958 research outputs found

    The two-dimensional two-component plasma plus background on a sphere : Exact results

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    An exact solution is given for a two-dimensional model of a Coulomb gas, more general than the previously solved ones. The system is made of a uniformly charged background, positive particles, and negative particles, on the surface of a sphere. At the special value Γ=2\Gamma = 2 of the reduced inverse temperature, the classical equilibrium statistical mechanics is worked out~: the correlations and the grand potential are calculated. The thermodynamic limit is taken, and as it is approached the grand potential exhibits a finite-size correction of the expected universal form.Comment: 23 pages, Plain Te

    Two-dimensional two-component plasma with adsorbing impurities

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    We study the behavior of the two-dimensional two-component plasma in the presence of some adsorbing impurities. Using a solvable model, we find analytic expressions for the thermodynamic properties of the plasma such as the nn-body densities, the grand potential, and the pressure. We specialize in the case where there are one or two adsorbing point impurities in the plasma, and in the case where there are one or two parallel adsorbing lines. In the former case we study the effective interaction between the impurities, due to the charge redistribution around them. The latter case is a model for electrodes with adsorbing sticky sites on their surface

    Casimir force between two ideal-conductor walls revisited

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    The high-temperature aspects of the Casimir force between two neutral conducting walls are studied. The mathematical model of "inert" ideal-conductor walls, considered in the original formulations of the Casimir effect, is based on the universal properties of the electromagnetic radiation in the vacuum between the conductors, with zero boundary conditions for the tangential components of the electric field on the walls. This formulation seems to be in agreement with experiments on metallic conductors at room temperature. At high temperatures or large distances, at least, fluctuations of the electric field are present in the bulk and at the surface of a particle system forming the walls, even in the high-density limit: "living" ideal conductors. This makes the enforcement of the inert boundary conditions inadequate. Within a hierarchy of length scales, the high-temperature Casimir force is shown to be entirely determined by the thermal fluctuations in the conducting walls, modelled microscopically by classical Coulomb fluids in the Debye-H\"{u}ckel regime. The semi-classical regime, in the framework of quantum electrodynamics, is studied in the companion letter by P.R.Buenzli and Ph.A.Martin, cond-mat/0506363, Europhys.Lett.72, 42 (2005).Comment: 7 pages.One reference updated. Domain of validity of eq.(11) correcte

    The Ideal Conductor Limit

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    This paper compares two methods of statistical mechanics used to study a classical Coulomb system S near an ideal conductor C. The first method consists in neglecting the thermal fluctuations in the conductor C and constrains the electric potential to be constant on it. In the second method the conductor C is considered as a conducting Coulomb system the charge correlation length of which goes to zero. It has been noticed in the past, in particular cases, that the two methods yield the same results for the particle densities and correlations in S. It is shown that this is true in general for the quantities which depend only on the degrees of freedom of S, but that some other quantities, especially the electric potential correlations and the stress tensor, are different in the two approaches. In spite of this the two methods give the same electric forces exerted on S.Comment: 19 pages, plain TeX. Submited to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Statistical properties of charged interfaces

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    We consider the equilibrium statistical properties of interfaces submitted to competing interactions; a long-range repulsive Coulomb interaction inherent to the charged interface and a short-range, anisotropic, attractive one due to either elasticity or confinement. We focus on one-dimensional interfaces such as strings. Model systems considered for applications are mainly aggregates of solitons in polyacetylene and other charge density wave systems, domain lines in uniaxial ferroelectrics and the stripe phase of oxides. At zero temperature, we find a shape instability which lead, via phase transitions, to tilted phases. Depending on the regime, elastic or confinement, the order of the zero-temperature transition changes. Thermal fluctuations lead to a pure Coulomb roughening of the string, in addition to the usual one, and to the presence of angular kinks. We suggest that such instabilities might explain the tilting of stripes in cuprate oxides. The 3D problem of the charged wall is also analyzed. The latter experiences instabilities towards various tilted phases separated by a tricritical point in the elastic regime. In the confinement regime, the increase of dimensionality favors either the melting of the wall into a Wigner crystal of its constituent charges or a strongly inclined wall which might have been observed in nickelate oxides.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    Both Grass Development Stage and Grazing Management Influence Milk Terpene Content

