models reduce to polynomial systems of ordinary differential equations. In this paper we shall concentrate our attention to the spatially homogeneous diagonal G_2 cosmologies. By using Darboux's theory in order to study ordinary differential equations in the complex projective plane CP^2 we solve the Bianchi V models totally. Moreover, we carry out a study of Bianchi VI models and first integrals are given in particular cases

    The Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (GRIS): A new balloon-borne experiment for gamma-ray line astronomy

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    High resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy is a relatively new field that holds great promise for further understanding of high energy astrophysical processes. When the high resolution gamma-ray spectrometer (GRSE) was removed from the GRO payload, a balloon program was initiated to permit continued development and improvement of instrumentation in this field, as well as continued scientific observations. The Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (GRIS) is one of the experiments selected as part of this program. The instrument contains a number of new and innovative features that are expected to produce a significant improvement in source location accuracy and sensitivity over previous balloon and satellite experiments

    Variational dynamics in open spacetimes

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    We study the effect of non-vanishing surface terms at spatial infinity on the dynamics of a scalar field in an open FLRW spacetime. Starting from the path-integral formulation of quantum field theory we argue that classical physics is described by field configurations which extremize the action functional in the space of field configurations for which the variation of the action is well defined. Since these field configurations are not required to vanish outside a bounded domain, there is generally a non-vanishing contribution of a surface term to the variation of the action. We then investigate whether this surface term has an effect on the dynamics of the action-extremizing field configurations. This question appears to be surprisingly nontrivial in the case of the open FLRW geometry, since surface terms tend to grow as fast as volume terms in the infinite volume limit. We find that surface terms can be important for the dynamics of the field at a classical and at a quantum level, when there are supercurvature perturbations.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, no figure

    Rotating solenoidal perfect fluids of Petrov type D

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    We prove that aligned Petrov type D perfect fluids for which the vorticity vector is not orthogonal to the plane of repeated principal null directions and for which the magnetic part of the Weyl tensor with respect to the fluid velocity has vanishing divergence, are necessarily purely electric or locally rotationally symmetric. The LRS metrics are presented explicitly.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    Complete classification of purely magnetic, non-rotating and non-accelerating perfect fluids

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    Recently the class of purely magnetic non-rotating dust spacetimes has been shown to be empty (Wylleman, Class. Quant. Grav. 23, 2727). It turns out that purely magnetic rotating dust models are subject to severe integrability conditions as well. One of the consequences of the present paper is that also rotating dust cannot be purely magnetic when it is of Petrov type D or when it has a vanishing spatial gradient of the energy density. For purely magnetic and non-rotating perfect fluids on the other hand, which have been fully classified earlier for Petrov type D (Lozanovski, Class. Quant. Grav. 19, 6377), the fluid is shown to be non-accelerating if and only if the spatial density gradient vanishes. Under these conditions, a new and algebraically general solution is found, which is unique up to a constant rescaling, which is spatially homogeneous of Bianchi type VI0VI_0, has degenerate shear and is of Petrov type I(M)M^\infty) in the extended Arianrhod-McIntosh classification. The metric and the equation of state are explicitly constructed and properties of the model are briefly discussed. We finally situate it within the class of normal geodesic flows with degenerate shear tensor.Comment: 12 pages; introduction partly rewritten, notation made more clear, table of results adde

    A framework for power analysis using a structural equation modelling procedure

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    BACKGROUND: This paper demonstrates how structural equation modelling (SEM) can be used as a tool to aid in carrying out power analyses. For many complex multivariate designs that are increasingly being employed, power analyses can be difficult to carry out, because the software available lacks sufficient flexibility. Satorra and Saris developed a method for estimating the power of the likelihood ratio test for structural equation models. Whilst the Satorra and Saris approach is familiar to researchers who use the structural equation modelling approach, it is less well known amongst other researchers. The SEM approach can be equivalent to other multivariate statistical tests, and therefore the Satorra and Saris approach to power analysis can be used. METHODS: The covariance matrix, along with a vector of means, relating to the alternative hypothesis is generated. This represents the hypothesised population effects. A model (representing the null hypothesis) is then tested in a structural equation model, using the population parameters as input. An analysis based on the chi-square of this model can provide estimates of the sample size required for different levels of power to reject the null hypothesis. CONCLUSIONS: The SEM based power analysis approach may prove useful for researchers designing research in the health and medical spheres

    On rigidly rotating perfect fluid cylinders

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    The gravitational field of a rigidly rotating perfect fluid cylinder with gamma- law equation of state is found analytically. The solution has two parameters and is physically realistic for gamma in the interval (1.41,2]. Closed timelike curves always appear at large distances.Comment: 10 pages, Revtex (galley