276 research outputs found


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    EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR) -- JUN 01-04, 2022 -- Copenhagen, DENMARK[Abstract Not Available]European Alliance Assoc Rheumato


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    EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR) -- JUN 01-04, 2022 -- Copenhagen, DENMARK[Abstract Not Available]European Alliance Assoc Rheumato

    Systematic literature study of trachea and bronchus morphology in children and adults

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    Understanding the dimensions of the lower airway is critical for performing respiratory surgery, selecting and designing appropriate airway equipment, and removing aspirated foreign bodies via bronchoscopy, anesthesia, and radiography. The purpose of this study was to analyze the trachea and bronchus morphologically in children and adults, as well as to standardize the data for these structures' measurements. Various databases were reviewed for studies on lower airway dimensions. The criteria for inclusion and exclusion were established. Finally, it was agreed to look into 28 studies that took place between 1984 and 2021. The length of the trachea, its anterior-posterior (AP) and transverse dimensions, the lengths and transverse diameters of the right and left major bronchus, and the subcarinal angle were also investigated in the study. In studies where measurements were performed with different methods and procedures; It was revealed that age and gender were effective in the difference in lower respiratory tract dimensions. The mean values of all parameters were greater in adults than in children, the AP diameter of the trachea in adults was greater than the transverse diameter; In children, it was observed that the transverse diameter was larger than the AP diameter on average, the left main bronchus was longer than the right main bronchus, and the transverse diameter was smaller than the right main bronchus in most of the studies. Was found to be smaller. The articles reviewed for this study revealed that measurements were done using a variety of different procedures and approaches, and the resulting data were inconsistent and could not be standardized. The data collected will be beneficial both conceptually and clinically; we believe that additional comparison research involving children and adults in bigger groups are necessary

    Improving the Surface Quality and Mechanical Properties of Selective Laser Sintered PA2200 Components by the Vibratory Surface Finishing Process

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    This paper attempts to improve the physical and mechanical properties of selective laser sintered polyamide PA2200 components through a vibratory surface finishing process by inducing severe plastic deformation at the outer surface layers. The industrial target of additive manufacturing components is to obtain structures having surface roughness, hardness, and other mechanical properties equivalent to or better than those produced conventionally. Compared to the as-built SLS PA2200 samples, vibratory surface finishing treated specimens exhibited a smooth surface microstructure and more favorable roughness, hardness, and tensile strength. Also, the duration of the vibratory surface finishing process showed a further improvement in the surface roughness and hardness of the SLS samples. Compared to the asbuilt state, the roughness and hardness of the surface-treated samples improved by almost 90% and 15%, respectively. Consequently, microstructural analysis indicates that lower surface roughness and enhanced surface hardness is a crucial factor in influencing the overall tensile strength of SLS-PA2200 components. We consider that the combination of VSF and SLS processes can successfully handle a wide range of potential applications. This study also highlights the efficiency and applicability of the vibratory surface finishing process to other additive manufacturing processes and materials

    Influencia de un injerto en el perfil de ácidos grasos y algunas propiedades fisicoquímicas de la semilla y el aceite de semillas de sandía

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of grafting on the fatty acid profile and some physicochemical properties of watermelon seed and seed oil. The ‘Crimson Tide’ cultivar was used as the scion while two wild watermelon (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides (A1 and A2)), one Lagenaria siceraria (A3) and one Cucurbita maxima Duchesne x Cucurbita moschata Duchesne (A4) were used as rootstocks. The use of rootstock significantly influenced the fatty acid profile and the physical parameters of seeds and seed oils. The highest linoleic acid ratio was found in the seed oil from A1 and A2, the oil from A3 had the highest oleic acid ratio. The results showed that the content and acid value in seed oils were improved, and that total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of both seed and oil were decreased by grafting. Wild rootstocks can be used in watermelon cultivation to obtain a watermelon seed which is rich in linoleic acid.El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar los efectos del injerto en el perfil de ácidos grasos y algunas propiedades fisicoquímicas de la semilla y el aceite de semillas de sandía. El cultivar ‘Crimson Tide’ se utilizó como vástago, mientras que dos sandías silvestres (Citrullus lanatus var. Citroides (A1 y A2)), una Lagenaria siceraria (A3) y una Cucurbita maxima Duchesne x Cucurbita moschata Duchesne (A4) se utilizaron como portainjertos. El uso de portainjertos influyó significativamente en el perfil de ácidos grasos y los parámetros físicos de semillas y aceites de semillas. La proporción de ácido linoleico más alta se encontró en el aceite de semillas de A1 y A2, el aceite de A3 tuvo la proporción de ácido oleico más alta. Los resultados mostraron que el contenido de aceite y el índice de acidez mejoró y los compuestos fenólicos totales y la actividad antioxidante tanto de la semilla como del aceite se redujeron mediante el injerto. Para obtener un aceite de semillas de sandía rico en ácido linoleico, se pueden utilizar portainjertos silvestres en el cultivo de sandía

    Elevated micronucleus frequencies in patients with pleural plaque secondary to environmental exposure to asbestos

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    We examined genotoxic damage and frequency of micronuclei in people living in the Bekilli and Suller districts of Denizli city who had been diagnosed with pleural plaques as a result of environmental exposure to asbestos. Peripheral blood samples were obtained from 30 volunteer patients 59-86 years old who did not smoke or consume alcohol and who were diagnosed with calcified pleural plaques. We also examined 30 healthy controls with similar features, who also lived in downtown Denizli. Micronucleus frequencies, nuclear division index, and mitotic index were determined. Micronucleus frequency, nuclear division index, and mitotic index were significantly higher in patients who had been exposed to asbestos than in the controls. We conclude that asbestos had a genotoxic effect, resulting in an increase in micronucleus frequency and other changes in patients diagnosed with pleural plaques secondary to asbestos exposure. © FUNPEC-RP

    Transmutations and spectral parameter power series in eigenvalue problems

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    We give an overview of recent developments in Sturm-Liouville theory concerning operators of transmutation (transformation) and spectral parameter power series (SPPS). The possibility to write down the dispersion (characteristic) equations corresponding to a variety of spectral problems related to Sturm-Liouville equations in an analytic form is an attractive feature of the SPPS method. It is based on a computation of certain systems of recursive integrals. Considered as families of functions these systems are complete in the L2L_{2}-space and result to be the images of the nonnegative integer powers of the independent variable under the action of a corresponding transmutation operator. This recently revealed property of the Delsarte transmutations opens the way to apply the transmutation operator even when its integral kernel is unknown and gives the possibility to obtain further interesting properties concerning the Darboux transformed Schr\"{o}dinger operators. We introduce the systems of recursive integrals and the SPPS approach, explain some of its applications to spectral problems with numerical illustrations, give the definition and basic properties of transmutation operators, introduce a parametrized family of transmutation operators, study their mapping properties and construct the transmutation operators for Darboux transformed Schr\"{o}dinger operators.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1111.444