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    Terpenes are a wide group of molecules originating from plants’ secondary metabolism. Forage terpenes vary according to the botanical composition and in particular to the proportion of plants such as Apiaceae, Lamiaceae or Asteraceae. These molecules are considered effective milk markers for the presence of diversified forages in dairy cow diets. The variation in terpene content in the milk of grazing cows would depend on the period of development of terpene-rich plants and on the grazing management, whereby cows do or do not have the opportunity to choose and to modify the botanical composition of the ingested grass. The aim of this trial was to quantify the respective effects of grass development stage and grazing management on milk terpene content

    A revised age, structural model and origin for the North Pennine Orefield in the Alston Block, northern England: intrusion (Whin Sill)-related base metal (Cu–Pb–Zn–F) mineralization

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    Mineralization and associated fluid migration events in the c. 1500 km2 North Pennine Orefield (NPO) are known to be associated with tectonic activity, but the age of these tectonic events and origins of the base metal sulfide mineralization remain unresolved. New fieldwork in the Alston Block shows that mineralization post-dates a weakly developed phase of north–south shortening consistent with far-field Variscan basin inversion during the late Carboniferous. New observations of field relationships, coupled with microstructural observations and stress inversion analyses, together with Re–Os sulfide geochronology show that the vein-hosted mineralization (apart from barium minerals) was synchronous with a phase of north–south extension and east–west shortening coeval with emplacement of the Whin Sill (c. 297–294 Ma). Thus the development of the NPO was related to an early Permian regional phase of transtensional deformation, mantle-sourced hydrothermal mineralization and magmatism in northern Britain. Previously proposed Mississippi Valley Type models, or alternatives relating mineralization to the influx of Mesozoic brines, can no longer be applied to the development of the NPO in the Alston Block. Our findings also mean that existing models for equivalent base metal sulfide fields worldwide (e.g. Zn–Pb districts of Silesia, Poland and Tennessee, USA) may need to be reassessed

    Social drivers forewarn of marine regime shifts

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    Some ecosystems can undergo regime shifts to alternative compositions of species. Although ecological indicators can identify approaching regime shifts, we propose that rapid changes in the social drivers underlying ecosystem change may provide additional and potentially earlier indicators of impending shifts. We demonstrate this by reconstructing the underlying social drivers of four iconic marine regime shifts: Pacific kelp forests, Northwest Atlantic continental shelf, Jamaican coral reefs, and the Chesapeake Bay estuary. In all cases, a range of social drivers – including opening of lucrative markets, technological innovations, and policies that enhanced the driver – ultimately prompted these ecosystem shifts. Drawing on examples emerging from environmental management practice, we present three practical recommendations for using social drivers as early indicators: monitor social change, determine social trigger points, and identify policy responses. We argue that accounting for the underlying social drivers of ecosystem change could improve decision making

    Equilibrium correlations in charged fluids coupled to the radiation field

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    We provide an exact microscopic statistical treatment of particle and field correlations in a system of quantum charges in equilibrium with a classical radiation field. Using the Feynman-Kac-Ito representation of the Gibbs weight, the system of particles is mapped onto a collection of random charged wires. The field degrees of freedom can be integrated out, providing an effective pairwise magnetic potential. We then calculate the contribution of the transverse field coupling to the large-distance particle correlations. The asymptotics of the field correlations in the plasma are also exactly determined.Comment: 31 pages, 0 figures. PACS 05.30.-d, 05.40.-a, 11.10.Wx. Changes: Improved comparison with existing literature on field correlations. Added Concluding Remarks. References update
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